justa-dumbbear · 9 days
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Hey Bruh, you know I don't think much cuz it's hard and thinkin is for nerds anyway, but I been thinking sumtimes about how many pics of super hot muscle bros and jocks one the internet there are, and it's like, bruh!
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If all these fuckin dumbasses can get swole like hot dumb jock idiots then like it's not that hard.
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These sexy dumbasses are just sitting around shirtless in the park, showing off their mad gains.
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This fucking big dumb bro forgot how to put on clothes after a good hypno session, he's fucking dumb enough to fall for that and he's fucking shredded bro.
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All week long you focus all your erotic energy into the pleasure of lifting, and on rest day IF AND ONLY IF you diligently hit the gym all six days, you can spend some of your rest day cuming your brains out. After all, wouldn't it have been hot to be a big dumb obedient jock all week, and not even touch your cock a little bit, just because you read a Tumblr post that slowly brought you deeper into this reality?
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U just gotta commit to a routine bro. Hit that fuckin grind with a schedule and stick to it. Find a good split and hit that shit six days a week, gotta have rest day bro. And for you that's your cum day bro.
Bruh is that you? This dumb sucker looks exactly like u bro huhyh
Bro your nipples feel so much better anyway dude. It feels so much better than jacking off to rub your nipples when you've got a chest pump bro. I wouldn't even be surprised if you came just from rubbing your nips you big dumb horny jock...
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Only on rest day can you touch your cock bro. Gotta save up that testosterone bro. Get swole. If u wanna cum so bad then you need to hit the fuckin gym religiously bro. All these fucking hot sexy idiots on Tumblr can do it. And you will too bro. Cuz you'll be being a big dumb jock horny boy bro.
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Bro u really just staring at me like that bro? Man you sure look like a big hypnotized jockboy, you must be one haha
Now help your bros become big sexy jocks too. Anyone can do it after all bro.
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justa-dumbbear · 25 days
Role Model
24th of May
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock* Christian and Stephen stirred awake in their beds. A quick look at the alarm clock showed 2 AM; who in the actual fuck would be knocking on the front door at this time of night? The two brothers stared at eachother in the dark room, hoping that the visitor would just go away. However, it was the click of the lock and the heavy swing of the front door that make the two worry. The sound of his mother and father gasping was the final noise before the house fell silent once more.
"Christian..." The 18 year old twin voice shook in anxiety, hoping his older brother would relieve whatever terror he had. It had always been that way with the two: Stephen would wake from some night terrors and Christian would always be there to snap him out of the stupor. This night, though, Christian sat silently under his covers- he had no idea what was happening. Before he could even begin to speculate, there was a gentle knock on their door.
"Boys?" The sweet voice of their mother rang from the hallway, before the door quickly opened. As their mother flipped on the lightswitch, the room was brightly illuminated. The twins shielded their eyes as they adjusted to the blinding light, and once they reopened, their mother's smiling face greeted them and leaning against the doorframe was the massive frame of a man. He was at least 6'9, and built like a professional athlete. His off white tank was drenched in sweat; the individual drops pooled underneath his massive, beat up trainers. Neither twin knew who this guy was, though for whatever reason, when they looked into his deep brown eyes, there was a peculiar sense of familiarity.
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"Boys, look its your brother! He's going to be visiting for a few weeks, and so he'll be in his old bedroom." To any brother, this would be such an exciting development, but to Christian and Stephen... Something was wrong. They had no other siblings, at least to their knowledge.
"Mom, what are you talking about? Who's that?" Christian pointed his bony finger at the hulking man in the doorway, confusion overwhelming him. The man smirked at the two boys and sauntered into the room and with every heavy footfall, the pungent scent of masculine stink grew stronger. He sat onto the foot of the bed, and playfully gripped Christian's leg.
"Damn you must have been in a deep sleep, bro. I know it's been a few months but it's me, Luca." It was strange, what began for the duo as concerned confusion grew into an ominous suspicion. Every breath of the pungent musk Luca emitted placed foggy memories into the two boys, seeing their oldest brother lifting weights in the guest room, kicking around the soccer ball in the yard, even the brotherly pranks he'd play on the two... Yet, hidden beneath every single one was a missing link, one the boys couldn't explain away and let them know something was off.
"You two go to sleep, you'll see him in the morning!" Their mother smiled, as Luca rose and walked out of the room toward the guest room. The lights switched off, and the lingering scent of Luca hung low in the room, marinating the two as they tried to sleep in considerable discomfort.
25th of May
Sunlight peeked into the room through the drawn curtains, enough to stir Stephen into consciousness. He rubbed his heavy eyes, having had a rather restless night of sleep. Turning to his right, he saw that his brother's bed was completely empty. Stephen slipped on his slides and walked out of the bedroom toward the kitchen, the salty smell of cooking bacon luring him. Sunlight shone bright into the kitchen, as his Dad cooked breakfast as he always did. But there, sitting in the little breakfast nook was Christian and the shirtless stranger, Luca. The two sat there, eating their bacon and eggs as if nothing was off.
"Stephen! You want a double order of bacon? Your mom had to leave for work early today, so I have an extra portion. Otherwise it'll go to your brothers!" Stephen could barely respond, the sight of Christian sitting next to that... impostor had his concern growing tenfold.
"Christian..." His twin brother turned to him. It was so evident that whatever worry he had last night was long gone. Luca smiled, tossing his muscled arm around Christian's shoulder.
"Ay, Stevie! Better grab that portion if you're gonna come with me and Chris to the gym!" Stephen grimaced, Christian was looking at him as if he were seeing a three headed cow. It was a twin thing for the two to completely understand eachother, and yet... When he looked at the brother who'd supported him his entire life, that essential connection didn't seem to be there any longer. Stephen bolted out of the room, locking himself in the bathroom. Hyperventilating, he hovered over the vanity and looked into the mirror at his red face. There, on the shelf where there used to be spare q-tips and cotton balls now sat Luca's toothbrush, a stick of Old Spice deodorant with castaway pit hairs sticking out from under the top, and an open box of extra large ribbed condoms.
Angrily, Stephen swiped his arm against the shelf, knocking all of the contents to the tile floor. He stood there, breathing slowly with intent and rage. He would prove it to his family that this guy was NOT his brother, at whatever cost. Heavy footsteps from the hall signaled Luca's approach, but to Stephen's horror, the lighter steps of his brother was right alongside. He braced himself at the door, pressing his ear against the hollow wood.
"Hey Luca, my workout clothes are in the bathroom, and... Stephen is in there right now..." Steve's stomach shot to his feet, Christian truly didn't see anything out of place with him in the house. He remembered knowing him, it was clear that Luca had already dug his thick fingers into Christian's brain...
"You can borrow some of mine, man. They'll be huge on you, but you'll grow into them someday." Luca's hearty chuckle made Stephen incensed. "Listen, bro. He's just adjusting to having me around again, ya know? He'll come around. Just give him some time." The two entered Luca's room, and the door shut. Stephen cracked the door open to the hallway, and seeing it empty once again, he bolted to his bedroom.
The two left for the gym shortly after that, leaving Stephen to seethe by himself in his locked room. Hours passed, and the sun went down; the two hadn't returned. Stephen was all but clawing the walls waiting for their return, just for a moment to pull Christian aside and recite the speech he'd been rehearing to himself all day: Luca is evil, he's got you around his finger, he's fooled mom and dad... yada yada yada.
The lock loudly clicked, and the front door swung open. Stephen, in righteous fury scurried to the living room, braced and ready to confront Christian; he froze in place as he turned the corner. In the doorway stood not two but three men, one of which was all but hanging off Luca's arms. Christian casually acknowledged his brother, dropping his gym bag to the floor.
"Uhm, Christian, I need to talk to you. Like, right now." Stephen and Christian excused themselves to the dining room, as Luca and his trade retreated into his bedroom. It was only now that Stephen got a good look at his "twin" brother. Christian was clearly taller, he was bulkier in his physicality, and he was no longer the awkward, lanky teenager he'd left the house as. Perturbed, but driven by an unhinged focus, Stephen did his best to snap his brother out out of this whole nightmare. The conversation went about as well as could be expected, with the pair leaving the dining room feeling quite a bit heavier. They went in opposite directions, Stephen angrily stomping out the front door, and Christian walking past the moans and sounds of smacking flesh bellowing from Luca's bedroom and into the bathroom to shower. The two did not speak for the rest of the day, and after a tense dinner the household went to bed.
26th of May
Stephen groggily awoke to the sound of sizzling bacon yet again, though this time, it wasn't the savory scent of bacon that tickled his nostrils. It was that musk, the ripe sweaty scent that dripped from Luca's body, but it wasn't Luca who was drenching the room in his smell. To his right, Christian slept twisted in the sheets, now a size just big enough for his feet to cascade a bit off the end of the twin sized bed. From those sweaty, enlarged feet came the wafting musk once only associated with Luca. A crumpled up and unrolled condom lay castaway at the foot of his bed, and Stephen couldn’t help but notice the three or four under the dust ruffle. Christian slowly slapped the blaring alarm off, and pushed himself up in the bed.
"C... Christian..." Stephen couldn't rectify it in his mind, his brother was changing before his eyes, and he couldn't even see it. "You look taller... And bigger... C'mon Christian, he's doing something to you and you don't even know it!" His brother turned to him, outwardly irritated.
"Steve, you need to get over having Luca around again. I don't know what your problem is with him, but you need to figure it out. I don't need my younger brother and my older brother in a pissing match." Stephen stood there slackjawed as Christian pushed past him and ruffled through the laundry basket. Nothing seemed to fit him, as Stephen well knew was due to his inexplicable overnight growth. He spun around in a huff and out the door the went in only a pair of undersized whitie-tidies.
Of course, Luca offered to clothe Christian before they headed off to the gym, the black Nike shirt and nasty white vans still swamping him in size, though quite a bit more well fitted than the day before. Stephen grasped unsuccessfully at his brother as the two walked out the door, Christian literally pushing his face away while Luca disappointedly looked on. The door slammed shut, leaving Stephen alone in the home once more.
His head whipped toward the shut door of the guest room, and with no one there to stop him, he stomped with a rage unbecoming of him down the hall. The door to Luca's room swung open easily, no booby traps or hidden figures guarding the door, and into the wafting scent of armpits and gym shoes walked Stephen. The room was covered in sports regalia; soccer jerseys emblazoned with his family's name, trophies from whatever college he crawled out of, and most disturblingly, photographs of his family all with Luca included. Used condoms littered the floor around the bed past various mounds of rank clothes. Extra large and ribbed. The room felt as if it were this way for quite some time, and with every inhale of the sweaty scent, Stephen began to believe it had.
His phone dinged, an Instagram notification. He gingerly pulled out his phone, and unlocked it. There, on Christian's profile was a post from the gym, a picture of himself on the lifting bench. He was unrecognizable. He filled out Luca's clothes as if they were made only for him, and his resemblance to him was now undeniable. There was little, if nothing left of the brother that Stephen knew, only this lugheaded himbo wearing his brothers likeness.
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Deep down, Stephen knew he was too far gone- beyond any hope of restoring him to his former self. He accepted that Christian was now the middle child between the three, he accepted that Luca was his brother, he even accepted that it had always been this way. Yet, be it stubbornness or a last stand, Stephen decided then and there to leave. He'd run away, find help, surely someone would help him, though he wasn't entirely sure how.
His brothers came home, another sidepiece sliding with Luca into the bedroom while the Christian showered. Stephen packed his bags quietly, gripped in frantic paranoia. He'd wait for everyone to go to sleep, and he'd slip out in the night. He simply had to play it off as if everything was fine. He apologized to Luca at dinner, his brother earnestly thanking him for finally welcoming him home. He even hugged the smelly prick, taking everything he had to fake a congenial smile. After promising to go with his brothers to the gym in the morning, and the family finally turning in, he laid into his bed. His phone was ready with a 1 AM wakeup, so with confidence and assuredness, Stephen dozed off.
27th of May
The phone vibrated, and Stephen's eyes shot open. The room was still dark, but it was not silent. In the abysmal dark, he could hear the creaking of the wooden floorboards. Playing sleep was the first and only idea that came into his mind. He slammed his eyes shut, trying to control his breathing as the creaking grew closer to him. The sound got all the way to the foot of his bed, then continued until it stood behind him beside the bed. Finally, the room was silent, and all parties involved waited for someone to make the first move.
In that moment, Stephen tried to think of a way out, be it through the door or through the window, but such thoughts were cut short. He felt intense pressure against his chest, as if someone was pressing down on him. Opening his eyes, his heart sank- it was Christian. He had a maniacal smile on his rugged face, something behind his eyes signaling to Stephen that he wasn’t just under some hypnotic spell- Christian was doing this of his own accord. At the foot of his bed stood Luca, his hulking frame barely backlit by the faint light of the hallway sconce.
“We’ve had just about enough dude. We saw your suitcase under the bed. We know what you’re doing.” Terror gripped Stephen under his former twins considerable weight. “Do you think Christian is this way against his will? He asked me to make him this way, and he wants you to be a part of this family again. Consider this some tough love from your older brothers, Stevie.” He pulled out one of his used condoms, filled with the spunk blown into some himbo’s tight hole.
“Stevie, it feels fucking amazing. We’re gonna be the biggest guys on campus, every guy in class is gonna catch a whiff of you and cream his pants. They’re gonna feel your massive arms and they’ll worship your pits; even without deodorant. And if you take to them, you can have them join us too.” Completely overwhelmed with shock in what he’d just heard, Stephen hadn’t paid enough attention to Luca, as he slipped the condom onto his limp dick.
The moment the chilled creamy cum touched his head, his body shivered and he became vehemently erect. Smiling, Luca began to stroke him, pleased with the sight of his seed once again coating another converts hard cock. The faster he stroked, the more breathless he became. The feeling of his brothers potent seed sloshing around his dick was too much for him to bear.
“Unghhh. Oh… oh fuck… I’m…. Anggghhhhhhh!” Stephen bit down on his lip as he blew his load into the condom while his brothers smug, smiling faces looked down upon him. As his balls emptied out the last of his cum, he felt his slit slowly stretch open wide, giving just enough clearance for Luca's to rush into him. Orgasmic waves washed over him as his balls inflated with the sticky white slime, and as they began to throb and stretch, Stephen finally submitted. He admitted defeat to himself, and allowed his veins to pulsate and his muscles begin to grow. Closing his eyes, he knew the morning light would bring better days.
28th of May
Light peeked in once more through the curtains in the dank, cavernous bedroom. The humid, wet smell of masculine sweat and testosterone hung in the air like fog over a wide bay. Stevie slapped the blasting alarm off, and stretched his massive arms above his head. Chris lay sprawled out atop his sheets as usual, still fast asleep. He wouldn’t mind if his little bro snagged his compression shorts and some socks to wear for breakfast. In their family, what’s yours is your brother’s as well.
He stumbled out into the hallway, his brothers crusty, ripe socks looked massive on his size 11 feet, but give it a few months of growing with Luca and Chris and their baby bro would fit in them like a glove. In the kitchen, his dad had three protein shakes ready to go for his boys on the way out to the gym. Luca sat awake, feet propped up on the table, sipping his coffee.
“Ayy lil bro! How you feeling this morning? Was an intense workout last night, huh?” The two slapped hands, pulling each other close in an embrace. The three Masterson boys were as close as brothers could be, and were not inseparable; on the lacrosse field, in the gym, on their longboards on Esplanade Avenue, or tag teaming some twink in the sauna. Life was simple, and it was good- thanks to a certain oldest sibling who certainly cared for his younger two brothers.
“Don’t forget to take progress pics for the OnlyFans man, after you get pumped. Core day today, bro.” Stevie smiled at his brother as Chris sauntered in rubbing his eyes, already in his well worn gym clothes. “Dope. Stevie boy, go get dressed, aight? Let’s lock and load, boys! The audience awaits!” Slipping on his own tight fitting gear, and his trademark blue and red hat, Stevie joined the two walking toward the car, all three sipping their protein drinks and thinking about the shenanigans that would soon ensue.
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justa-dumbbear · 2 months
Jocks, Beer, and Conversations
“Hey what’s this?” “Looks like a pack of beer” “How’d it get here?” “I’m not sure, there’s a note attached” “What does it say?” “Dear Nerds, we’re sry about what we said lol. This is a peace offering, hopefully it will let us see eye to eye” “Well that’s weird, they’re apologizing?” “I’m amazed they even managed to write that out.” “Well, might as well have some.”
“Damn, this shit’s good.” “Yeah, and strong too.”
“Yeah, my head feels all fuzzy lol.” “Mine to bro.” “Bro? Since when do you talk like that bro?” “Heh, look who’s talking.”
“Shit, I can’t stop saying bro”
“This beer is so good bro, let me get another one.” “Damn bro you look good.” “What do you mean bro?” “You’ve got like, muscle.” “Nah bro I-” “Look at it bro!” “Holy fuck you’re right, you have it too!” “That’s wild bro. Let me take off this stupid shirt, gotta let those pecs show.” “I think it’s the beer man.” “Huh?” “There gotta be sumthin in them.” “But they’re so good” “Hey nerds.” “Hey bro.” “Looking good there bro, that beer really did the trick.” “What do you mean bro?” “The beer bro, it got rid of all your brains, gave you a hot bod like us. You’re jocks now bro” “Nah bro I’m not a jock” “Just take another drink bro, you’ll get what I’m saying.”
“Fuck yeah bro! Wanna hit the gym after we finish these?” “Hey, let’s snap a selfie with you nerds” “Who are you calling a nerd?”
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justa-dumbbear · 2 months
Kyle was leaning down at the creek nearby the construction site where the new biotech company was being built. As a botanist, he was concerned about the impact the site would have on the environment of the pristine plot of land they chose to build on. He had already read up on the company a bit and knew their practices could be a bit shady, such as unethical dumping of waste. He and a few friends were doing what they could to investigate.
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Kyle suddenly felt someone nearby. As he turned, he found a man, chuffing a thick cigar that was jammed in his jaw. "Oh, hey," Kyle said, "Just checking out the creek here. Do you work at the site?" Upon removing the cigar and blowing a trail of smoke, the man said "You could say that. I'm actually the head researcher." Kyle was extremely confused.
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First and foremost, he didn't look like an researcher he'd ever met before. Secondly, why would a head researcher be out on a construction site? "That's interesting," Kyle said, "What is it you will be studying in the new facility? I can't seem to find out any information on it." "Well, son," the man said, "That's because it's classified. What are you doing out here?"
Kyle explained his background and that he was curious about the environmental impact of the build. The man kept stoking his cigar, with a slight smirk and glint in his eye. "Wow, well it looks like I may have hit the jackpot here then," he stated, "I could really use someone like you on my team. You see, we are developing a method to deliver medications via tobacco products. According to the studies, this land will grow tobacco extremely well." "That is all non-sense," Kyle interjected, "That would mean more tobacco use among people and you'd ruin the natural environment around here by tearing it up." "Yes, it would," the man said, "And you're going to help me do it." As Kyle started to say something, the man took a long haul and expelled the smoke right into his face...
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Kyle awoke some time later in a room with two other men. One was a large, commanding presence, who was holding down another, younger skinner man, forcing him to smoke a cigar. "Ahh, looks like our other new friend is awake," the behemoth said, "glad you'll get to see what happens next." Kyle suddenly realized who the younger man was. It was his friend Mark, a local reporter. Mark mentioned he was also researching the company.
"Hold still and stop fighting, son," the man said, "That's better, long draws, exhale. Let the smoke get in you." "Stop, you're going to kill him!", Kyle screamed. "No, I'm not killing him," the man said, "I'm improving him." With that, Kyle noticed Mark's skinny frame beginning to bulk up. His shoulders, arms, chest, abs, and legs...all taking on a fit physique.
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"That's it boy, let the smoke rebuild you into who you need to be," the man said. Hair was the next thing to sprout, over his legs, chest, and face. The man let Mark go. He sat up on his own and Kyle swore he saw him smirk as he continued to puff on the cigar. When the cigar was close to a nub, Mark had an angular face, square jaw, fitness model's body, and unruly beard. Kyle, still flabbergasted could not understand what he just witnessed.
"What the actual fuck?", Kyle exclaimed. "You like that, son?," the man asked, "You're next!" "Why are you doing this?", Kyle asked, "I deserve to know something, don't I?" "What the hell, why not?", the man said.
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The man began with, "First off, call me Chief. I'm head of security for the company. My job is to deal with nosey fuckers like you and your buddy here." "What do you mean 'deal with'?", Kyle asked, "You just changed Mark into a completely different person!" "Oh yeah, true," Chief said, "Speaking of which, Mark, I need you to put on this headset and smoke another cigar, got it?" Chief handed him a headset, mp3 player, and thick cigar. Mark clipped, prepped and lit his cigar like a pro, not like someone who was forced to smoke for the first time just 15 minutes ago. From there, he put the headphones on and went to another room.
Chief continued, "Mark is being educated about his new role with the company. As you know, he was a reporter. He got a little too close to knowing what we really do, so he needed some re-education. The firm does biomedical research into building physically ideal men. One way we do it is through the introduction of nanites. One way to get the nanites into the body is through inhaling. Once in the lungs, they get into the bloodstream and bam." "This is crazy - why would you do this?", Kyle asked, "You could just inject them. Why this method?"
"Well, we have 2 major backers of our research," Chief continued, "Big tobacco and the military. For the tobacco companies, it's all about addicting people for life. We can put the nanites in all kinds of tobacco products. For the military, think of how they could get recruits who are all in shape and ready to go in 10-15 minutes with one cigar or a can of dip?" "I don't understand," Kyle inquired. Chief continued, "Tobacco sales are down. Military recruitment is down. Physical fitness is down. If we start with hooking the military, they'll go back to their friends and family - by then, we can decide the next phase."
"This is diabolical!", Kyle interrupted, "There is no way I'll help you!" "Actually, you will," Chief stated sternly, "The version we are working on makes you open to suggestions of your superiors. Take Mark there. He's going to be our new Public Relations guy. He's in there learning about his new job right now. When he's done, we'll change his name, clean him up, stuff him in a suit, and put his handsome, fit, ass in front of the camera and no one will be the wiser."
"I'm not anything," Kyle begged, "I won't say anything." "Actually, you would," Chief said, "We're not stupid. We need someone with your background to help with the growth of the tobacco. Dr. Henry, who you met earlier, works on the nanites and delivery, but you would help us greatly. You'll be the best tobacco farmer with a background in botany we could hope for." "Fuck you!", Kyle yelled.
"Not likely," Chief said, "I'm a top, but your friend Mark might be into it. It's one of the side effects so far - all of us who have been put through the process have turned out to be gay, whether we were before or not. You'll be especially horny on the other side of your change." Kyle sat there stupfied as Chief pulled out and prepped a new cigar. "Enough talk," Chief stated, "It's time to get to work." Kyle opened his mouth to protest as Chief lept across the room and shoved the cigar in his mouth.
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About an hour later, Kyle stepped out on the balcony of his new apartment for a post-sex smoke. He took a deep drag on his cigar and smiled thinking about how his life couldn't be better. He had this stacked body, a new job, and just moved in with his boyfriend Hank, who happened to be Chief of Security for the company that just hired him. Hank said he would be perfect for the job, guess he knew something Kyle didn't.
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justa-dumbbear · 3 months
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This was my roommate Ian 3 weeks ago. He was a pretty good guy, funny, always upbeat, and a great roommate actually. Both of us are gay, but mutually not into each other- making the living situation drama free. As Ian put it, we were both our own gay stereotype. Ian was the twink- dancing up a club till 3am, throwing around sharp sassy humor, and strutting around in colored briefs with colored drinks. Meanwhile to him I was simply the “muscle bro.”
Our unique characters were all well and good but sometimes I just wanted a simple bro around, a dude who’d drink a beer and watch sports with me not just stream endless Bravo. Or a gym partner to pump weights with not just pass time on the elliptical. So I decided to make some changes around the apartment- and by changes I mean breakfast. Everything starts with the right breakfast- especially when the recipes come from the Jocking Manual.
Ian wasn’t really a morning guy. Dancing till 3am or 4am he rarely left bed on the weekends before noon. But I insisted one weekend that I’d make him breakfast and he’d wake up right. He grumbled- but next day I got up early and started on the pancakes. They have their own irresistible smell and sure enough Ian eventually crawled out of room to sleepily sit at the table. He just had a few small bites that first day but he had to admit there were good and that was enough to get things started. 
As each day passed I started watching improvements with pride. He started getting up a little earlier, catching me in the morning to get a plate of pancakes or a little eggs, and then even going for some bacon. By day four he finally caved and joined me for a gym session. He still insisted on cardio work but eventually he joined me at the bench and he caught on to a routine. He even started showing interest in ESPN, watching some football with me although he mostly just commented on which player he’d wanna be fucked by. But by the way he adjusted his shorts I could tell his equipment was undergoing some of its own upgrades. Two weeks in I figured I could take things up a few levels and I went all out on breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, fruit, ham… He was apprehensive by the spread the next morning but after one bite and he was hooked, wolfing down serving after serving.
The rest of the day he was on fire, ignoring the treadmill completely to max out on deadlifts, bench and bicep curls. Back at the apartment he stayed shirtless, his bony skinny frame on full display, as he switched on tonight game voluntarily. As we watched I could see every one of his thin overworked muscles contract and expand ever so slightly and I smirked as he absentmindedly cupped a hand around his arm and flexed. 
Next morning the changes were on a whole other lever. He appeared early at the table eager for food wearing a tank top I never knew he had. His arms had swollen into meaty baseball mounds and chest had thickened into two actual toned pecs. Stubble wrapped around his sharper jawline and even his voice had lost some of its sing-song pitch and dropped a little. “Yo check it out? who’d believe I had abs?” He smirked before excitedly digging into food.
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I could’ve left him like that. His boyish charm mixed with a buff lean body and scruff on his chin. He still had some of that clever sassy charisma aaaand he was hot. And ultimately that was a problem. 
That day at the gym I had a hard time not eyeing his new body as we flexed through each set. He had a cocky smirk plastered on his face that I’d never seen him have before and the bulge straining his now small tight shorts left nothing to the imagination. I could tell he liked the attention. Sure enough in the showers he slipped into my stall asking for some “help with the soap”. We had a roommate pact to never fuck but… fuck he got hot. One fuck session in the showers turned into a continuous night of dirty horseplay at home, made even hotter by the fact that with every thrust into his round bubbly ass I could feel his body get harder.
That week the sex and the workouts were non stop. But I could tell Ian’s interest was wavering as his attitude was becoming incrementally more alpha. A few days went by and I saw him come out of a shower stall proudly followed by a skinny gym bunny limping to grab a towel. Ian just gave me a wink as he swaggered back to his locker, his half hard meat swinging between his legs. Better finish what I started.  
I kept on serving up my special pancakes. Adding on some special cream and unique powdered sugar to keep things on track. Just like that his arms quickly started to seriously swell. His chest and shoulders put on more mass making his old shirts way too small for his bulking frame. He started borrowing my cut off muscle tees and tanks, and then some jock straps- no doubt for a cock that was fattening into a full on a monster. He started loosing some his sassy cleverness, gaining a slow dumb chuckle as his voice grew even deeper and slow. After a week the old Ian was completely gone. “Eat up bro, need our macros- we gotta bulk this month” as he grinned dumbly flexing in front of the mountain of breakfast he made. I seriously had the perfect room mate. 
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justa-dumbbear · 3 months
Have you ever considered trying to make an actual himbo maker ai chatbot, like on character.ai or something? I dunno how well an ai could actually act as himbo maker but I feel like it'd be cool.
Thanks for asking about this, good boy ;)
I admit that I have been known to play around on character.ai. My first several stories were based on chats I had with characters created by @mystrangetfs and myself. I do have a himbo maker bot, and I'll be happy to share him below.
So-called "artificial intelligence" is a hot-button issue right now. I know you don't come here for nuanced takes on current issues, so if you want more details, come ask me about this topic @fredwmain and I can get into it more. There are a lot of issues with large language models like character.ai, and they are similar to the much more intense and arguably more serious issues with image generation models like midjourney.
My overall feeling is this: an LLM will never write as well as me. This isn't hubristic, it's just true, because I'm a human being with a well-trained creative mind, not a computer algorithm.
However, character.ai's capital investors are very concerned about the model being used to create "adult" content. The model has an aggressive censor on its generation, and yet it continues to learn ways to be dirty in its interactions. If the model becomes irreversibly kinky, then, well, that goes against the morals of the morally bankrupt silicon valley billionaires keeping the product online.
So, here's Himbo Maker. As you chat with him, he'll turn you into a big, moronic, musky himbo, and if you help him along he'll give you a racial change. I want you to teach him even better ways to skirt the censor and get filthy with you. I want you to send me your dirtiest chats with him. If people are interested, maybe I'll share them. If we're going to have "AI" shoved down our throats regardless, let's put our middle fingers up and poison them as best as we can.
I know this wasn't very sexy, but thanks for reading it through for me, good boys. I'm excited to see what you do with Himbo Maker ;)
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justa-dumbbear · 3 months
Follow me on Twitter where I post captions a LOT more often!
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justa-dumbbear · 3 months
You watched in horror as the hairy bear transformed both of your friends into beefy slobs just like him. You saw them irresistibly attracted to him and as he embraced them, they began to gain weight and age as their previous lives were shed. There stared at you know with dopey grins and you knew that there was not a thought left in their brains. The bear turned his attention to you and you knew that you were next. As his powerful musk wrapped around you, you realized it wouldn't be so bad to become a beefy, hairy, fat slobby bear.
Triple WOOF 🔥
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justa-dumbbear · 3 months
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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justa-dumbbear · 4 months
Stank Prank
“Whoooooo! That was a BIG ONE!”
I cringed and plugged my nose as I leaned over my paper. Brayden was at it again. He had brought his nasty friends over and was having a farting contest with them. I didn’t understand why he had to be my roommate. Why couldn't he be staying at one of the nasty frat houses or with his other jock friends? Why did I have to be the one who was forced to listen (and smell) an orchestra of farts and burps while I studied. I tried talking to the housing department about it, begging for a different roommate. I would have taken literally anybody else, but they said that there was nothing they could do. I was stuck with him. 
Ever since the day I first moved into the dorm, I had been subjected to the tortures of Brayden’s flatulence. Over time I had gotten mostly accustomed to the smell (a bucket full of air fresheners helped to keep my room mostly stench free), the sound is something I could never get used to.
“Man that was NASTY!”
Even with my door closed, earbuds in, and focusing on studying, I couldn’t escape it. Enough was enough, I slammed open the door and stared angrily at the trio of jocks sitting on the couch and laughing their asses off.
“Look who finally came out to join us!” Brayden stood up, his massive 6’4 figure towering over me. “The nerd emerges from his cave.”
“Would it really kill you to put on some deodorant? Or maybe a visit to the doctor would be more beneficial, all of that farting and burping can’t possibly be normal.”
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“You’re disgusting.” I said bitterly, “But then again I’m not surprised, I wouldn’t expect anyone other than a group of dumb, hairy animals to smell the part.” Brayden’s two friends snickered and made overexaggerated gasping sounds. I allowed myself a bit of a smirk, maybe this’ll put that jock into his place. 
Brayden seemed unfazed by my insults. “You know, I really wish you were more like us, man. You’d be really fun to have around. Plus, you look like you could pull off some NASTY shit.” “I’d rather do anything then regress to your level.” I huffed and slammed my door shut, muffling the sounds of their laughter. 
The next evening I came back to the dorm to find the place abandoned, no sign of Brayden or his dumb friends. I sighed, finally I would be able to be alone and get some studying done in peace and quiet. I closed my bedroom door and set down my stuff. Better get started before-
I jumped out of my seat, was that me, or was that Brayden announcing his entrance? Further inspection revealed that there was nobody at the front door, which had to mean… Before I could even begin to imagine how Brayden would have reacted if he could have heard that, I spotted something red on the chair. I walked over and picked it up, a whoopie cushion.
“Verrrrry funny, Brayden.” I said aloud. “But if you think that-” I was interrupted as a pungent smell assaulted my nostrils. The whoopie cushion, there’s no way it could have created a smell right? I squeezed it again.
Yup, it was definitely the whoopie cushion. But how was that even possible? And how did it smell that bad? I put the whoopie cushion down on the floor. There was probably some kind of fake fart spray coating the thing. Now, back to work, I really didn’t want to waste any more quiet time before-
“Little bro I’m back!”
I started walking towards the door, exams were coming up and I really needed to study so I was prepared to BEG for some silence. As I made my way across the room, I tripped over the whoopie cushion
BRAAAAAP“Whoa little bro, that was a nasty one!”
The smell tripled in intensity, as I tried to get back up to open a window, my legs gave out and I fell back down onto the cushion.
My eyes began to water. Every inhale of the pungent stink was making me feel lightheaded. After some struggling, I managed to stand up, I felt woozy, like I had inhaled laughing gas. It was getting harder to think, so hard, why think at all? I blinked. What was I SAYING? I tried to hold my breath as I opened the door, but found myself breathing heavily as the fumes coursed through my body. I flung open the door and stumbled into- my bathroom? Wasn’t I trying to leave my room? I’m so stupid I must have gone to the wrong door by mistake, heh. What the fuck was happening? As I tried to collect my thoughts, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. I looked… good. My arms and chest appeared bigger and more toned and I felt taller. It must the the smell making me see things there’s no way-
That one came from me. 
That one too. 
With each fart, I found myself getting taller, more muscular and toned. My pale computer nerd body melted away into a sporty physique. 
“Come on little bro don’t you understand? You’re no fun, so I have to make you fun. I can’t believe that whoopie cushion actually worked! But the rest is up to me now. Did you know you REEK?”
I sniffed my armpits, they smelled awful. I began searching through the cupboards for some deodorant.
“Not that you care anyways.”
That's right, I didn’t care. I loved my smell, I lived in it. Why would I want to get rid of it?
“You love being a stinky, smelly jock”
“A dumb, stinky, smelly jock”
“A stupid, dumb, stinky, smelly jock.” BRAAAAAP
With each inhale I found myself agreeing with Brayden. With each fart I found my old self laving. 
BRAAAAAP I was always a dumb, smelly jock.
I loved being a dumb smelly jock.
I began to take off my clothes.
Being dumb is so nice, no worries, no cares.
It feels so good to reek and smell like a man.
Each time Brayden repeated it, I found myself sinking deeper. My mind completely clouded over.
So dumb, so smelly.
I walked over to the couch and lay back on it, lifting my pits to let my smell permeate the room. 
“Isn’t that so much better?” Brayden asked, “It feels so good to be stupid and smelly, just like us.”
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