josephine-medina · 6 months
This is an official print :
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Opinions everyone? Theories?
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josephine-medina · 6 months
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Noticing a pattern this year...
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josephine-medina · 11 months
Today at my job, one of my co workers got really pissed that the phone calls never been answered. All because the units wanted the linens despite the nursing aids hoarding/hiding them and/or throwing them in the trash. I just wish she would cool off or quit her job
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josephine-medina · 11 months
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It's my 5 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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josephine-medina · 1 year
might as well post this-
a lil crossover collab with @krasytoonz
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josephine-medina · 1 year
Finally done with all of them! I’ll explain the lore and everything later bahaa
Update: check my pinned post! The summary’s up!
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josephine-medina · 1 year
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I had quit the winemakers position, but the king himself laughed it off! Ree!
I uhhh made this
Royal Wally :D Royal AU made by @krasytoonz
I hope it's accurate!
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josephine-medina · 1 year
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hi ✨ I present to you the Nursery Au! ✨
the twins are in charge of taking care of the colorful little neighbors !!
I'm already making a mini comic about his adventures and pranks!
I hope you like it and I can get a little smile ✨
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josephine-medina · 1 year
Okay, so I’ve been thinking of Smokescreen from TFP a lot, and I’ve decided to share some thoughts/head-canons involving him
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First of all, we tend to ignore the fact that Smokescreen is a scarily adept thief. Just think about it: he’s always snitching the Phase Shifter until they allow him to keep it, and he manages to sneak away from the others to the battlefield or elsewhere with no one the wiser. So realistically speaking, Smokescreen is no stranger to sleight of hand tricks and stealth, meaning he likely stole - at least a little - before he was inducted into the Elite Guard, probably in order to survive.
And another thing about Smokescreen that always stuck out to me was how, despite his excitement for joining Team Prime and his insistence on “it being destiny/[he’s] destined to be a great warrior”, every time something went wrong, he blamed himself. He never shirked it onto someone else, or accused them of being at fault (come to think of it, he never pointed the finger at a teammate for anything). Instead, Smokescreen kicked himself for the failure and held himself to an unnecessary degree of accountability. It’s almost like he’s expecting too much from himself, so that, to me, says that Smokescreen thinks poorly of himself most of the time. Additionally, this leads me to think that he’s desperate for approval and acceptance from people, especially Team Prime and Optimus in particular. And I personally believe that Smokescreen’s ego early on is what he holds onto in order to convince himself that he is actually a worthy ‘Bot in his own right and not worthless or a burden.
So that’s left me to a couple of conclusions and theories: One, Smokescreen initially grew up in a darker part of Cybertron (clearly unaffected by the war); two, he was likely used by other Cybertronians for infiltration/recon/courier missions, and three he was often told what his worth was by others, half being condescending and the other half being sarcastic, with the occasional genuine praise from others, specifically his guardians.
And now we come to the real head-canon aspect of this: Smokescreen’s mysterious past (note, this is all from my own musings).
Keep reading
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josephine-medina · 1 year
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josephine-medina · 1 year
Apologies if this has already been asked, but how do you feel about fanart for your Welcome Home project? Is there any dos/don'ts to keep in mind?
Hmm, Yes I think so! I will say this Right now because I must return to Working on art!
I would love to see your Fan Art! I am so grateful Folks would make it and I would Be happy to Reblog/Retweet it! Please feel Free to Tag me, as Welcome Home does not have a Tag circulating! (Wahaha, there is a Bit of a Slow down at the Moment because I have so Much to Sort through, so If I do not See it Right away, I apologize!) But You may do as you like with some exceptions! If you would like to peruse the Works Others have made for me, you may peruse my Tumblr here! -> https://partycoffin.tumblr.com/tagged/welcomeh I have Seen a Question about Shipping, so go Ahead, I do not mind! It will be Exciting for individuals, I hope, to see how everyone's Relationship become Realized as the Story Blooms! Additionally, I do not mind Original Characters either! ( I know Many have asked, so I decided I would Place it here!) After all, what is a Playfellow Neighbor but a Delightful Physical self and a Beautiful Home? I would also say please Feel Free to Cosplay these characters, Wear their faces as Icons, Utilize assets from the website For fun, and create physical creations of any Sort for yourself! However! Please do not Sell anything with them, Of Course! Additionally, Please do not spread old conceptual artwork (Prior to January 2021!) Beyond this blog! (Thank you so much!) I would Say be Mindful of what you are producing if you are Putting in Horror Elements, too! Be courteous of others, You Know? I would Also Ask if you are writing fiction, creating animatics, scripts, or comics that it is alright! However, please do not Send them to me! I am still working on Welcome Home, even as we are in its Prologue, I do not want to take others Speculation! (Additionally, Please do not send me Speculation, Wahaha!) As I have seen this question too so I am Also placing it here, please DO NOT Publicly post NSFW artwork! I still need to think about If I am alright with it so early on! (Plus, I would hate for it to be Posted by Anyone without some sort of Protective tag for Younger individuals to block or Stay out of!) Thank you so so Much!
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josephine-medina · 1 year
Apologies if this has already been asked, but how do you feel about fanart for your Welcome Home project? Is there any dos/don'ts to keep in mind?
Hmm, Yes I think so! I will say this Right now because I must return to Working on art!
I would love to see your Fan Art! I am so grateful Folks would make it and I would Be happy to Reblog/Retweet it! Please feel Free to Tag me, as Welcome Home does not have a Tag circulating! (Wahaha, there is a Bit of a Slow down at the Moment because I have so Much to Sort through, so If I do not See it Right away, I apologize!) But You may do as you like with some exceptions! If you would like to peruse the Works Others have made for me, you may peruse my Tumblr here! -> https://partycoffin.tumblr.com/tagged/welcomeh I have Seen a Question about Shipping, so go Ahead, I do not mind! It will be Exciting for individuals, I hope, to see how everyone's Relationship become Realized as the Story Blooms! Additionally, I do not mind Original Characters either! ( I know Many have asked, so I decided I would Place it here!) After all, what is a Playfellow Neighbor but a Delightful Physical self and a Beautiful Home? I would also say please Feel Free to Cosplay these characters, Wear their faces as Icons, Utilize assets from the website For fun, and create physical creations of any Sort for yourself! However! Please do not Sell anything with them, Of Course! Additionally, Please do not spread old conceptual artwork (Prior to January 2021!) Beyond this blog! (Thank you so much!) I would Say be Mindful of what you are producing if you are Putting in Horror Elements, too! Be courteous of others, You Know? I would Also Ask if you are writing fiction, creating animatics, scripts, or comics that it is alright! However, please do not Send them to me! I am still working on Welcome Home, even as we are in its Prologue, I do not want to take others Speculation! (Additionally, Please do not send me Speculation, Wahaha!) As I have seen this question too so I am Also placing it here, please DO NOT Publicly post NSFW artwork! I still need to think about If I am alright with it so early on! (Plus, I would hate for it to be Posted by Anyone without some sort of Protective tag for Younger individuals to block or Stay out of!) Thank you so so Much!
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josephine-medina · 1 year
Angst With Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Jason Todd x Fem!Reader
Tags: hurt/comfort, nightmares, gentle kisses, cuddles, hugs
A/N: Been on a Jason Todd angst train today, don't know why
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Jason likes you to rely on him, even if you need the smallest, silliest thing he wants you to ask, he wants you to know you can count on him
He likes being the big spoon most of the time, but when you embrace him, pull him into your chest and just tell him that he's ok, he just melts in your arms
He will never wake you up when he has nightmares because, one, he doesn't want you to worry, and two, he doesn't want to bother you when you're sleeping
But he will hug you more intensely, that is if he's able to collect himself quickly
If he's not, he'll give you a kiss on the cheek before getting out of bed and going to work out/train out the stress and anguish
He's trained himself not so scream anymore when he has nightmares
You want him to talk to you, tell you what's bothering him
You make him a cup of tea, you want him to open up to you, to be vulnerable
Vulnerability is something that Jason isn't good at, he's slow to open up but eventually he does
He sits down next to you, leaning his head on your shoulder
When he tells you about his nightmares you don't get why he's been hiding that from you, after all, you're his girlfriend, you worry about him
Jason smiles and kisses you on the forehead, saying he just didn't want you to worry
Next time he has a nightmare he promises to wake you up
He keeps his promise of course
You hate seeing Jason so scared
Jason curls up into you, your hands burred into his hair as he finally lets himself shake and cry it out instead of punching it out all by himself
You let him know that since you rely on him, he can also rely on you, no matter what he's dealing with if he tells you you will try to help
Jason whispers his thanks against your skin as he hugs you tighter, kissing you as you kept stroking his hair until both of you fall asleep
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josephine-medina · 1 year
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Ep. 45 - Strong Enough (1/2)
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josephine-medina · 1 year
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Ep. 45 - Strong Enough (1/2)
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josephine-medina · 1 year
I would date him. Lmao
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Batman: Wayne Family Adventures Ep. 53 - Online
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josephine-medina · 1 year
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Reverse - Elita One and Optimus (TFA)
A quick rundown of TFA of what could’ve been if Optimus had been the one to fall.
Wanted to do this one for months.
I honestly don’t remember if “Prime” was used for fembots as well in TFA or if they only got the “One” (though I doubt it, since Prime is a rank and I think they should all have the same title). But I don’t really care that much, because Prime is such an awesome sounding title that I would’ve taken it anyway for this. I hope you can forgive me.
I have made some additional sketches of this, but I just got this done in one 10 hour session, it’s 5 AM and I’m a it exhausted, I’ll post the sketches later.
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