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Wow, 4 years on HRT as of yesterday, went from like #transgirlinprogress last time I took a photo of myself a long time ago to like, #transgirlcomplete 馃ぃ lmao. I must say, my hair is like super long now and that changes the way I look. But like, my facial features have been softened so much by the hrt over the years! Also have lost 80lbs this year, may 23rd I was 263lbs, beating my previous heaviest weight of 220lbs when I was 14! I can say I've lost 80lbs twice in my life now haha! I have an announcement too, I started another business selling audio equipment. My first business failed, it was home-based anyways so it was something to be proud of but like, not like this. This time its a legitimate one, with a commercial storefront in the downtown core of my city which was my ultimate dream, something I actually posted about back in 2021 but wasn't able to accomplish back then. I just didn't have the connections and I didn't know enough about running a business before I tried it and failed first. My opening date was September 1st, and I did $1000 my first month which isn't much at all compared to before. However this month things are picking up, im up to $1,161 so far in total sales. Also I'm sober again, my mental health sucks but what's new right? But yeah, that's what's up with me! Sorry for not posting in like, a year!
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You may remember me from such films as "You Will Never Be A Woman", "Your Skin Is Thicker and Rougher Than That Of Woman", "Your Pores And Connective Tissue Are Arranged Differently From Those Of A Woman", "Your Bone Structure, Including Jaw, Brow Ridge, And Hips, Is Obviously Male", "You Have A Man's Hairline", "Your Ring Finger Is Longer Than Your Index Finger", "Your Navel Is Above Your Waist", "Your Body Stores Fat Differently Than A Woman's Does", "Your Saliva, Sweat and Urine Contain Male Pheromones", "You Are Biologically Incapable Of Menstruation and Pregnancy", "Every Somatic Cell In Your Body Contains The Y Chromosome", "Children Are Confused When They See You", and who can forget: "Your Parents Will Use Your Real Name When They Bury You".
I gotta agree with you on almost all of that, my real name is actually unisex, i didnt change it. Graves also dont say male or female on them, and with my friends and family being loving and accepting im not worried about it. That is if im even lucky enough to get a grave with a headstone, those are expensive and well, I'm a millennial and I don't wanna leave my family with a shitload of debt. When i die ill probably be cremated and sit in an urn on a shelf for a few decades, or ill be spread about in some place i loved during life. Its funny, i actually dont want to be cremated even though its the cheapest option in my country. If i had complete control over my burial all id do is make a deal with a farmer, and ask to be buried "raw", wrapped in an all natural hemp or unbleached cotton sheet, and have a tree planted over top of me, that way i can fertilize it, and have a bench placed nearby, and a dirt footpath leading to me so that my family and friends can come see me for a "visit" after im gone. Thats what id like, and to be honest I'm more worried about being embalmed and buried with a body full of embalming fluids and preservatives thatll pollute the nearby enviroment in a casket thatll do the same, fuck that shit!!
But yeah no, like I said I agree with you on most of that. I don't deny the truth and live in a fantasy land of denial and such. However the second last one is untrue, adults have a harder time with it than their children do, and thats if they even give a shit, because most of society doesnt. In 3 years ive never once met somebody with genuine hatred for me in real life. You people seem to only exist on the internet, and you people are a very very small minority. Like i said, nobody in the real world cares, they're all too busy living our own lives and understand that people like me exist, and it isnt worth the time out of their day to bully me and put me down. But back to the one thing I dispute about what you said, the children! Now children aren't confused when they see me, because they see a female. Why? Well, after 3 years of hormones and some laser hair removal i dont look like a man, I don't look like "something" in-between. They see a woman, albeit taller than average, I'm well past the point where parents have to explain anything, I blend in in public places. People don't know unless they've known me for a while or i tell them. So yeah no, there's no confusion when children see me. Hell my mom and I went out tonight looking at stereo equipment at a few different stores and it was "may I help you ma'am?" and such.
So uhh yeah, I think you may be the one who's confused...
On a side note:
Before I came out I was very transphobic and hyper masculine because I figured nobody would expect me to be trans or gay or anything else if I showed hate and acted hyper masculine.
So that brings up the question, are you trying to bully me to distance yourself from who you truly are? Are you confused and/or hiding something deep down that you know to be true? Coming out isn't as traumatic and hard as some folks make it out to be. It is what you make of it, I was scared shitless until I did it, and i didn't lose any friends, get disowned by my family or go through any bullying in real life. Everything I feared never happened. In fact it was the opposite, I found my social circle and my family to be encouraging and happy for me. I was extremely depressed with my gender identity, my body, and in general, I was just so depressed. So when I took the plunge and finally did it, after 7 years of debating and planning, i truly came out of my shell and into my own. I was happy, free, and my mental health stabilized and got better! I had hope that things would change, that I wouldn't be stuck, trapped in a body that disgusted me for the rest of my life. It was slow, like I said it's been 3 years and 2 months since I started hormones and such. But in year two I started seeing the person I always wanted to see looking back at me in the mirror. Around the same time society started seeing me as a female too. It was a slow transformation, but I had hope that I would get to where I'm at now, and well here I am lol!
So yeah, next time you go around trying to shit on somebody for living their best life and doing something positive for themselves. Look inside yourself, and ask yourself why you feel the need to bully somebody for who they are? You might realize something, that it comes from jealousy, a feeling of failure or self hatred. This "ask" says alot about you and your own insecurities. So yeah, when the time comes and you've figured out why you feel the need to bully people, just know that I don't need an apology or anything. I'm not offended, instead I feel bad for you, and I hope you can find peace within yourself one day before its too late...
Sorry about the novel sized answer, I just felt it was necessary.
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Finally hair is long enough to do this with! Haven't posted in a long ass while! I'm 24 now, been on HRT for 3 years and a couple months. Life is as usual whatever the hell I want it to be! Yeah!! How's everybody else been?
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I transitioned at 21, and tbh I don't even need implants. Meh tiddehs are actually very well developed, most Trans women on average develop A cup breasts at most. I'm either on the bigger side of B cup or at the smaller side of C cup. Now because I transitioned at 21, yeah you're partially right, some things are never going to change. But HRT has done wonders for me. It has thinned out all of my body hair minus the hair on my head. I take a drug called finasteride to restore some of the hair loss I had previously and it's worked very well. My face has changed a ton, if you want pictures of day one and today I'll show you. But back before I transitioned I saw a post made by @jacine-the-queen about her 6 month before and after pictures. One thing she said still rings true to this day, "hormones are magic!!", and they are! Her 6 month pics were stunning. Her and I both transitioned as adults. So to see somebody 6 months in looking as beautiful as she did, it gave me some confidence that you know what, this just might work. She also answered alot of my questions early on in my journey. Bottom surgery or not, hormones are 300% worth it. I don't care about the health affects, if I die 10 years earlier than I would have I'd be perfectly ok with that and it would still be worth it.
Personally I do want bottom surgery, in Canada we have a very good transgender Healthcare system. Most of us go to Montreal, because bottom surgery in Canada is government funded, and in order to keep their funding the Montreal surgeon's need to have a very high success rate. In a sense the only reason why you might not heal as expected is on you, the patient. They give you the instructions on what to do to for the first year pretty much, from day 7 when you fly back from montreal and onwards. As well as the needed medications. Now one big reason why some Trans folks don't want bottom surgery is because of cost first of all. Second, in the USA it's like playing the lottery. The Healthcare down there for Trans folks isn't as good and you might end up feeling mutilated and disgusting because of a shitty surgeon. Now I've seen the results of two Trans women who went to montreal. Their vaginas looked near perfect, the only way to tell is the two Itty bitty scars almost in a V shape above their vaginas. I've also seen, on the internet of course, the results of other surgeon's work, and tbh the results were horrible!
So the Trans women who don't want bottom surgery have far deeper concerns and reasons for not wanting the surgery. Even Jazz Jennings, she's famous, very wealthy and known throughout the Trans community. She went through marcy bowers, considered to be one of if not the best surgeon to go to in the USA, and came out of it with a botched job and needed three more operations to fix it.
So there's your answer!!...
Why do TIMs, wo transitioned after puberty and dont want bottom surgery, actually take hormones? To me it makes absolutely zero sense. Estrogene doesn't really doesnt do much, gives you maybe breasts, but you would probably be better off health wise if you just get implants....
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Still passing, can't even go into "boy mode" anymore. So, fuck youwuwu!!!!
You know you're never going to pass, right? You're always going to look like a man. People will always know, even if they're polite to your face keep you from making a scene.
It's funny you say that, because I pass as female now! When I went to the license bureau to get my ID just recently, the lady who helped us assumed I was female and put it on the card. The staff in my building all thought I was female, same with the other residents. They only found out I was Trans when I told them or they saw the flag on my wall! So to that I say FUCK YOU, because I do pass, and nothing you say will change that fact.
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I actually got kicked out of PE in grade 12 because I flat out refused to get changed. Part of being Trans is hating your body, and not wanting others to see that thing you hate with all your heart. I always felt like I was in the wrong changeroom if I even went into it. I chose to do PE in designer jeans and skater shoes and a baggy t shirt. And fuck me did I get ragged on for it!
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Omg yaaaass!! I was looking at old pics on my blog, and Holy shit! I have changed so so much! Even my hairline is fixing itself! 2.5 years on HRT, and I haven't regretted it for a single second. I don't wear makeup, I don't use filters, this is the real me in this picture! When people see me now they see a "she" and not a he! My hair is so so long now, and I've been told I look so much like my mom it's not even funny! I was 20 when I took my first round of HRT, and I was scared of ending up looking like a man my entire life no matter how hard I tried. However everything went awesome! I still don't use makeup, I still don't use filters, what you see is what society sees when I'm out in public. For all the other Trans women out there debating whether or not they should take the leap, just go for it! I was scared, but none of my fears ever got realized. I only have one member of my family that shames me for being Trans, that being my father who I don't speak to. Hormones are magic! If I can look this good 2.5 years in then so will you! Don't wait, don't hesitate, especially if your in your early 20s because certain things can still be reversed! Don't wait til everything is set in stone. Transition now!!
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Hai Tumblr! Sorry for the hiatus! It's been so long that my hair is past my shoulders and I'm cis-passing now! 2 years and 4 months later, I pass! I never thought I would, but here's my biggest dream coming true!
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You know you're never going to pass, right? You're always going to look like a man. People will always know, even if they're polite to your face keep you from making a scene.
It's funny you say that, because I pass as female now! When I went to the license bureau to get my ID just recently, the lady who helped us assumed I was female and put it on the card. The staff in my building all thought I was female, same with the other residents. They only found out I was Trans when I told them or they saw the flag on my wall! So to that I say FUCK YOU, because I do pass, and nothing you say will change that fact.
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10/10 best way to keep count of how long its been
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Sticky hand wall update
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Literally me discovering that if I wave at my camera, itll take a selfie of me. I just discovered that... am i behind on technology or what?
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New hairstyle yall! What do you think?
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All I gotta say, after 1.5 years, is thank God for tiddy skittles!!
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Went for a nice long ride today for the first time in a long time! Got a nice sunburn I haven't been very physically active these last few months, and I've packed on the pounds because of it. Now I'm heavier then I've been in 8 years, I always remained around 160 and now I'm 190. I don't like that, so changes need to be made! Luckily my ride was fun today, it didnt feel like a chore for once so I'm probably going to keep doing this! I was also lucky enough to have olive over for a couple days, and oh my gosh was she ever being cute!
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Dogsitting my favourite doggo again!
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Just a soft thing...
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So I gave myself a 3rd degree burn the other night and I hope this shit doesnt get infected!
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