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Just some plushie pictures I have been meaning to upload.  I recently commissioned a plushie artist on dA for a Lily Lace.  Lily was one of the fashion designers that participated in Rarity’s Couture du Future fashion contest.  And the other is a plushie of Princess Cadence I commissioned and picked up at Bronycon 2017.  Ah good times and memories.  
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Pictures of the Rainbow I saw the other evening (about a week and a half ago).  The first five are from before I drove to work and the last two are of what’s left once I got to work.
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OMG, I lol’d! =D
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The BronyCon flag flaps proudly down at the Inner Harbor near the Inner Harbor Amphitheater.
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Then sadly like all good things, the con wound down on Sunday.  But there was still plenty of fun to be had.  On my way to the last panel I was going to attend, I passed a table of life-size plushies playing a pony card game.  It was both hilarious and adorable.
The next two shots are from the Equestria Plush panel.  Marie does one at the end of the con every year.  It’s always a fun time and a few lucky attendees get to go home with one of her plushies during a raffle at the end.
This was the first year in Baltimore I got to attend the closing ceremonies.  It was a blast.  The first 20 minutes was like a min BronyPalooza.  Some people passed out balloons and next thing my friend and I knew the air was full of balloons.  And people started drawing on them and writing on them.  The two I found hysterical and worthy of a screen shot was a lavender one that read: “This is filled with Twilight’s Farts!” and a green one that read: “Hitler did nothing wrong!!”  There were some that had cutie marks on them and a few bore Discord’s likeness from “The Return of Harmony - Part 1″.  Then a bunch of us that had brought plushies in, held them up and had them dancing.  People were shouting and cheering and I’ve gotten pretty good at doing Bulk Biceps “YEAH!”  So I had fun shouting that and I did so surprisingly, seeing as I hadn’t lost my voice from doing the same yell at the concert the night prior.
At one point I saw one of Marie’s sons hold up their Celestia and an orange balloon with stars drawn on it landed between Tia’s wings.  It seemed fitting.  Then a little later, they put Princess Twilight on Celestia’s back.  It was wild.
Following the closing ceremonies, I passed the life-size plushie card game.  The ponies all looked tired out.  Rainbow Dash and Spit Fire had passed out and a few of the Twilights were going the same way.  XD
It was another fun Bronycon.  I can only wonder what will happen next year.
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I never was really big on Fluffle Puff, but I was hoping to meet up with a friend from last year that was a big Fluffle fan, so I decided to attend the Fluffle Puff panel Friday night hoping to meet them there.  During the panel I got to see several episodes about Fluffle and her adventures and next thing I knew, Saturday I had to buy myself a Fluffle Puff plushie.  And wouldn’t you know it, a lot of the vendors didn’t have bags this year, and Fluffle ended up joining my friend and I for dinner.
After my food came out, Flutter started keying in on my quesadillas.  Luckily I caught her in the act, and got to enjoy my dinner before she got to it.  Gee, now that I think about it, the ponies really had it in for my food this year. xD
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Meanwhile...back at my hotel room.
Princess Luna and Lyra are taking it easy on my bed with a newly joined Starlight Glimmer (made by Aurora).
On the desk, Fluttershy keeps an eye on the Mascot ponies and their head of security Bat Pony Blazing Star.
And before we returned to the con, Mane Event wanted to scope the view from the hotel room.
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Saturday had some fun festivities.  Down at the vendor hall, my best friend wanted to check out the Musician’s table, and well, did I get the surprise of my life!
First, I got to meet my favorite fandom musician “Aviators”, he wasn’t even on the band list, but managed to make it to the con anyway.  I got his two new albums autographed and to take a pic with him! xD 
Then later that afternoon, I got to meet my other favorite fandom musician “Eurobeat Brony” and picked up one of his albums and got to take a picture.
It was awesome!!!
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I didn’t have a chance to upload photos form last year’s Bronycon.  But just as my plush Trixie got plenty of attention last year, this year in 2016, my Lyra plushie was living large!
After arriving, she had to check out the view from our hotel room, then she joined my best friend and I for lunch.  In fact she eyed up my pizza, I thought she was going to help herself. lol 
Then, on Friday night she rocked her little heart out at BronyPalooza and got some glow sticks to wear.  Needless to say we had a lot of fun at the con. xD
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My friend Victoria of Kope’s Kreations (a plushie artist that was the first to fuel my addiction for plushies) made a really neat Bulk Biceps this year.  “YEAHHHH!!!”
She also did the spa ponies Aloe and Lotus!
Oh and I can’t forget her Discord! xD
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This was a real treat for my best friend.  A con-goer dressed as Anon carrying a plushie of the 4-chan Meme pony Tracy.  Anon’s Tracy was accurate right down to her Nicolas Cage cutie mark. I lol’d!
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What trip to the vendor hall would be complete without a trip to EquestriaPlush?
As always, Marie or Equestria plush has an incredible assortment of wonderful and beautifully done plushies.  Now this was right after my trip to the Con Store.  At that point she had already sold her Luna and the Starlight Glimmer in the above pictures. 
Marie’s Starlight Glimmer is a wonderful likeness.  I would have picked up one of the three she had for sale, but not only were they selling fast, I was a little low on funds this year and $500 was more than I could afford. :/  But there is always next year! =D
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This year I purchases a Bronze Sponsor badge, which gave sponsors like me a chance to get roughly a 15-20 minute head start on the mob of bronies waiting to get in and shop. 
I began by going right to the ConStore and picked up one of each of the Mascot plushies (from left to right: Hoof Beatz, Mane Event and Blank Canvas).  They are so cute!  And I’m so happy I was able to get one of my favorite mascot characters - Mane Event! <3
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Hello All!!
I’m finally back to start posting on my Tumblr page again!!  And what better way to start than with images from my trip to BronyCon 2016!!
Stay awesome!!
- Jaydex
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To this day, Minty is still one of my favorite G3 ponies!!  It's thanks to the G3 Christmas special "A Very Minty Christmas"!
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winner form my insta giveaway $$
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Princess Celestia has joined the rest of my ponies in showing off their holiday spirit.  That, and they couldn't resist showing off their holiday fashions, courtesy of Build-A-Bear Workshop.
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Build-A-Bear Workshop recently debuted their Plush Princess Celestia.  She's simply adorable.  And she's so cuddly, not to mention beautifully priced at $27.00.  So for Celestia fans hoping to score a Princess Celestia plush, Build-A-Bear has you covered. 
I hope you enjoy the pics.  I still need to snap a few of her wearing her dress.
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