jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Black + Blue Pt. VII
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V | Pt. VI | Pt. VII
Warning: None
Word Count: 1,638
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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A solitary drop.
A translucent orb created on the tip of her finger ascended into space.
Reminding Mizu to thank the maid for bringing her a pitcher of spring water before bed to hydrate her aching scales.
The woman’s pupils dilated at her intense focus.
Precision was of the essence.
She had done this plenty of times before…but as a bartender, her need to show-off was high.
Especially with a world class chef watching so intently.
Placing her middle finger against her thumb behind the floating spec of liquid, the tension against her thumb growing along with Sanji’s intrigue.
Before her middle finger shot forward, colliding with the drop sending it off like a bullet.
Shattering against a switch with such force, a single click…
…and the room was now solely lit from the rays of the moon through the stained glass.
“Hm”, the man lightly chuckled, “y’know, I wouldn’t have minded getting up to get the light”.
“Eh, ya wouldn’t ‘ave enjoyed that nearly as much”, the woman playfully smirked as she returned to her position against her love.
Silk sheets draped over their fatigued bodies.
“Besides, ya’re warm”, Sanji’s curled eyebrow raised as her marshmallow breasts squished against his upper chest.
A gentle finger against his anchor goatee forcing him to lift his stare to her snarky gaze, a playful smirk stretched across her lips.
“And we both know ya’d never ever dream of disappointing a pretty face, aye?”
“O-of course not, my darling”, the pirate chef stuttered briefly as he wrapped his arm around her body.
Their faces mere inches apart. Her delicate finger lightly stroking his goatee.
Caressing her bare flesh, massaging the scars on her back, Sanji lightly sighed. A soft look of sorrow upon his features as his hand glided over a few scales.
His eyes trailing toward where his arm disappeared behind her curved frame.
“Wha’ is it?”
Slate eyes flashing back to their original state against her gaze.
“…why didn’t you tell me you were a Ryu?”
His tone solemn, laced with guilt.
“Why didn’t ya tell me ya were a Vinsmoke?”
Her tone nurturing and soft, obviously trying to lighten the gravity of her response.
Sanji’s heart filling with deep regret. The evidence clear on his face.
“…I didn’t even tell my crew”, his grief over his heritage setting in. His body contrasting between his burning rage and the chilling memories of the horror he endured. “…but with everything that happened, I should’ve seen through the bastard’s lies…I should’ve told you”.
“Don’t do that to ya’self, love…”, the woman wrapped her arm around his head.
Fingers tangled up in his golden locks. Tenderly massaging the back of his scalp.
His soothed angst expressed through a long calming sigh.
“They weren’t lyin’ when they went after ya ol’ man”.
Physically melting in her grasp, he continued to stroke her scales as they illuminated against the moonlight.
“Ya did good…and eventually ya’ll go back home to a proud geezer”, she smiled sweetly.
A clear attempt to soothe his spirits, but she recognized his gaze…
The sadness that dwelled behind it.
“When do you get to go home?”
Her gaze shaky. His remained firm.
“I-I…”, the woman stammered, not having an answer. Sanji’s expression unchanged.
“I hate when’ya look at me like that”, she replied in a sarcastic sigh before attempting to turn over.
Sanji’s grip however restricting her from doing so.
“If I get to go back home, so do you”, he firmly stated. “I’m not the only one with people worried about me, y’know. You think Merrill would wanna open the morning paper and see that her niece has been arrested or killed? Or what about Mange? She loses her brother and then she sees a picture of her best friend with a bullet through the heart”.
“Really not cuttin’ any corners here, are’ya?”
Noting her frustration, he gave a rest momentarily. Allowing her to relax.
Waiting for a light sigh followed by a light inflation of her cheeks with a small smirk. A quick glance in a different direction before returning his gaze.
An expression Sanji was all too familiar with...and was only familiar to one other person before him.
“You think Florence would’ve wanted this?”
“…she’s the one who taught me to protect”.
“She was your mother…she wanted you to be happy above anything else. She wasn’t the only one either”.
Sanji’s brow lightly forwarded at the tears wielding in the woman’s eyes.
“So, does everyone that wants me to be happy die like she did?”
Staring on wanting to cease her bitter tears then…his heart wrenched so tightly at the sight of her sorrows.
But knowing…her hatred for her own vulnerabilities shielded this from anyone else…is how she ended up here in the first place.
As much as his temptation to soothe her tore through his very soul…he couldn’t protect her if she didn’t allow him to.
“I’m sure Merrill’s worried sick. Does my want to call her up and tell her I’m fine mean she gets whacked in the jaw by some bastard Marine again?”
Sanji just continued to stare.
“Or Mange, I show up at the Serpent for a drink an’ a chat and the whole pub gets blown to rubble when I’m gone?”
His eyes shut. The sobs cracking her voice tearing him in two.
“Or I have a nightmare and turn the Sunny over in my sleep when half you lot can’t swim?”
A whisper forced itself out as he was barely able to hold himself back anymore.
“Or I…”, his eyes opened at her pause. The pain of his heart cracking at the despair in her face.
Her cheeks drenched in tears. Teeth gritted in agony. Eyes shut as she couldn’t bare to look at him.
“I get you-“.
“Hey”, he abruptly interrupted the woman before she finished. Pulling her against him. Her drenched face buried into his chest. “Don’t even think about it, understand?”
Her fingers curling against his chest. Gripping over his heart.
“I’m scared to be happy…I…I’ll lose everything…everyone I love…my mum died because I was happy…an’…she didn’t need to”.
Sanji’s hold on her tightened. His chin rested over her turquoise locks.
“When the Marine’s showed…I should’ve just kept my bloody mouth shut…she was already safe! They didn’t even know who I was!”
His eyes shut as she went on.
“…but I was stupid…she had to come out an’ save me from getting taken…her stupid daughter that couldn’t be bothered to shut the hell up for 5 goddamn minutes!”
Sanji ignored the nails lightly digging into his flesh.
“…she burned everyone on that ship to a crisp…she sacrificed herself for me…an’…she didn’t even ‘ave to!”
Her body trembled.
“It’s because of me…it’s all because of me that all of this happened!”
“So, that’s it…?”, Sanji finally spoke up. “Merrill, Mange, everyone on Bloodbane’s safe now so you’re just gonna spend the rest of your life running like some common criminal?”
Mizu was silent.
“You think that’s something Florence would be proud of?”
Mizu lifted her gaze to him. Her lavender eyes wide. Her brows lightly forwarded.
His expression was the same.
“You told me that your mother was your hero…that she lived with no regrets. Always did the right thing…and took care of everything she held dear with a smile on her face…and a bottle of gin”.
Mizu blinked a few tears down her cheeks.
“You think someone like that would want to see the person she loved the most in the whole world…let herself live in misery after she died to give her a chance to smile?”
Mizu’s eyes shimmering against her tears.
“I know you’re afraid…but you’re not the enemy. You never were. I wasn’t here to tell you this sooner…then again, if I did, who knows if you would’ve listened”.
Sanji held their gaze, his features now softening as he brushed away the tears coating her cheeks.
“Mizu…you are the kindest…strongest…most selfless person I have ever met. You’ve been through so much hell…and came out of it with a smile. You single-handed protected an entire island for years with no hesitation and no regrets…those people are so indebted to you and you’re still fighting for them”.
Her tears began to subside with his words.
“You’ll never stop…because you’re too stubborn to die and let them down. So allow yourself happiness…and live…for them…for Florence…”.
His fingers lacing within her hair.
“…for me…with me…”.
A soft sigh whisked from her throat. Her tingling heart strings trying to force a smile to her face.
“2 years ago, the very first moment I laid eyes on you, I fell in love with that smile”.
Her plush cheeks flushed at his confession. His proud grin forcing out a light giggle.
“Your mom gave you that smile”, he continued pulling her closer and closer to him.
“So as long as you have it…you don’t need to be afraid”.
Mizu could’ve sworn she saw the sun rise every time she looked at this man.
It reminded her of the sunrise on Bloodbane. Against the far horizon. Twinkling against the sea, illuminating the beaches…warming them against her feet.
Greeting her to her happiest moments…sitting aside her mom. Not a care…not a worry in sight like any other time she spent with her.
But…there was something about that sunrise…that felt different…that felt right…that felt like…home.
She could see the sunrise…she could feel his warmth…his love…
He…was her home.
Mizu melted against his touch against her face…feeling like she fell in love with him all over again.
He could feel the passion surging within her.
There were no more words necessary as their lips collided in such an overwhelming rush of ardor.
Their bodies still fatigued.
Minds still exhausted.
But it didn’t matter…
For now…they were where they needed to be.
They were home.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @insomniasix​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
3 notes · View notes
jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Black + Blue Pt. VI
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V | Pt. VI | Pt. VII
Warnings: NSFW
Word Count: 3,588
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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Lavender eyes.
Peering so deeply beyond the flaming gates of the devil’s soul.
The slate blue morphing into a rich cerulean beyond her glossy haze.
Like the blue that enriched Mizu’s spirit…those eyes were her home.
The current of Sanji’s hips…a high tide of passion.
The warmth of her body…her succulent scent of her golden lust and her exotic floral aroma…her gentle flush so tender to his touch.
An unspeakable utopia they formed atop these silk sheets.
But those eyes…they spoke of a forbidden language no one could be worthy to decipher.
Not even him.
Alas, he was a slave to her conjure.
She melted in his grasp…every inch of her being battling against the weight of their passion and the ecstatic high that consumed her.
Knot after knot forming within her stomach at every pulse.
Every sound beyond Sanji’s heavy pants becoming a blur. Her moans like a faded echo within the emptiness of her mind.
She felt her body begin to sink into the abyss…
Such a heavenly oblivion building within her.
Her drunken loving gaze pouring into his as she sank…further and further…but still secure in his grasp.
This man…his love for her so clear on his face…as he so graciously ravaged her inner fibers.
He deserved more than this world could ever give him…even more than the All Blue.
He melted against her gentle hand against his face…her fingers intertwined within his golden bangs.
Her body stiffened…her limbs trembled…
In between long and deep strokes of his hips. No interruptions of motion.
She could feel the current nearing its end…
Her moans so heavy within her breath, like the concept of air within her lungs was nonexistent.
“That’s it, baby…”, heavy breathing in between his words. His voice so silky, ticking her ears with pleasure. 
“Keep your eyes on me…”.
Her arms slipping from around his neck onto his solid shoulders…her thighs tightening against his sides.
His hand so gingerly tangling itself through her turquoise locks. The affection in his touch pulling her to that heavenly center…soothing her trembling flesh…forcing her to obey.
“It’s okay, baby…just let it go…”.
Forging for the strength from her nerves in her grip…her nails lightly digging into his flesh as she forced it to come forward.
“I can see it…”, his exhales shaky. His excitement steadily accelerating his movements.
His other palm, so desperately in love, grasping the other side of her face. His adrenaline overcoming his body.
“Let me see…everything you’ve held back for so long…Mizu”.
A sharp wail forcing its way from her throat.
A sudden rush of wind warping the man’s nude body. His eyes shut upon the sudden impact against him.
His panting heavy.
Goosebumps overwhelmed his flesh in the pause as the air hit the sweat coating him.
His vision briefly blurred at the brightness of the chandelier.
However, the silhouette above him ceased his blindness before long.
His sky blue gaze adjusting to the contrasts of colors and light to reveal the panting woman hovering above him.
His eyes shot open in concern.
“Mizu...”, his voice strained as he still needed to catch his breath.
Her heavy breathing motioning through her entire body, her marshmallow breasts bouncing at every exhale. Her already unkempt hair partially draping her face, in such blissful disarray due to Sanji’s obsession of his fingers rummaging through it.
Her trembling arms…holding her weight above him. Fighting her vulnerability.
The shade over the light gave her lavender gaze a violet tint…his increasing heart rate making something as simple as breathing an incredible hardship.
However, this as well realization of his back now being planted against the bed shrouded over by his worry.
“Wh-What’s the matter?”, the man asked in a near whisper, his hand gingerly caressing her cheek. “What’re you-?”
His question abruptly interrupted as the woman took his hand from her face, slamming it down, their fingers intertwined.
His eyes saucers by her newfound aggression.
“Mizu, are you-“.
“No”, her lack of breath pushing out like a growl, her arms trembling from fatigue.
“H-Hey, be careful”, Sanji began to reach for her, showing concern for her obvious pain.
“What kinda useless, lowlife wench…do you think I am, aye?”
Her defensive strine accent prominent. Sanji’s heart froze, clearly taken aback by her words.
“Ya think I’m just gonna sit here and let you have your way? Like some gutless harlot…lookin’ for a good time?”
Sanji’s grip against their intertwines fingers tightening. The hurt eminent in his eyes.
“You think I would ever-!”
“Y’know you deserve better than that”.
He paused. Taking a moment to notice the actual brief sadness within her softened gaze.
Her touch melting away the chill over him as her fingers glided over his skin toward his other hand.
Her voluptuous breasts squishing against his chest as she lowered herself onto his sweat coated body. Her glossed lips ghosting against his neck and lower jaw.
“Mizu…”, the man forced out in a raspy whisper just to be gently silenced by a couple fingers gingerly draped over his lips.
“Shhh…”, her expressions were so delicate, graceful…her eyes filled to their peak with amore of the upmost sincerity.
Sanji’s cheeks flushed at the beauty looming above him. His heartbeat pounding against her breast.
Her voice sweet…laced with ardor. His heart churning at the succulent scent of her dampened skin.
The blue of his eyes deepening like the infinite depths of the sea.
Her plush skin melting against his solid muscular build.
Her marshmallow thighs squishing against sweat covered hips.
Her sweet nectar coating his throbbing erection. Fighting the urge to rock her hips as her tender clit pulsated against it.
“Easy, sailor…”, the woman whispered against his lips. Eyes never tearing from his drunken loving gaze, “…just…be still…”.
Their proximity made his mouth water as she teased him.
His breath hinged as she laced his jaw with subtle pecks, repaying him for his loving treatment for her.
Losing himself in this new sensation, Sanji’s greed for her resurfaced. Once again conflicting his obsession to please her.
Her lovingly delicate kisses upon his sensitive body igniting every nerve in his very being.
The heat warping about his body contrasting with the coolness of the air hitting his sweat covered skin.
His trance interrupted by a pleasurably sharp pain that swarmed a portion of his neck. 
A sharp inhale through gritted teeth lifted Sanji’s chest against Mizu’s breasts followed by a slow trembling exhale as his wound was treated by a gentle graze of her tongue.
Her fingers trailing against his cheek down his tender neck toward his collarbone, flowing so fluidly over his chest, grazing over his nipple.
Releasing her grasp against his hand, her body began to sink lower and lower…her velvety freckle dusted flesh gliding against Sanji’s body as well as the overactive nerves of his shaft.
Richly sweet kisses placed over his collarbone and down his chest. Sanji’s eyes shut, lavishing in his intoxicating bliss.
Her trailing fingers…the loving kisses…her delicate body.
Roaming over him with such elegance and grace.
The occasional gentle nips of his flesh giving his body a profound jolt that could jumpstart a heart.
Only to be immediately soothed by delicate strokes of her tongue, leaving his flesh tingling in pure euphoria.
Every motion, every sway…
The flame within his very spirit nearly reaching kelvin.
Nearly impossible to believe such a sensation could occur from…mere touch.
The gravity of their love...made her touch…impossible for the human mind to remotely dream to comprehend.
A sudden sharp gasp choked the chainsmoker to near complete blackout as he felt the silky texture of her tongue glide all the way up his shaft from the base.
Glossy slate eyes shooting open.
His breath hinged upon the sudden pause as the shockwave that swarmed his body begins to settle…
Clutching the sheets suddenly as Mizu’s dainty fingers wrapped around him…her grasp so unforgivingly gentle…but secure…
The vicious battle warping his mind sending beads of sweat over his curled brows.
His peaked anxiety lifted his gaze to the violet eyed woman below him…
Sanji basked in the forbidden masterpiece in his sight that was so far beyond anything he could’ve possibly imagined.
His throbbing, beckoning member settled so symmetrically between her stunningly sumptuous breasts…
Her precious seashell hued skin…the transparent powdered freckles…a level of perfection that he wasn’t even equipped to imagine.
His mouth watering so furiously…his bottom lip lightly sore from his teeth sinking into it.
His curiosity overtaking his fear…he dared to look at her face…
Lifting his gaze, so hesitantly…almost instantly regretting it…
Her head tilted just slightly revealing her lustrous violet gaze upon the solid extremity in her grasp behind those unkempt turquoise locks…
He caught himself staring…but couldn’t pull away even after she met those glossy sky blues.
His chivalrous nature absolutely loathing how this was the most beautiful she has ever been…grasping the core of his lust in such a majestic frame…her exotic colors and exquisite features…
Such stunning elegance in her most fundamental form…hair unbrushed, face clear of the subtle additions meant to amplify her perfections.
Her most elementary of hues…undisturbed by vanity…fueled by an indescribable love that resonated in everything she did…her eyes, her touch…
The same reason why he so desperately longed to worship every aspect of her being and please her…was the same reason he so furiously wished to ravage the very confines of her soul into an oblivion of sin.
In the midst of such a fiercesome battle, her soothing strine accent broke the silence within his trance.
“What’s wrong, love…?”
So rich with love and concern…such a greedy fool like him didn’t deserve this…
“Mizu…”, Sanji finally spoke, his pounding heart leaving him breathless, “please…you don’t have to”, his breath hinged at every subtle movement of her fingers. 
That sweet endearing familiar smile stretched upon her elementally glossy lips at the mere sight of his obvious state of bliss.
“You don’t have to do that…”, he protested against his breath. “Please…just…let me…”.
Sanji begged for his mind to block out her voice, but alas could not escape the euphoria of its mellifluous texture.
“Because…”, the man shakily lifted himself upon his elbows, “…this isn’t about me…you have nothing to prove to me”.
“And you ‘ave somethin’ to prove?”, her tone still soft…soothing the man’s angst, making it more challenging to keep his composure and protest as she finally rid his body from the confinements of his pants.
Letting them descend to the floor. 
Her free hand gliding over the coarse hair coating his lower legs to his thighs as she slides onto her stomach. 
Taking her place between his legs.
Lips ghosting his aggressive arousal.
“I…I-uh…”, Sanji stared on in high anticipation. She was so close…but it still felt so far. 
His body tensed causing his throbbing erection to twitch, nearly tapping her lips as it rocked back to its original position, much to his chivalrous horror and lustful delight.
“Mizu…”, Sanji forced himself to pull back, but could only manage to slightly. “J….Just let me ha-ungh…”.
The man was suddenly silenced by the tip of Mizu’s tongue…gliding from the base of his balls to the peak of his head.
Her plush lips wrapped along the head…taking care not to squish him too hard.
Her eyes fixated on him as his eyes were forced shut upon the sudden tingling of his overly sensitive nerve endings. 
His head slowly tilting back. His breath hinged…thighs tightening…his muscles bulging against his skin.
Sanji completely losing himself in the teasing sensation engulfing his body…his greed stressing for him to buck his hips…he begged for it to end as to not give in…but…he didn’t want it to stop…
A faint pop released him before her tongue danced around his head…her taste buds coated in his lightly salted precum…a cushiony kiss placed upon the sensitive flesh sending a familiar jolt through his spine.
The man’s eyes still shut as he struggled to collect himself…his chest rose and fell in heavy pants. 
“Dammit…Mizu…”, he swore under his breath, “…if you don’t stop…I might end up-“.
“You might wanna stop talkin’…”, the woman’s sensual strine accent slithered through his itching ears. Silencing his pleas, “…sailor”.
Feeling the angelically smooth skin of her nipples glide against his torso, his eyes shot open.
His gaze abruptly lifted to the woman as she slowly crawled on top of him, leaving kisses here and there as she ascended.
Her back arched in a perfect curve…her hair draped over to one side…
“Ya’ll make it difficult to be gentle…”.
Her body so softly gliding over him…a final kiss over his anchor goatee before she took her place above him…
Her breasts rested against his pectorals…her lips ghosting over his…
Sanji subconsciously so impatient to taste her again.
Barely pulling away from his reach every time he tried, teasing him so painfully…that strength she was known for resonating so prominently…but in a way that only he was granted the blessing to witness…
At this point, the battle in his mind ceased leaving him swarmed with greed to witness this goddess of the sea absorb him in her love.
“Who said you need to be gentle?”
Sanji whispered against her lips, growing more and more impatient…his fingers sliding through her turquoise locks toward the back of her head.
Pleading so desperately to taste her once again.
Finally granting him his wish, she welcomed his ravenous embrace.
Melting within his grasp…so overwhelmed with his burning desire, the strength of his passion deepened their embrace.
Subtle whispery moans escaping during brief pockets of regaining oxygen.
The heat and adrenaline rush swarming through Mizu’s body probing her to rock her hips against the man beneath her.
The smooth rhythm of every stroke of her clit against his aching erection.
Mizu absorbing his soft amorous sighs of pleasure.
His free hand sliding against her bare rear end. His entire hand stretched over the doughy muscle…squishing the flesh between his fingers.
Pushing her further against him…consuming the moans floating into his mouth as her clit is so finely ground against his solid member.
Sanji’s greed begging for more as he continued to push…his own hips gyrating against her.
A sudden nip of his bottom lip robbing his heart of a beat or two as Mizu pushed herself from his chest…standing on her knees.
Leaving Sanji in complete awe at the view before him.
Her sweet vanilla cream colored skin glistening in the light of the chandelier draped over by ocean kissed hair. Lightly dusted over by transparent freckles. Symmetrical in every curve…designed by the heavens.
Letting the hand previously on his backside slide to her hip…his other hand making his wave up her torso toward her ample breasts…
The marshmallowy flesh so malleable in his grasp.
Her stomach toned, heavily worked…yet smooth to the touch…
But those eyes…he could never get enough of those eyes…
Her fingers gliding so delicately over his body…marveling in his solid frame.
For two years having to imagine what he was hiding under that suit…but seeing how he filled it so nicely, she wasn’t surprised by what was revealed.
Mizu could sense the impatience of the pirate chef as it was clearly contagious.
Her free hand making its way behind her, fingers gracefully roaming over his greedy lust, taking hold of it once more.
Sanji’s breath hinged at her touch and his anticipation as she lined him up with her heated core.
A blissful moan slid through her throat in a soft exhale as she lowered herself onto him.
Her eyes shut in pure ecstasy.
His generous member slipping against every fiber within…just as snug and warm as before.
A low groan of her name crept from the man’s raspy chest as she steadily rocked her hips against him.
Such a fluid rhythm…her scales glowing against the light like the rippling waves.
Her voice burning holes into his brain. Her dainty hands planted firmly planted against his chest. Fingers curled into her palms.
His fingertips lovingly inching against her plush flushed cheek. It was warm to his touch. 
Her lips sensually wrapping around his thumb as it glided over them.
Revealing those deep lavender eyes to him once again, her gaze fixed on his blissful sky blues.
Filled to the brim with pure beauty and the love that he had been harboring for 2 years.
2 years that she had waited to be freed from her internal prison…and to be greeted this way with those enchanting blue eyes.
Eyes that carried her body through the tide overtaking her. Her gentle heaving delicatly blended with such tender whines.
The subtle slapping of their thighs in a consistent rhythm as she leaned over him, throwing her hair behind him thus leaving their view undisturbed.
Her hands rummaging through his golden locks as their lips collided.
His entire body engulfed in nirvana by the elegance and grace of each stroke. So limber and carefree…no movement out of place.
He could feel himself absorbing the waves inside her. Craving each moment of every stroke more and more and more, again and again and again.
Briefly latching onto her souffléd breast with his lightly chapped lips left Mizu trembling as he sucked the sensitive bud.
Her subtle whines now savory cries against her heavy panting as her fingers gripped onto his chest.
Clutching onto her hips for dear life as he was drowned in his euphoria.
The sharp snapping of her thighs upon their heavy impact with his like one continuous echo through the room.
Mizu’s stomach filled with knots…the flames wielding in Sanji’s core grew more and more by the second.
Planting his hand upon her cheek, burning pink with passion, he held their glossy gaze.
A sharp whip against her rear by his massive hand sent a Mizu’s voice to a decibel level Sanji could not have possibly anticipated from someone so fierce…
Someone so terribly feared throughout the entire world…so tenderly anchored in his grasp…he adored it just as much as he coveted it.
Securing his grip on her, with both hands, he continued to lavish in this declaration of love by simultaneously bucking his hips to her exact rhythm.
A matrimonious sync of passion between a chef and his bartender.
Keeping her close, her wails of pleasure wrapped in the heavenly sensation overcoming his entire body corrupted his mind.
He could feel the heat between them rising beyond their sweat covered skin.
Mizu’s fingers clutched against his roots.
Her eyes fighting so hard to stay open as her lungs were holding out on breath.
On instinct, the man instantly rolled the woman onto her back.
A sharp yelp erupting from her throat as gravity of his weight pushed him within her further.
His adrenaline accelerating his rhythm without missing a single beat.
His aggressive strength and overwhelming lust shaking the bed against the wall.
The slapping of his tensed muscular thighs against her shimmering doughy flesh just barely matching her euphoric howls.
Mizu’s back arched…the tension building inside her causing her entrance to tighten around him, the underlined boyish tones of his deliciously raspy voice floating from his chest at the sudden squeeze against him.
Sanji’s fists clutched so firmly against the bed to keep himself steady, forcing himself not to give way until it was time.
Mizu buried her face into Sanji’s shoulder, completely losing herself in the moment.
Her body couldn’t take much more…she could feel the inevitable brewing within her.
Wrapping his arm under her back, his arm resting against her scales.
Through her oceanic locks, his hand firm against the back of her head.
“Look at me”, the chef’s voice so graciously laced in affection, “look at me, baby…”.
Her lavender gaze so heavily glossed, their appearance resembled a nebula…so many deep mystical floral shades shifting within each other like a kaleidoscope.
Her cheeks so beautifully coated in pink, complimented the freckles over her nose.
So many hues…blending together so perfectly. The wondrous aura illuminating her very being.
“You are too beautiful…”, the pirate chef whispered against her lips, nearly out of breath.
Her hands gingerly clasped against his temples as he spoke, fingers tangled into his hair as her gaze deepened.
“I love you…”, her high breathy voice so painfully sweet in his ear…too beautiful to put into words, “Sanji…”.
Her sudden hinged breath followed by her body’s violent trembling against him.
“My Mizu…”, the man’s voice began to raise as he struggled to keep his rhythm, “I love you…I love you, baby…”. 
Their synced cores overwhelmed them with heat.
“S-Sanji…I-“, a sudden halt in breath choked Mizu to silence.
His subtle moans rising against his control...his rhythm compromised by the pounding of flesh.
Eyes locked…gazes frozen within the concepts of time.
Heat and pressure climbing higher…
…and higher…
…and higher…
Mizu’s toes curled into themselves.
Her body jolted against him as they witness the fireworks within each other’s eyes.
A harmonious wail of ultimate exhilaration soared through the room.
Followed by a heaving pant mixed with low tender groans complimented by a light rasp as Sanji invaded Mizu’s womb of his essence.
Descending from his peak with a few more strokes, aiding Mizu’s nerves as they cooled down.
As the atmosphere settled…Sanji’s exhaustion and fatigue finally set in…
Not even giving him time to move as he collapsed on his side…turning the woman in his grasp to his view against him.
Still floating intertwined in their own realm.
Eyes still locked in unison.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @insomniasix​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
5 notes · View notes
jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Black + Blue Pt. V
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V | Pt. VI | Pt. VII
Warnings: NSFW
Word Count: 2,437
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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The whisper against the woman’s neck gave her shivers.
Her mouth firmly covered, his fingers lightly squished against her marshmallow cheeks.
“Sorry”, Mizu could hear Sanji’s sly grin in his words, “…got a little excited”.
Revealing some pressure against her cheeks, his thumb gliding against her peach colored lips.
Sanji bit his lip as she engulfed the digit into her mouth.
The firm grip of her lips, yet their spongy texture, leisurely gliding against the digit until he heard the faint pop.
Followed by a small cushiony kiss upon its tip.
A deep exhale mixed with a hefty grunt escaped from his chest as his blood flooded toward his lower region leaving him briefly lightheaded.
“Sorry”, the woman grinned with a light bite of her lip. “That too much for you?”
An abruptly aggressive snap of Sanji’s clothed pelvis against her bare rear sent a sharp gasp from Mizu’s throat.
Her body jerked forward at the strength that resonated beyond it. She could feel the aftermath of her handiwork searching for an escape.
Beckoning entry to her heated core.
Sanji’s large hand wrapped around her throat. Although pressure was light, she could feel his strength.
The fortitude of a chef’s hands were unlike any other…as a bartender, she knew this well.
“You oughta mind your words, mademoiselle”.
The man delivered a solid bite against the bottom of her neck. A pleasured hum slid from her lips at the brief sensation of pain.
“You’ll make it hard for me to be gentle”.
Soft kisses soothed the red spot against her flesh. Trailing kisses down her scars and scales. Her tender flesh as well as her sensitive scales being met by his loving embrace already sent subtle electric pulses up and down her spine.
Barely having the strength to resist, Sanji’s initial goal was clearly to push her into straight submission…but he knew she wouldn’t concede without some smartass response.
“Who says ya’have to be gentle?”, the woman’s false projection of invulnerability futile in his presence. “I’m not that soft”.
A brief spark of pain had Mizu gripping at the sheets. Sanji smirking proudly at the glowing red mark on her buttcheek left by his teeth.
She internally cursed herself. She knew he heard that whimper.
Cupping the muscles in his hands. The sweet doughy flesh pushing between his fingers as he squeezed. Loving pecks against the wound he left and all over.
His senses overtaken by the scent of her dripping core. The heat radiating warmed him chin before he finally was able to truly take in the view for the first time.
His heavy breathing tickled her folds. She shivered at the foreign sensation.
Mesmerized by the beauty, their feel against his fingertips like rose petals, the devil’s blood within him setting him ablaze from within...but his love and his longing to secure her in his grasp...the flame of passion unconsciously pushing his lips to kiss the delicate petals.
The gasp that entered Mizu’s lungs echoed through his mind. Her voice like a witch’s love spell...but he didn’t mind...he welcomed it. The sea witch before him was nothing less than a goddess blessing him with her presence.
Picking the petals apart with his tongue, so close his nose kissed her tender flesh.
“Ah-hnnn”, an abrupt cry erupted from Mizu’s throat before she quickly silenced herself with a bite of her lip.
Lavishing in the nectar that roamed over his taste buds, Sanji indulged in the delicacy of Mizu’s heat.
His tongue roaming within her body, teasing the sensitive fibers of her inner chambers. Sanji’s greed to consume her fiercely in battle with his desire to watch her unfold to his love.
Dragging his tongue from the woman’s twitching bud to the base of her folds. Rippling waves of her lust rushing over her at his touch.
Her body craving him so fiercely. The dripping essence of her longing shimmering like liquid gold in the light.
The battle within the chivalrous chef raged on as his laps grew more and more feverous. His greedy tongue flicking over her rose bud. His lips wrapping around it sucking her into a sinful oblivion.
Her chest burned as she fought to contain her wails of pleasure. Although she couldn’t hold them all...and Sanji could feel the pressure building within her the more he went on.
A knot forming within Mizu from her fighting to keep some control over this act of possession.
Resisting him was futile. She was at his mercy...but her mind stupidly couldn’t fully give way. Ravaged by her hardheaded antics and the overwhelming sensation of her nerves being corrupted by the man behind her, Mizu was mere moments from breaking.
Her body stiffened, yet she still trembled...ready for the explosive tide to take her under.
She could feel it...see the stars...it was inevitable.
In an instant...time stopped. Everything was frozen in place and began to disappear at the raspy command.
Mizu panted heavily. The pressure of oxygen slamming against her lungs. She felt her chest nearly burst within her. Was this what drowning felt like? She never knew...
...but she was certain that one wouldn’t crave such a horror.
She managed to turn her gaze to view her ravager despite the weak state of her body.
Wiping her golden nectar from his chin, his devil gaze piercing into her fragile being.
“Not yet”. His voice still heavy and raspy.
“You don’t finish…”, he started to explain. Removing the tight black shirt, tossing it to be found later.
“Not like this”.
Regaining feeling in aching nerves, her body slowly began to turn toward the man. A subtle suck of her bottom lip caused light swelling at the sight of strapping chef. 
The distance between them driving her to sheer insanity. Every muscle so proportionately defined. So statuesquely carved like clay. She wanted to touch him…feel the firmness of his features. Feel the true strength of these precious instruments...they carried scars of their own, but they complimented the contrast of the elegance of his profession with the fact that he was still a pirate…with a very high bounty on his head.
Her irrational lack of fear in this situation made him all the more enticing.
“I’ve waited over 2 years to have you…and I’ve already failed you”.
Mizu’s chestnut brows forwarded slightly. She opened her mouth to protest, but her vocal cords left unresponsive as she watched him make his way toward her on the bed. 
“As a chef, I’m obligated to cater to the needs of those I serve before my own…no matter how much I starve or wither”.
Remembering her body was fully exposed to him, her ample breasts shifting to a delightful pink due to the increased heat flowing throughout her body the closer he became.
Light sweat forming in crevices causing her flesh to shimmer.
Sanji could clearly see…and despite his angst to ravage her beautiful body into an unconscious state of eternal bliss…he couldn’t keep his gaze from her eyes for more than mere moments.
As he seemingly floated toward her, his hand gliding so softly against her plush cheek. His touch drowning her in such a heavenly high.
Eyes locked, ceasing the presence of everything else beyond them.
“So I want to watch you completely unfold with passion…”, the chef proclaimed, his fingers gliding through her mermaid locks before a sharp gasp escaped her throat to the sudden grip against her roots. His lips ghosting against hers. The fibers of his goatee brushing against her chin. “…and I won’t stop…until I get what I want...”.
His voice darkened…the fear that resonated within her only fueling her need.
With Sanji’s fist still in her hair, tilting her head, wet kisses and sharp nips against her neck left the woman’s breath hinged.
“…how very forceful of ya”, the woman whispered against his lips, her delicate hands roaming his golden locks as he left subtle bruises upon her flesh.
Her nails digging into his shoulders at the pain only causing his grip against her body to tighten.
Her marshmallow breasts now plastered against his chest.
Peppered kissing up her chin and jaw rupturing the microscopic drops of sweat coating her flesh. Unleashing her fresh sweet scent of lavender, more potent than before.
The sight of her peach colored lips, parted slightly in her pleasured state, burdened him with such ridiculous urgency.
Waiting any longer would be the death of him, resistance was never an option...even a gentlemen had his limits.
With his grip against her head, the man desperately met the woman’s lips with his.
A pause.
Both bodies completely statuesque, seemingly frozen in time before...
...a long soft exhale so soothingly flowed from their nostrils as they melted into each other.
Sanji’s grip against her hair softened to a sincere protective hold against her deepening their embrace.
Mizu’s sharp clutch against his shoulder drifted to the crook of his neck and lower jaw.
The taste of nicotine mixed with her forbidden nectar off his tongue as they danced forced her thighs together in such distressing euphoria.
Sanji’s hold against her skull tightened as he pushed their embrace further and further into an inescapable high.
This moment...their first kiss...now permanently etched in the concepts of space and time.
She tasted so sweet...sweeter than anything that could have the capability of existing. The rush of sweetness drove him to pure insanity.
Her head firm against the bed as he ravaged her now swollen apple red lips. His hands in such a desperate need to feel her. Every inch of her body he could reach.
Her tender breasts squished between his fingers, her tingling flesh so smooth against him, so high from her scent that he craved to be absorbed in it.
Her pants and moans being consumed as his hands roamed so desperately about her body. Every crevice he could reach caressed with absolute endearment.
Their bodies begging to be in unison. Mizu’s thighs inviting the man in between them to which he so urgently accepted. His clothed arousal throbbing at the heat emitting from her core.
The dewy nectar soaking into the fabric, glossing over his cock. The slickness smoothing the strokes as he slowly rocked his hips against the woman beneath him.
His entire shaft gliding over her sensitive clit, her legs trembling at the sensation.
Mizu continued to pant against his lips, soft breathy moans proportionately mixed in.
The rhythm of his strokes was slow, but consistent teasing her so fervently.
Anguished by his greed, Sanji forced himself to pull away from their heavenly kiss...he wanted to see her. See the ecstatic state she was in.
Her cheeks were flushed with a cotton candy pink. Loose strings of turquoise hair gingerly lacing her face. Her eyes shut in pure bliss.
She was a symbol of absolute beauty...a real goddess of the sea. No form of love anyone could give her would be worth what she deserved...yet she accepted his.
Her grasp against him so tight...like she’d fall to her death if she were to let go.
His hands frantically caressing his face, her neck...shrouding her in peppery kisses. He was erratic.
Her voice ringing in his head...he needed more...he needed to watch her truly unfold herself to him...he needed to see her eyes...
In his frantic state, the sweatpants coating his lower region were viciously pushed to his lower thighs.
His impatience keeping him from removing them completely.
The light chill of the room gently caressing his throbbing cock, however its stiffness only threatening his nerves with a need of release.
Mizu flinched once his foreign flesh met her swollen bud.
The pirate chef couldn’t afford to waste any time. He didn’t want to pull his gaze from her for a second.
Using the edges of her folds as a guide to her entrance. The slick nectar still glossed over his erection made the sensation all the more potent as he began gliding between her folds, his monstrous length sailing into her inch by inch.
Mizu’s back arched at the sudden intrusion. Stretching her undisturbed cervix, her voice rising more and more decibels as more and more entered.
Sanji’s exhale shook as it choked itself from his throat. The tight grip wrapped around him, the warmth within her inner chambers…the fibers within brushing against him…the friction, the heat…the overwhelming sensation of the love fueled by the goddess trembling beneath him.
His body completely overtaken by his passion…Sanji’s grip on her body keeping her steadied against her body’s reluctance. Although knowing she wanted more…and so did he.
Rolling his hips back slowly, his shaft sliding from her body. A subtle moan slid from her lips, her marshmallow thighs squish against his sides as he forced himself to re-enter despite his body’s vulnerability.
The rhythm of his rocking increases as he greed began to return to him. The strength of his heart pushing him through the intense euphoric pulsations warping his body.
Mizu’s voice so smooth and sweet…so unlike her usual strine accent however that energetic spark never changing…it was still such a foreign sensation that he craved more and more.
The heat of her body emitting a shimmery glaze over her body, illuminating the warm patches pale pink against her skin.
The intense heat of their bodies in perfect unison had sweat seeping from Sanji’s pores, mixing with her lavender musk. His body aching in pleasure with his movement. The ecstasy pouring from Mizu’s face…from her voice. It wasn’t enough…he needed more…
A firm palm against the plush headboard, it took all of his strength to keep his rhythm steady at the increased speed.
Mizu clutching to him for dear life…his glossy slate gaze so lovingly fixed on her face…her body against his…the feeling of finally living his most desired fantasy…but his greed needed one more piece to spark the rest of the night…
“I want to see your eyes…”.
The strain in his raspy voice filled with such passion and longing.
“Look at me…”.
His face hovering above hers. Their foreheads nearly touching.
“Mizu…”, he whispered in between breaths. 
“Look at me…”.
Her moans softened as she tried to compose herself enough to comprehend his words.
Her soft, gentle hands sliding down to his cheeks...connecting their foreheads before greeting him with those gleaming lavender eyes.
A euphoric exhale escaping his throat as he so lovingly met her gaze.
A gentle smile against her heavy pants and soft moans, her velvety accent floating through his skull.
“…I see you…sailor”.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
5 notes · View notes
jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Black + Blue Pt. IV
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V | Pt. VI | Pt. VII
Warnings: NSFW
Word Count: 1,494
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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“Lay down”.
The statuesque man softly instructed the quivering maiden.
The end of his cigarette shifting to a molten red.
Mizu silently obeyed.
Her slow crawl toward the end of her large circular bed, bare legs sliding against the thick comforter.
Her kimono restricting his view of her tight and voluptuous rear end.
He was hoping the loose thin fabric would get caught against her knees and slide away, but either way…he relished in the view.
“On your stomach”.
A cloud of smoke floating from his lips as he gazed on.
Reaching the plush headboard, the woman descended onto the bed. Her freckle dusted cheek squished against the pillow.
Turquoise locks frayed so gracefully over the visible side of her face.
Releasing a deep exhale, her dainty fingers curl against the sheets.
A light wince from her pain gave Sanji a sorrow jolt. His fist closed in his pocket as he discarded his cigarette.
Mizu staring at her lightly bruised wrist. Losing herself in the silence.
Until the sudden weight of Sanji’s muscular build pushed against the mattress beside her.
Her eyes widen.
Her cheeks lightly flush as she feels his weight on the opposite side, getting closer and closer.
“Mizu…”, the chef softly addressed the woman as a gentle finger brushed her silk hair from her face.
Her lavender gaze shifting toward the man hovering above her. His adoring smile warming her vulnerable spirit before he turned his gaze toward her back.
His soft gaze now slightly more serious.
“How is it?”
His gentle touch gliding over the thin fabric of her kimono. Although her nerves flinched against him, it soothed her knowing it was his.
“Sore”, the woman replied, “then again, that could just be the rest of me”.
Her joke unsettled the chef to such a high degree…his heart sinking merely imagining her pain.
All that she endured over these two years…was hidden beneath the plethora of colors wrapped around her delicate frame.
He longed to see…although knowing the sight could infuriate him. The few scars he could see near the bottom of her neck and her shoulders was enough to put a death grip on his heart.
But despite all his rage, he knew he needed to see.
Mizu flinched as she felt Sanji slowly began to peel the thin fabric from her body. 
Her tender flesh reddening with anxiety, her nerves tingling in excitement.
The cool air of the room mixed with the warmth radiating from his body sent a tingle up her spine.
A sharp beam of translucent light temporarily blinded the man as the chandelier lights reflected off a few scales.
“S-Sanji…”, Mizu lightly whined. Laying here, in such a vulnerable state…helpless to Sanji’s gentle grasp.
Her sensitive nerve endings longing for his touch as he slowly continued to unveil her tender naked flesh. 
Sanji’s slate blue gaze widened at the view before him. His jaw dropped as he stared in awe.
The symmetrical pattern of scales, the color wave transitioning from a deep sapphire to a rich emerald with every hue in between shimmering like they were kissed by the sun.
The mixture of hues and mesmerizing light patterns…in the shape of a majestic dragon twisting all the way down this porcelain canvas.
Perplexed by the silence, Mizu’s gaze turned toward the man behind her.
His cheeks bright pink as he continued to stare.
“…what beautiful scales”.
Mizu’s eyes widened as she stared at the man, his hand gently gliding over them. The sudden sensation of his touch ignited the electrodes in Mizu’s nerves.
A soft whine escaped her lungs as the man continued to caress the sensitive appendages.
“So smooth…”, he lovingly praised, “…yet so sturdy…”.
Mizu clutched at the sheets. His strong hands massaging her body like dough.
“The colors blend together so fluidly…like a mermaid’s tail against the sun…but there’s something about them…a warmth or…an aura that flows beyond them…”.
His fascination distracts him from the quivering woman in his grasp. A heat erupting from her core forced her bare thighs together desperately for relief from the knot forming within the depths of her stomach.
Once finally completely removing the patterned fabric, blindly setting it down behind him, Mizu trembled at the sudden chill rush against her skin.
A sharp gasp shot from her throat.
In a sudden rush of adrenaline and desire, Sanji leaned forward against the woman. Her bare marshmallow plush rear was welcomed by an alarmingly large intruder. However, for her sake, thankfully clothed.
His chest delicately grazing her lower back as he lovingly caressed the colorful wonder before him…his trance partially interrupted as his fingers accidentally brushed against one of the scars upon her skin.
“…it should be a crime to harm something so beautiful…”, Sanji whispered against her flesh. 
Finally having a moment to catch her breath, Mizu panted against her pillow.
“Having to hide for so long…yet still protecting everyone despite everything it cost…it’s…it’s unforgivable”.
“Not worth complaining over”, Mizu tried to soothe the man’s angst in between pants, “I did what I had to…”.
Sanji lifted his gaze.
“Everyone’s safe…”, he noticed the admirable smile upon her face. 
Astounded by how she could still smile after everything she endured.
“Had a few close calls, but…as long as my goal still exists, I won’t lose”.
Light tears began to wield in the pirate chef’s eyes. 
After all the pain…the blood she shed…losing everything…the people that he knows miss her more than anything…the home she may never have the chance to return to.
And after all that…she still wore the same smile as she did 2 years ago.
The first time they met.
He couldn’t take it…that strength…that nurturing endearment. It overwhelmed his very spirit. Igniting the fire in his soul.
“The scars may hurt…inside and out, but I can get by…I was born to do so…”, the woman softly spoke before a sharp gasp was forced from her lungs.
The full warmth of Sanji’s body now rests over her. His lips now ghosting over her shoulder. Hands clasped against her tampered flesh. His slightly callused fingertips gliding over every inch he could reach
“Mizu…”, he whispered against her flesh.
Her eyes shut as he delicately kissed and nipped at her freckle dusted skin. Soft mewls floating from her throat.
“…I’m sorry I couldn’t be there when you needed me”.
“D…Don’t go soft on me, now”, the woman replied in a pant. A futile attempt to display strength as her teeth lightly sunk into one of her fingers, hoping to remain quiet.
“You’ve always been looking out for me...these past 2 years…and I never noticed”, his hand gliding against her side toward where the sheets met against her breasts.
“Th-that was…the point”, she continued her useless charade.
“Tricking Marines…fending off rouge pirates alone…”, the man inhaled deeply as he gently forced his knee in between her legs. “Beautiful and devious…and still so kind”.
Mizu couldn’t find the strength to muster a response as he pushed his clothed erection against her already damp core. She knew he had to have felt it…for he pushed himself further against it.
“One can’t express the love someone like that deserves with mere words…”, the man whispered, his lips rising from her shoulder to her neck.
His hand slipping in between her body and the sheets. His other lowering itself toward her bare porcelain rear.
Her voice choked against her body’s aggressive tingling.
“…and not just anyone is worthy to love such a goddess…”, his words ghosted against her flesh.
His fingers crawled over her uncovered rear cheek.
“Not even someone like me…”.
A sharp gasp entered Mizu’s lungs as one of his digits grazed over her tender nipple.
“…S-Sanji…you’re…”, the woman softly whispered.
“…but I’ll be damned if I let you get away from me again to be taken by someone else…you’re mine…until my dying day…and even in death, I’m yours…and I’ll protect you”.
His voice, though still sensually soothing, now much more prominent than before.
Her glossy lavender eyes peeled open. Their faces now in such close proximity, it was nearly impossible for her to focus on anything other than his loving gaze.
“…do you trust my promise?”
His anchor goatee gingerly grazing her cheek. Her breath was short. The weight of his love choked her to near asphyxiation. She craved it…her entire body was begging for him in every way. Knowing that anyway he took her, she would feel safe…
His promise to her was like a spell that she couldn’t escape.
She knew he meant it…every word of it…and believed it.
“Yes”, she whispered against his longing lips.
For a split second…she could have sworn she noticed his eyes shift to a scarlet red.
“All I needed to know…”.
His voice darkened to a sinful devilish grunt before Mizu felt an instant tight grip against her breast and her ass.
A sharp wail of pleasured pain roared from her throat.
Harmoniously echoing about the room.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
3 notes · View notes
jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Black + Blue Pt. III
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V | Pt. VI | Pt. VII
Warnings: Signs of PTSD
Word Count: 1,387
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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Lavender iris’ fixated on his sharp moonstone gaze.
The chef’s expression never changing despite his growing frustrations.
Virtually in awe of her unexpected visitor, the loose fabric of her kimono began to slide down from her body…her freckle dusted breasts nearly forcing their way beyond their silk seams.
“Well...”, Sanji finally softly spoke as he lifted a new cigarette to his mouth, igniting it with the subtle flame of his lighter.
Haven’t being this close to him in two years, her skin flushed at the sight. His defined muscles flex at his movements as he took his first drag.
“…you’ve had a really bad day, huh?”
Unbelievably it was the first time she had really seen…what really lied underneath that suit and tie.
His bare arms…his chest mostly left to view under such tight black fabric.
“Well, if you would’ve asked…”.
His hands returning to his pockets.
“…I would’ve showed up sooner”.
The soothing rustic charm of his voice ringing through her ears.
The light chill of the night probing her to frantically cover her torso.
“W-Wha…what’re you doin’ up so la…how’dyou get up here?”
“I walked”.
“You walked…”, her eyebrows lightly narrowed toward him.
“Well, sort of…”, the man shifted his gaze toward the edge of the balcony, taking another drag from his cigarette.
“Oh, well, when ya put it that way…”, the woman sarcastically retorted. 
Retracting her lance, the woman retreated to the plush luxury of her quarters. 
“Come on, then”, she softly called out to him, “before ya catch somethin’ out there”.
The chainsmoker pirate in tow. The stained glass door gently shut behind him.
The tumbling gears engaging the lock.
The shimmery vibrant designs upon thin silk of her kimono gleamed against the chandelier. Strangely matching against her long flowing turquoise locks.
Her sweet lavender scent now delightfully overwhelming his senses.
Her movements so lively…her delicate features emphasized at her most base form.
“So”, she finally spoke up forcing him to pull himself from his spellbound state. Setting her lance back in its original placement. 
“I reckon ya got a good reason for scarin’ me into nearly knockin’ your head clean off back to the East Blue”.
A subtly playful smirk upon her lips, her arms folded underneath her breasts.
A soft chuckle lifting from the man’s throat.
“Sorry”, the man replied. Smoke still floating to the ceiling. “I guess I should’ve expected as much”.
“Besides, don’t you have company at the moment?”, the woman reminded him with a hinting grin. “It’s not like you to hold out on’a pretty lady”.
“Dunno”, he shrugged to himself, his expression returning to its previous state. “As far as I know, my rooms empty and locked”.
The woman’s brows raised, perplexed by his response.
“You…didn’t like any of them?”
“Actually, the opposite”, the man prepared his response with another drag of his cigarette. His passionate essence morphing the smoke into his vision of their silhouette.
“They were beautiful”, he confirmed.
Mizu’s features flooding in delicate sorrow. Although still clearly caught in her uncertainty.
“Each with a kind, soothing, and nurturing heart”.
“Well, of course”, Mizu’s voice softening in light solemn. “I know how you like your women”.
“Well…”, the man took a final drag from his cigarette before discarding it. “You’re only half right”.
“That so?” 
Readjusting her kimono as it continued to slip further down her breasts, Mizu’s intrigue heightened. 
“How’dya figure?”
“You know me well enough by now…to know that there is so much for me to love about any woman”.
Sanji’s hands firm in his pockets.
“Hell, you know so much…it was impossible for them to disappoint”.
A light smirk upon his face as he began to approach her.
“The flaws are of a woman are just mere cracks that can easily be mended by the proper love and care…and I have taken an oath to do so without a scrap of hesitation”.
Mizu lightly trembled at the sudden abundance of heat that enveloped the room.
“I am a man…that was born to love the most beautiful women in all the world”.
He firmly stated as he stood before Mizu. Her pearl flesh shifting to a pale pink. Her breath hinged.
“But…”, his tone softened. His slate gaze forwarded to meet hers, filled with anxious desire.
“I only ever craved the love of one”.
Mizu’s lips parted just barely as she tried to find her voice beyond her rising heat. Tearing her eyes away in a desperate ploy to hide.
Clutching onto the seams of her kimono, overwhelmed by the pounding in her chest. Forgetting how to breathe.
“…And…what makes you think this one…is capable of that?” Her question following a soft gulp.
“Because she told me”, the man quickly and firmly answered. Anticipating the woman’s potential to lie.
“She told me when she screamed it to the masses of an entire empire…that long thought she was dead”.
“That was…I-“.
“When she threatened to kill her own family if they even lifted a finger toward me”.
His voice rose slightly.
“I was trying to protect you-“.
“When she risked her own skin to save my ass!”, he nearly shouts as he lifts her arm in between them.
The sleeve of her kimono sliding down to reveal the bandaged aftermath of her stopping her father’s axe from colliding with the chef’s skull.
Yanking her arm away in sorrowful rage.
“Well, what in the hell was I supposed to do?! I didn’t have a choice or they were going to-!!”
“Kill me!!”, Sanji finished her sentence for her. “You could’ve chosen that, but you didn’t”.
Mizu’s glare was compromised with potential tears.
“…I…I didn’t want someone else to die because of me!!”
“But I would FOR you!! You know that!! So why do you choose to lie to me even now?!”
Sanji was taken aback.
However, not by her tone.
Her soft lavender gaze…now split in half by her pupils resembling that of a snake.
Seeing her reflection in his stare, she quickly turned away from him. The pain of her power surging…the shame causing her body to tremble.
“Mizu…”, Sanji reached out toward her in heavy concern. 
“Just give it a rest, willya?! You shouldn’t have even…been dragged into this in the first place”, Mizu replied. The weight on her shoulders heavy with grief.
“You had nothing to do with this…and now…”, her voice quivered as her pain grew.
A sharp gasp escaped her lungs as the man’s arms wrapped firmly around her body, her breasts settled in between them.
“Mizu…”, Sanji’s voice softened against her ear. “…just tell me...do you really love me…?
Mizu’s breath hinged as she pushed back her sobs. His touch soothing her to relax.
“Then why are you trying to push me away…?”
“Because you shouldn’t…you shouldn’t love me…I…I could destroy everything…everyone…and…I still can’t even control all of it…and I can’t escape it”.
She lightly sobbed as she reached behind her, hands trembling as they grazed the soreness of her battered birthmark. Sanji’s heart sinking remembering her abuse. Imagining her pain killed him. “…this bloody hunk of scales proves it… I’m…I’m just a monster!”
Sanji’s grip tightened against her body. His heartbeat firm against her back…the warmth soothing her pain.
“You listen to me”, the pirate chef spoke against gritted teeth, “…you are NOT a monster”.
Her fists clenched against her chest beneath his arms.
“I didn’t fall in love with a monster. The ocean is a vast mysterious world…that many people only fear because they underestimate what lies in your heart. You are the very thing that guides fools like me to their hopeless dreams…but mine is the heart of all oceans…”.
“…but…I can’t feel it…”, Mizu’s sobbed lightly. “…I can’t feel the All Blue so…how am I supposed to help you with your dre-“.
“OUR dream”, Sanji abruptly halted her words, his voice soft, rich with love. “And it’s alright…one day you will...and we’ll find it together”.
With subtle kiss to her shoulder, Sanji began to gently pull the kimono down, exposing just a few scars upon her back…a light glimmer of her scales.
“W-Wait, Sanji…”.
A light shush quieting the fearful woman.
“Don’t worry…”, a subtle whisper against her freckle dusted shoulders giving the woman a pleasant chill. 
The scales gleaming off the chandelier.
“…I’ll take care of it”.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
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jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Black + Blue Pt. II
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V | Pt. VI | Pt. VII
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 814
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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A gentle breeze blew the exhaled smoke into the abyss of the night.
As Sanji’s slate eyes remained settled upon the balcony above him.
A dim light illuminated the space just beyond his field of vision.
He stared deeply into that light. The stain glass made it a rich shade of blue.
Blue as the sea beyond these royal shores. Blue as that his maiden’s silky hair.
Like a shallow coral reef, it shimmered in turquoise. Her lips delicate like a peach to which he could only assume were just as sweet.
Her skin like seashells washed over by the rushing tide, but plush like mounds of whipped cream.
Transparent freckles dusted upon her cheeks, her shoulders, atop her ample breasts like powdered sugar over cotton cheesecake.
Eyes of like succulent macarons, their essence graced with soothing lavender.
The fairest maiden that ever graced the seas. Just beyond those balcony doors.
The palace walls were slick.
It’s been said that many have tried to scale them in the past during kidnap attempts, though none have lived to tell the tale.
The only evidence of these attempts have been their remains splattered upon the grounds below.
It wasn’t a mystery of the steepness of this drop, so you’d only be a fool with a suicide wish to even think to try.
And Sanji certainly was no fool.
Taking another drag from his cigarette, his eyes still fixated upon his target.
So close, yet so far. But worth every step.
Lifting his foot forward, as it appeared to be planted in midair, he hoisted himself forward.
Taking another step, elevating against the wind, clearing the alabaster stone.
Soaring higher and higher like a staircase in the sky.
The sky walking chef’s eyes never leaving his destination.
The higher he climbed, the more his heart pounded against his eardrums.
The more her scent intoxicated him. He was already drunk off her very existence…but he only craved more.
Was it her skill as a bartender, her genius in witchcraft at work, his desires to love the most beautiful women of all the world…these only mere aspects that laced the perfection he’s coveted for so long.
The affection she displays always so obvious…and her eager flirtations always turning his head.
For two years his heart, body and mind had been teased…his dreams flooded with his hopes of one day hearing her serene and seductive strine voice declare a profession of love…
Hearing her scream this to her family…her kingdom…to the heaven’s…halting his execution by the hand of her father…her blood spilled for the security of his heart…
It was now impossible to deny his certainty.
Was it truly possible for such beauty to strike such heavy fear into the hearts of so many?
He was certain if they could see her…if they could hear the liveliness in her spirit, her wholesome soul…they wouldn’t possibly be able to consider being afraid. 
However, they would never be able to love her as much as he did.
He would never give them the chance…
She belonged to him…she deserved the love that only he could provide.
Someone who couldn’t possibly see her as a monster…someone that saw beyond the myths and rumors.
Someone that could forgive her secrecy and the lies…someone that could understand how it feels to not be wanted…by those who were meant to love them.
The soles of his feet colliding with the cool stone below, he took one final drag from his cigarette before discarding it.
The stained glass having the pattern of a blue dragon surrounded by oceans waves.
He could barely see beyond the thick pane, but the subtle movements of a figure…and a contrasting discoloration of blue.
His body now mere inches from the door.
Lifting his fist from his loose pocket, although knowing full well she wouldn’t stop him from entering, his chivalry probed him to knock.
The woman startled by the sudden noise from outside her room.
“Bloody hell…”, she exhaled behind a sharp gasp.
At such an hour…she was partially on the defensive.
“Ya must be a real cocky bastard, aye?”
Wrapping herself in her kimono, the loose fabric slipping down her shoulders, she takes hold of her bladed lance.
“Of all the days I’ve ‘ad, you pick today of all days?”
Her grasp firm behind her back as she quickly inched toward the door.
“Well, if you think I don’t have the mind to toss ya ov’r that bloody rock myself”, she angrily warned the unknown visitor before yanking the glass door open, her lance hoisted to strike.
“Ya got another thing comi-“, she was halted by a sharp gasp.
Her heart skipped a beat…or a few.
Lavender eyes become saucers in light disbelief as she identified her visitor.
His stance firm. Hands in their usual position in his pockets.
And an unnerved slate blue gaze piercing into her soul.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
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jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Black + Blue
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III | Pt. IV | Pt. V | Pt. VI | Pt. VII
Warnings: None.
A/N: This is basically an explanation of Mizu’s backstory in relation to Sanji’s leading up to my first NSFW Sanji piece.
Word Count: 794
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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“A-Are you sure, sir?”
The maid nervously asked, lightly surprised by the chef’s rejection to her offer.
Especially after what her mistress had informed her about his desires.
“I mean...that bed is much too large for you to have to sleep in it alone”, she continued to insist followed by an affectionate flutter of her eyelashes. “Don’t you think?”
“Oh, no, It’s perfectly fine”, the ero-chef responded with a friendly smile and gracing wave of hand. “There’s no need to worry”.
“Uh...”, the woman was beside herself on what to do.
“You have a good night, Miss”, the man smiled kindly, backing into his room.
“Uh, wai-“, the woman began to speak before the door lightly shut in front of her.
The lock engaged.
Shoving his hands back into his pockets, the chef sighs to himself as he makes his way across the room toward the stained glass doors.
Stepping onto the large balcony beyond them, laced with alabaster stone, he removed a cigarette from his pocket followed by his gold lighter.
Lighting the cigarette, and with a deep inhale, blew a large grey cloud into the depths of the moonlit night.
Over the foreign land of his forbidden love.
The Kingdom of Ryu.
Home of the ancient Ryujin empire.
One of the wonders of the Grand Line.
A sworn enemy of Germa.
Mostly due to their natural power of the world…that natural power that was not a commonality in the Germa Kingdom.
This power…brewed deep within the aspects of time and space. Some people say the Gods themselves granted them this power.
The kingdom housed four subordinate tribes. One in each ocean.
The Mountain Tribe of the East. The Snow Tribe of the West. The Blue Tribe of the North and the Sun Tribe of the South.
And ever once in a while…the every tribe would received a spiritual blessing granting a being with the power to harness the world’s energy and its gifts.
These beings were the Ryujin. Dragon God’s of the Ancient Era.
Their power defied even the Devil Fruit’s.
…and because of their great power, it was said long ago, they greeted the world with open arms. Using their strength and abilities with benevolence and wholehearted affection to their people…the Ryujin were loved among all.
Nowadays…they’re considered extremely dangerous…feared throughout the entire world and are highly sought after by the government.
However, their status prevents direct intervention…which is why they never dare to set foot upon Ryu territory.
But outside of their element…they are free to cause havoc and mayhem from sea to sea.
14 years ago…the world panicked at the fear of this nightmare come true when the world government caught wind of the sudden disappearance of the Blue Ryu…Dragon God of the sea…the most dangerous of the four…
Said to hold the power to topple civilizations and drown islands…the tide in her hands with the potential to destroy the world as we know it…
Such a fearsome creature could never find atonement…redemption…happiness…it was unheard of. Considered blasphemous to most…especially to Germa.
In fact, Sanji remembered being taught to hate them when he was a kid…
He never really bothered to care much about it…especially after he ran away to sea.
Their existence became minuscule to him…until 2 years ago…when he had the chance to meet one face to face.
And although he didn’t know who she was…he knew that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
From her porcelain powdered freckled face to her long unkempt turquoise hair…her skill behind the bar like magic to his eyes…the flavor of her personal concoctions was like a spell casted upon his very soul.
The chemistry of their abilities in the kitchen filled him with such longing for her…after all, there was nothing like a strong bond between a chef and his bartender.
Their professions usually being that of competition…but they both hated competing…and with their passion reaching the same heights as well as their dreams…
…they were the perfect pairing…a force modeled together by clay.
Her collective grace…her tenacious prowess. Headstrong…loyal…loving…
She was his salvation and his medicine.
Knowing this, the chef gritted his teeth in frustration. He had never experienced a moment where he could turn down such a beautiful face.
The maid that offered to see him to bed…the one that wanted to feed him earlier that evening…the one that even asked to bathe with him.
The ones that she sent.
These fantasies of his have never seemed so…forced…so wrong.
His glare lifted to a higher balcony.
A familiar scent of lavender activating the chef’s sensitive sense of smell…It made his blood boil.
Because she knew him so well…she knew his mind…
…she knew what he liked…
“Damn you…”.
…yet…not what he wanted.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
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jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Torn | Pt. III
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III
Warning: None.
Word Count: 1,275
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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A subtle echo of a pulsating pair of beats.
They had a rhythm to their sequence.
It was difficult to focus on it though.
Being overpowered by the fresh cool scent of mint.
The beating became more prominent the more potent the scent.
Stronger and stronger by the second until.
A light gasp welcomed the flutter of lavender eyes.
The moon’s position directly illuminating the room to clear visibility.
There wasn’t much to recall, but it was...quiet...peaceful.
There was still a feeling there was something missing.
Perplexed by this feeling, the view was risen to more of a sitting position aside the window. Sheets rustling to movements.
The familiar smokey address to her name giving her a pleasurable chill as she turned to see her beloved chainsmoker seated across from her.
“Sanji?”, confusion mixed with her joy of having him in her presence as she remembered he was not here when she went to bed.
Before another word was able to leave her mouth, the man had made his way across the room taking her plush cheeks into his hands.
“How do you feel?”, he asked as he thoroughly examined her face. “Let me see”.
The color fully returned. Her powdered freckles fully visible.
“What time is it?”, Mizu asked merely concerned with why the chef was up so late.
Against his chivalrous judgment, Sanji gently examined her body, feeling her vulnerable spots with his hand, over the sheet.
“Does anything hurt?”
“N-no, I’m alright, honest”, she insisted as she tried to soothe the man’s concerns. His calm relief finally setting in.
“But you should be in bed. What’re you even doing here?”
“Chopper let me stay to make sure you were okay”, the chef explained as he rose from his position next to Mizu, briefly returning to the other side of the room.
“At this time’a night?”
“Someone needed to be here to keep your body from giving out on you again”.
His voice meshed with the sound of pouring tea. 
Sanji met her gaze with light concern as he returned to the bedside.
“You don’t remember any of it?”, he asked handing her the small cup.
Caressing her long turquoise locks. The look on her face answering his question.
“Your stitches tore apart in your sleep”, he explained holding her gaze. “You were shaking so much...and then you went into shock from blood loss”.
The situation finally setting into Mizu’s mind as she lowered her gaze to her tea.
“Your heart had nearly stopped beating all together until Chopper patched you up. Scared the shit out of me...”.
The potent mint and cool cucumber filling her nostrils. Her reflection shown in the liquid’s surface.
“So, just me being a problem for you...like normal...”.
Sanji swiftly shifted his gaze to the woman.
“...maybe my body finally giving up would do everyone some good. I mean, you could sleep”.
“Hey”, Sanji gently pulled the cup from her grasp, placing it to the side, as he scoot closer to her.
His ashy blue eyes bore beyond the lilac ripples within hers.
“You’re not a problem for me...or anyone here. We chose to come for you. I chose to”.
A delicately pained smile crept upon her lips followed by a few sorrowful tears.
“So, everyone could watch me kill you?...”
“That wasn’t you”, Sanji quickly reaffirmed. His hands once again on their rightful place upon her moonkissed cheeks. Their faces inches apart. “We all know that. YOU know that”.
Her tears like transparent waterfalls against his fingers.
“I shouldn’t be here…”, the woman’s sobs yanked at Sanji’s heart strings. 
“Why? What’re you saying?”
“…you would’ve taken that bullet…wouldn’t you?”, her lavender eyes shimmering against her tears.
“Mizu…don’t do this to-“.
“Just tell me…”.
Sanji was silent. His breath hinged.
“Yes”, he admitted, “I would’ve, if that’s what I came to”.
Mizu attempt to shake herself from the man’s grasp, her sorrow increasing, however to no avail.
“But I didn’t have to”, Sanji scooted closer being certain to keep her gaze, “And if I was there for you when I should’ve been…this never would’ve happened”.
Mizu released a subtle sigh at Sanji’s words with a light shake of her head. Returning her gaze to her lap.
“And it won’t…because what I said on the bridge…”, Mizu’s lavender stare returned to the man’s, “…I meant it”.
His slate stare soothing her somber soul.
“That wasn’t a distraction…”, he confirmed. “You are the only one I’ve ever truly loved”.
The woman’s heart nearly shattered at his words…she couldn’t have been worth that much…
“But…why me…? I’m a monster…”, Sanji forwarded his brow.
“I’m…I’m practically just like the Vinsmoke’s”.
A sharp grasp escaped her throat as Sanji, having enough of this, slammed his lips against hers in a desperate embrace, pulling her body against his.
Mizu, still in tears, melting against his body. Their colliding passion igniting like fireworks in between them.
She could feel him…everything he was…warming her very spirit. Her ample bosom plastered against his chest, their heartbeats intertwined.
Mizu’s breath hinged as the man pulled her onto his lap.
“Sanji…”, she whispered against his swollen lips, her cheeks flushed.
“Just stop it…”, the man lightly shook his head, “…don’t say another word and just listen for once”, his insisted.
Mizu was silent, her gaze firm. Rose lips slightly parted.
“You’re not leaving this ship...Luffy’s your captain and there’s no way around it”, he explained, “…but you are mine…not just as a bartender...you are my salvation, the entire world in my hands…and I’ll be damned if I ever let you compare yourself to those bastards…”.
Mizu left in awe, her stare glistening in the light. “Sanji, I-“.
“I need to hear you say it…”.
“…s…say what?”
“You know…tell me the truth…that you’ve been hiding from me this whole time”, his eyes more firm than they were before. Sending a jolt through Mizu’s spine.
“While you were under the Marine’s control…I knew that wasn’t you…I could see it in your eyes, but for a minute there…they changed…and I could tell that that…was the real you”.
Mizu’s eyes narrowed slightly…her heart weighing heavy with shame. She knew what he meant…
“There’s no use in lying to me anymore…so tell me…”.
Mizu gritted her teeth…after running for so long…from herself…the one’s that meant so much to her...and now the chain that held her from running any longer…was the one she spent so long protecting with her very life.
“I…”, her sobs causing her voice to shake, part of her hair dropping over her face.
“Look at me…”.
She rose her gaze to meet his once again, his sincere stare was like a portal directly to her soul.
“…I love you…Sanji…”, she confessed, all the pent up emotion over these past 2 years pouring from her all at once, “I love you so much and I…”.
Pulling her forehead against his, his protective hold against her soothing her fears.
“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…”, the woman whispered between them.
Continuing to mutter her apology, her exhaustion beginning to set in as she melted with his embrace.
Sanji didn’t need to say anything. His code bound him to forgive any woman…let alone one he loved so dearly.
Motioning himself toward the head of the bed, the woman unconsciously clinging to him for dear life…he rested his head against the pillow. Her face buried against him.
His protective grasp upon the wanted water dragon a promise in itself to keep her safe as he finally allowed his eyes to shut for the night.
There was no need for words. Or for anything else…but sleep.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
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jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Torn | Pt. II
Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III
Warning: None.
Word Count: 645
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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Sanji’s screams echoed throughout the Thousand Sunny.
His heart wrenched as he held the motionless Mizu in his grasp.
His desperate attempt to wake her proving itself to be futile.
The blood continued to soak into the gauze wrapped about her body.
His smoked out lungs aching as he screamed out to their reindeer doctor, refusing to abandon his Mizu.
Moments felt like hours.
But as the frightened chef was close to giving up hope, the sick bay door swung open furiously. The man temporality blinded by the lights.
“Sanji! What’s wrong?!”, the small reindeer’s high pitched voice, full of concern before poor Chopper took in the sight before him.
“Chopper, hurry!”, the man’s eyes filled with bitter tears.
 “I-I can’t feel a pulse!”
“WHAT?!”, Chopper shouted as he dashes over to examine the still maiden, taking hold of her wrist. “Her bandages! Her stitches must’ve ruptured in her sleep”.
“She’s stopped breathing”, Sanji explained, his attention never leaving the woman’s face hoping for a miracle, fighting himself on what could possibly be his last moments with her. 
“I…I can’t let this happen…”, he gritted his teeth. His eyes shut fighting back bitter tears. “Not after everything that she...that I…”.
“Sanji, listen to me!”, the small reindeer firmly addressed the man, eyebrows forwarded. The chef lightly startled by the creature’s aura. 
“You can’t lose hope. She’s still alive”.
Sanji’s eyes widened, a sharp gasp entered his lungs before he returned his gaze to the woman’s still pale face.
“When her wound opened up, her body when into a state of shock”, the reindeer explained as he geared himself to operate. “Her body has sustained a lot of damage. It’s incredible that she’s survived this long”.
“…that’s what comes with being a Ryujin”, Sanji somberly explained, caressing her cheek with the back of his fingers. “She was trained mercilessly...to be some kind of mercenary”.
Light droplets of sweat emerged against Mizu’s cheek as Sanji’s rage began to light his very soul ablaze.
“…they broke her over and over and over…just so they could rebuild her like some sort of machine forced to endure anything and everything…and expected to come back better…stronger…until there’s nothing left of your humanity…”.
“Just like you…”, Chopper chimed in suddenly, “…which is exactly why she needs you right now”.
It was then Sanji finally remembered to breathe…the flame within him began to subside as he turned his gaze toward Chopper.
“Because if you hadn’t had been here when this happened, we definitely would’ve lost our chance”, he explained. “So, you have to remain calm and stay strong…for her”.
The man remained silent. But the sweat upon Mizu’s cheek ceased...Sanji’s eyes bore into her porcelain face.
“Alright, that should do it”. Chopper recovered her body when he finally finished. “Once she stabilizes she should wake up”.
“Are you sure it won’t open again?”
“Yes, but one of us will need to stay here to make sure she remains in stable condition”, the reindeer doctor explained, cleaning his hooves.
“I’ll do it”, Sanji very quickly insisted.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah…its not like I was getting much sleep anyway”, the cook explained. His heart beginning to ease as he began to notice her powdered freckles return to her face.
“Besides, I can quickly whip something up for her when she wakes up”.
“Well…”, Chopper resigned to Sanji’s confidence in the situation, “…okay then”. 
The small reindeer began to exit the room.
“Nothing spicy”, he instructed the chef, “and make sure she drinks plenty of water, alright?”
“Yeah, yeah”, the chef responded as Chopper finally took his leave. Returning to his bed for the night.
A soft smile stretched upon the man’s face as he gently brushed the woman’s hair from her face.
A subtle warmth emitting from her face.
“Don’t worry”, the man softly reassured the sleeping woman, “…I’m not going anywhere”.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
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jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
Pt. I | Pt.II | Pt. III
Warning: Angst, blood
A/N: This is only part one!
Word Count: 817
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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Sanji stood in front of the door to the sick bay.
The small circular window giving him a clear view of the moonlit maiden sleeping soundly. Her long teal hair frayed over the pillow.
Porcelain freckle dusted cheek exposed as she faced the wall.
Sanji hadn’t had an easy time getting to sleep tonight. He pretty much refused to go to bed. His worry of her being alone kept pulling him back to this spot.
It took him so hours to even leave the kitchen. Triple washing every dish, quadruple checking the pantry, moving from the table to the bar.
Thoroughly scrubbing it down and waxing it until the mahogany surface showed his reflection, even to the stubble on his upper lip.
Setting up every bottle precisely to compliment her sequencing technique, her utensils and tools to where they were the easiest to reach and give her the most comfortable flow.
Down to the symmetrical placement of lemons and limes.
He knew how she liked it.
This procedure was extensive and even extreme in some cases, but as a world class chef with exceptionally high standards for the Sunny’s kitchen, this shared quality pushed his attraction to her even further…
…the idea of her cleaning it so thoroughly and carefully to the slightest singular detail…he felt droplets of sweat form over his eyebrow.
This had taken hours until he finally forced himself to at least attempt to go to bed. However, he had only managed to change into his sleep ware before he was once again back at that door.
The man’s statuesque frame stationed in the same position as before.
In a vicious battle with his mind on whether he should enter.
The events that went on today…the entire crew could feel the weight of shame she carried. Sanji felt it the most…it was as clear to him as the inside of the barrel of the pistol she was forced to hold to his face.
It wasn’t her fault…everyone knew…she knew…but how else could someone feel when they’re used as a puppet to kill the one person they gave up everything in their entire world to protect?
This weight was like a magnet to this door for Sanji.
His chivalry respecting her indecency…battling his love for her…his desire to hold her to make her feel safe for the first time in 2 years.
Her clothes were soaked in blood, evidence of the torture she endured before they arrived, were discarded…her bare body coated in bandages.
A partial view of the blue dragon brand that coated her back could be seen behind her hair, the blanket covering the bottom half.
She was vulnerable...and in a way he could cure, however…he feared he would only hurt her more…what if he couldn’t trust his own desires?
He only wanted to comfort her…but he would be a fool to attempt to deny her beauty and his deep longing for her that has ravaged his mind for the past 2 years…
“Tch…dammit”, he whispered to himself as he covered his face with his hand. Frustrated with his indecisiveness.
“What the hell do I do…?”
A light sob made its way through the glass.
Sanji abruptly lifted his gaze from his grasp to look through the small pane.
His sky blue eyes filling with concern as he noticed Mizu’s body violently trembling, her delicate hands gripping viciously against the pillow.
He couldn’t see very much, but what he could notice of her porcelain complexion was that she seemed more pale than usual and her back was coated in seat.
Could she had been having a nightmare? He was still high in his uncertainty. She was suffering…but of what? If it was a dream, she should stop any moment, right?
Suddenly…a light tab barely broke the silence outside the room as Sanji’s cigarette hit the Sunny’s wooden floors.
He feared his heart stopped beating once he saw the white sheets begin to catch to deep red over her body.
Not a single thought had passed before Sanji had hurled himself into the sick bay, tearing the sheet from the woman’s naked body, exposing her to the chill, to see her hand over a bandage wrapping her side that seeped with blood.
“Oh, no…”, the man whispered in terror as he tried to put pressure on the bleeding to stop it. 
“Shit!”, he shouted to himself as crimson continued to coat his hands.
Glancing toward the woman as her trembling began to cease, his panic rose significantly as he could no longer notice any sign of breathing.
“Mizu?”, the man’s voice shaking in fear as he turned her body toward him, still trying to keep pressure on the wound. “Hey! Come on, say something!”
“No, no, no, no! Stay with me, MIZU!”, his voice began to carry in his panic. Checking her pulse.
He felt his heart drop.
He felt nothing.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
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jambenoirdragonbleu · 4 years
All For You
My first piece with Sanji and my new OC, Mizu Florence. Writing about this ship is still a little difficult for me, but I will be writing more in the future along with my other OC ships. But I hope you guys enjoy my pieces and Mizu herself. Thank you guys. :)
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 1,128
OC’s: Mizu Florence
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Sanji’s eyes shot open in shock and slight fear as Mizu’s delicate hands clasped firmly against his face.
Her lavender glare glossed over like they were nearly about to spill with angry tears.
With a sharp finger pointed toward his face, the woman’s trembling lips parted.
“Don’t...ever...say that...about yourself”, she demanded in a near shaky whisper.
Her deep strine accent slipping through the cracks, still somehow soothing the man’s angst.
“You are not a failure”, she continued. “You are the most remarkable...and beautiful person I have ever known”.
A low exhale escaped Sanji’s lungs at her words.
“You’ve endured so much pain...and cruelty...from those who ought to have loved you”, clearly choking up at the thought, “...and you still accomplished so much...and still have the purest soul I have ever seen...”.
Her dark brows twitch lightly as she struggles to hold back her sorrow.
“And after all that...to hear you call yourself a failure”, her barriers broken as tears finally begin to stream down her pale cheeks, “...breaks my heart more than words could ever express”.
“Mizu-“, Sanji immediately reacted to the woman’s tears as he reaches for her face.
Her grasp on his face loosening to a more gentle sensation against his skin.
“You shouldn’t cry over someone like me...please”, Sanji began to wipe her face, his fingers soft against her plush skin, “I’m not special...”, Mizu’s face began to heat up.
“I don’t deserve your tears”. 
With a swift motion of her arms, Mizu forced herself from Sanji’s grasp.
“And just what do you consider special?!”, her voice rose to a near shout.
Her fists clenched, muscles tense.
“Mizu-“, Sanji tried to quiet down the angered woman, attempting to comfort her in an embrace.
“Someone like Judge?!”, she continued on as she continuously pushed his hands away.
“No, that’s not what-“.
“Your asshole brothers?!”, her voice continued to rise. “Emotionless, soulless beasts with nothing to care for?! Nothing to protect?!”
“Mizu, stop-!”
“You think that’s what I want?!”, the woman shouted as she slammed the man’s back against the wall with her bare hand.
A low grunt erupted from Sanji’s throat upon impact.
The silence between them only broken by heavy pants as Sanji’s gaze met her tearful glare.
“Of all people...?”, her tone lowered. Softened even. Her rage nearly completely seeped from her body.
Taking this opportunity without hesitation, Sanji pulled the woman into a warm embrace against his chest.
Her tears coating his tank.
Her delicate fingers lightly gripping against it.
“That’s not what I want...that’s not what you need to be special...Sanji...”.
She whimpered against him.
The man was silent, but held her tighter.
“...I love you...”, she confessed wholeheartedly, her voice brighter than her usual tone.
Sanji’s eyes saucers. “…what?”
 “...I have been since we met...over 2 years of having you in my life and...finally getting the chance to be here to tell you...”.
With her eyes shielded, Sanji turned his view to the mirror on the other wall...catching the view of the sincerity within her face. Her bitter tears flowing like waterfalls of agony as she desperately clung to him for dear life.
Her eyes clasped shut. Her body trembling like she was in pain at the sheer thought of him being anything like the Vinsmoke’s…or anything less than himself.
But why? ...what was he other than a failed experiment? A broken man on a search for an impossible dream?
“...you are everything”.
His eyes widened at her reflection. A light gasp rose his chest.
“I’ve lost everything...”, she continues on, “...my mum...my home...family, my friends...and I always pushed on”.
Her gaze finally rose, yet still not meeting his eyes.
“...because of you”.
Sanji felt himself begin to melt against her body. His hold on her never letting up as she spoke.
“I ran for so long and so far from the government…rouge pirates…my past…”, Sanji could hear his heart crack at the somberness in her voice, “…and every day I was so close to just throwing in the towel and callin’ it quits…but I kept thinking…’if I give up now…I’ll disappoint him’”.
A light flush filled Sanji’s cheeks as he recalled what he expressed to Judge as to why he saved them…because his real father would be disappointed.
“…and I knew the further away I ran…from everyone I loved, the safer you all would be. But I realized it wasn’t about everyone else”, she admitted. “I’ve kept Bloodbane safe for so many years…no matter what happens to me, I knew they’d be safe, but through it all, the only time I did not know what to do…was when they mentioned the damn Straw Hats”.
Her normal tone resurfacing putting him more at ease.
“That’s when I figured out…you are the only thing in this entire world I can’t live without...that I can’t lose...every little part of you is everything that makes me whole”.
“Mizu…”, Sanji exhaled in a near whisper, otherwise speechless at the woman’s confession before she finally meets his gaze.
Their faces mere inches from one another, their eyes gleaming against one another’s.
“…doesn’t that make you special?”
Sanji’s cheeks flushed at her question.
“I wasn’t wrong though”, his smooth rustic voice filling her itching ears. 
A delightful warmth filled her adorable plush cheeks and nose, dusted with freckles like powdered sugar, as he gently brushed her oceania teal hair behind her ear.
Sanji’s breath hinged as he took in the view of her beautiful face...her exquisite mermaid features. She was a real jewel of the ocean. It took everything to convince him that he had not already found his All Blue.
“I don’t deserve your tears”, Sanji admitted as he caressed her cheek. “After everything I did…everything you went through…I could’ve stopped it”, his eyes began to gloss over. “I don’t deserve you…or your love”.
“Well, that’s all you’re getting from me, sailor”, Mizu softly yet firmly reassured the troubled chef. “I’d be sure to remember that if I were you”.
Sanji couldn’t do anything, but release a sigh that couldn’t be described as anything less than relief and pure joy, her loving smile lighting a fire in his heart.
“Now, c’mere”, Mizu finally gave into her desires pulling the man’s lips to hers.
Sanji’s heart nearly exploding as he could feel the passion within her warming her body against his. 
There was no need for fear or chivalry as the chef deepened their kiss. He knew what she wanted and what he could give her, she would take all of it with nothing less than the purest love he could ever imagine.
It was then Sanji knew…
…he had truly found his All Blue.
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Tagging: @digitalkanvas​ @completelyinappropriate​ @aquathemermaidstripper​ @glacian-apocalypse​ @melodiousjp​
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