jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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Lovely Sri Lankan kasthanes
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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SPIRITED AWAY — 2001, dir. Hayao Miyazaki
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
“A mycelial network is a map of a fungus’s recent history and is a helpful reminder that all life-forms are in fact processes not things. The ‘you’ of five years ago was made from different stuff than the ‘you’ of today. Nature is an event that never stops. As William Bateson, who coined the word genetics, observed, ‘We commonly think of animals and plants as matter, but they are really systems through which matter is continually passing.’”
— Merlin Sheldrake, Entangled Life
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
“You always learn from observing. You have to pick things up nonverbally because people will never tell you what you’re supposed to know. You have to get it for yourself: whatever it is that you need in order to survive. You become strong by doing the things you need to be strong for. This is the way genuine learning takes place.”
— Audre Lorde (via tirhase)
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
my favorite clip studio assets!
since i’ve been using csp a lot more now i thought i’d make a post of the assets i use the most for ppl looking for good stuff!
general brushes: Pen + Caspar Pen (かしペン+カスレかしペン) (my fav pen for sure) Erase Along Edge (YOU NEEED THIS ERASER YOU NEED IT!!!) Freehand Style Brush Set (フリーハンド風ブラシセット) (cant recommend this one highly enough, i use it for all my backgrounds) Bong pen OBONGBONG’S PEN Halftones (スルスル塗れる5線刻みトーンブラシ) A non-shin pen (しんでないペン) SU-Cream Pencil Noisy Ink Brush v2 Simple Retro Halftone Brushes Smeared Paintbrush (べっとり絵筆) A breather pen (一息ペン) Aj’s Pencil Set Watercolor set (수채화 세트) T-marker Wind Brush Set (Tマーカー風ブラシセット) Watercolor marker ▲ ■ and texture set (水彩マーカー●▲■とテクスチャーセット)
special effect and decorative brushes: Tights Pen (タイツペン) Glitch Brushes 2 (彩塵ブラシ(Prism Dust) Hand-painted effect set No. 2 (手描き効果セットNo.2) Oriental Emblem 11-20 (동양 문양 11-20) (this creator has so many amazing assets ive downloaded them all) Ribon brushes (りぼんブラシ) Lace Set レース セット Ornate lace Bramble (rose-玫瑰叢) Loose hand-painted sprinkle brush (ゆるゆる手描きのふりかけブラシ) Bush pen (수풀 펜) Fantasy Papers Pearl Brush (真珠ブラシ)
gradient maps: Gradient map set for hologram (홀로그램용 그라데이션 맵 세트) Yunywave★ Gradient Set cb gradients 3 ONG SET
3D: The Only Perspective Grid You Need! 3d sketch head Movable horse 1.8 A (可動のお馬 1.8a) Sitting poses collection (便利かもしれない座りポーズ集)
misc: Raiku RGB Shift Hand-drawn Rags tool Set (手描きのボロ線ツールセット) VHS action set
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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akiko higashimura’s princess jellyfish || 東村アキコの『海月姫』
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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These pictures are killing me
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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Satsuma cat.
Instagram / Twitter
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
“The endless expansion of capital imposes a certain lifestyle on the mass of the population. But expansion dictates changes in lifestyle and the rate of turnover in lifetime also accelerates. These are the kinds of lifestyle shifts which attach to the consumerist principles and labor processes of endless accumulation. The subjective motivations and desires for instant gratification are part of the totality of relations which support and confirm the core principles of neoliberal capitalism.”
— David Harvey, The Anti-Capitalist Chronicles
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
I used to be able to understand 99% of the dialogue in Hollywood films. But over the past 10 years or so, I've noticed that percentage has dropped significantly — and it's not due to hearing loss on my end. It's gotten to the point where I find myself occasionally not being able to parse entire lines of dialogue when I see a movie in a theater, and when I watch things at home, I've defaulted to turning the subtitles on to make sure I don't miss anything crucial to the plot.
Knowing I'm not alone in having these experiences, I reached out to several professional sound editors, designers, and mixers, many of whom have won Oscars for their work on some of Hollywood's biggest films, to get to the bottom of what's going on. One person refused to talk to me, saying it would be "professional suicide" to address this topic on the record. Another agreed to talk, but only under the condition that they remain anonymous. But several others spoke openly about the topic, and it quickly became apparent that this is a familiar subject among the folks in the sound community, since they're the ones who often bear the brunt of complaints about dialogue intelligibility. 
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
“Entanglements are not intertwinings of separate entities, but rather irreducible relations of responsibility. There is no fixed dividing line between ‘self’ and ‘other’, ‘past’ and ‘present’ and ‘future’, ‘here’ and ‘now’, ‘cause’ and ‘effect’.”
— Karen Barad, Quantum Entanglements and Hauntological Relations
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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"Curiosity Killed My Beia" A comic I did for The Spinoff's Comic of the Month
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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Animal Travelers
Marie Claude Roch on Etsy
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
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LOVING VINCENT (2017) dir. Dorota Kobiela and Hugh Welchman
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jageunyeoujari · 2 years
87 year old grandmother from India brings joy into the hearts of transgender people all over the world
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Kali published the following Instagram post on the role of her grandmother in her life in this Instagram post:
The necklace I’m wearing in this photo was the first gift my grandmother gave to me after I came out to show her support for my transition. My grandmother was and is still my biggest support in my life. 
When I came out to her, I was scared she may not understand it and our relationship getting ruined. She was extremely worried at first about how society would treat me and had some health issues because of the stress, but she never let me know that she was worried. 
Slowly with time, she started getting better and now Fully loves me as the woman I am. She was the one who helped me make my mom and other relatives understand and accept me. 
I asked her if she wanted to be part of a reel for @officialhumansofbombay and she was so excited to do it with me and she said she wants to give a strong message to society to help every Transgender person out there to gain acceptance and love from their family.
I have included the video from Humans of Bombay above.
The 87-year-old says that she no longer cares about “log kya kahenge” – a Hindi phrase meaning, “what will people think.”
See also LGBTQ Nation and Republic World.
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