iz-codes · 3 months
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I was in a meeting where I had to share my screen to show some code errors. I totally forgot about my tabs and I had my Spotify playlist I made of my favourite ship (I love you Thorfinn and Canute).
They took notice.
They pointed it out.
I died inside.
Tip: always clear your unwanted tabs before a meeting 💯
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iz-codes · 3 months
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friday, february 2nd, 2024 | 17/100 days of productivity
hooray for friday! I stressed myself out a bit this morning by sleeping in and then putting too much on my todo list, but I took the time to figure out why I was stressed and pushed some tasks until tomorrow. I'm looking forward to resting this weekend :)
today's productivity & self-care:
finally finished section 2 of this certification course!
reviewed anki cards
helped a coworker with some code stuff, which always feels nice :)
took a walk on my lunch break
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iz-codes · 3 months
04.02.24, sunday
4h of the article swamp again. Been going through so many I’m starting to recognize some of the authors’ names like ”o heyy it’s sergio again”
duolingo french streak day 30
sent an email (personal hell is writing that stupid meaningless context sentence when the point of the email is to just forward articles so there’s nothing rly else to say than ”k so here are these”)
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iz-codes · 3 months
if you both create and consume, please select *create*. "Studyblr" in this case loosely encompasses any study/productivity/scholastic-improvement community on social media including Insta, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, etc.
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iz-codes · 3 months
Sunday, 04/02/24, 17:57
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Good lord this week has been one hell of a year [or however long its been ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌]
Four exams completed since my last update, three passed (two barely scraping by [one of then was BRUTAL]) and one pending
Im just happy its over (almost) and that i completed my first semester of uni first try. Two more exams and its two weeks off baby!!
I wont promise that nExT sEmEsTeR iLl StUdY hArD dEfInItElY but i know that i couldve scored better with discipline and proper prep
Anyway update:
All assignments
DSA passed (5/10)
Programming passed (7/10)
Logic passed (5/10)
Architecture pending but definitely passed
To do:
English exam (lol)
Hardcore study for math exam. The most intimidating one for last. Im going for bare minimum since its my most hated subject, anything above is a bonus
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iz-codes · 3 months
February 3 2024
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Long day of study catchup for me, but I'm finally not behind! Let's hope I can keep it that way. A lot of the material so far is review of some math concepts I've already done, but now in the context of algorithms, so the review helps me speed through it a little faster. Tomorrow my group is supposed to do a call together for the group homework problem, so I'm excited and a little nervous about that.
Things I did:
Caught up on readings
Discussion response posts
Saw my brother's solo for solo/ensemble
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iz-codes · 3 months
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messy morning desk / audio mixing between classes
morning class was canceled, so i had a nice breakfast of toast + hot honey in the morning
went to office hours for my research course to talk about my topic, it was super clarifying and helpful, and i’m excited to dive into it
had a class at noon, which was the discussion section for my sociology class
discussed my topic in my actual research course, and the initial feedback from people in the class was really encouraging, they seemed interested in it, and a few people even started talking about their personal connections to the topic, which is super exciting
went to ballet class (my first one back this semester)!
icky mental health hit me like a truck at the end of the day, so taking it easy and giving myself a treat
friendly reminder that masking in public is an act of love!!
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iz-codes · 3 months
Y'know learning to code isn't as hard as you'd think, all you really need is a browser capable of having 5000 tabs open simultaneously
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iz-codes · 3 months
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Day 1/90: 90-Day Challenge 🎀
Here we go again!!
Happy 1st of Febrary, lovelies 🩷
I was initially planning on coming back starting Monday but omg was I so tired after working all weekend and trying to keep up with school work. And now tomorrow is Friday, again? At least I'm not working double shifts this weekend, thankfully.
🏋‍♀️ Physical Health
walked ~10k steps
ordered some groceries
attempted to go to the gym (was having a bad day so it did not work out like that)
🧠 Mental Health
not much, but had a well needed, sorta relationship check in with my boyfriend due to some worrisome and upsetting dreams I had the previous night
♥️ Emotional Health
distracted myself from being sad and grumpy
📚 Intellectual Health
completed and submitted my 1st psyc assignment
planned homework for the next week in my planner
wrote down a sheet of things to remember for chemistry
🏘 Adulting
recieved my new insurance card in the mail and the virtual copy as well
set up an appointment with my therapist for this month
set up an appointment with my psych doctor for this month
set up an appointment with my PCP for this month
submitted an order for my birth control + other medication thru my pharmacy app
paid rent + made a credit card payment
🥰 Self Care
washed a load of laundry
scheduled some cleaning chores for the weekend afternoons
set up a morning routine (in my notes app) for me to begin following
bought some more electrolyte waters for the week
today was honestly not the best day for me mental health wise, if I'm being completely honest. I nearly cried a little but, was definitely overly mean to myself, and felt like garbage for a good part of today. but that didn't stop me from making myself a good dinner, relaxing a bit, being productive, and ending the day in a good mood.
I have no clue what tomorrow's post is going to look like since I have an 8am to 230pm class (we're going to be cooking for ourselves in preparation for the mini restaurant well be running next week). Right after class I'll have to change my shirt and head up a small hill on campus to my job, where I'll work from about 3pm to 930ish pm. so we will see what happens in tomorrow's update!
til next time lovelies 🩷
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iz-codes · 3 months
February 1 2024
No picture for today :(
Had a great day at work! I found a bug relating to code I wrote and it turns out the problem was not me 😌. Also had donuts in one of my meetings!
Things I did:
- work
- ran dishwasher
- more readings for class
- paid rent
- discussion post for class
I am a little overwhelmed with all my homework (for just one class!) but I'm hoping I'll be able to really dig in over the weekend and catch up
🎧 now listening: Chopin (gotta have that classical while I'm reading)
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iz-codes · 3 months
38-41 dop - [20 - 23/january]
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hmm weird days tbh.
I barely remember anything about them except that i studied for my Biophysics test, and then i took it yesterday lol. It went well btw.
📷 Also, i realized that filming myself while studying is a good way to keep myself accountable when I don't feel that much motivation. And everytime i try to look at my phone i remember it's filming, which stops me from reaching for it and guilt trips me to keep studying, so another advantage :))
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............. now about ✨today✨ ..................
42 dop (January 24th)
surprisingly good day
I woke up feeling so meh, barely managed to do anything in the morning. But then my friend was feeling off as well, and he called me.
🍲It really changed my mood immediately, i managed to prepare my lunch, do the dishes, and prepare myself to take a shower. So then we decided to videochat in the afternoon to study together. I somehow managed to revise half the topics for my Biostats exam (im going to retake it)
👩🏻‍💻 Even tho my friend still wasn't in the mood for studying, i somehow still managed to be productive, i think i just needed some human contact to give me the strength to actually move and do the stuff i wanted to do, bc i was basically in freeze mode, which sucked.
👩🏻‍🎓 We also did some research about our master degree options and subjects, we usually can't choose which subjects to take (they're mandatory of the degree) but in our master's we'll be able to choose a few optionals from a selection, so we also discussed those a bit and searched about it during my study breaks.
Aand now im going to study some more :)) Hope y'all have a wonderful day 🦋
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iz-codes · 3 months
This is hopefully going to be the second of a pair of hand warmers!
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January 25 2024
Well class technically started Tuesday but today I sat down and read through the "welcome to class" material. Looks like I'm going to be a bit busier than last semester! Hopefully it won't be too hard to keep up.
- work
- discussion post
- 3x dog walks
Listening: Die Young - Ke$ha
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iz-codes · 3 months
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Jan 31 2023
Somehow already behind on my class readings 😭 but I'm working very hard to catch up
Today I did:
- work
- gym
- so much reading for class
- errand to the grocery store
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iz-codes · 3 months
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January 25 2024
Well class technically started Tuesday but today I sat down and read through the "welcome to class" material. Looks like I'm going to be a bit busier than last semester! Hopefully it won't be too hard to keep up.
- work
- discussion post
- 3x dog walks
Listening: Die Young - Ke$ha
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iz-codes · 4 months
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iz-codes · 6 months
Day 2 of Coding
I didn't blog yesterday, but I still want to document what I learned.
I learned how to add images.
I have to add the image to my file first.
Then I use <im src="File name">
To edit the image I can use height/width.
I can also hyperlink my image by using <a href="website"><a/> around the image.
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I am still feeling good about learning to code. I do want to have more time to do more, but I rather do a little each day. Then to do nothing at all. Proud of myself because consistency is a challenge for me.
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iz-codes · 6 months
Doing nanowrimo for the first time this year🙏 considering it a practice run for an eventual book someday🥺
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