itssaramworld · 6 years
bad study/school habits to drop
like seriously, drop them now. 
they’re toxic and prevent you from being productive and doing your best.
comparing yourself to others. in anything, we tend to compare ourselves to others even though we know how unhealthy it is. stop comparing yourself to your friends and classmates because everyone works in different ways at different paces.
complaining. i get it. nobody wants to write multiple essays or do fifty math problems. it’s either you do it or you don’t. if you don’t do it, there’s nothing to complain about. if you do the assignment, why complain if you know you’ll finish it anyway ? complaining is counterproductive and honestly quite annoying.
being negative. “i’m gonna fail this test.” “i can’t do it.” everyone says these things to themselves, including me. sometimes i’ll say “i don’t understand anything” even though i’ve barely tried. have a positive attitude and try to believe in yourself. i think, therefore i am. speak your success into existence and put in the work.
cramming. if you know you have a test on friday, start studying a few days before. rather than spending a whole 3 hours studying the night before, start studying for 30 minutes on monday. take your time to understand the concepts. cramming stresses the body by trying to force memorization which usually doesn’t end up well.
going out when you have homework. i get it. you want to hang out with your friends, but you really should get your work done. make an effort to finish most/all of your work before you go out. personally, the fact that i have work to do lingers in the back of my mind which lowkey stresses me when i’m trying to have fun. who wants that ?
procrastinating. you all know why you shouldn’t do it so there’s really nothing to say. it’s one of the worst habits to have, and i hope all of you can work towards getting rid of it.
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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philosophy notes. #study #studygram #studynotes #notetaking
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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Goooood evening my little stars! Today I’m very happy to make you know I received my pack from “Glendows”, a super cute di stationary. I got: • Katherine Gel Pen (0.35) • LilyLily Gel Pen (0.35) • Julian Washi Tape in the style “G” and “D” • Viloilo Bookmark/Ruler in the style “Birdcage". They are all more spectacular. *.*
With gret pleasure I will say you that: - using my code you will receive 20% discount on all orders: HRISTINA20 - they offer FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING & incredibly affordable cute stationary. So run to see them site!! ➡ http://www.glendows.com/
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itssaramworld · 6 years
12 Steps For Self Care
If it feels wrong, don’t do it
Say exactly what you mean
Don’t be a people pleaser
Trust your instincts 
Never speak bad about yourself
Never give up on your dreams
Don’t be afraid to say “no”
Don’t be afraid to say “yes”
Be KIND to yourself
Let go of what you can’t control
Stay away from drama & negativity
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itssaramworld · 6 years
i love my friends and i am so very proud of them. i love myself and i am so very proud of myself as well.
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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ready for February. 😊 thanks @emmastudies!
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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A Mind Map About Mind Maps! 🧠🗺️
Hi! Do you have any tips for creating mind maps? I know they’re super helpful for a lot of people but idk when I make them I don’t really know what to put and I just end up with paragraphs of text that don’t look organized at all. Any tips would really help ㅠㅠ thank you!!
Main idea is to keep it simple, but to annotate relationships between concepts!
Mind maps aren’t going to be your only study notes for some subjects. Mindmaps are overviews of a topic, and really detail oriented subjects may need additional notes. 
In that situation, the mind map becomes a collection of headings for your more detailed notes! It should never become long paragraphs. 
Hope that helps!!
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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For more posts like these, go to @mypsychology​
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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neuroscience notes.
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itssaramworld · 6 years
recover from ‘burnout’ in five steps
1. reward yourself for working so hard. take a long bath with your favourite bath bomb, take time to cook your favourite meal, paint your nails. recognise that you worked hard and it was tough and that you deserve time for yourself
2. catch up on sleep. nothing makes studying harder than being exhausted. clear your schedule and have a lie in. even if you don’t sleep late, stay in bed and enjoy a guilt-free lazy morning
3. do something fun. invite your friends over for a movie night, take your dog for a walk. remind yourself that there is more to life than textbooks and notes
4. make a plan. start getting ready to get back into study mode. make a todo list, a study schedule, and a list of your deadlines
5. organise your space. declutter your desk so you have a clean space to be productive in. tidy desk, tidy mind
start again.
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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psycholinguistics notes.
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itssaramworld · 6 years
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cognitive science notes. I need to improve my handwriting.
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