iseedeadpackets · 1 year
Though I live "near" the robotics capital of the world, it is rare for me to come across interesting tech. So I got excited when I came across these little Starship. Sadly these guys don't seem to have a user interface to play with, and have an alarm if you mess with them.
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iseedeadpackets · 1 year
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Haven't been productive lately as I've been reorganizing my notes. I have literally decades of notes spread across Google Docs, Google Keep, mindmaps, TiddlyWikis, OneNote, and Trello, which isn't ideal. Furthermore, I'm not taking as many notes as I should be, because these solutions all have some drawbacks.
It's annoyed me that in 2023, with 30 years of the Internet, that our note/document solutions are designed to group information based on a system designed in the medieval times. I was promised the future of a paperless office. Why are we still organizing information to be printed? Just imagine the Internet without hyperlinks or hashtags.
Some solutions do attempt to organize hypertextually, but with drawbacks. I've actually discovered the limit of tags the Google Keep supports. Most wiki's are online only, except for Tiddly Wiki. However, I never liked having to save TiddlyWiki, or risk losing it by closing off the browser.
But with my recent ranting, people have pointed me to Obsidian, and after a week of using it I'm really enjoying it. It has many of the features I've been wanting. It's hypertextual, supports tagging, and offline.
While I could pay for Obsidian Sync to backup my notes to "the cloud," my current setup is using mirror the folder to Google Drive so I can access the notes on multiple systems, and back them up to my SeaFile store.
You may wonder why I care about it being offline if I'm just going to throw it onto Google Drive. Mainly its about control. I can choose if it goes onto the cloud, or which provider, and how much I'm paying. Also, I've worked in environments where we cant store sensitive notes online, so if I start using this for my work then offline becomes a critical feature.
My only complaint currently, is that I would like to select a note, and export not only that note, but any linked (or backlinked) note within 1-3 links. But another feature of Obsidian is that it supports plugins, and all the notes are stored in markdown files. So even if I find that no plugin supports what I'm looking for then I can easily develop my own solution.
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iseedeadpackets · 1 year
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This Ziosk had a chunky battery which was easy to remove and reinsert, allowing me to reboot the device and tap around until I was able to get to the "mfgr mode"
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iseedeadpackets · 1 year
Getting things done
I do not know if I have ADHD. My friends who do notice that I bounce from project to project rather quickly, but yet I'm able to finish them and have asked how. After thinking it over, these are my answers, but YMMV.
Keep a record/journal/engaged friend
First is to record your activity. This and other blogs of mine, serve as my record. I can look it over and tell, have I been active recently. It doesn't have to be a public record, mine are because I like to share.
I'm not suggesting that you get on the social media burnout treadmill of posting 3 useless things a day to get follows. Be your own judge. If you look over your record and haven't done anything in a week, but you know that your life has been busy with events or illnesses, then don't sweat it. But if its been 3 months without an update, then perhaps you should try harder to integrate your projects with your activities.
As far as an engaged friend. There are friends/people who you can talk to about your life, and as nice and caring as they are, they end up just waiting for the moment to talk about their life. Doing this may actually sabotage your project.
But a friend who is engaged with your life, will bring up your previous topics in future conversations, and are interested in hearing updates, which can drive you to accomplishing things to provide the updates.
Minimal Viable Product and Deadlines
The MVP is a term thrown around in software design, often by people who I feel don't know what the word minimal means. (Seriously, if you need a team of people to create an MVP, then you're over thinking it.) Though, we're not trying to pitch our ideas to VCs, the MVP idea is a useful notion to get out project to a point that, we can ignore it for a length of time.
It doesn't even have to be a full "product." Can you throw together a component of the MVP in a night? Then tonight, tell yourself you're going to do it, and don't go to bed until you've reached a stage of completion. You'll either get better assessing what you can realistically accomplish, loose a lot of sleep, or start achieving small victories. Remember the tortoise vs the hare. You don't need one grand victory. A trail of small but consistent victories will lead you to success.
The deadlines are important. They help you prioritize the project over other fun activities that don't have deadlines. An evening deadline won't always fit. Zack Freedman has a number of tips on completing projects and I'll link his videos at the end of this post, but one that stands out is his video on the weekend project. Basically, you start the project on booze o'clock Friday, and you have until Monday to having a function product. If its not done by Monday, then you throw it into the trash.
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iseedeadpackets · 1 year
Shmoocon 2023
Last weekend I went to Shmoocon. While it had less moose than ever, I really enjoyed "Escalating Attack and Defense on Cloud-based Kubernetes" by Jay Beale and Inglourious Drivers by Omer Tsarfati.
The kubernetes talk is a step toward fulfilling my new year resolutions.
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iseedeadpackets · 1 year
TIL: Pittsburgh is becoming the robotics capital of the world! I'm going to have to visit it more often.
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iseedeadpackets · 1 year
Reflections and Resolutions
I always imagined that my IoT hacking trajectory would take me into deeper levels of hardware hacking. Years ago when I took a class on Android internals, I groaned when the instructor declared that we wouldn't be going over the baseband portion of the phone. What was I going to do with this knowledge, hack a terrible game or tik tok?
But last year, several things have forced me to look at web API's and mobile apps as peripherals to the target, but are the target as well, and not just a means to snarf firmware.
Last year I saw press releases for a digital license plate and wanted to attack it. The plates cost about $900, so I figured it would be a while before I even see one in the wild, let alone get my hands on one. Other researchers though, decided to go after the mobile app and APIs and find really amazing findings.
Even cellular networks are turning into APIs.
and micro-services
This year, I resolve to improve my skills in attacking both mobile apps and APIs.
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iseedeadpackets · 1 year
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Last weekend I was in another town for a birthday and I couldn't pass up the chance to capture the sub-ghz spectrum for a future project. The first image is a 9.5 hour capture of portion of the spectrum from a city of nearly a million people. The second image is 1.5 hours in same band from my home in a town with a population of 6,000.
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iseedeadpackets · 1 year
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Last weekend I harvested SIM cards from my collection of dead cell phones for research, and reading them using Osmocom's PySim. Most of them are Tracfone or T-mobile cards, but I have one Verizon as well.
Today the hardware for the SimTrace2 came in, and I can't wait to play with that this weekend.
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iseedeadpackets · 2 years
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Going through my old CD stash and found this gem. I think it might be time to setup a new honeypot.
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iseedeadpackets · 2 years
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Ancient ruins from a time before cell phones. Legends tell us that people would communicate with each other using these stations, or covertly change into their super hero outfit. How either of these were accomplished is not well understood.
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iseedeadpackets · 2 years
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There's a lot of junk tech out there because the most creative thought product execs have is to add cloud to everything. These lightbulbs aren't "smart", but the backup battery in them meant my house had lights on when the city's substation blew.
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iseedeadpackets · 2 years
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I'm lucky to have a workspace but its still not enough. To make room I needed to think vertically and added these monitor stands from 3M to slide my laptop and KVM under.
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iseedeadpackets · 2 years
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01010100 01001001 01001100
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iseedeadpackets · 2 years
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Halp my fridge is under a MITM attack! I deleted all my cookies. What do I do about my ice cream?
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iseedeadpackets · 2 years
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I bought 3 ESP32's to practice the BLE CTF. One for the first version, one for the infinity version, and a third for backup. But the firmware installs went off without a hitch. What should I do with the spare dev board?
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iseedeadpackets · 3 years
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Spent the holiday weekend making a mess in the workshop attempting to organize it. These nifty 3M hooks allow for a coat rack without drilling into the old wood.
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