inturningdivine Ā· 10 months
interrupting the natural flow of destiel on my dash to say that Take Me Back To Eden by Sleep Token is the most destiel coded album iā€™ve ever had the pleasure of listening to. i heard my brother play it in the car one day and i could barely keep myself from pulling over just so i could fucking burst into flames from the inside out. nothing could convince me that it doesnā€™t SCREAM gay little angel and his bi little human; it plays like a back and forth between the two, alternating every song or so.Ā 
theres them meeting, them falling, them breaking apart, them reconciling. it has them begging to be saved by one another, them finding comfort and release in the otherā€™s ability to temporarily shield them from the world and its demons, and them basking in the demons they find within each other. its got dean wishing cas could raise him up from the burdensome grip of living a human life, cas trying to, and dean still reveling in casā€™ divinity despite the complications it raises. cas wishing he could save dean from himself. them storming heaven together and telling god to suck dick. doing anything for one another.
it has the one-sided lack of reciprocation on BOTH ends bcuz theyā€™re both oblivious sometimes, especially in moments of potent defeatism. cas knowing dean doesnā€™t see in himself what cas sees in him. knowing heā€™s corrupted but begging cas to love him anyway. theres mention of fate and destiny bringing them together over and over again. it has the self-deprecating nature thats been embedded in deanā€™s character on a fundamental level since the start. itā€™s sung like dean knows that this is wrong but canā€™t help the way it makes him feel.Ā 
like cas is the freedom heā€™s been searching for.Ā 
like dean is the catalyst of casā€™ ability to love breaking away from ancient bonds.
the way it replicates that (subconscious at the start but eventually driving factor) feeling cas has where he craves humanity, whether itā€™s in the form of rebellion or a manifestation of his love for all things human in dean... TMBTE is literally a tribute to destiel if you listen close enough, and DONT GET ME STARTED ON EUCLID SPECIFICALLY. my heart canā€™t take it. might write an essay analyzing the album in the context of destiel, idk, weā€™ll see.Ā 
anyway. back to your normally scheduled programing!
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