I hate fake people like why are you wasting so much energy pretending just give it up if you're nasty be nasty don't waste your time when I've found out what your real colors are. I don't have time for you and I'm not gonna pretend we're besties when you're a beastie
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How can I write when I don't know what to write about? How can i create art when i have no inspiration? What's the point of it all? Am i just another person taking up space that belongs to someone else? If i weren't here would the room i use in this world be better taken care of by someone else?
If i could go anywhere, be anyone, i would simply disappear. I wonder, would anyone come looking? If they came looking, how long would they look before i was forgotten. Emotions can be fickle and memories grossly distorted. Your emotions cloud the essence of the memory, of what really happened.
I don't speak up. I never say anything. Am i doing more harm than good by keeping silent? Would i harm you at all or just myself? Would it make any difference?
We try so hard, but we're all imperfect. In our arrogance we think we can change think we can overcome these ugly traits. But how can we overcome them when we don't realize what they are? Are we better by only striving to be better? By striving to be better does anyone really change?
Others only see the change you want them to see. We cannot see each other's Hearts. Cannot see their intent, good or bad. We can only rely on their word, and what good is the word of an imperfect man? When the world sees your actions, they see kindness and hospitality. When your actions are in the shelter of home, hidden from outsiders, your colors show.
I know how I feel, I know what I see. But am I wrong? Are you right when you tell me I'm overreacting? Are you right when you say I'm not keeping the peace? Have I imagined it all and played the part of victim? Have I lost my mind?
Someone please tell me what's real because I can't tell anymore.
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Poems & Words
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i miss all the hikes, the road trips, the beach trips. i miss the shopping trips, the quiet nights, the nights out on the town. i miss all that we never had the chance to do together
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How can I get better when feeling better scares me? it scares me because I know this feeling will only last a moment. I don't know if I should fight it and let my despair consume me or embrace the moment of clarity. I don't know what to do with myself when i feel like i can suddenly breath, I'm so incredibly tired of fighting to get to this point that i don't know how to enjoy the feeling of this weight being lifted off my chest, I'm so incredibly tired that i just want to go back to sleep and let this darkness take control
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when i'm doing my online shopping i just want to be able to buy the outfit they show the model wearing in the picture when i'm looking for some shoes and notice that the dress/skirt/pants/blouse/sweater/blazer ect. that the model wears is cute....why do companies not have this feature yet???...i don't want to hunt through the website only to find the model was only wearing x piece of clothing as an accessory and x company does not sell x piece of clothing... if you're not going to sell me the outfit that the model is wearing at least tag the company that sells it!!!
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In Mandarin Chinese we don’t say “potato”, we say “土豆 (tǔdòu)” which literally translates to “dirt bean” and I think that’s beautiful.
Submitted by @cynicalwindmill
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Guys. Listen. A “large dog” in Mandarin is 大狗, which is pronounced dà gǒu.
So, basically, a doggo is literally called a doggo in Chinese.
Let’s all take a moment to appreciate this linguistic beauty.
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new work schedule throws off my sleep schedule and now at three a.m. i wake wondering why it's so dark only to realize it's because i still have my eyes closed
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work things
when Karen returns her shoes because the company you work for doesn't price match on Black Friday and it's the principle of the thing like other companies have the same rule Karen but like don't you worry girl someone else will enjoy those shoes you enjoy your week... 😘
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looking for work is STRESSFUL!!
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Prepping for inktober
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When someone tells you not to carry the weight of your feelings yourself so you share and get lectured for sharing because how dare you feel that way and aren't I more than fair and how I treat you you have no right to feel those feelings
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me, sick and laying on the deathbed in my bedroom: everyone leave me be, i wish to have a peaceful death
my animals who speak no english: let's all jump on her until we're comfy
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me (in a mood): hello darkness my old friend (as automatic light turns off)
little sis: what!?! did you say darkness is my oldest friend?
me: no! but i should have and am now upset that i didn't.
me: *now silently singing: darkness is my oldest friend*
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when your parents don't know your having panic attacks and they caused a panic attack but you love them too much to tell them that they've caused a panic attack but you can't tell them anyway because then you'll have another panic attack due to fear of their reaction to your panick attacks
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