intothetr33s · 1 hour
adhd symptoms are always just mild enough to seem fake but just severe enough to make everyone on planet earth think you’re an asshole for having them. not a big fan of this paradox tbh
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intothetr33s · 1 hour
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Thanks for the tag <3
Tagging @c4o67 @forwhatiam @jimothystu @lam-ila @murdereyesnicky !!!
Tagged by @buckybarnesss for May receiptify!
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Do not buy let me be being in the top 3 but sure!
Tagging @sga-owns-my-soul @donttelltheelff @ernie-clement @intothetr33s and @morrison-the-ii
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intothetr33s · 2 hours
I am on my knees begging, begging people to remember disabled people in the LGBTQ+ community this month. Please don't leave us to die.
COVID never ended and it made many people immunocompromised. Wear a mask at Pride events (and other places too). Yes, even if it makes you uncomfy or doesn't match your outfit.
Some anti-trans laws are specifically targeting mentally disabled people, arguing that we're not capable of making decisions about our own bodies and thus should not be allowed to medically transition. Include us in discussions about trans legislation.
Disabled people already face high discrimination in work and housing, and it's worse for those who are LGBTQ+. Stand up for your disabled and LGBTQ+ peers.
Some disabled people with caretakers can't come out because the people they depend on aren't safe. Support closeted LGBTQ+ people.
The insurance companies that always find a reason not to cover gender-affirming surgery are the same ones that always find a reason not to cover medication or therapy or mobility aids. Have some solidarity with disabled people who have to fight against the same greedy pigs you do.
Make sure Pride events are accessable to mobility aid users, people with service animals or caretakers, people with sensory issues, etc. Or at the very least, be honest if they're not, so people don't waste their time going there only to discover they can't participate.
It breaks my heart seeing so-called leftists throwing their disabled siblings to the wolves. You like to say that you'd punch a Nazi, throw bricks at police cars, fight tooth and nail for the rights of LGBTQ+ people... But the moment it concerns disabled LGBTQ+ people, you drop your support like a rock. Your hypocrisy is disgusting, and it's going to kill many people in the LGBTQ+ community this Pride month unless you take a moment to realize that, whether you like it or not, some of us are disabled and we don't deserve to die for that.
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intothetr33s · 2 hours
The iconic tweet is here!!! Everyone, cheer!
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intothetr33s · 2 hours
happy birthday gay people happy birthday technoblade
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intothetr33s · 13 hours
Tommyinnit doesn’t even talk about ‘women’ anymore, all he does is talk about ‘men’ and ‘divorce’
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intothetr33s · 13 hours
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intothetr33s · 14 hours
i am Still thinking about mangobaII,, i miss them
god same like
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who else was doing it like them
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intothetr33s · 14 hours
i'm gay and i had to explain hot sauce to my buddy frank
i need to pick a struggle
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intothetr33s · 15 hours
I feel like a decent chunk of people that i know have had some level of interaction with Justin Trudeau (even if that's just yelling at him at a protest) but I'm not sure how separate they are in other countries beyond feeling like the US and UK political class live as distantly as possible from the people they govern
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intothetr33s · 16 hours
There r some really handsome dykes out there in thee world. Thank god I am alive to see them
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intothetr33s · 17 hours
the "new normal" couldve been respirators & rapid tests & hepa filters & universal basic income & accessibility & caring about other people.........
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intothetr33s · 17 hours
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#KateBush is
Rolling to ball to…
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intothetr33s · 18 hours
And I mean the music has to actually be considered goth, you can't be like "Taylor Swift is goth to me (*^^*)//" on here
If you vote please rb so I get a larger sample
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intothetr33s · 2 days
has anyone else ever experienced feeling emotions when listening to music before or is it just me. I think it might be just me
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intothetr33s · 2 days
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silly goobers just in time for lesbian visibility week! forever grateful to tlt & its fandom for helping me be more comfortable with my own sexuality and gender identity🗡️
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intothetr33s · 2 days
mcyt nostalgic webweave with the caption "time passes... but some things stay the same" and it's just a collection of all the times ranboo's fanbase has made discourse about absolutely nothing and made ranboo apologize like they killed all the trees on earth personally and there's sparkles and flowers edited over all the screenshots for the aesthetic
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