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“Let’s raise children who won’t have to recover from their childhoods.”
— Pam Leo
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Mindful Creativity Week 13: Put Your Hands In Paint!
Our fingerprints are totally unique to us, which means they’re a one-of-a-kind tool that only YOU will ever have…
ACTION STEP This week I want you to really connect with your creative instincts. 👉 It’s time to fingerpaint! What kind of art would you create if you only had your hands, some paint, and a blank canvas? Allow your intuition to guide you.
Ready to get your hands in some paint?
Mindful Creativity Week 14: Get Outside
From the way light falls on a tree trunk to the intricate patterns of a butterfly's wings, there's no shortage of beauty and wonder to be found when we step outside our front doors! Spend some time outside this week to observe the world around you… You might find more inspiration than you know what to do with!
ACTION STEP 👉 Bring the paint to the patio! Whether you set up a canvas en plein air or you redecorate your porch, a little fresh air can totally re-energize your creative instincts! If you’re on Pinterest a lot like I am (follow me!) then you know that porch decor and painted patios are everywhere. Folks are starting to realize that the spaces we create outside of our homes are just as important as the spaces we create inside!
Mindful Creativity Week 12: Break the mold!
I remember the first time that I painted a piece of furniture that truly took my breath away. It was when I stopped trying to paint pieces that I thought other people would like and started painting things that got me excited! I took myself from one or two or three colors to six or seven or eight. I blended, I added layers, I added texture.
And then I added water.
And the paint started to drip.
And I knew that I was onto something.
Because breaking that mold and doing something I’d never seen before made my heart soar and it caught some attention.
ACTION STEP This week, your job is to break the mold and do something you’ve never seen done before. In honor of March Mixed Media Mayhem (this month’s challenge in my Creative Connection group!), your action step this week is to 👉 combine three (or more) of your favorite things into one creative work. Maybe you like embroidery, painting, and sunsets. How could you put those three things together into one piece of art? What would that look like?
Allow yourself to imagine the possibilities and see where it takes you.
Mindful Creativity Week 11: Get Outside Your Bubble
The Adventure volume (print copies on sale now!) of The Turquoise Iris Journal left me with one very important takeaway that can be summed up by a quote from Max de Pree:
📝📚 “We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”
Despite how comfortable it is in the comfort zone, I am rewarded by an abundance of blessings every time I step outside my bubble and meet new people. No matter where I go or who I meet, I am left feeling better for it! Just last week I picked up a new settee…
…And found out that the seller works in publishing!!! And I happened to have a copy of The Turquoise Iris Journal to share with her!!! She was over-the-moon excited to see a creative Journal produced by someone in OKC just like her. All it took was a little bravery and a willingness to start a conversation and I managed to create a powerful connection with a total stranger.
Maybe it’s a coincidence… or maybe it’s a reminder that being open to new experiences and new people will enrich our lives.
ACTION STEP 👉 Make some new friends. It’s incredible what a fresh perspective can do for our hearts, minds, and creativity! This week, your challenge is to connect with a new person or group. Take a class with a teacher you’ve never met, visit a shop in your city that you’ve never visited, or find a group of beginners to join and pick up a new hobby. Be intentional about connecting with other people in a meaningful way…
I think you’ll be surprised how much it improves your week and inspires you!
Happy Creating!
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Mindful Creativity Week 15: Think outside the easel
Whenever I’m feeling stuck or overwhelmed, I try to shake things up by trying something new! This week, I encourage you to do the same. ACTION STEP 👉 Paint on an unconventional surface! All it takes is some fresh paint to makeover everything from your clothing to your cupboards, so embrace the experiment and allow yourself to try something new!
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