imsclass-blog · 13 years
This video tells how algorithms on Google will ruin Society
You know how Facebook filters what you read? For example, the people you want on your news feed will naturally be there--those you don't will be filtered out. But what if you search for "Egypt" online, and so does your friend? YOU WILL BOTH GET VERY DIFFERENT RESULTS!!!
So what then, becomes the truth? THat is what Eli Pariser talks about on his TED talk!! Please watch it, it is worth oyur time. The Dean of Miami, Dean Jenkins recommended it to my teacher.
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Frictionless Facebook
Don't you get annoyed when you see on facebook that your friend just read an article on Washington Post that sounds super interesting--then you try to read the article and it asks you to download the app, or possibly pay for it? This new idea/app would be so helpful, simply because I do not want to have to pay for articles, and for the whole world to know what I read. I wonder what will happen.
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Perfect timing--US buys more DOMAIN names
Just in the nic of time for Cyber Monday, the US is buying more domain names to help fight counterfeit  comanies etc. This is one way the government can stand up for the people by actually fighting business. Interesting thought.
Most importantly, as we begin to develop our own websites/webpages it gets you to think how important domains are now. They are almost like social security code, each one unique. But how much are people willing to spend on them--or better yet, how much is the US willing to spend?
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Re-aligning energy systems? Better Sleep
Wear this watch--and sleep better. Apparently is re-aligns your energy systems and helps your body rest BETTER? The only catch is, you gotta sleep in the watch.
Check it out:
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
We all more than likely suffer from one of these problems, seeing as though we are in college and not in normal healhty schedules where sleep is consistent.
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
TO track, or not to track...EVERYTHING
So if Facebook already tracks most of our online use, do we want other tools to self monitor? What about monitoring our health, SLEEP, and fitness? Should we use technology or are we still naturally capable of sleeping JUST when we are tired, eating only to survive etc.?? Read THIS:
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Look at Pie # 10
Apparently Martha Stewart is still as creative as ever... check out these unusual pies
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Either REALLY good, or REALLY bad..thoughts?
Parsnip is a root similar to a carrot, so this is carroty-cheese apple nut soup.. in a nutshell! ha would you try this for thanksgiving?
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Thought this looked yummy
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Found an eBook!
check it out!
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
This asks to "play" the book?
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Unbelievable-- TechCrunch's Founder
"Arrington’s path from writer to investor is not entirely new; several former journalists, including Michael Moritz and Stewart Alsop, have reinvented themselves as successful venture capitalists. Still, what Arrington is trying to pull off seems like more of a challenge, for reasons of both personality and timing. While blogging rewards speed, critical insight, self-promotion, and head-knocking (all Arrington strong points), funding startups requires a different set of skills. The ability to massage the frayed egos of company founders and patiently advise them as they try to build their companies into the next Facebook—the business version of nurturing—can be critical to success. In the coming months many young entrepreneurs will get to decide whether they think Arrington’s bag of hammers is likely to work as well at building long-term value for their fledgling companies as it was at securing page views on behalf of his own. (Arrington declined to be interviewed for this article.)
“Mike is a force of nature,” says Keith Teare, who co-founded a company called Edgeio with Arrington in 2005. “If you are not able to have an adult relationship that includes dissent and anger as well as joy and excitement—and deal with each as it happens—then you’re going to find it hard to deal with any strong personality, Mike included.”
The bubble that has consumed venture investing, with far too much money chasing too few startups, is another matter. “Right now there’s an incredible amount of capital,” Douglas Leone, a partner with the venture capital firm Sequoia Capital, told Arrington recently on a conference stage. “Why you want to join the capital side is beyond me.”
“The fantasy as an entrepreneur is to be the next Google,” says Chris Dixon, co-founder of Hunch and head of the Founder Collective, a $40 million VC fund. “The next best thing is to be the person who believed in the next Google.” He doesn’t need to add that being the first to blog about the next Google (GOOG), while compelling, lacks the same cachet—and doesn’t pay nearly as well. “The reality is that, in terms of where the economics lie, it’s a lot more lucrative to invest in companies and build them than to write about them,” says Ron Palmeri, the founder of Prism Skylabs, one of the first startups to receive CrunchFund backing. “There’s a hierarchical structure in the Valley.”
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
Jail for Posts
With our great Bill of Rights this would never happen. Unless the government begins to worry and tries to amend our rights or take them away as far as the internet, (a free public domain/space) exists. What do you think?
Can we be punished for giving our opinion online or posting information directly related to a crime?
I think crime related information is obviously proof or evidence in any case, however in America Strikes and riots are legal, so information online connecting someone to an incident would not automatically jail them. What do you think? Am I way off?
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
What will school do for Mark?
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
6 Privacy Concerns
Despite past privacy concerns, we have all continued to use facebook. We are still at a time when the Internet is free and speech is free...for the most part. Therefore, what use do these articles serve as we continue to ignore "warnings." Are they warnings, or not? Should we be concerned? You decide.
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
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imsclass-blog · 13 years
I find thhis a BIT bizarre
This article is investigating whether or not the iPhone 4S assistant can tell you stories...
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