When it was dark, you always carried the sun in your hand for me.
Seán O’Casey, Three More Plays: The Silver Tassie, Purple Dust, Red Roses For Me (via wordsnquotes)
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Literature is the collective memory bank of a people’s experience in history.
Ngugi wa Thiong'o     (via wifeofwrath)
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One day, one rhyme- Day 2554
“I’ve heard the older the home is,
The more problems you’ll face;
That most things are not built to last,
In almost any place,
So when I heard 4 billion years,
I knew there’d be some quirks;
Pollution here, extinctions there
Some spanners in the works;
The ozone layer needs a patch,
The forests lost some girth,
Better test the gravity, too.”
Man inherits the Earth.
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I always had a habit of looking out as a child.
Sitting at the window on Christmas Day,
I’d watch the world outside.
Where was that car going?
Who were they going to see?
Where was that person going carrying a present or three?
I was fascinated with the possibility that someone could be happier than me
While I always had a ball of emptiness rolling around in my stomach,
A void that couldn’t be filled with gifts or festivities.
I was always looking out as a child,
It wasn’t until I grew that I realised the importance of looking within.
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Love songs in lingala #fallyipupa's Canne a Sucre. #soukousmusic #afrique #rumba #music #poetry #congo #love #lovesongs
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Smai Tawi (Smai Taui) means Divine Union in the Kemetic sciences of consciousness. Exoterically it was in reference to the Union of Upper and Lower Egypt, esoterically it was the Union of the Upper and Lower worlds within the individual consciousness.  It reminds me of the name for Giza, which in the kemetian language means “Border” according to my texts or Ros Tau, and in Greek these mean Rose Cross. The hieroglyph was a cross or x in a circle, which would seem to attest to this idea (ironically this is where we get the notion of X marks the spot).  I was trying to find more information on Smai Tawi, but it is very hard to come by and very few people understand it. If any of my followers know of any good book or source on the concepts/topic (I prefer sources with references apropos primary or secondary texts, or people who have been initiated), let me know! :) - REGIII32  
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#mythology #kemetic #museum #history #science #alchemy
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the rosicrucian Egyptian and alchemy museum in San Jose California. This is the first alchemy museum and they plan on expanding it in the future. They also have alchemy workshops, I plan on attending one this Saturday. :)
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*This is probably one of my favorites images I have seen on Oshun*
She dances with delicate steps, with courteous gestures with her hands gently touching her skirt. She is painted, placed earrings, bracelets and is regarded in an imaginary mirror. Then, on knees bathes, the water having the pleasure of touching her sweet body. The sweetness and harmony of the beautiful Oshun this ever-present in each of the decisions in our lives and its waters become calm our homes to remove from them any disturbance.
The dance of Oshun is the most sensual one. She laughs as Yemaya and shakes her arms to sound her bracelets. Oshun raises her arms over the head to emphasize her enchantments. While she dances, she makes sexual movements and asks for sex to the men with her extended hands and abrupt movements of her hips. She requests honey, showing the sweetness of sex and life. She also can imitate that rows in a small boat. She combs her hair or admires herself in the mirror, she sometimes watch over her nose those around her.
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“In Yoruba theology, there is no devil, no heaven, and no hell. People do evil things on their own volition, not because evil is preordained or intrinsic to who they are. We choose whether to use our Ashe to help or harm others. Ashe itself is neither good or bad.”
-Tobe Melora Correal
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Oshun orisha of the river Oshun and fresh water, luxury and pleasure, sexuality and fertility, and beauty and love, photo by Tiago Sant´anna.
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More people need to know about Dayme. Every I hear her sing this beautiful song about Yemoja and Oshun, I start crying! Let's support this gorgeous talented Queen!
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Brujeria de Yemaja
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When the hours fly past with a speed unlike they used to before,
And we keep evading each other's grasp.
I shut my eyes to what is, and embrace you by the power of my mind.
And I know you feel it.
Silent like a whistling kettle,
Yet bearing the strength of trains on full steam.
Time weighs little density.
Resembling nothing it once was enclosed by,
Time minds no matter anymore,
When we speak through the currents in the tides of mind,
Distance's significance bears no hindrance either.
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We tend to associate intimacy with closeness and closeness with a certain sum of shared experiences. Yet in reality total strangers, who will never say a single word to each other, can share an intimacy — an intimacy contained in the exchange of a glance, a nod of the head, a smile, a shrug of a shoulder. A closeness that lasts for minutes or for the duration of a song that is being listened to together. An agreement about life. An agreement without clauses. A conclusion spontaneously shared between the untold stories gathered around the song.
— John Berger, Some Notes on Song
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