ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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OMG the hair and the shirt...... 😍😍
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ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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261K notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
Playing with fire ch. 1
This is my first writing, go easy on me. This story completely ignore marvel time lines cause I’m in denial. I, of course, own none of MCU. I do own my OFC’s and ideas though.
Warning: strong language? Eventual smut. Lots of angst and violence. Possible bad writing. It will get better over time. Steve and Bucky being pricks. (Just a little)
Red. My vision seemed permanently stained that way. Blood. Sticky,staining blood. It made my skin feel heavy as if I had gel all over my body. I stood in my uniform in our elevator. Nervously fiddling with my hands, old habits die hard. I was to immediately debrief Ed on the mission, as well as Fury. It didn’t matter each breath I took felt like someone burned my esophagus with a hot poker. Looking at my hands, I noticed blood was etched into my fingers and I tried to remember a time that wasn’t the case.
Flash back 5 years
“She was just a one night thing. We could never date Luna or be with her in that way, Sam. She’s weak and meek.” Steve’s voice carried to where I stood in the hall. I had just woken up to an empty bed, both super soldiers long gone. No trace.
“I mean she’s shy, but she would be a great person to commit to.” Sam said enthusiastically and I realized they were talking about me and my smile was washed clean off my face. The once warm feeling of pure happiness, replaced with pure rage.
“I mean they are super soldiers, you really expect them to settle down.” Nat snorted before earning yeahs from them both.
“Besides it’s not like she’s special or anything.” Bucky shrugged, that was all I needed. They lied. They had told me promises of love and safety and it was just a gimmick. I immediately turned and went to pack up my room, I wouldn’t stay where I wasn’t wanted and definitely where I can’t trust my own team.
“Ms. Sanchez, your car has arrived.” FRIDAY informed me as I thanked the AI. I had written Tony a note explaining why I was gone, they had left shortly after the morning incident on a small mission. I rolled out my bag and pepper shot me a sympathetic look.
“You don’t have to go you know!” She said, walking over to hug me as she began to cry.
“I can’t stay. I will keep in touch I promise.” I said knowing I could email her with no worries.
A ding in the elevator brought me out of my thoughts. I walked down the hall, still in my full outfit, carrying the merchandise.(her outfit is Bucky’s winter solider muzzle and cat woman outfit.) I stepped out and began to walk up the corridor to the common room, Ed’s intern made eye contact, but quickly adverted his eyes and ran away.
“Well this place looks amazing, thank you.” Had I still been my old self I would have ran away and hidden, but oh how I’d grown. I growled audibly at the voices I recognized. I finally made it to the end of the hall and dropped my jacket on the bar.
“Ah there’s my favorite.. well lord you look like you had a fun time.” Ed started and I straightened my back, turning around. Bucky immediately looked wary and it gave me a sense of pride, an ego boost. I put my thumb on my bracelete to unlock the face shield , before it turned into the other bracelete. I heard audible gasps.
“Well I’m glad I’m the favorite since I don’t do consolation prizes.” I quipped pouring a drink, to ignore the searing burn in my throat.
“Luna, these are,” Ed started, “I know who they are. Here’s hydras little black book. Am I released to shower now?” I asked cutting him off, had I had the ability to blush I would have. Steve and Bucky looked like shit and they were staring at me like I was a kicked puppy. Nat looked shocked, Wanda had a sad look strained across her face and permanent etched into her features. Tony and Sam looked concerned.
“I imagine it was a success, no issues?” Fury asked and I directed my gaze to him.
“Have I ever failed one? Yes there were issues, they’ve been handled.” I answered monotone, my team looking happy I had completed the mission. Aurora had stopped looking concerned the minute she determined the blood wasn’t mine.
“Sanchez you can leave, but any survivors?”Ed asked and I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and my jacket. Clint watched every move I made like a hawk with prey.
“Not if they were in the building.” I stated bluntly.
“Oh and Luna, Delta is in your room I believe.” Lucas stated and I nodded.
“Keep the voices down please. Some of us still need sleep.” Tyler laughed out, the booming noise bouncing off the walls and I smiled.
“No promises. If you need us, figure it out alone.” I said, strutting away and drinking. My bedroom was the closest to the common room. I reached my room and opened it to see Delta asleep on the bed, I smiled to myself. He looked so at peace, I walked in and set the stuff down before walking into my bathroom to start the water. I heard Delta come up behind me, but I said nothing. I felt him move my hair to the left side of my neck, as he dragged his lips, soft as rose petals, down my neck.
“Well aren’t you just ravishing.” He said speaking in his British accent, causing me to giggle. He smiled before turning me around to kiss me. The kiss was a peck, but I quickly turned it into more. I pushed forwards applying more pressure to his mouth, dragging my tongue over his bottom lip before biting it hard. This caused him to grunt and make quick work of my outfit, before picking me up and smashing my back into the stone wall.
“I was going to let you relax and sleep.” He laughed, as I began to kiss down his neck making it to where his pulse point use to be. He locked eyes with me, and both our faces changed.
“Sleeps overrated I’d much rather be right here.” I giggled as he continued to kiss down my neck and chest and back up.
“So beautiful.” He mumbled out as he dragged his thumb over my face. I leaned my face into his palm, we weren’t in love. We were nothing but friends, fuck buddied. He was one person I knew I could count on. He began to kiss my neck, licking the excess blood off, and we made contact with the shower water.
“Tyler said to keep the noise down.” I moaned out, as he nipped at the skin.
“Well he can fuck off,”Delta stated in a matter of fact voice. “Or you can feed from him.” Delta finished before kissing me hard again, full of passion, lust, and need. I kissed from the corner of his mouth down to his sweet spot on his neck. He groaned and I quickly bit into him, my fangs latched into his neck as I drank.
“FUCK LUNA.” He said, not giving a damn about Tyler’s jab earlier.
Cap P.O.V
“FUCK LUNA!” A male voice echoed off the walls and Aurora snickered.
“Did I not just say to not be loud? No respect.” Tyler huffed making Ed laugh as he clapped a hand on his shoulder. I couldn’t laugh I felt like the air had been knocked from my lungs.
“Leave them alone. Luna has been back to back suicide missions she needs some relief.” Aurora scolded and Tony snorted before says, “sounds like she’s getting just that.” Bucky shot him a glare. We continued to get to know each other and tried to drown out the multiple loud noises coming from Luna’s room. Eventually a guy emerged, in just sweatpants.
“Delta try not to get blood on our floor it just got cleaned.” Lucas groaned out and the guy shot him a look.
“Well you can inform Luna of that, I’m not losing my head. I’ll heal soon enough.” He walked over to join us, “Hello I haven’t met you guys yet, I’m Delta.” He said nodding and drinking water, we all introduced ourselves. He sat opposite to Nat,Bucky, and I and smirked.
“Doesn’t Luna know it’s not nice to play with her food?” Tyler snorted out.
“Ya know ty, green isn’t your color,”Luna’s voice emerged from the kitchen and suddenly there she was. Beautiful as ever, the kind of beauty people use to worship in goddesses, “or We can settle this in the workout ring.”
She had become so strong and independent, no longer the meek girl we all knew.
“I may take you up on that, do I get my own muzzle or do we share yours?” He smarted back, and she hit him in the back of the head.
“Hey!” Tyler pouted, causing Delta to laugh.
“Doll, why aren’t you in bed? You need sleep.” Delta scolded and I began to feel hot flames of jealousy lick at my stomach.
“Maybe you should help her get to sleep, just for the love of all things holy keep the noise down.” Tyler joked.
“Bite me.” Luna bit out. They walked away and it killed me I felt like the preserum me again. I felt sick to my stomach. Bucky and I had agreed when we gave in to our desires and slept with her it wasn’t safe. So we made the whole team go along with the “stupid plan” as Nat called it. We never knew she would leave, our team all sat around the table with fury discussing.
“So I’ll break the ice. What the fuck.” Tony simply stated.
“Tony. I really don’t think you want to go there.” Fury shook his head.
“Hell yes we do. She up and abandons us and now shows up in worse shape then Bucky was. No offense.” Nat sassed and we all nodded and fury sighed loudly. The screen came on and pulled up her profile.
“Luna Sanchez also known as silver shadow or avenging angel. Born in October of 1700. Was turned into an immortal due to a lab experiment gone wrong. She was born with the ability of power absorption, meaning she can gain anyone’s ability by touching them. We have no clue how many she has. Also she was born with ability to manipulate things, like fire,water,electricity, etc.” Fury kept listing things as pictures of her were displayed.
“Só why did she ignore pepper and me and the rest of the team for so long? She may have been hurt but there’s no excuse.” Wanda snapped.
“Wasn’t her call. She was taken into Hydra’s custody being deemed number 2313669 and underwent similar treatment as Barnes. She’s only not in jail, due to me and Ed and her ability to get out. You think that was her choice? None of this was her choice. It was a call made, by the team and by us to keep you guys safe. The woman you knew is dead. Trust me.” Fury reprimanded and I felt the world stop moving.
Everything Bucky and I decided to sacrifice to keep her safe had done nothing.
“Before you guys open your mouth to accuse her of being selfish. I want you to look at some things.” Fury pulled up video footage of Luna being asked about us and specific members and security and she wouldn’t answer. Resulting in physical injury. Everything from beating her to a pulp, to water boarding, to Electrical convulsion torture. Everything they could do they did. I felt bike rise to the back of my throat and I felt nauseous and looked away unable to watch anymore or hear her scream after her resolve broke.
“Make no mistake. She’s a lot of things. Selfish isn’t one. Your alive and safe because she laid her life on the wire for yours. She may not have a metal arm, but her lasting damage is there.”Fury said, before setting down the clicker and walking away. We saw video after video of Luna in hydra or post and what they had done and it broke my heart my resolve. Wanda began to cry and Nat just looked shocked, Tony looked disgusted and in pain.
“We hurt her. We failed her.” Bucky said. Everyone looked at him sympathetically. Nat laid a hand on his shoulder.
“You couldn’t have predicted this Barnes.” She spoke directing her voice to both of us, I was just still in shock.
“She’s right.” Sam said, clasping a firm grip on my shoulder.
“Well I need a drink. Anybody else want one?” Tony said standing and grabbing the bottle from the middle of the table.
“No wonder she hates us.” I finally spoke, holding my head in my hands. We heard something that broke the last of my resolve. A piercing shriek. A scream that made my blood turn into ice water. It was Luna.
“Oh god.” Wanda wailed out and Nat and Clint both hugged her. Whispering it’s okay and Tony continued to throw back drinks. Typical.
We heard movement and all went of high alert and were met to see Luna, just standing there in a sports bra and leggings.
“Sorry. Thought you all were Fury.” She muttered out and Wanda looking up causing Luna to step back. She saw the Tv.
“Not one of my finer moments,” she quipped almost smirking and I crunched my brows confused how someone could joke about this, “Don’t feel bad. It’s a waste of time.” She flatly said, causing me to snap.
“HOW the fuck do you expect me to not feel bad Luna? You were tortured for years because of us. You think we wouldn’t feel like shit over that? Are we suppose to ignore your pain and feelings?!” I yelled and her face instantly hardened.
“Not that it’s your concern Captain Rogers, but it was bound to happen. It happened can’t change it. As far as my emotional state that is not now nor has it ever been something of your concern. You didn’t care 5 years ago don’t start now.” She spat out.
“Luna please.” Bucky pleaded with his eyes holding a broken glaze.
“Sergeant Barnes, I really have nothing to say. What’s done is done.” Luna said formally, she turned to walk away.
“Pepper cries everyday. She assumed you died.” Luna froze, I finally saw the number of different tattoos inked into her skin. One being her hydra number.
“The woman she knew did.” Luna stated over her shoulder, before walking out and closing the door ignoring our protests. She had completely iced us out, her exterior was colder than the ice water I had been plunged into.
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16 notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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107 notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
how does being punched in the face feel like
86K notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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A semi-stable 100-year-old man
9K notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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Enjoy this meme I made instead of writing
76K notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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109K notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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Where is the lie
12K notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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Please reblog, this is so important.
611K notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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76K notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
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ok so 45 lbs per disk...
about 4 disks on the end closest to the camera so that makes it 4x45= 180 lbs
and the bar needs to be even so 180 x 2 =360
360 LBS!?
962 notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
I hate having so many damn ideas for oneshots/short/long stories and knowing what I want to potentially happen and get excited and make a goddamn moodboard and then as soon as everything is ready and I’m comfy and the coffee is nearby and the wifi is working and the doc is running, all motivation just-
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46 notes · View notes
ihavenoclue-13 · 4 years
Playing with fire ch. 1
This is my first writing, go easy on me. This story completely ignore marvel time lines cause I’m in denial. I, of course, own none of MCU. I do own my OFC’s and ideas though.
Warning: strong language? Eventual smut. Lots of angst and violence. Possible bad writing. It will get better over time. Steve and Bucky being pricks. (Just a little)
Red. My vision seemed permanently stained that way. Blood. Sticky,staining blood. It made my skin feel heavy as if I had gel all over my body. I stood in my uniform in our elevator. Nervously fiddling with my hands, old habits die hard. I was to immediately debrief Ed on the mission, as well as Fury. It didn’t matter each breath I took felt like someone burned my esophagus with a hot poker. Looking at my hands, I noticed blood was etched into my fingers and I tried to remember a time that wasn’t the case.
Flash back 5 years
“She was just a one night thing. We could never date Luna or be with her in that way, Sam. She’s weak and meek.” Steve’s voice carried to where I stood in the hall. I had just woken up to an empty bed, both super soldiers long gone. No trace.
“I mean she’s shy, but she would be a great person to commit to.” Sam said enthusiastically and I realized they were talking about me and my smile was washed clean off my face. The once warm feeling of pure happiness, replaced with pure rage.
“I mean they are super soldiers, you really expect them to settle down.” Nat snorted before earning yeahs from them both.
“Besides it’s not like she’s special or anything.” Bucky shrugged, that was all I needed. They lied. They had told me promises of love and safety and it was just a gimmick. I immediately turned and went to pack up my room, I wouldn’t stay where I wasn’t wanted and definitely where I can’t trust my own team.
“Ms. Sanchez, your car has arrived.” FRIDAY informed me as I thanked the AI. I had written Tony a note explaining why I was gone, they had left shortly after the morning incident on a small mission. I rolled out my bag and pepper shot me a sympathetic look.
“You don’t have to go you know!” She said, walking over to hug me as she began to cry.
“I can’t stay. I will keep in touch I promise.” I said knowing I could email her with no worries.
A ding in the elevator brought me out of my thoughts. I walked down the hall, still in my full outfit, carrying the merchandise.(her outfit is Bucky’s winter solider muzzle and cat woman outfit.) I stepped out and began to walk up the corridor to the common room, Ed’s intern made eye contact, but quickly adverted his eyes and ran away.
“Well this place looks amazing, thank you.” Had I still been my old self I would have ran away and hidden, but oh how I’d grown. I growled audibly at the voices I recognized. I finally made it to the end of the hall and dropped my jacket on the bar.
“Ah there’s my favorite.. well lord you look like you had a fun time.” Ed started and I straightened my back, turning around. Bucky immediately looked wary and it gave me a sense of pride, an ego boost. I put my thumb on my bracelete to unlock the face shield , before it turned into the other bracelete. I heard audible gasps.
“Well I’m glad I’m the favorite since I don’t do consolation prizes.” I quipped pouring a drink, to ignore the searing burn in my throat.
“Luna, these are,” Ed started, “I know who they are. Here’s hydras little black book. Am I released to shower now?” I asked cutting him off, had I had the ability to blush I would have. Steve and Bucky looked like shit and they were staring at me like I was a kicked puppy. Nat looked shocked, Wanda had a sad look strained across her face and permanent etched into her features. Tony and Sam looked concerned.
“I imagine it was a success, no issues?” Fury asked and I directed my gaze to him.
“Have I ever failed one? Yes there were issues, they’ve been handled.” I answered monotone, my team looking happy I had completed the mission. Aurora had stopped looking concerned the minute she determined the blood wasn’t mine.
“Sanchez you can leave, but any survivors?”Ed asked and I grabbed a bottle of bourbon and my jacket. Clint watched every move I made like a hawk with prey.
“Not if they were in the building.” I stated bluntly.
“Oh and Luna, Delta is in your room I believe.” Lucas stated and I nodded.
“Keep the voices down please. Some of us still need sleep.” Tyler laughed out, the booming noise bouncing off the walls and I smiled.
“No promises. If you need us, figure it out alone.” I said, strutting away and drinking. My bedroom was the closest to the common room. I reached my room and opened it to see Delta asleep on the bed, I smiled to myself. He looked so at peace, I walked in and set the stuff down before walking into my bathroom to start the water. I heard Delta come up behind me, but I said nothing. I felt him move my hair to the left side of my neck, as he dragged his lips, soft as rose petals, down my neck.
“Well aren’t you just ravishing.” He said speaking in his British accent, causing me to giggle. He smiled before turning me around to kiss me. The kiss was a peck, but I quickly turned it into more. I pushed forwards applying more pressure to his mouth, dragging my tongue over his bottom lip before biting it hard. This caused him to grunt and make quick work of my outfit, before picking me up and smashing my back into the stone wall.
“I was going to let you relax and sleep.” He laughed, as I began to kiss down his neck making it to where his pulse point use to be. He locked eyes with me, and both our faces changed.
“Sleeps overrated I’d much rather be right here.” I giggled as he continued to kiss down my neck and chest and back up.
“So beautiful.” He mumbled out as he dragged his thumb over my face. I leaned my face into his palm, we weren’t in love. We were nothing but friends, fuck buddied. He was one person I knew I could count on. He began to kiss my neck, licking the excess blood off, and we made contact with the shower water.
“Tyler said to keep the noise down.” I moaned out, as he nipped at the skin.
“Well he can fuck off,”Delta stated in a matter of fact voice. “Or you can feed from him.” Delta finished before kissing me hard again, full of passion, lust, and need. I kissed from the corner of his mouth down to his sweet spot on his neck. He groaned and I quickly bit into him, my fangs latched into his neck as I drank.
“FUCK LUNA.” He said, not giving a damn about Tyler’s jab earlier.
Cap P.O.V
“FUCK LUNA!” A male voice echoed off the walls and Aurora snickered.
“Did I not just say to not be loud? No respect.” Tyler huffed making Ed laugh as he clapped a hand on his shoulder. I couldn’t laugh I felt like the air had been knocked from my lungs.
“Leave them alone. Luna has been back to back suicide missions she needs some relief.” Aurora scolded and Tony snorted before says, “sounds like she’s getting just that.” Bucky shot him a glare. We continued to get to know each other and tried to drown out the multiple loud noises coming from Luna’s room. Eventually a guy emerged, in just sweatpants.
“Delta try not to get blood on our floor it just got cleaned.” Lucas groaned out and the guy shot him a look.
“Well you can inform Luna of that, I’m not losing my head. I’ll heal soon enough.” He walked over to join us, “Hello I haven’t met you guys yet, I’m Delta.” He said nodding and drinking water, we all introduced ourselves. He sat opposite to Nat,Bucky, and I and smirked.
“Doesn’t Luna know it’s not nice to play with her food?” Tyler snorted out.
“Ya know ty, green isn’t your color,”Luna’s voice emerged from the kitchen and suddenly there she was. Beautiful as ever, the kind of beauty people use to worship in goddesses, “or We can settle this in the workout ring.”
She had become so strong and independent, no longer the meek girl we all knew.
“I may take you up on that, do I get my own muzzle or do we share yours?” He smarted back, and she hit him in the back of the head.
“Hey!” Tyler pouted, causing Delta to laugh.
“Doll, why aren’t you in bed? You need sleep.” Delta scolded and I began to feel hot flames of jealousy lick at my stomach.
“Maybe you should help her get to sleep, just for the love of all things holy keep the noise down.” Tyler joked.
“Bite me.” Luna bit out. They walked away and it killed me I felt like the preserum me again. I felt sick to my stomach. Bucky and I had agreed when we gave in to our desires and slept with her it wasn’t safe. So we made the whole team go along with the “stupid plan” as Nat called it. We never knew she would leave, our team all sat around the table with fury discussing.
“So I’ll break the ice. What the fuck.” Tony simply stated.
“Tony. I really don’t think you want to go there.” Fury shook his head.
“Hell yes we do. She up and abandons us and now shows up in worse shape then Bucky was. No offense.” Nat sassed and we all nodded and fury sighed loudly. The screen came on and pulled up her profile.
“Luna Sanchez also known as silver shadow or avenging angel. Born in October of 1700. Was turned into an immortal due to a lab experiment gone wrong. She was born with the ability of power absorption, meaning she can gain anyone’s ability by touching them. We have no clue how many she has. Also she was born with ability to manipulate things, like fire,water,electricity, etc.” Fury kept listing things as pictures of her were displayed.
“Só why did she ignore pepper and me and the rest of the team for so long? She may have been hurt but there’s no excuse.” Wanda snapped.
“Wasn’t her call. She was taken into Hydra’s custody being deemed number 2313669 and underwent similar treatment as Barnes. She’s only not in jail, due to me and Ed and her ability to get out. You think that was her choice? None of this was her choice. It was a call made, by the team and by us to keep you guys safe. The woman you knew is dead. Trust me.” Fury reprimanded and I felt the world stop moving.
Everything Bucky and I decided to sacrifice to keep her safe had done nothing.
“Before you guys open your mouth to accuse her of being selfish. I want you to look at some things.” Fury pulled up video footage of Luna being asked about us and specific members and security and she wouldn’t answer. Resulting in physical injury. Everything from beating her to a pulp, to water boarding, to Electrical convulsion torture. Everything they could do they did. I felt bike rise to the back of my throat and I felt nauseous and looked away unable to watch anymore or hear her scream after her resolve broke.
“Make no mistake. She’s a lot of things. Selfish isn’t one. Your alive and safe because she laid her life on the wire for yours. She may not have a metal arm, but her lasting damage is there.”Fury said, before setting down the clicker and walking away. We saw video after video of Luna in hydra or post and what they had done and it broke my heart my resolve. Wanda began to cry and Nat just looked shocked, Tony looked disgusted and in pain.
“We hurt her. We failed her.” Bucky said. Everyone looked at him sympathetically. Nat laid a hand on his shoulder.
“You couldn’t have predicted this Barnes.” She spoke directing her voice to both of us, I was just still in shock.
“She’s right.” Sam said, clasping a firm grip on my shoulder.
“Well I need a drink. Anybody else want one?” Tony said standing and grabbing the bottle from the middle of the table.
“No wonder she hates us.” I finally spoke, holding my head in my hands. We heard something that broke the last of my resolve. A piercing shriek. A scream that made my blood turn into ice water. It was Luna.
“Oh god.” Wanda wailed out and Nat and Clint both hugged her. Whispering it’s okay and Tony continued to throw back drinks. Typical.
We heard movement and all went of high alert and were met to see Luna, just standing there in a sports bra and leggings.
“Sorry. Thought you all were Fury.” She muttered out and Wanda looking up causing Luna to step back. She saw the Tv.
“Not one of my finer moments,” she quipped almost smirking and I crunched my brows confused how someone could joke about this, “Don’t feel bad. It’s a waste of time.” She flatly said, causing me to snap.
“HOW the fuck do you expect me to not feel bad Luna? You were tortured for years because of us. You think we wouldn’t feel like shit over that? Are we suppose to ignore your pain and feelings?!” I yelled and her face instantly hardened.
“Not that it’s your concern Captain Rogers, but it was bound to happen. It happened can’t change it. As far as my emotional state that is not now nor has it ever been something of your concern. You didn’t care 5 years ago don’t start now.” She spat out.
“Luna please.” Bucky pleaded with his eyes holding a broken glaze.
“Sergeant Barnes, I really have nothing to say. What’s done is done.” Luna said formally, she turned to walk away.
“Pepper cries everyday. She assumed you died.” Luna froze, I finally saw the number of different tattoos inked into her skin. One being her hydra number.
“The woman she knew did.” Luna stated over her shoulder, before walking out and closing the door ignoring our protests. She had completely iced us out, her exterior was colder than the ice water I had been plunged into.
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