icoreswaw · 19 days
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A breve uscirà il kobo a colori, quale occasione migliore per godere delle illustrazioni di iCORE nelle loro molteplici cromie? 🌈
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icoreswaw · 4 months
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iCORE updates its carrd to face the Year of the Dragon 🐉 with renewed energy! ✨
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icoreswaw · 4 months
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Happy New Year! 🎉 This is the Year of the Dragon; it will be a special year for Nanten, Takeshi's familiar.
(iCORE: an isekai light novel)
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icoreswaw · 5 months
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iCORE is running a giveway on Twitter! For a chance to win a digital copy of the 1st book of this YA isekai series, like and retweet this post.
Thanks to @satsscarlet for this beautiful portrait of Takeshi with his little earth dragon Nanten.
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icoreswaw · 5 months
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Siamo ormai prossimi alla chiusura del 2023. Sembra solo ieri che Takeshi ha incontrato Kirya in questo misterioso viaggio. Un viaggio che, ve lo posso garantire, è appena iniziato. Il secondo volume svelerà alcuni segreti del mondo di Medotea, risponderà a qualche domanda e introdurrà ulteriori enigmi. iCORE "Slot 2" uscirà entro i primi mesi del 2024. Se siete appassionati di anime, manga e light novel isekai, non perdetevi iCORE!
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icoreswaw · 6 months
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iCORE continua il suo viaggio. La stesura del secondo libro è in corso, con una data di lancio prevista per inizio 2024. Intanto il primo volume approda anche su: Kobo Googleplay e ovviamente è già disponibile su Amazon sia in formato digitale sia cartaceo.
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icoreswaw · 6 months
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iCORE scala la classifica di Amazon: - TOP 10 light novel per ragazzi - TOP 25 fantasy epico per ragazzi - TOP 50 fantasy per adolescenti e ragazzi
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icoreswaw · 7 months
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Dopo la classifica dei top 100 di ieri con l'edizione fisica, iCORE si posiziona tra i top 100 con l'edizione digitale nella categoria light novel per ragazzi! \^_^/
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icoreswaw · 7 months
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TOP 100 nella categoria light novel per iCORE (edizione fisica)! 🥳
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icoreswaw · 8 months
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gif process for Kirya & Takeshi commission
iCORE project
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icoreswaw · 8 months
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Kirya & Takeshi
Commissione per il progetto @icoreswaw
Light novel a tema isekai.
Qui trovate il libro in italiano, digitale e cartaceo: Amazon
Potete seguire iCORE anche su altri social: Contact
Commission for the iCORE project
Isekai-themed light novels.
Here you can find the book in Italian, digital and paper:
(English version TBD)
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icoreswaw · 10 months
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What is Takeshi holding on the cover of the 1st iCORE book? Now, we have a clear view of his amulet. The Italian version of iCORE is available on Amazon in paperback and digital (kindle unlimited included). English version TBD.
Here's the link to check it out.
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icoreswaw · 11 months
iCORE è disponibile su Amazon.
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Takeshi preliminary sketches by Habanagi Tak. On the iCORE cover and interior artworks Takeshi looks younger, but these are just some rough studies the illustrator made to get familiar with the main character of the story. These sketches are based on the Takeshi model sheet drawn by @isekaitempo (iCORE author and character designer), which you can see below.
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Resonate with iCORE on Kickstarter!
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icoreswaw · 11 months
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Takeshi preliminary sketches by Habanagi Tak. On the iCORE cover and interior artworks Takeshi looks younger, but these are just some rough studies the illustrator made to get familiar with the main character of the story. These sketches are based on the Takeshi model sheet drawn by @isekaitempo (iCORE author and character designer), which you can see below.
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iCORE Italian version on Amazon
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icoreswaw · 11 months
iCORE is now at 1% of its goal—help it resonate further!
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On the Kickstarter page, I added this new section: Letter from the author
Involvement (BIG WORD)—that’s what I set out to achieve when I started writing iCORE. Actually, the project had a different name originally, but I’ll reveal it only once the world has read the last volume and/or watched the last animated episode. (Yes, in my frivolous mind there is no doubt it will happen—GARGANTUAN CONFIDENCE)
Who is Takeshi? Why write about yet another Japanese student reborn in another world? Anyone would think that, since most anime, manga, and (last but not least) light novels talk about Japanese main characters, it’s normal to pick a Japanese name for your hero. But iCORE, contrary to how it may appear, is specially connected with this choice. Of course, I won’t spoil its plot—which is terrific (EVIL LAUGHTER), but I can tell you that there’s much more to the story than what appears on the surface.
iCORE is a classic isekai apparently but structured to strongly engage the reader–or the watcher (GARGANTUAN CONFIDENCE IS BACK: ANIME IS THE WAY!) In an intimate manner, so to speak: I want the reader to truly get into Takeshi’s skin. It’s really hard to achieve that, but I believe I came close—or even succeeded. Although my editor Majora read this first volume dozens of times, I still feel her genuine involvement. But it could be madness, as she is helplessly caught up in another world—iCORE world—without me noticing. Someone fetch the editor!
The development of iCORE also required me to draw the characters’ model sheets that you can see here and in all my galleries. Why did the author devote themselves to drawing them? (WHY WHY WHY!!! Self-pity…) The reason is that there are future story and character developments I can’t reveal yet (every little detail has its weight and is bonded with others). About the book’s actual illustrations (some of which you can admire on this Kickstarter page), I have relied upon Habanagi Tak, who instantly understood the main character’s mood. That said, communicating with an artist isn’t easy, especially when you expect painstaking attention to detail from them… You don’t hate me, Tak-san, do you?
(Yes, I do) (Yes, just a bit) (Definitely)
If you read this far without yawning, you won one virtual chocolate and my gratitude—speaking of gratitude (EVIL LAUGHTER is back), this project needs support. Even by just sharing this with friends who love isekai and fantasy stories, you’ll help iCORE take off. Advanced editing and a Japanese translation are expensive, but I would be really happy just to achieve the funding goal. Time for me to go back to writing the second book, which I hope to launch by the end of this year. (self-pity is the way…)
Isekai Tempo
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icoreswaw · 11 months
iCORE cover reveal - synchronize with this new isekai light novel series on Kickstarter!
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icoreswaw · 11 months
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