ichigoshizukarei · 2 months
Monthly attempt of getting into Tumblr culture because I know I'd enjoy it here and yet my AuDHD cannot manage to commit.
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ichigoshizukarei · 7 months
How is the Tumbly Lokius fam doing?
I joined the party pretty late but I did watch the last episode live. As part of the Good Omens, Supernatural, Sherlock and The Sandman region of the internet, I have to see how you guys are. Twitter is a mess. People are throwing salt into each others wounds (in a good way somehow) What about you guys? Still thinking about letting time pass?
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ichigoshizukarei · 7 months
What is your favorite feeling?
You know, I've had the blessing of not being as depressed for a while now and there are so many things that happen that make me glad to yet live. Like, you know when you say something you genuinely mean but somehow people interpret it as a joke and laugh? To me there is nothing more heartwarming than that. I love being able to make people chuckle, whether I mean to or not.
I don't know if it's because I'm autistic or simply because of my personality, but to me, that is a proof that I have grown and became a person I can be happy about
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ichigoshizukarei · 7 months
Sometimes I ask myself why I'm the anti-hero and not the villain
and then I remember it's because I'm too disabled to actually do anything outside of that scope. I have no spoons to actually hurt anyone. My migraines are killing me. Drinking the blood of my enemies? I have texture sensitivity I purely live off chicken nuggets and cheese.
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ichigoshizukarei · 7 months
As someone who has great knowledge of the Tumblr mind and can see into the future, this is true.
i feel like you have the potential to become a VERY popular tumblr blog, even outside of the vtuber sphere. this is a threat
you will look back upon this day in fifteen years with grave regret
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ichigoshizukarei · 7 months
Becoming a sexy tumbly man
I created my account a while ago but listen NEW THINGS ARE SCARY I've done a handful of quizzes tho, and a lot of them told me you funni little freaks would like me so here I am (being called a "sexy tumblr man" by a quiz somehow is greatly offensive but also an incredible compliment, so I shall accept that crown) I have yet to understand this platform though, so if I do not pass the vibe check, I apologize (my knowledge of Tumblr mainly comes from Karina, a Drawfee member) Anyway, I'm sitting in my tiny, self made cave called my streaming room right now and attempt to be a being deserving of existing, so I shall end it here.
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ichigoshizukarei · 11 months
Hey, I'm sorry about my response.
I have a natural tendency to apply logic to a situation when it might not be the most appropriate, so I apologize.
I do agree with your statement! Human nature and what makes us inept human isn't describable by one word or one experience, and I didn't mean to give you the impression that I think that is not the case.
Personally, I struggle with dehumanizing myself a lot, due to my gender identity, sexuality, romantic orientation and neurodivergency.
Telling myself "Humans are just too complex to be defied by a few simple words" should be enough to not feel like that, but sometimes it just isn't.
So having something I can rely on as a definitive proof of me being human helps, even if it's not the optimal solution.
It might not for you, and that's totally fair, but I hope you feel less misunderstood by me after this.
Everytime I hear someone say "love is what makes us human"I think of that one guy who was trying to describe humanity and said humans were featherless bipedals and another guy responded to that claim by bringing in a plucked chicken saying "BEHOLD A MAN"
Like I could hold up a million animal species and say "BEHOLD A HUMAN" because they feel love. Something that isn't just a human experience.
The point being that describing a group based solely off a few features or emotions makes the definition too broad to claim that it is what makes that species said species.
Saying humans are humans cause they have no fur would include furless animals. Same with saying love is what defines humanity. Like either you think elephants don't feel love or elephants are human. Your dog doesn't actually love you or your dog is human.
You can't use vague overly broad concepts to define humans as a species. So maybe stop trying to dehumanize people for not feeling the same emotion as you in the same way you do?
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ichigoshizukarei · 11 months
romance is so fucking boring why don't you kill and eat eachother instead
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ichigoshizukarei · 11 months
You know what makes us human?
You cook, I cook (sometimes... I TRY OKAY). But we all to varying degrees eat food that has been processed in some way. Of course, that in itself would still include animals who get fed cooked food etc but if you're looking for something truly unique for humans.
It's cooking, and I think that's beautiful.
Everytime I hear someone say "love is what makes us human"I think of that one guy who was trying to describe humanity and said humans were featherless bipedals and another guy responded to that claim by bringing in a plucked chicken saying "BEHOLD A MAN"
Like I could hold up a million animal species and say "BEHOLD A HUMAN" because they feel love. Something that isn't just a human experience.
The point being that describing a group based solely off a few features or emotions makes the definition too broad to claim that it is what makes that species said species.
Saying humans are humans cause they have no fur would include furless animals. Same with saying love is what defines humanity. Like either you think elephants don't feel love or elephants are human. Your dog doesn't actually love you or your dog is human.
You can't use vague overly broad concepts to define humans as a species. So maybe stop trying to dehumanize people for not feeling the same emotion as you in the same way you do?
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ichigoshizukarei · 11 months
First time using Tumblr, time to figure out how this works! Hah!
I can deeply relate though. My grandmother, even my therapist all have that "someday" mindset.
And while that is something I'll have to accept, the fact that I cannot expect people to understand or even try to, it's hard.
Some days more than others.
about a month ago, my uncle asked if I had a significant other. I appreciate his gender inclusivity, of course.
I'm used to the question. it's not like it's something outrageous that he's asking. so I simply said no, that's not for me.
he looked at me and said "well, someday." not someday maybe, just.... someday.
of course I'm not quick to anger, but there's a part of me that's a little more defensive about my aroace identity. so I jumped to my defense.
my uncle isn't a bad guy, he's quite nice and tries his best to be respectful in the current political shit storm by supporting queer people. but apparently that does exclude me, an aroace.
I reiterated that I'm just not interested in a romantic or sexual partnership, and I really do not ever see that changing.
and he said something to the effect of "it's okay if you don't want that now."
and I said, "no, it's just okay that I don't want that."
and he said that I was pessimistic. as if I was secretly searching for a relationship or a partner, but was rejecting love because I could not find one.
I calmly (with all the rage in my veins) told him "no, a life without love or sex is something optimistic for me."
he had the gall to look horrified.
I'm sick of aroace people not being seen as normal human people when they don't want the outcome of their life to look like everyone else's. I'm sick of the white picket fence, I'm sick of the assumption that everyone has another half out there.
I'm whole on my own.
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