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Unitarian estate privilege
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The Miami News, Florida, July 10, 1959
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La Plata Home Press, Missouri, March 19, 1925
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honey, you don’t know who I am
you will never meet another muther fucker like me, darling
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time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time time
chang change change change change change change change change change
growth growth growth growth growth growth growth growth growth growth 
death death death death death death death death death death death death 
want want want want want want want want want want want want want want
need need need need need need need need need need need need need need
real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real real rela
fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake fake 
thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts thoughts
action action action action action action actions actions actions actions actions
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I need an on call counselour someone I can take advantage of and cry too and be selfish and kiss and complain and tslk bout the appreciations of srt literature and life with so I won't be effected or effect the ones around me
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I'll sleep when my mind stops coming up with so many fucking great ideas.
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Fuck the nighttime and the saddens it brings
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Day 6 Begin with the end in mind. You’re beautiful
As I am writing about these days, they seem so long, I have done so much! Today, I woke up in the new area, I was so glad I did not get caught. However, I woke up and one of the first things I did was roll a blunt, it seems so normal like what is wrong about putting leaves into another leave. Well, a dude with bike walked by and scared the crap out of me, he wasn’t paying attention to me but I instantly got scared so I guess im the prejudice one. Or he just wasn’t paying attention. I finish rolling the blunt, took me 2 min - new personal record. I dip out to the nearest and cleanest gas station, get dressed, take my pictures and get out. Its time to explore the other side of this highway. Its a little map I made, there is one high through two sides of a part in downtown Atlanta. Each part is a different town, I explored the other side yesterday with the movies and such but today is museum day. Chyeah! So I go to a diner called “Atlanta Breakfast Club” and its super known in the Atlanta community. I walk in and get seated by a guy in a sweater. I ask him if I could sit on the side where there is a blackboard with drawings on it, to gain inspiration for the creative shit I’m about to do. He says that side is not being served so he sits me in the middle of the cafe. WHERE DA OUTLET, all the way across the room. So I open my laptop - around 30% - what da heck. I try and do some work, order a coffee, watch a lot of beuatiful people walk in and out of the cafe. I like people watching, there are so many people in the world and to me they are all not real unless you make them real so I try to learn peoples stories or just learn about people. I feel I suck at doing things with people or I haven’t found the right people but either way Ill figure it out.  I like watching people, talking to people but creating relationships suck unless they have that connection but its hard because ive learned some people don’t have that connection until later and I think its hard for me because lately its been awkward with people and I do not have a best friend, just me. Anyways, after my laptop dies, I sit for awhile until I have the nerve to ask the waiter to move spots. I finally move spots, get busy into work for like 7 minutes but first can we talk about how coffee or caffeine makes me inspired, gives me hope, but also makes me lean and vibrate its crazy. I need that drug in me without that shit. So I decided to not only do work but apply for hella jobs in ATL only applied for two because I got stuck trying to figure out somethings and I want to leave the O but I got some unfinished business there.  I got to stop trying to live my life by other peoples path but Im really not, I just want to move but RUkstyle needs me and the church. Once I get those on the feet I feel like maybe more ideas and opportunities that are more and better for me will come up but I still like ATL. Cant wait to travel more. Anyways, so how got online is that I ask the “ATlatna Breakfast Club”(ABC) sweater guy who now to me seems like the manager, if they have a social media team or marketing team. I let him know Im down for that shit, he asks to see all my stuff, gives me the wifi and everything, because they dont have wifi. Boom online and showed my work to this guy for about 10 minutes and gave him my card hope everything works out! I hate half asking shit so im gonna stop that habit first letts do this shit. Anyways done with ABC, I drive around the area for twenty minutes trying to find parking, park, smoke half the blunt in the parking lot next to a school, forgetting that  I decided to look for jobs at the museums so who goes to a job interview high, damn I got to get my shit together. So I get all my shit, takes me a while but I feel so dope because I love backpacking adventures. So I see that the school is a dope story from the outside so I take some pictures, go back to my car to get my camera manual so I can really get this shit looking nice. I finally get some good pics continue walking to go to a civil rights muesum across the street from ABC. AS I walk there its not cold anymore kinda hot but not too much. Im high as hit and feeling so fucking good. I finally get there and across the street is ATLANTA MISSION: ENDING HOMELESSNESS and I’m so hype because I know I can help in some way shape or form with media so I make note to go to that after the mueseum and find their hr. So I walk to the museum and just off the bat  the building is one of the most beautiful things ive seen, I spend a good hour outside just taking pictures of it. Then I go upstairs to go inside nad they sayits 19 dollars - dude thats all I got let so im like nah lets see how much the other museum is. I call the other museum - 15$ - I can do that but still have doubts. Well, the Coca Cola world is right across from thsi and I’m not really that interested but I do want a glass coke or two for 1.50$ YESSS.  Get two cokes and walk back to the car oh SHIT I need to go to the homelessness place. I finally go there and cant find the door, so I call and they tell me to look online. Figures. Anyways, so now I am back at the car, I put everything up and go inside the school. This school is top fucking notch. Uniforms, tv, and security. I ask for HR - in a meeting but they said they will email me so thats cool! I go back to my car, drive to a gas station near the concert venue  to change its only 230 but I want to be ready. o h yeah did I mention today is the AMINE CONCERT. Anyways so I get dressed for halloween, take some pics, drink a coke, smoke the rest of that blunt nad then witness  THE VARSITY - another well known DRIVE IN restaurant in the community. Im like I got to at least get fries but as I cross the street I see a guy with a broadcast camera on the bridge coming off the high way. So I drive in the resturant parking lot and they have a fucking two story drive in. I go to the second story cause when will I be able to do this again. I take some pictures from teh second floor, of the city and the place and then I drive down cause its not a drive in part just a parking lot. I park and still see the guy with the camera walking away on the highway so I get out and run, in my Jim as Dwight suit feeling like fucking clark Kent with my tie flying everywhere and my curls just bouncing. I catch the cameraman and ask him what is happening with film and photography in ATL, any spots? He says he moved here from Valdosta and just bought a camera, what a guy. Well I gave him my card and told him my story. He seemed kinda interested hopefully these people call. I run back to my car before its towed or something and look around, therses no’ button like sonic so I go to car with this black lady in a suit she cracks the window and tells me how it works. I wait look at my clock its 245, spend time on thsi or money on the museum. I end up going to teh muesum but see theres only paid parking, cut that shit, smoke the rest of yesterdays blunt WHICH I FORGOT ABOUT and go to find parking for the venue takes me about an hour, but I finally find parking for $4 totally worth the perseverance of finding cheap parking. Its right next to the venue but my ass went around and couldn’t find it, I asked a police officer and he pointed me to the right direction. SO THIS PART OF TOWN IS CALLED UNDERGROUND BECUASE ITS ACTUALLY UNDERGROUND THIS CONCERT WAS UNDERFUCKINGGROUND WHAT THE HELL. SO im underground and see a whole bunch of hot girls I mean decent but beautiful waiting in line and this is how the conversation goes.
Me(high as fucking shit): Hey are you waiting for the amine concert? Is this the VIP LINE?
Girls: yes
Me walks to the end of line
Girls: I mean yes but not VIP.
Me: Oh okay
Girls: What are you dressed up as?
Me: Do you watch  The office?
Girls: Yes (get excited) and points
Me thinks I feel a connection that they get that im Dwight so I just jump in the air and squeal: Yo im so glad you get it (walks away happily)
Im not really sure if they got it or I just think they did but I feel bad because I left and I dint know.
Anyways , I realize im hungry as shit so I go find some food. I see this guy who looks cute from behind but not really the face thinking he still cool enough to be my best friend I ask him if he knows any good places to eat, he’s not from here and trying to find the same thing. Im like okay and walk in teh opposite direction on purpose. I wish I could’ve saidwel do you want t look around with me. Thats a good way to make friends but still a lot and I didn’t. Anyways, I go all the way to the other side of town and see a completely Nasty looking asian place, it wasn’t nasty it was actually too hot to tell but it tasted nice asf. Like everything seemed wrong about the place it even smelled bad but I was hungry and I gave it a try. Im proud. So after that I walk all the way back and sit in line waiting for amine. The place is underground so im just glad to be there so hype about it all. I finally get called in with the others with my badge and everything, Im kinda nervous. I see him, still on edge. I show him my video for move the right way, he tells me to send it to his assistants email so I do!, I ask him to guess my outfit (Jim as Dwight) for halloween he doesnt watch the office but his best friend does and loves the outfit and gives mea high five. He asks what do you want to do for the picture I say something stupid cause you and your friends are stupid and he’s like you calling me stupid and im like oh shit NO stupid as in weird. I feel bad now, I take the picture and wait overthinking my life for the show to start. The show is blasting bad boy records and im so bout it. I know every song, I dance to my self in the crowd. I meet some people who seem really cool one person from Orlando too. The opener comes out, Towkio, in his set he asks for dancers, some girls come on stage, INCLUDING ME. The music starts playing and the girls start twerking , almost jump off the stage but instead I start cramping dopes. Amine comes on after that and he’s going in, I wish I knew the lyrics, I honestly truly just enjoyed the concert, I sang maybe 3 songs but Caroline was everything. After that, we dance it out with a dj and im so hype, people say they like my dancing and was happy and left home.after getting lost.
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Day 5 Trying not to take stuff for granted, being grateful
I woke up this morning having to shit really bad because I ate a whole all-star meal at Waffle House with two glasses of OJ. I couldn’t decide if I should shit in the airport parking garage, find a bathroom near the airport or drive to a gas station bathroom. I ended up trying to find a bathroom in the garage - NONE. So I drove as fast as possible to the nearest hopefully clean gas station. I shit, I took a bird bath, brushed my teeth, combed my hair, took a couple bathroom pics with my laptop, and then cleaned my car. A laundry mat is right next to the gas station so I instantly thought of starting the day off with dancing but realized there is a worker in there and its kinda weird dancing in a place where people work. Instead, I researched everywhere I was thinking about going today with my GPS and headed to my first spot, Centinnel park. A park in between all the places near downtown Atlanta I wanted to explore. I tried to find Parking that was super cheap or free but couldn’t find that. I circled around the park about twice until I blew a tire trying to circle it my third time. Instantly drove to a gas station, thought I was shit out of luck but didn’t lose my cool, searched for the spare tire - FOUND IT.  I searched for people to help me instead of wasting time pretending to know what I was doing. I spotted out two different construction worker men who looked like they were going to work, I asked  if they could help. One was Mexican and seemed like he couldn’t speak English, he told me he was waiting on someone and about to go to work but never left even after I left, the other guy was black and told me he had to go to work but by the time I finally got someone to help me, he was getting into a car with a odly skinny woman with stray hair and her hands tightened around a few bucks. Finally a guy in the store who ended up actually on the job as a Doritos delivery truck person, helped me and joined him a old black guy with a fat red sports car. After that I Called a bunch of tire places, found one, and headed there. while driving, I listened to Karinas groovy and dance Soundcloud playlists and found some gems, my favorite now to be ____. Finally after some wrong turns on Atlanta butchered roads, I found the tire place got my tired done in twenty minutes, while that was happening I visited a photo place that had film cameras and lenses and found a Nikon battery charger! Now I can take pics! I mightt just stay an extra day in ATL. After getting my charger and fixing my car, went to search the area nad they have a lot of African foods here but I have already spent so much money can’t do that so I sit outside working on my laptop liked I had planned to do later in the day but I figured why not get this anxiety out the way since they paid me. Shit they dont have wifi. What the next stop? But first let me gut this blunt, through the paper in my bad then head to my car ( the spot where I do all my research, the lab) and Search and refinalize my days plan. I head straight to little five points, I park in the neighborhood for da free. I roll a half joint because I broke the paper when I threw it in my bag, grab all my shit and walk into the nearest, cafe or coffee shop. ITs 130 thats how Ive been starting my days and Im cool with it. Im in this place called Brewhouse cafe but its looks nothing more than a bar, a European soccer bar , which is pretty dope to me. I want to go to a European bar just to watch soccer and be a part of the hype honestly. Or an actually soccer match that would be awesome. Ive been doing my work now for about three hours but it feels like 5. But im watching soccer and eating sunflower seeds so im a be alright! So finally got out at the actual 5th hour and I walked through the town and ATLANTA IS A MAGNIFICENT GLAMOUROUS CLUTTER its like my closet theres so much different things that you can go through. So I went through every single store out of 5 stores until it was 630 and time for me to head to the movies. I went through a crystal store which was out of my comfort zone because I dont really believe in that and I was so about not being a non believe. Before we talk about the stores lets talk bout how all outside theres a line of homeless people, Atlanta has a problem with that but its okay., anyways, so either the homeless people are selling stuff or staring not a problem though, but anyways so most of them areselling crystals or smoking weed illegally doing card tricks for people its like Las Vegas strip for the needy. Anyways, I goo into the asecond store and I dont remember verbatim what the second store was so inn just gonna go off of what I remember. There was a medical marijuana store, a record store, a vintage thrift shop, a African store, and a store with a question mark on top of it with a sign on the door saying the hours are maybe this and maybe that and it was awesome to se that. I love this place, s after many many many pictures, I realize that I found my favorite record store and they sell a lot of comics here. Its time to go, I go to the car smoke that half a blunt as. I lose my way to the movie theatre. When I get to the movie theatre I realize this is my favorite movie theater because the shit they show is so fiucking underground but so fucking good. So I saw this movie called the killing of a sacred deer and its one of my favorites, its thriller like split and I realized those are my favorite movies. On to the next movie theater - yes next movie theatre -yes Im splurging- sue me. So its drive in first of all - second of all - I got in for free by going through the exit, the security was laid up against the ticket box looked me in the eye and i swear he shrugged, anyways I get in and find the station and boom im sitting there watching Boo 2! - good ass movie by the way, I LOVE MADEA FOR A REEASON SOME FUNNY ASS SHIT - by the way I bought some more blunts on the way to the second movie theatre at a gas station and heated up some ramen and popcorn - im set. So im high as shit laughing and killing the game with life. I leave hungry as shit and trying to finda place that doesnt cost to sleep. I find PONCE - a cool looking neighborhood thats modern, I look for a parking garage- gotta pay, neighborhood - shady, I finally go to this apt complex with a security camera but loose parkinhg, before I actually park, I go to find some food - =instantly I look up mcdonalds and go to just get some fries because aim on a budget. FUCKKK theres a local restraint HEL YEA BUDGET OUT THE FUCKING WINDOW, I go and its fucking awesome its called THE COOKOUT and I dont know if its just me being high or what but their food is fucking amazing. I order - burger, corn dog, fries and shake for like 7 bucks. I park in this drive in style parking lot set up the office and boom im in heaven once again. Doing what I want, then a guy passes by my car and open the door with one hand in his pocket - bitch im out -  no way am I gonna open a door with onehand in my pocket unless I have gun- later I discovered its pretty cold he has a reasonable reason but I couldn’t do it. So now im in the “home” lot nad eating watching thats 70s show cause I missed it and im on the last seaozon of the office - gotta calm down. I go to sleep after eating and boom a day was made.
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