iamgroot98 · 3 months
That one student
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!!!NOT MY GIF!!!
Paring: Professor!Spencer Reid x Student!Reader
Y/N had just gotten ready for the day. Grabbing her books and bag, she walks out with Amanda, talking about their professor, Reid. "Oh my god! How could you not think he's hot!?" Amanda asked very loudly.
"Because that would be gross. He's like 30, maybe 40. That is a big age gap." Y/N couldn't help but think that big age gaps are gross. "Uh! You are just being a nerd!" Amanda yelled; Y/N didn't pay any attention to her, though.
Y/N sat down and took her note books out when Professor Reid came in. "Okay! Let's take a moment now to discuss the difference between a trigger and a stressor." Professor Reid said this while walking around on the stage. While every girl (Minus Y/N) was smiling and twisting their hair with their hands, "A trigger is a sensory event experienced by an offender that precipitates subsequent behavior, whereas a stressors is a longer-term pattern of behavior or circumstances that push a person into behaving differently than they would normally." Y/N said because she knew this information.
Professor Reid just looked impressed, then looked at everyone else. To see they weren't writing it down. "You're probably going to want to write this down. I shouldn't be telling you guys this, but I'm definitely putting this on the final." Professor Reid said, while moving his hands to his hips, "I'm only auditing this class." Amanda said so very bluntly. "Is anyone else auditing this class?" he asked, and then every girl (except Y/N) raised their hands.
"Okay, unfortunately, that is all the time we have for today. Thank you, guys." While everyone else was getting up and leaving, Y/N was distracted with writing down her notes. About 5 minutes later, Y/N jumped when she heard a voice. "Y/n? Hey, what are you still doing here? I dismissed class about—" Professor Reid looked at his watch, then back to Y/N. "—Five minutes ago." Y/N sighed, "I'm so, so sorry, Professor Reid. I was writing down the notes, and I guess I got distracted. I'm really sorry, and now I'm rambling." Y/N said it at the end with a little laugh.
Then she started putting her stuff away while Professor Reid walked up to her. "So, are you really taking my class? Or are you just auditing this class?" This made Y/N look up with confusion on her face. "I'm taking this class; did Amanda say something? I swear to God I'm going to" Y/N was cut off, with Reid chuckling.
"No, no. It's just that almost every girl raised their hand when I asked if they were taking this class or auditing this class." Y/N sighed in relief and laughed a little. "I'm really sorry about all of this. Um, I should go. I have other classes. But I'll see you later today if the other classes aren't dismissed." "No, the classes aren't dismissed; I just need a moment. But thank you for asking. I'll see you later. Mrs Y/L/N." "Please call me Y/N. It feels weird being called that." Professor Reid nodded his head and moved out of Y/N's way.
When she got to the door, she turned around one last time and waved. He waved back, and Y/N walked out. What Y/N didn't know was that Spencer had a smile on his face, happy that someone was actually taking his class.
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