i-heart-emos · 9 hours
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i-heart-emos · 1 day
Alright so basically it’s called a chicken parm and it’s Parmesan cheese and chicken all grilled together it’s so freaking good
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Yayyyy happy self parm day guys (reblog and I’ll break into your house and make you guys a Parmesan sandwich and listen to my chem with you 🖤)
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i-heart-emos · 2 days
One day I’m gonna go
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visited mikeyway's old stomping grounds
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i-heart-emos · 3 days
What got me into goth was she wants revenge I kinda went from there
And I mean the music has to actually be considered goth, you can't be like "Taylor Swift is goth to me (*^^*)//" on here
If you vote please rb so I get a larger sample
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i-heart-emos · 3 days
Does adhd count
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i-heart-emos · 3 days
Am I gonna make a right place right time a series even tho the votes aren’t done yes why because I need to redeem myself from how shitty that story was
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i-heart-emos · 4 days
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i-heart-emos · 6 days
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Real question
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i-heart-emos · 7 days
I’m fucking pissed I always tell my sister I wish I watched mcr in there prime and she says oh yea I saw them once it was that one show where he made out with the guitarist I was like YOU GOT TO WITNESS THAT YOU LITERLY LIVED MY DREAM so yea angry
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i-heart-emos · 7 days
R𝑖ght p𝑙ace R𝑖ght t𝑖me/ Gerard way
Pairing: Gerard way x fem!reader
Warnings: little cussing, nothing really where this is a safe haven today
Summary: while working at Barnes and noble Gerard runs into what he calls “the girl of his dreams”
A/N” I know shit about comics so I’m just gonna to books I’ve read and think Gerard would like please don’t come for me
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You briskly walk through the busy city watching all the street lamps start to turn on.
“Crap” you mutter under your breath. You can tell if it just getting darker earlier cause its winter up north or if it’s just late. You really wanna make it in time before Barnes and noble closes.
To say this weak has been shit is an understatement. First your stupid car broke down so you’ve basically been walking everywhere,Then your dog ran away,and you just started your period. So your only solution books.
You round the corner greeted by the bright lights of the dark brown building. Barnes and noble you read smiling brightly. You run to the door to check the sign
“Open yes” you exclaim hearing the chime of the door as it opens up
“Hello welcome” you hear a monotone voice say
You look up to be greeted by a brunette with bangs and glasses nose in a book not paying much attention. You do wanna ask about a book but don’t want to interrupt so you look for another employee.
As you walk the store you see another man he seems a little older than the other boy maybe 3-4 and he has longer black hair. You see he’s not preoccupied so you feel fine going up to him
You walk up slightly tapping on his shoulder.
“Hi don’t mean to be a bother but can you help me find a book” I say smiling brightly
He turns to a small smile adorning his face “oh yes totally what are you looking for” he asks
“The secret history by Donna tart” you ask
“Oh that one’s great right over here” he says guiding you
“Right it is I heard you guys have a new cover in stock so I thought I might as well come see” you smile “maybe it’ll make my week better” I mutter the last part to myself not think he heard
“Sorry you had a bad week” he says sympathetically
“Oh no it’s really fine life’s life” I say laughing slightly
“Yea I get well here’s the book and” he looks at like he wants to say something but the words are stuck
“And” I say smiling expectantly
“Wanna get coffee when I get off in like 20 mins” he says smiling
“Yes sure I’d love too” I say
“Good cause there’s like a Starbucks connected I mean you probably noticed your not blind but we can go there or anywhere else if you don’t like them” he says rambling in you giggle finding it quite cute
“Yes Starbucks sounds great thanks” I respond “is it alright if I just hand with you till you close then since it’s only 20 mins we can talk more about the book” you say holding up your copy
“Yes totally” he say smiling widely
“Alright im gonna go pay for this and ill be right back” I say smiling walking over to the checkout
“Wait what’s your name” he hollers grabbing the attention of some of the customers
You laugh a little “Y/N how about you”
“Gerard” he yells at the same level making you smile widely
Gerard quickly runs to Mikey smiling brightly
“What got you smiling like that you but another actions figure” Mikey say continuing to swipe threw his pages
“No I just met the love of my life” Gerard sighs like a teenage girl
“Wow a female is interested in you” Mikey says suprised
“Fuck you” Gerard laughs knocking Mikey’s book over
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A/N: sorry if this is shit I just really wanted to get it out hope you enjoyed and please request for mcr fics I love writing them
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i-heart-emos · 7 days
Real talk I just binged ever madmax including the ones from the 80s and I’m in freaking love like the whole world is so fucking weird it makes me love it more
I would still use my turn signals in the Mad Max Wasteland. They'd call me "Signal" because I'd hit my blinker before ramming the enemy hot rods into the side of a desert ravine. I'd use my turn signal every time. They would respect me for this.
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i-heart-emos · 8 days
Never shut up I can listen to you talk all day
chat am i being annoying does anyone want me to shut up 😭
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i-heart-emos · 9 days
Tell me why whenever I watch vampire movies and you just see someone grab the other persons neck slowly sink there teeth in as they like scream for help then fall and the vampire licks the remaining blood up it turns me on. I need therapy
people are always like "Oh a vampire wouldn't get horny while drinking someone's blood, that's like getting horny while eating a sandwich" and like man have you never had a really good fucking sandwich?
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i-heart-emos · 9 days
Totally there vibes really match
Reblog if u think Mikey Way, Frank Iero, Gerard Way and Ray Toro should collab
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i-heart-emos · 10 days
I have I they photo too
Swifties are saying that they're obsessed with Tay-Tay
I am in no way affiliated with the members of American rock band My Chemical Romance
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i-heart-emos · 11 days
My breath was physically ripped from my lungs when I saw this image (I’m gonna faint)
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i-heart-emos · 13 days
Just had a random memory of one interview where Gerard says “it’s was just me and Mikey working at a Barnes and noble together” and I just imagine them being awkward whenever they run into eachother and I really just wanna write something about one of them working there and meeting some cute girl who’s like a total nerd (cause I am)
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