hornedrunaway · 10 months
(Still working on Leucis/Angel’s About page. I meant to do it yesterday, but I started watching Miraculous Ladybug again, and it consumed my entire brain until like 9 pm lol. I’ll try to finish it today? Or tomorrow?)
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
How Do You Need To Be Touched?
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Tagged By: @illbringthechaosmagic on my main
Tagging: Anyone who wants to do this~
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
You’re on your own, kid…
    You always have been.
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
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V; The Bad Ending - The second main verse. Angel dies before he can find a way to escape his cursed destiny, and is resurrected as Leucis, Orcus’s top general. The sweet boy he was is dead, now replaced by a ruthless and evil sorcerer with soulless black eyes and a cruel sneer. He leads an army of undead in a campaign to conquer the world and shroud it in darkness, all for his master.
V; Prey Becomes Indomitable - Angel does find a way to break his curse, and begins heavily training himself in the Arcane Arts, becoming a powerful sorcerer. Determined to not let Orcus terrorize the world any longer, he sets out to kill the Demon Prince of Undeath…and succeeds. However, he feels a strong pull toward a now masterless weapon and an empty throne. Overcome by temptation, he picks up the Wand of Orcus. It quickly corrupts him, and he soon takes on a new title: Leucis Arkmenos, Demon Slayer and Prince of Undeath. He loses sight of everything he fought so hard for; freedom, beauty, love, truth, acceptance, equality, all dwarfed by the power he has, in his mind, rightfully taken. He becomes bitter and vengeful, killing most of his family and consigning the few survivors to eternal servitude before turning his wrath on the overworld.
V; Diamonds Are Forever - Strapped for coin and desperate for a way to stay off the streets during his quest to free himself from Orcus’s mark, Angel finds himself looking for work in The Enchanting Veil, a nightclub that hosts a variety of dancers, minstrels, and burlesque shows, as well as food, drink, and companionship for well-paying customers. After auditioning, his heavenly voice and allure as a dancer land him a job as a performer, and he quickly becomes a courtesan, as well. He learns a lot about himself here, and embraces his sexuality by taking both female and male clients. However, he still holds out hope that perhaps one of them will hold the key to ending his curse, and he stubbornly fights for his beliefs when the need arises. Given a chance to help someone who’s down on their luck, he will certainly take it without a second thought, which often gets him into a spot of trouble with the matron of the club, Madame Victoria Drannad. She worries that he’s going to get himself caught up in something that he can’t get himself out of.
V; Not Quite Broadway - Due to a ritual gone wrong, performed by a group of inept cultists who were trying to unleash a demon and make a pact with it, Angel is summoned from the streets of Waterdeep to the bustling modern metropolis of Gotham City. They try to make a contract with him, but he quickly explains that he is a Tiefling, not a Demon, and that he can’t be bound by a soul contract to a mortal. They then try to kill him, which goes very poorly for them, and Angel manages to escape their lair. Now he has to figure out a way to lay low and survive in a modern city that doesn’t rely on magic. Disguise Self works to keep people from screaming when they see him (I will use Laurie Davidson for an FC for his disguise), but the real challenge is to learn as much as he can about this world without causing suspicion.
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
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Fire Themed Animated Post Dividers
all made into gifs by me using the stock footage free for noncommercial use on Pixabay. Please like or reblog if you use or save. Dimensions are 550px x 20px.
Edit as much as you like, but please give credit to me somewhere on your blog!
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
Sitting on the arm of the throne combing the kings hair "my liege you should kill that guy for fun"
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
my liege the prisoners have constructed a beautiful choreography of writhing and screaming for your amusement
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
(Need a new FC for Angel’s ‘human’ form, but I can’t think of anyone who fits him well enough. 😭)
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
Writing Prompt: Three Things
like hell invading the world of the living, talk about a vengeance fall, a weapons and arms dealer
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
some people are taking "doomed" to mean "dead". this is actually a misconception! you can be doomed even if you don't die! it's sometimes worse if you don't die!
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
The Rules of Play
1. Don’t metagame. Let characters learn about each other over time instead of just having them automatically know all of my characters’ secrets.
2. Anon hate will be flamed all to hell, where Asmodeus can deal with it accordingly. Seriously, though, don’t be an asshole or a coward. If you have an issue with something I’m doing, DM me so we can talk it out and reach a solution.
3. Don’t godmod. I play my character, you play yours, and we have a fun time. NPCs are fair game, though! This also means giving my character a chance to respond, defend, flee, etc. Don’t just assume they’re going to react the way you want them to.
4. This one is unique in that I have never done it for any of my other characters/blogs on here, but a lot of the time, I will be rolling a D20 to see how well my characters perform in certain scenarios, much like in D&D. I don’t expect anyone else to roll for their character’s actions, and no one else has to do it. I just want to because it puts a fun little spin on things on my end.
5. If you have an issue with my friends, you have an issue with me. I don’t do ooc drama. Trying to turn me against one of my other partners is an instant hard block.
6. I’m mostly if not entirely on mobile. If I can’t find your rules or about pages while on my phone, I probably won’t write with you. Nothing personal, I just need the accessibility.
7. I don’t play with FC hunters. If you only want to play with my muse because of the FC I use, we’re not compatible. I will block you if I see any tags like ‘wanted opposite’ or ‘wanted ship’ or anything to that effect.
8. Bigotry of any kind won’t be tolerated.
9. I’m down to play in any universe that I don’t already have a verse for, as long as I have an open line of communication with my partner as far as development goes. Could be an AU where Angel was born into that universe, or an Isekai where he gets shunted to that universe from one of my existing verses (tagged with that verse tag and an Isekai tag). Magic is fun to play with, after all.
10. I don’t send in passwords. It fucks with my anxiety. I always read rules and about pages, usually several times over. In fact, I tend to revisit them from time to time because I have a terrible memory.
11. This is an 18+ blog. Minors and blogs with no age listed will be blocked. Nothing personal, just legal shit, y’know?
12. I’m mentally ill and preparing to move out in the next couple of months, so if I disappear for a little bit without warning, I’m sorry. It happens, whether I mean to or not. I’ll come back, I swear.
13. Lastly, the Mun and Muses are all over 18, so mature and NSFW things will definitely happen, but I will not write straight up smut unless it’s with a partner I know very well and can trust. I use a readmore when doing so. I am more than happy to explore darker themes, such as addiction/alcoholism, blood/guts/gore, torture/body horror(to an extent. No removing body parts, please!), death/dying/near death, depression, etc. If you are uncomfortable with something, please let me know! I will do my best to tag trigger warnings.
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hornedrunaway · 10 months
(Time to bring Angel back! I’m in the mood to write him again, finally, though I want to focus more on his villain arc. Gonna revamp some things after I eat.)
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hornedrunaway · 2 years
(Thinking about possibly bringing back Mollymauk on a separate blog with Lucien and Kingsley tbh now that I know more about them, but I’m still kinda on the fence about it. If I write these characters, I wanna do it right. I do want to make the blog, though, because these three still live in my head rent free!)
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hornedrunaway · 3 years
put your music on shuffle and stop at the first song with lyrics. choose 2 lines from it to describe your DND OC. what are they?
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hornedrunaway · 3 years
(Bit late on this little announcement, but between work, life stress, and the D&D campaign I’ve been DMing all month, I don’t quite have the energy to be as active on here and my other blogs as I would like to be. Replies are gonna be slow until sometime in early November, depending on when I can actually finish my campaign. I’ll still be lurking, though!)
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hornedrunaway · 3 years
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MOLLYYYYYYYY thats it 😩💕
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