hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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you’ll always be my little boy
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
Haikyuu!! Chapter 298: Guide
At the end of the last chapter, Yamaguchi is IN! And Tsukishima declared his intention to win with Yamaguchi help. Kuroo and Tsukishima’s exchange continues…
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That honest, almost self-depreciating statement, coupled with the title of this chapter… makes you wonder… (and that’s such an adorable confused face! (。♥‿♥。))
And Tsukki’s trust is rewarded,
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Karasuno’s first service ace comes not from Kageyama, but from YAMAGUCHI! (lololol at kageyama’s expression, then hinata’s is like… i don’t think i’ve seen that expression on his face before, nekoma is just genuinely impressed instead of annoyed, except kuroo) After thinking so little of himself, really these two childhood friends… But the best reaction comes from:
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Yamaguchi’s own teacher, Shimada! He’s so proud of his student that even Takinoue asks whether Yamaguchi is his kid. Seriously, all Karasuno first-years have wonderful teachers to guide and help them. (awww, there’s a time when tadashi calls tsukishima kei-kun? i wonder what makes the change? it must feel nostalgic for akiteru to see both his brother and yamaguchi on such a grand stage) 
On the second try… Nekoma picks it up.
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Yamaguchi doesn’t think it’s enough, but Tsukishima thinks it is.
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(kenma’s expression lololol, seriously he’s so expressive! why only now we see him like this?? both kuroo and daichi look impressed, hinata, why do you look so horrified? are you actually afraid of kuroo and afraid of tsukki being kuroo 2.0?)
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MY GOD. I’M NOT CRYING. YOU ARE. This is what Yamaguchi has been aiming for. This is what Yamaguchi (and Tsukishima) wants. All the third gym (plus training camp) celebrates the successful serve and block, Lev is no exception (guys, please don’t forget the third gym involves hinata and lev, and that tsukishima is seen having an amiable exchange with lev, and he also calls him tsukki! this makes akaashi the only third gym not calling tsukishima tsukki)
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Furudate-sensei… How could you…
How dare you make me cry????????
It’s just… I don’t think we realize how beautiful this is. It’s not just a matter of how these two have grown so much or how their relationship has developed. This is a wonderful portrayal of two people so closely intertwined that one is rarely seen without the other, that their identity is almost defined by the other that eventually learn to take a different path and learn to become their own person separate of the other, and yet… as they take that different path they never forget each other, ultimately they find their way to each other and become the best people they can be for themselves and for each other. It shows how deep their bond is, how important they are to each other.
A guide. All this time we’ve only seen Tsukishima through Yamaguchi’s eyes. We see how highly he regards Tsukishima, he is his best friend, his idol and his guide. But the truth is, from this chapter, Tsukishima thinks the same of Yamaguchi. Yamaguchi is no less a guide for Tsukishima.
Honestly these two boys ( Ĭ ^ Ĭ )
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Oh my god, Furudate. This chapter is too much for my heart. All the relationships are wonderfully portrayed. And all of them are equally wonderful and important.
This is the most honest exchange I’ve ever seen between Kuroo and Tsukishima, the two characters who tend to use their words to irritate other people, and yet neither of these two does such thing. Kuroo’s question is genuine. Look at his smile, look at how he pays attention and waits patiently for Tsukishima’s answer. It’s not a sarcastic question. And Tsukishima knows this, he gives an honest answer. He doesn’t evade, he doesn’t deflect. At least not so much with the once in a blue moon statement. But his expression, his words… He acknowledges Kuroo, Bokuto and Akaashi’s roles in his growth and in his passion for volleyball. For Tsukishima this speaks so much of how much regard he has for his teachers. For Kuroo, this further proves that Kuroo is truly a kind person, despite how he (and Furudate) makes it as if it’s a laughing matter. He cares that Tsukishima grows and find fun in volleyball. That’s why he asks because he sees how differently (more invested and passionate) Tsukishima is, to confirm that it’s no longer a club for Tsukishima and the realization makes Kuroo happy for him.
In conclusion, whoever you ship Tsukishima with, acknowledge the relationships he has. Tsukishima who doesn’t open up to many, who keeps to himself… whoever he chooses to do otherwise willingly is important to him. So now the list includes more than just Yamaguchi (and akiteru, but it looks like it’s still work in progress), it’s also the rest of the third gym: Kuroo, Bokuto, Akaashi, Hinata, and Lev, followed by Karasuno and youth training camp. Do anything less, it’s the greatest disrespect to Tsukishima and his character growth.  
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Hella proud and excited crows. Even Kageyama is impressed. Both the coaches look no less proud and impressed.
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Fukunaga is so precious. Please let him be referee-san. I cannot help laughing at the side eye (in Yakkun’s case, kick) both Kenma and Yaku give Kuroo. I am immediately reminded of Bokuto who was given the same treatment at the feint Hinata pulled off. However, unlike Bokuto, Kuroo doesn’t look or feel guilty at all. That response shows how highly he thinks of Tsukishima’s skill. He thinks that Tsukishima, with or without his teaching, will eventually learn how to block as well as he does. And I don’t disagree. This Tsukishima will definitely learn what he does wrong, and he has the example of good blocker right in front of him, he will learn from Kuroo from the match and immediately apply what he learns. But at the same time, it shows that he doesn’t think much of his role in Tsukishima’s growth. And wow… seriously? This gives me another proof that Kuroo is really that nice (and mature despite his capability to be such a dork lol).
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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“You’re beautiful.”
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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he’s a man who walks  a h e a d  of me.
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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Now…it begins.
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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Happy Birthday the best boy! <3
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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Art by  ulala8ulala
Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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I’ve literally spent more then 4 days on this… 😔
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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Where I came from … !
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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More screentime for jirou pls
Have a flashy jirou bc I love to burn my eyes
Also I love jackets–
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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i close my eyes and tell myself that my dreams will come true. 🎆
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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03. kouta
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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some soft Vitya for living my life
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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i’ll be off drifting to new jersey on my spring break escapades, so here, have a last-minute tddk doodle as i take my leave tomorrow morining :3c
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hollywoodtobio · 6 years
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My heart is divided between “I want Deku to win” and “I want Gentle to fulfill his dream”. Horikoshi, you did not leave it easy for me …
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