high-king-peter · 5 months
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"she thinks she’s found a magical land. in the upstairs wardrobe."
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high-king-peter · 1 year
The Pevensie children are too old for their age.
Their mom notices, at the dinner table. She sees no nagging children, no stupid fights. She sees Lucy eating and speaking with perfect manners, Edmund analysing the economy and war with concerning skill, Susan being gracious but poised, like a diplomat.
Their father sees it in Peters eyes the first time they get into a fight. When he moves to punish Edmund for speaking out of turn, Peter calls him out on it. When his gaze meet his eldest son's, he's leveled by the war he sees behind it, the tensed muscle in his arm, the knuckles white around his knife. He's seen that before, in other soldiers. He doesn't know how to react.
Other children notice, too. Talking to all the Pevensie kids at the same time is like being the only one left out of a secret, and the way they touch and tease each other speaks of a history far deeper than their polite demeneor lets on. And when they walk they fall in line, as if there is a natural hierarchy between them.
The first time anyone picks a fight with Edmund, Peter comes home with a three week suspension and blood around his mouth. He looks more alive than you've seen him in weeks.
When Susan gets back in the pool after Narnia, she wins all the contests. Coaches can't explain how to beat her, because they don't understand how she's doing it, either. She seems to almost disappear when underwater.
Lucy, always gay and golden-haired, starts dancing, and never misses a step. She moves with an elegance that no 10 year old should have, and all the girls want to be friends with her
Edmund soon becomes the best student in his faculty. He always seems to know the right thing to say, and teachers laud his ability to think through complex problems. His mouth does get him in trouble sometimes, but the boy seems uncatchable, always talking his way through the cracks. And if not?
No one actively fears Peter, but everyone is a little scared of him sometimes. He's tall for his age, sure, but there is something else, some other air that seems to give him an authority far beyond what's normal for a teenage boy. He's nice enough, but teachers can't stand it, and bullies learn very quickly that pissing him off means missing teeth and black eyes.
The Pevensies are not quite inhuman, but not fully mortal, either
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high-king-peter · 1 year
happy holidays to susan pevensie
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high-king-peter · 2 years
siblings be like "why are you in a bad mood" my brother in aslan you're the one who caused it
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high-king-peter · 2 years
Today I introduced my sister to “the problem of Susan” and I had to explain to her that Susan was left out of Narnia cuz she liked boys and lipstick now and without missing a beat she said but what about Peter? Does Peter not like girls? And I knew she was pointing out the inherent misogyny at the center of the “the problem of Susan” but the implications of that question are a source of much hilarity to meeee LMFAO like Does Peter not like girls? Does he like boys? Is he Gay? Is Narnia really just a homo-utopia where Lucy is also a lesbian and Edmund is a bisexual disaster and Susan was kicked out cuz she was too straight??? Can I make CS Lewis turn over in his grave with this new reading?
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high-king-peter · 3 years
Happy father's day to Susan Pevensie!
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high-king-peter · 3 years
(Peter and Edmund arguing about something)
Peter: Well, I am the High King Peter and my decision is final.
Edmund: Well, I am the Walking Edmund and I say you're making a stupid decision
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high-king-peter · 3 years
no, i will never shut up about how edmund was drugged by the white witch and that was why he sold out his siblings to her. no, i will not shut up about how he was fed the magically conjured turkish delight that was enchanted to make him keep wanting to eat it for forever. no i will not shut up about how he asked for sweets that reminded him about a time before the war and when his dad was still home. no i will not shut up about how he was ten years old at that time and without his mom and jadis was the first person who gave him some attention and maternal care in a while. no i will not shut up about how he was just a child and should be allowed to make some mistakes.
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high-king-peter · 3 years
no, i will never shut up about how edmund was drugged by the white witch and that was why he sold out his siblings to her. no, i will not shut up about how he was fed the magically conjured turkish delight that was enchanted to make him keep wanting to eat it for forever. no i will not shut up about how he asked for sweets that reminded him about a time before the war and when his dad was still home. no i will not shut up about how he was ten years old at that time and without his mom and jadis was the first person who gave him some attention and maternal care in a while. no i will not shut up about how he was just a child and should be allowed to make some mistakes.
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high-king-peter · 4 years
Older sisters have both a god and victim complex
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high-king-peter · 4 years
Here’s what happens, my dear, in the end:
You send your children away on a cold day heavy with English rain. Your hands tremble and their cheeks are wet or maybe just stained with all that they’re not told. You settle the whole world atop your eldest’s shoulders, with his eyes wide and his bones like glass.
Edmund is spitting all that falls from dark night skies back at your face, unflinching and with his words wound around his own throat, a little boy covered in scabs and all that you couldn’t keep from them.
You send them away. Susan’s hair is in perfect curls, her cheeks a red, blotched thing, and her words barely hold themselves up, strung between you. Lucy jumps into your arms and you kiss her nose as if she was still small enough to fit snugly in your palms.
They come back with steel wrapped around their bones, their lives dusted like sugar from a hundred rations on their lips, and Susan’s words are a string of pearls around your neck. The world lies still and slow on Peter’s shoulders, and his knees do not buckle. Lucy sits nestled in a tree’s branches, and smiles at you with sharp, hollowed teeth. Edmund’s back is straight. There’s no sugar sticking to his fingers and no life like a chord on his tongue, anymore.
Peter’s eyes are a storm.
Do you hug them, Helen, when you find them at the train station, wrapped around each other? Do you take Lucy in your arms, with her sharp hands and her canine teeth? Do you kiss Edmund’s forehead when he looks at you with gunmetal warped around him? What of Susan, and her porcelain smile, the earth stretched between your chest and hers? Do you cup Peter’s face, his trembling hands, or his glass-shard bones?
Keep reading
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high-king-peter · 4 years
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GIFing Every Peter Pevensie Scene (Part 6 of ???)
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high-king-peter · 4 years
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GIFing Every Peter Pevensie Scene (Part 5 of ???)
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high-king-peter · 4 years
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GIFing Every Peter Pevensie Scene (Part 4 of ???)
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high-king-peter · 4 years
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sons of adam and daughters of eve
follow me on twitter and instagram! (@beeyana_)
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high-king-peter · 4 years
I know I’ve posted about this before on here but in the LWW movie they made a conscious effort to not show the color gold in any significant way at all until Aslan walks out of his tent. They “withheld” gold until you see Aslan, who is literally golden.
I think about that often. That is such a mind-blowingly tiny detail that no one would notice, but they were like, adding that one more tiny detail to make Aslan look wonderful in the movie. They were like psychologically causing us to see him as more shiny and golden than anything else. I think that’s beautiful, and I think Lewis would have adored that.
There’s a line in Silver Chair too I think where Aslan comes and it says he looked so golden that “everything looked pale and shadowy in comparison”. It’s like they did that, literally and psychologically. It’s so cool.
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high-king-peter · 4 years
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GIFing Every Peter Pevensie Scene (Part 3 of ???)
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