hhtpsjup1ter · 8 months
Hey tia how do I get in void tonight?
Thank you 🤍
Hii angel, well there's so many ways to get into void state within this exact time. You can read my intro and answered asks which has a lot of information and methods that suit your compatibility. I'll make this into a void resource post.
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Void Resource Post :
Entering the void with the awake method.
Using the phrase method to enter the void state instantly.
Astral projection technique to enter the void state.
Using ssild to enter the void state. Credits to an anon of mine.
Using Yoga Nidra to enter the void state.
Commanding your subconscious to wake you up in the void state.
Mind Awake / body asleep methods
Void pep talk
Meditations to enter the void state
Theta state method @charmedreincarnation
Helpful resources to enter the void State. Credits to @voidbaby111
Learn to enter the void state instantly by using Hypnosis, credits @gorgeouslypink
Self hypnosis to enter the void state. Credits to @asteriaas-stuffs
Void state/ trance state ADHD friendly method. Credits @ghostfest
Sleep paralysis to enter the void state. Credits to @lovetd
Sure shot way to enter the void state
Let go void challenge Credits @hhtpsjup1ter
Delta waves to enter the void state
ADHD friendly method to enter the void state. Credits @trynafindbarbiee
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
hey there, at first I stuck to sammy's advice with affirm+persist and robotic affirming and I saw good movement with that but then all of this 4d/inner man/edward art shit came and I guess I let myself get all confused. it literally made me overthink everything to the point that I'm sabotaging my own success. like I know that discipline and persisting will help me get what I want even if I don't feel it real but my overthinking is so bad and my head is so foggy due to all the different teachings that I can't make any progress. should I just pretend I never read any of this states crap and if so, how? do you have any advice? I hope that made some sense 😅
Hey luv! My advice would be to before anything get off Tumblr and only come back after you fully manifested your dream life 'cause of all the different "teachings" and all the overcomplication.
For the overthinking stuff i think that robotically affirming takes cares of it the best, the problem is that some people talk about it like you'll stop overthinking with the first few affirmations and you won't! You'll have to choose your desired/positive thoughts/affirmations despite having all of those opposite thoughts for the first days or so but it will get easier and easier! More and more natural and it will happen so naturally that you'll think it would've happen anyways (even if you didn't affirm for it at all!)
Also keep in mind that you can affirm different ways too if you feel comfortable with it like pretending to be in a interview for vogue, bragging about it, complaining about having it, ranting, vaunting, think like you're talking to a friend and etc...
I hope i could help u, if you need to ask anything else i'll be here to help the best way i can! <33 can't wait to hear your success story!!!
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
Hello Tumblr citizens! My name is Gigi (she/her) and i'm just another person here manifesting my dream life and evolving my own view on the Law each day that passes by.
If you feel interested on following me, please note that i'll not be posting those long posts overcomplicating the Law and that I DO NOT worship Neville and Edward Art as if they're the Law Of Assumption Jesus even though I DO agree with se of the things they say!
I would love to start a conversation with you guys and hear your perspective of things! <3
(and thank you in advance for having me, happy manifesting!)
- Gigi 🌼
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
the more you notice how similar "real life" is to dreams, the more it makes sense to you that none of this is "real". you understand why "the world" is inside you, not outside of you(where is the dream? inside of you, but not physically, because it's not a thing, and it's merely an illusion). you understand that the absence of choice and "control" is also an illusion(when you wake up, you know anything would be possible in your dream, but while you dream, you're caught up in that illusion and simply play along, unless you're lucid and realize your power within the dream). you understand that you are the Self, the dreamer, and not the ego, the fake person in your dream. you understand that no one in the dream is "real", they're all your creation, including the dream version of "you" that isn't actually you. you realize you can be "other people", experience different points of view, be simply the observer or be a character in the dream. you understand that time and space are concepts that don't actually exist(the dream might seem short but when you wake up it's already morning, or maybe it was simply a quick nap that seemed to be days long, and that the dream exists nowhere, there's only this feeling that it's inside of you). you understand that this wonderful "world" is entirely your creation. you understand that nothing matters within a dream, because it has no impact on your true self(although you've mistakenly identified with the ego, it has no effect on your true Self). you understand that no matter what happens in the dream, your existence isn't purely tied to it, so whether you think it was "good" or "bad", you exist beyond it, and you have limitless chances to experience whatever you want to experience, and there's no problem in "not dreaming your desired dream" because this isn't your only dream and you'll always wake up in the end. you realize how silly it is to give anyone power over you when they're all illusions that are still created by you. you realize that what's holding you back is the belief in continuity and repetition and the past. think about it, and you'll realize just how similar "life" is to a dream, until you finally understand that life IS just a dream.
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
4dbarbie highlights: Stop fighting the dream
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Your character has no free will. All happens because it happens, you (the person) can't control it. You might argue you do because you chose what to eat this morning, but these little decisions mean nothing - if the ingredients weren't in your fridge, you wouldn't have had the choice either. The waking state is no different from dreams, first you need courage to start, then you gain confidence in what you find. Let all happen to you, try to control nothing, stop fighting the dream - just let go of your fear. Detach. You are here again because you wanted to experience everything, this is the lifetime in which it happens. Only you have to give up thinking you are the body. Then the mind and its thoughts, because you aren't those either. I know there are obligations, but start asking yourself questions until you stop believing in anything but your being, after all, that is the only thing you know for certain. You think you are this little speck, but it is the opposite, all the specks are because you are. Your mother is you, your father is you, I am you and your body is you, and so is the world - you are the whole of the dream. Sooner or later, you will arrive at the same conclusion. You can't stop being what you are (Self), all else can stop existing, but you can't. The only thing you have a choice in is delaying seeing it by thinking you are this or that. Only by letting go of all do you gain everything. Only see it, then you can imagine whatever you want and it will be.
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
I will be focusing on posting more lucid dreaming methods to enter the void ^^
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
DEILD method
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Touchless alarm clock for iPhone/android (not sure if it is available for android) https://apps.apple.com/sg/app/lucid-waker-dream-alarm-clock/id1505570242
*credits to the owner of the document*
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
4dbarbie interview: All about Desires
4dkelly notes: I had fun making this in an interview style Q&A between 4dbarbie and Vanessa. I thought "how would 4dbarbie answer anon questions if she were still here today?". Spoiler alert, it wouldn't be much different to the questions anons asked her lol. Most answers are just directly extracted from her posts/answered asks but some have been adapted a bit or rearranged to make it flow better. I have added some relevant posts for further reading. I may or may not make more of these. This was mainly just for fun (but then it really evolved into an educational piece lol). My highlight key: key concepts are in pink, action points in purple, really important points in red
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Vanessa: I really like this guy and want to manifest him. 😢 How do I do that?
4dbarbie: IMAGINE KNOWING ALL THIS AND STRESSING OVER A GUY?!?!? Unbelievable. Who's holding you at gun point to type this out to me??? 😧😧😧 I refuse to believe this is what this material is getting wasted on. I refuse to believe this is the understanding you guys have after I explained who you are in so many ways. Imagine liking someone who didn't text you back right after to tell you how amazing you are as well 🤮 what do you like about this nobody? You want to give me a heart attack? I tell you there is no one out there but you and instead of being free and loving yourself you... you give a crumb of your precious attention to this? I tell you you are life and you try to make life better through dates?
Vanessa: Okay but what about my other desires? I want them...
4dbarbie: Everything about Vanessa is meaningless. She has a life and if it's boring, who cares? Forget it. What do you need these stories for? Do you not understand they have reality because you give it to them? YOU! They have no standing on their own! The whole world is just your mere thought. The body exists because you are aware of it being! Only you have this power. Only you are. Why are you dreaming like this? Gosh, you break my heart. If Vanessa is hurting you why do you keep on choosing her?
Vanessa: Then what should I do? I still have things I desire despite knowing I cannot desire because I am not a person, ego, mind...
4dbarbie: You know it intellectually, but have you acted on it at all? You know yourself as Vanessa by acting like Vanessa, know yourself as your Self by acting like yourself. Desires and fears dissipate then. You have desires still because you never stopped thinking you're Vanessa. Investigate who Vanessa actually is :) Spoiler alert: it's a thought! Think something else and see what happens.
Vanessa: How long will this take? When will I see a change?
4dbarbie: Now. Who is doing the change in attitude, what are you waiting for to happen for you to change your attitude? It's instant. You see it, you realize you have no reason to worry/doubt/desire/fear anymore, let things happen as they happen while you're undisturbed and they dissolve.
Vanessa: Should I just keep assuming that I don't desire things anymore because I already have it while I'm denying and dismissing my senses? It feels like I'm just waiting and being delusional though
4dbarbie: Your world is right and perfect, what you see is what you are so even if you're seeing what 'you' don't want, the world is not wrong in being what it is. Fearing it, trying to manipulate it, lying to yourself about it being something different - all useless and vain attempts.
Not seeing the world as it is, is an aversion to it. - Lester Levenson
See it as it is and it will fix itself.
And no, being delusional is not good, it leads you not to trust your own judgment or senses. Which is not right, why shouldn't you? What is wrong with your vision? Being delusional from your ego self is really harmful, someone could be abusing you and you would go "i'm sure that's not right he loves me so much in my mind!!!"
You won't be able to get rid of the waiting feeling as long as you're identified with your ego, it can manipulate nothing. And if you weren't your ego -- everything would already be materialized, so there would be nothing to wait for.
Vanessa: Well since I Am and I give life to everything, when Vanessa desires something, I can just "give" her her desires, right?
4dbarbie: The desire that *I*... the desire is of Vanessa, the Self can have that and it's nothing to it. It's just another experience. Those things are in you, not you in them.
You don't have to give her anything... you don't have to fulfill anybody... I Am is already everything... you only don't see you are all and have the all because you won't stop thinking you're the ego. All you're doing all the time is creating lack & limitation, perfection already is. You just add unsatisfying labels constantly with your wrong thinking.
Let go of the thinking, it's instant. No need to fulfill anybody. 1 My tip is to realize your Self, have enough courage to face Vanessa's fears. See how unnecessary is to pay them any mind at all. Let go of thinking you are this little helpless thing already. After you realize yourself, any bold assertion does it. There's no time delay. 2
Vanessa: Now I feel defeated, do I just give up on everything then?
4dbarbie: Feeling defeat is actually good, it prompts you to let go :D You don't need to reach for what is already within you. Give up the idea that you have not found it and just let it come into the focus of direct perception, here and now, by letting go of all that is of the mind.
Abandon all sense of separation, see yourself in all and act accordingly - Nisargadatta Maharaj
You have it, all is well. Just stop believing the illusions born out of thinking you're a person.
Vanessa: So as Awareness, I have to stop desiring?
4dbarbie: If you know yourself to be Awareness, then you know yourself to be the all. There is nothing to desire, because you have no reason to create desire.
That's why it's necessary to realize all that is is awareness and the person comes second. If you think all that is is the person, then the chances of believing you're suddenly a different person are slim, and the persuasion and convincing are nothing but a form of self-instilled mental torture. 1 All you're doing is imagining/thinking you're an ego who has to strive for things, but it is "I AM" imagining itself to be so.
What is beyond is clear of all striving. The cause of suffering is in the identification of the perceiver with the perceived. - Nisargadatta Maharaj
When that identification ceases, so does desire. Then, if you want to express yourself as being a person, nothing is stopping you from doing so, only know yourself first. After that, no matter what you choose to experience the world as, you will know you are not it and it can't hurt you.
Vanessa: What do I do when a desire or fear comes to my mind then? It doesn't feel right to suppress them...
4dbarbie: I am not talking of suppression. Just refuse attention. Nisargadatta has a saying "When you happen to walk in a crowd, you do not fight every man you meet — you just find your way between." Neville has another "Indifference is the knife that severs, feeling is the tie that binds." When you refuse to play the game, you are out of it.
Vanessa: Then how do I stop feeling anxious about trying to change my life?
4dbarbie: You are not the one who is anxious or fearful, the ego is fearful. LOA was wrong about letting go because you can't let go of desires or fears if you don't know who you really are. If you think you are this ego you can't help being anxious. You can't help wanting to get. Real surrendering can only be of the ego. By letting go of who you think you are and seeing you were never it in the first place, that it is because YOU are, you naturally drop all desires and fears because they weren't yours. 1 Get into a habit of watching, letting them be but not identifying with them. If you can observe them, it means you are not them.
Abandon all imaginings and know yourself as you are. All craving is due to a sense of insufficiency. When you know that you lack nothing, that all there is, is you and yours, desire ceases. - Nisargadatta Maharaj
Vanessa: How do I stop feeling doubts then?
4dbarbie: You shut them down. There is no reason to argue with them, contemplate them, or give them any kind of attention at all. See them for what they are, an illusion of the mind. When you catch yourself being aware of something that's undesirable, just go 'What problem?' and know it to be perfect again. Always remember, the real you can't have doubts, only your ego can.
Vanessa: I feel like I'm not doing enough to realize my true Self. How can I be more productive on this journey?
4dbarbie: There's nothing to be productive about. What a silly concept. Don't add another burden or worry onto yourself. Right now you make yourself guilty over not seeking more and doing more to attain realization, but you already have it. You need not take time to meditate or put time aside to contemplate and "apply". All you need to do is detach from this form during the day, let life happen as it happens while reminding yourself it's a dream, a dream that doesn't have to be yours.
The guilt is because you think you're running out of time and you need to change "your" life now. Be patient with yourself because you don't lose any time, just get to that place I'm telling you about and then you can just go back in time if you so wish. All worry is pointless! And there is nothing to fear, things just happen, do not claim them as yours for a while. Unclutter your mind, it becomes your servant after you've freed it enough.
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
i'm a void hater honestly
i'm kidding i'm not a hater of anything but i think i'm gonna stop talking about the void because let me tell you how bad it triggers me to see all the people that beg for it.
and i understand why but i already said it and i will keep saying it:
we were just all conditioned into thinking that we don't have anything, that we need to work to get something and that it takes time.
but it's bullshit
and also, i keep using the term desires so you know what i'm talking about but desires are also bullshit. you have everything that you could possibly think of and beyond. You cannot desire something that you already have.
when i'm saying, the 3d conforms instantly, i'm not manifesting anything or influencing you to get in the right mindset, i'm talking about facts. When you say you have something, when you know you have something, you have it and that's it. When you're looking in the mirror you're not thinking about the fact that you don't have a mirror, that would be stupid.
but back to the void, you guys are wasting your time on something that might not be for you at all and you find excuses for it.
"This will happen if i don't get in the void before then."
Okay sure then, get in the void.
"But i keep failing"
Do something else then.
"No, i can't, i need to get there now..."
Like i get it, you are in some situations that are not great but you know you should identify with those and they actually don't matter. Plus you're putting the void on a pedestal and everyone told you that you should never do that.
it makes so mad to see how people are desperate for the void and they have been trying for years to get there when they could have their desires for a long time if they just accepted they already have everything they want. And i'm at the void not the people.
It's like trying to turn on a light with a stick. It's possible sure, but it's so much harder than just doing it with your hands.
I entered the void for the experience, but i still manifest without it today. Because it's taking way more time and energy than it should, to me.
All you have to do is accepting and letting go of what no longer serves you. Living in the end basically. No need for a 2 hours meditation that ends up in falling asleep and waking up with no progress.
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
im jani, the most gorgeous and immortal goddess. heres a kiss from me to you that links all my other socials: 💋 and remember, pretty bitches neva die!
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
I love pink and I love bows I love being feminine 💞
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
everyone should look into this subliminal
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
i ran a little experiment and i wanted to share the results.
so i want to wake up in the void and in almost every void success story where they woke up in the void, they commanded their subconcious mind, which is easy enough and yet, when I tried it twice a long time ago, I didn't enter. but i did have a theory so i decided to test it.
wedensday: i decided to command my subconcious mind to wake up me up at 6 and went to sleep. i woke up at 4.
thursday: i decided to command my subconcious mind to wake me up at 6 and then kept affirming I'm glad I woke up at 6. i woke up at 5:58.
friday(last night): i commanded my subconcious mind to wake me up at 6 but then i couldn't fall asleep until 2 and i was kinda hesitant because i didn't think I'd be able to on 4 hours of sleep. I woke up at 9.
so what did i learn from this?
1. If you don't believe it's going to happen, it's not going to happen. If you have doubts, not going to happen
2. Just commanding your subconcious mind once and then going to sleep kinda works but its better command your subconcious mind and then to fall asleep in the feeling of the wish fufilled.
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hhtpsjup1ter · 9 months
Happy to help dear ^^
SUCCESS STORY! (w photo proof)
ive been in the LOASS community for around a month now, so ive been wanting a vinyl record player for like a few months and last week i was looking through amazon like “oh these are so expensive..” and then i was like im literally a master manifestor why dont i manifest it??? like i completely forgot ab the law 😭😭
anyway so that week i was just affirming to myself a few times a day like “oh yea i have a vinyl record player now!!”, i did SATS bc its fun, i talked to myself pretending i was talking to my friends bragging about my vinyl player, i searched online for new vinyl records to buy to play, and just STAYED IN THE STATE of having my record player. i didnt affirm 10k times, just everytime i thought of it to REMIND MYSELF i have it.
i ABSOLUTELY DID NOT waver. i did NOT get nervous about not seeing it in the 3d, bc i reminded myself i already have it so its fine. the law NEVER fails. so theres no room for failure. i lived in my imagination ion playing songs on my vinyl record player, (bc i LOVE visualization, if you love affirming then affirm for it instead!!) everytime i was like “i cant wait for my vinyl player” or “is it gonna be here?” or “hows it gonna come?” ECT i IMMEDIATELY flipped those thoughts with WHAT? i already have my record player wdym
tldr, i convinced my subconscious that i HAVE a vinyl record player, and since i lived in the 4d (imagination) where i have it, it reflected in the 3d bc thats the LAW. anyway, i wake up and theres a package at the door addressed to my name and i was so confused bc i dont order things. my parents had no idea where it was from and when i opened it, IT WAS A RECORD PLAYER RAHHH!!!
i literally SCREAMED yall i was like NO WAY. but i was also rlly confused so i looked at the address it came from and it was my aunt who lives a state away. (but we r REALLY CLOSE) so i called her and she was like “surprise!!! i know you love music so i decided to buy one for you because it was on sale.” and i was like OH ,Y GOD!! keep in mind she had NO CLUE i wanted a record player bc it never came up, and she NEEVR buys me gifts unless its my birthday or smthn which is in like 2 months. CIRCUMSTANCES DONT MATTER!
anyway here it is!!
i put a piece of paper w my @ next to it bc alot of bloggers r being called out for lying, and i dont want people to lose trust.
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(the second pic is on my floor, first on my bed.)
if u guys have any questions feel free 2 ask!! THANK YOU SO SO MUCH TO @coquetteprincesss @nakedbibi333 @fleurlx @miracledarling @aphrodieties @blushydior @cinefairy @gorgeouslypink @heliosoll @hhtpsjup1ter @oonasempire @piercedblunt @remcycl333 @voidprincessblog YOU GUYS ALWAYS HELP ME SO MUCH!!! i love all ur blogs tysm for ur help w the law ❤️
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hhtpsjup1ter · 10 months
Thank you! 💖 So are you. I have green eyes but I cannot find a picture for the type of green I have
What I look like @konniesreality
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Hair type and colour and style
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hhtpsjup1ter · 10 months
What I look like @konniesreality
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Hair type and colour and style
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hhtpsjup1ter · 10 months
get to know me ^^
east asian chinese-korean
16 years old libra
kpop newjeans
fashion y2k
travelling europe
Layout inspiration - @urfavstargirl
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