harmandip · 1 day
Chart for determining your "Prakriti"
chart for determining your “prakriti,” which refers to your Ayurvedic mind-body type. Ayurvedic Prakriti Questionnaire Vata Are you thin, with a light frame? Do you have dry skin and hair? Do you tend to be forgetful or spacey? Are you easily chilled, even in warm weather? Is your energy variable, with bursts of activity followed by fatigue? Do you prefer warm, moist environments? Do you…
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harmandip · 2 days
"The Joy of Playing with Soil: Why It's Right for Children"
As adults, we often underestimate the power of simple joys, like playing with soil or mud. However, for children, this type of play isn’t just fun – it’s essential for their development and well-being. The Sensorial Experience Playing with soil engages all the senses. The earthy smell, the cool texture, and the squishy feeling underfoot provide a rich sensory experience that can’t be replicated…
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harmandip · 4 days
पित्त प्रकृति के लिए व्यायाम, योग और ध्यान के लाभ
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harmandip · 9 days
Unlocking Your Potential: Ayurvedic Exercise Plans for Your Dosha
They say exercise doesn’t just add years to your life, it adds life to your years. In the realm of Ayurveda, this rings particularly true as exercise tailored to your dosha can truly ignite vitality and balance within. Dosha, the three metabolic principles connecting mind, body, and biological humor, defines our unique constitution. Let’s dive into the essence of each dosha and the exercises that…
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harmandip · 10 days
आप किस प्रकृति के हैं?
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harmandip · 11 days
"Understanding Prakriti: Your Unique Ayurvedic Constitution"
Have you ever wondered why the same meal can affect you and your friend differently? Perhaps you both enjoyed a delightful dinner together, only for you to wake up feeling under the weather the next day, while your friend is perfectly fine and still relishing the flavors of the previous night. It’s a puzzling scenario, one that Ayurveda, the ancient science of life, sheds light upon with its…
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harmandip · 25 days
"Ayurvedic Face Mapping"
Introduction: Ayurveda, the ancient science of life and wellness, teaches us that our bodies are interconnected systems, with each part reflecting the state of our overall health. One fascinating aspect of Ayurveda is face mapping, a practice that looks at specific areas of the face to gain insights into our health and well-being. By understanding the signals our face sends us, we can identify…
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harmandip · 29 days
"Herbal formulation for Cold ,Cough"
Kantkari Awleh Recipe: Ingredients: Kantkari (Solanum xanthocarpum) powder: 1 cup Sugar or jaggery: 1 cup (adjust according to taste) Amla (Indian gooseberry) powder: 1 tablespoon Ginger powder: 1/2 teaspoon Honey: 2 tablespoons Ghee (clarified butter): 1 tablespoon Water: 1/2 cup Instructions: Prepare Kantkari Powder: If you don’t have ready-made Kantkari powder, dry Kantkari…
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harmandip · 1 month
How to make Ancient Herbal Sitopladi powder
Sitopaladi Churna is a traditional Ayurvedic herbal powder used for respiratory health. It is commonly employed for conditions such as cough, cold, and respiratory congestion. Here is a basic recipe to make Sitopaladi Churna at home: Ingredients: 100 grams Sitopaladi (Rock Candy Powder) 25 grams Vamshalochana (Bamboo Manna) 10 grams Pippali (Long Pepper) 5 grams Elaichi (Cardamom) 5 grams…
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harmandip · 1 month
"Seasonal Ayurveda: A Guide to Harmonizing with Nature's Rhythms"
In the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, living in harmony with nature is not just a suggestion—it’s a way of life. Seasonal changes bring shifts in weather, energy, and even our bodies’ needs. By understanding and aligning with these changes, we can optimize our health and well-being. Let’s explore the principles of seasonal Ayurveda and how you can embrace this timeless wisdom for a balanced…
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harmandip · 1 month
"The Dosha of Dreams: Understanding Ayurveda's Take on Sleep"
Exploring the Dosha of Dreams: Ayurvedic Insights into Sleep In the ancient healing tradition of Ayurveda, sleep is considered one of the pillars of health, essential for overall well-being and balance. According to Ayurveda, our sleep patterns and dream experiences are deeply connected to our doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Let’s delve into the dosha of dreams and explore Ayurvedic insights…
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harmandip · 1 month
"Healing Joints Naturally: Herbal Paste and Poultice Making Explained"
How to Make Herbal Paste or Poultice for Joints pain Herbal pastes or poultices can be beneficial for joint health and pain relief. They are easy to prepare and can provide localized relief when applied directly to the affected area. Here’s a simple guide on how to make a herbal paste or poultice for joints: Ingredients: Turmeric Powder: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger…
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harmandip · 1 month
"Achieve Peak Performance: Ayurvedic Practices for Athletes"
Introduction: In the realm of sports and athletics, striving for peak performance is an ongoing endeavor. While rigorous training and proper nutrition are essential, incorporating Ayurvedic practices into an athlete’s routine can provide a holistic approach to optimizing performance, enhancing recovery, and preventing injuries. Let’s explore some Ayurvedic insights and practices that can benefit…
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harmandip · 1 month
Unlocking the Secrets of Ojas: Vitality and Immunity in Ayurveda
In the ancient healing system of Ayurveda, the concept of “Ojas” holds a central place. Ojas is often referred to as the subtle essence of all vital tissues in the body, representing our inner vitality, immunity, and overall well-being. Let’s delve into the secrets of Ojas and how we can enhance it for optimal health. Understanding Ojas: What is Ojas? Ojas is considered the finest product of…
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harmandip · 1 month
"Exploring the Six Tastes of Ayurveda: A Flavorful Path to Balance"
In the ancient science of Ayurveda, food is not just sustenance—it’s medicine. According to Ayurvedic philosophy, the six tastes (Shad rasa) play a vital role in maintaining balance and promoting health. Each taste has specific qualities and impacts on the body, and incorporating a variety of tastes into our meals is key to a well-rounded diet. Let’s embark on a flavorful journey through the six…
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harmandip · 1 month
"Amazing benefits of coconut oil"
Certainly! Coconut oil is a versatile and popular oil known for its wide array of health benefits. Here are some amazing benefits of coconut oil: 1. Nutrient-Rich: Coconut oil is rich in medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs) like lauric acid, which is known for its antimicrobial properties. It also contains Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and minerals such as iron. 2. Heart Health: MCFAs in coconut oil may…
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harmandip · 1 month
"How Fasting According to Your Dosha Enhances Energy and Vitality""
In Ayurveda, fasting can be tailored according to an individual’s dosha (body type) to maximize its benefits and minimize any potential imbalances. Here’s a breakdown of fasting according to dosha and the benefits associated with each: Vata Dosha: Fasting Approach: Vata dosha is associated with the elements of air and space, which can lead to irregular digestion and fluctuating appetite.…
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