Chapter 4 (of 4): Was Any of it Real?
Chapter Summary: Caught by Peter, Rocket comes clean.
Fic Summary: It started as a joke, something to make the others squirm while boosting Mantis’s seemingly floundering self-esteem, but the longer Rocket does it, the less funny it becomes.
Based on a prompt by @mantisandthemoondragon. For the @guardians-family-holiday Day 1 – It’s a Secret and Day 12 – Perfect Gift.
Fic Snip:
As Captain of the Benatar, he had taken note of his team member’s strengths and weakness, their particular foibles, and he knew of only one person whose aesthetic preferences leaned towards such tastelessness.
Rocket is minding his own business, tinkering with his latest project, when Peter walks up behind him and promptly cuffs him on the back of the head.
“Ow! What the fuck was that for?” Rocket hisses, rubbing the sore spot. Quill hadn’t held back. “Stars, you could’a caused real damage, you psycho.”
“Prosthetic arm with the tacky logo for an A/C company etched on it. It’s you. It’s been you all this time,” he fumes. The last gift is so obvious, it’s almost like the guy wants to get caught.
Taken aback at the accusation, Rocket huffs, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“You’re SuddenlyStudly, which… dude. Terrible name.”
“Hey!” He hadn’t half-assed it this time. Rocket put actual effort into that name. “I mean… I’m sure whoever this SuddenlyStudly guy is took a long time to come up with a name that captured a certain air of mystery and musculature, and I resent the implication I would go that far to annoy Drax,” he tries to cover.
“So, you’re telling me this is all about pissing off Drax? This isn’t even about Mantis at all?” Quill deduces, quiet rage bubbling over.
While it may have started out that way, they were far past that by this point.
When in doubt: Deny, deny, deny.
“I just said it wasn’t about that because I didn’t do shit.”
“Rocket…” Quill warns.
“What?” Rocket deflects. “Anybody could’ve gotten her that totally awesome prosthetic arm.”
Were he and Quill looking at the same arm? It had an engraving of a slightly melted ice-cube with the slogan Stay Frosty underneath in icicle script. No one with half a brain would have been able to resist its peculiar allure…
Okay, maybe that explained why Quill didn’t appreciate the sublime humor in such a find.
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Chapter 3 (of 4): First Not-a-Date
Chapter Summary: The Guardians pass through Xandar. Mantis’s online paramour becomes mysteriously busy, but Rocket is available to cheer her up with a surprise trip to his favorite local haunt.
Fic Summary: It started as a joke, something to make the others squirm while boosting Mantis’s seemingly floundering self-esteem, but the longer Rocket does it, the less funny it becomes.
Based on a prompt by @mantisandthemoondragon. For the @guardians-family-holiday Challenge Day 1 – It’s a Secret and Day 12 – Perfect Gift.
Fic Snip: 
Rocket knows he has made a slight miscalculation when they arrive for their reservation at the Fatted Calf, a premiere hot-spot Rocket had found when he had looked up must-see places to impress dates. Clearly, his cursory research had not been thorough. The high-vaulted foyer is inlaid with wood highlighted by warm light from a tasteful chandelier. The furniture is heavy but comfortable, padded in dark leather. The seated clientele are well-dressed and speak in muted tones that do not carry throughout the restaurant, the acoustics being conducive to privacy.
“This place seems… nice,” Mantis comments, her voice a little unsure.
“So, it looks like we may’ve underdressed,” Rocket grumbles, hyperaware that in retrospect the Fatted Calf might be over-doing it for a first not-a-date, but such matters have never bothered him before. He had never fit in anywhere, choosing to carve his own path in a universe not built for him. But then again, he’d never involved another unwitting person in such a scenario, particularly not someone he may have wanted to impress, and found the overall experience disagreeable.
“C’mon, let’s see if this joint has any decent grub,” he says, stepping forward to follow the maitre d’ to their table. Mantis hesitates for a moment and then steps in beside him, easily matching his swift strides with her longer legs.
Ordering had been a challenge. Mantis had solicited recommendations from their waiter, who then proceeded to spout off what Rocket swears is fancy gibberish. No less perplexed than before the waiter had spoken, Mantis orders the last thing he said. Equally unable to understand their offerings but unwilling to ask for help lest he look unsophisticated, Rocket points at a random item on the menu and prays whatever-it-is is not poisonous to his species.
At his selection, the waiter raises an eyebrow. “Are you certain that is what you would like, sir?”
“I ordered it, didn’t I?” Rocket snaps back, embarrassed that he may have made a faux pas in front of Mantis. He doesn’t care what it is; he’ll suffer through it and pretend it’s what he meant to order.
“As you wish, sir,” the waiter writes down his order, retrieves their menus as well as two of the five unnecessary place settings in front of each of them, and leaves.
“What did you order?” Mantis asks, once they are alone.
“Hey, so… Drax told me he’s teaching you self defense in case you run across some creeps. Why don’t you tell me all about it?”
When their food arrives, Rocket understands the waiter’s hesitation.
Mantis’s dish is a petite two-bite steak of some sort covered in a purple sauce over a small mound of root vegetables. It’s the sort of dish that wouldn’t even half-satisfy a being of Rocket’s stature, which he really should have anticipated considering the atmosphere.
Rocket’s order, on the other hand, arrives on a silver platter atop a cart accompanied by one of their sous-chef’s who promptly hand-carves a slice of the roasted creature to place directly on Rocket’s plate, ensuring he gets a portion of the crisped skin. Rocket doesn’t even see the man’s disturbed expression at the identity of their diner, as he is too preoccupied staring at the Rocket-sized, long-snouted creature missing several slices from its hind quarters. Curled under its main body are dexterous paws, too much like his own.
Bile rises in his throat as he turns his gaze to Mantis, who is likewise staring at the roasted carcass in shock, her hand pressed over her open mouth and eyes wide. Her pale skin has taken on a distinctly green cast.
“…Check please,” Rocket manages, weakly. “I think we’re done here.”
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So, this grew.
Chapter 2 (of 4): Getting to Know You
Chapter Summary: Mantis and Rocket grow closer, both on and off-line.
Fic Summary: It started as a joke, something to make the others squirm while boosting Mantis’s seemingly floundering self-esteem, but the longer Rocket does it, the less funny it becomes.
Based on a prompt by @mantisandthemoondragon. For the @guardians-family-holiday Challenge Day 1 – It’s a Secret and Day 12 – Perfect Gift.
Fic Snip:
Rocket’s earliest memory is of steel bars and white coats and so much pain. He squeals and shrieks, trying to lash out, to claw and bite the ones hurting him, but he’s held still, trapped and strapped down in a place that smells so sterile, it’s disorienting. He can’t yet speak but he conveys his distress in body language and high trills that ultimately go ignored. And when they inject something cool like ice in his veins, he goes limp and knows no more.
It had been years since, but the memories still kept Rocket awake some nights. The confusion, the smell of antiseptic, the ache deep in his broken and grafted bones that flares up when the heating goes out… just when he thinks he’s shaken it, they all come rushing back. Those memories, that feeling of helplessness and fear, are always right there just below the surface. Unable to sleep, he rolls out of his nest and tinkers with a new invention or three. Groot wants his gaming device upgraded. The coffee press got stuck on extra dark again, making Drax too jittery. Gamora might need a new tracking device to microchip Quill (though she hadn’t appreciated the suggestion at the time). There is always something to do to keep his hands busy and his mind sharp.
Lately, he has been filling those sleepless nights with conversations with fellow insomniac, BugEyes. She often can’t sleep either.
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Chapter 1 (of 2): A Little White Lie
Fic Summary: It started as a joke, something to make the others squirm while boosting Mantis’s seemingly floundering self-esteem, but the longer Rocket does it, the less funny it becomes.
Based on a prompt by @mantisandthemoondragon, for the @guardians-family-holiday challenge Day 1 – It’s a Secret and Day 12 – Perfect Gift.
Fic Snip:
To Mantis and Drax’s surprise and no one else’s, Mantis receives a deluge of responses in the first six hours.
“I just don’t understand how you have garnered so much interest in so little time, especially considering…” at a loss for words, Drax circles one hand in front of Mantis’s face, indicating her generally repulsive aesthetic.
“Is it really that bad?” Mantis asks, self-consciously rubbing the side of her face from temple to cheek, her eyes crinkling with unease.
“You are haunting.”
Unfortunately, most of the messages are equally horrifying.
Swiping through the half-literate and pornographic responses, Drax continues, “But looks aren’t everything. You are a kind person, a good person, and clearly these people are not. You shouldn’t have to settle for… is that a cloaca?” he asks, his throat emitting a sound of disgust, “Unsolicited Genitalia #11. Have these people never heard of consent? Have they no shame?”
Rocket, on the other hand, is having the best day in recent memory. “Look at this one; it’s all hooked. How does this guy even piss without it hitting him in the face?”
“Rocket, that is rather rude. Perhaps his species vacates their bladders through other means,” Drax admonishes him.
“Hey, I’m not the one sending pictures of my junk to strangers that haven’t asked to see them. If they’re putting it out there, they’re asking for comment on their weird genitals. Anyways, look at this loser with his feather-duster penis. That’s got’a tickle, if you know what I’m sayin’?”
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Chapter 5 (FINAL CHAPTER): Family Ties
Chapter Summary: The truth comes out.
Fic Summary: On a backwoods planet, married couples can’t be legally compelled to testify against each other, or at least that’s the working theory. Separated from the others, Peter and Rocket fake a marriage to get out of a sticky situation.
For the @guardians-family-holiday Day 3 – Odd Couple.
Fic Snip:
“I’m sorry, we only allow first-degree relatives into the room while the patient is unconscious. Parents, children, siblings, spouses–” the Krylorian nurse says, taping Quill’s chart closed. Approaching middle-age, with her hair tied up in a no-nonsense bun and wearing matching functional scrubs, she’s pretty if a little severe. Had he been conscious, Peter might have enjoyed the view and asked for a sponge bath seconds before she called in a beefy male nurse named Hanz to fulfill his request.
“We are his family,” Gamora says firmly.
Rocket concurs. “Yeah, this is a crock of bulls–“
“Rocket!” Drax cuts him off, reproach in his tone. “Remember, we are trying to teach Groot not to swear, though I agree with your sentiment. This policy is ill-conceived.”
“Did you say Rocket?” The nurse scrolls through her holopad, pulling up Peter’s records. “Would that be Rocket Raccoon?”
Rocket crosses his arms. “Yeah? What’s it to you, lady?”
“I apologize, sir. I didn’t realize you are the patient’s husband.”
Gamora freezes. “…What?”
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Fuck it. Let's just go the rest of January. I wanna write another one, and if anyone else missed the window, consider it propped open.
Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special - Prompt Challenge
In the spirit of the holiday season, and in appreciation for our favorite dumpster fire of a space family, I wanna read some fics and see some stuff about Peter, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, Drax, Yondu, Nebula, Kraglin, the Ravagers… anybody else down for that? 
Guess we have to make it all first. ;D
The holiday season can be stressful. The point is not to make that worse. So here are the rules: 
There are no “special days” here. Post your fic, gifset, edit, vid, etc. any time during the week between Christmas Eve and New Years (Dec. 24-Jan. 1). 
Please @guardians-family-holiday or @perilinpeace in your post, so I don’t miss it, tag #gotgholiday2018, and I’ll reblog it OR submit a link to AO3 on the @guardians-family-holiday tumblr.
Any level of participation is welcome! Want to make one thing? Five? More? Just want to read and enjoy and leave comments and reblog? Just have fun. 
Only have time for one or two submissions but can’t decide? Want to let your prompt surprise you? Roll for it! There are 12 numbered prompts–roll a couple of dice and share your “Secret Santa” prompt with a comment. 
None of the prompts speaking to you? Give the community a White Elephant gift and surprise us all with your own idea. 
Please appropriately rate material and tag any NSFW content. 
This is a family-oriented challenge with more of an emphasis on gen content. Ships are certainly allowed, but the overall theme is “team as family.” 
Here are the prompts: 
It’s a Secret
Leave No One Behind
Odd Couple
Role Model
Ice and Snow
Picture This
Favorite Toy
Killing Time
Light the Way
Heart of the Home
Perfect Gift
Thank you to @interabangs for help with the prompt ideas! If anyone has any feedback or wants to join the blog to help mod, hit me up at @perilinpeace! 
Follow @guardians-family-holiday for updates. And please signal boost! :D
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Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies) Rating: Teen and Up Audiences Warnings: Mentions of past body modifications, descriptions of violence, death of an insect Characters: Nebula (Marvel), Gamora (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Peter Quill, Groot (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon Summary: With the exception of Gamora, Nebula couldn’t care less about what happened to the Guardians. Not even a little bit.
I finally posted my fic for the GotG Holiday Special Prompt Challenge! Many thanks to @perilinpeace for organizing this!
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Chapter 4 (of 5): Rampage!
Chapter Summary: Rocket and Quill break out of prison.
Fic Summary: On a backwoods planet, married couples can’t be legally compelled to testify against each other, or at least that’s the working theory. Separated from the others, Peter and Rocket fake a marriage to get out of a sticky situation.
For @guardians-family-holiday Day 3 – Odd Couple.
Fic Snip: 
“The imp is here for his wife!” A third hollers as the guards come into view.
“I am his husband!” Quill stuns the last speaker. “Stars alive… every fucking time,” he mumbles.
Rocket takes out another two. “I wouldn’t sweat it, Quill,” he says, his chest puffed up with amusement and more than a modicum of pride. “I just happen to exude a very masculine energy.”
“I’m masculine, too! I’m very masculine…” Quill exclaims, pouting in a manly fashion as the duo cut through the trio of felled guards, rushing towards their new destination.
“What’s the big deal? We ain’t even really married.” Rocket passes a side corridor, flattening himself against the opposite edge and checking the remaining charge on his blaster in preparation for storming the next hallway.
Quill stays on his side, mirroring Rocket’s motions. “I’m just saying hypothetically if we were, how come we can’t both be the man in the relationship? Just because we’re theoretically gay doesn’t mean one of us has to be the woman,” he whispers.
Rocket rolls his eyes so hard his head lolls with the motion. “Why is how other people view our fake marriage so important to you?” He sneaks a peek around a corner, holding up five fingers then three to Quill to indicate the number of incoming guards.
Quill nods. They spin out to face the advancing horde, blasters blazing, taking out three of the guards before flipping back to their original positions, blasts peppering the open space between them.
“It’s just close-minded is all!” Quill shouts over the responding fire.
“You’re just upset they think you take it in the ass.” Rocket pokes his blaster out, firing additional rounds around the corner to encourage more wasted plasma discharges from the opposition.
Quill does the same. “What does that have to do with anything? Bottoming wouldn’t automatically make me the woman. That’s a completely separate issue! Frankly, Rocket, I’m surprised at your bigotry.”
When there’s a lull in enemy fire, Rocket turns down the hallway, blasting away at the temporarily-vulnerable guards. “Is right now really the time to be having this conversation?”
Quill provides cover. “It’s never a good time with you.”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Quill. I’m just in the middle of saving both our asses from a group of very large–” Rocket shoots the guard on his left. “–Very irate–“ He takes down another as Quill does the same. “–Jailers. I don’t need you angry at me too!”
“I’m not angry.” Peter blasts a hidden guard coming up from behind while Rocket fells yet another. “I’m just disappointed.”
“C’mon. Everyone knows that’s worse!”
“He’s right, you know,” the final guard comments, his shot glancing off Quill’s upper arm as the man dodges.
“Thank you!” Rocket stuns him.
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Chapter 3 (of 5): Nobody’s Wife
Chapter Summary: Peter is too pretty for his own good. Meanwhile, no prison has ever proven a match for Rocket.
Fic Summary: On a backwoods planet, married couples can’t be legally compelled to testify against each other, or at least that’s the working theory. Separated from the others, Peter and Rocket fake a marriage to get out of a sticky situation.
For the @guardians-family-holiday Challenge Day 3 – Odd Couple.
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Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special - Prompt Challenge
In the spirit of the holiday season, and in appreciation for our favorite dumpster fire of a space family, I wanna read some fics and see some stuff about Peter, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, Drax, Yondu, Nebula, Kraglin, the Ravagers… anybody else down for that? 
Guess we have to make it all first. ;D
The holiday season can be stressful. The point is not to make that worse. So here are the rules: 
There are no “special days” here. Post your fic, gifset, edit, vid, etc. any time during the week between Christmas Eve and New Years (Dec. 24-Jan. 1). 
Please @guardians-family-holiday or @perilinpeace in your post, so I don’t miss it, tag #gotgholiday2018, and I’ll reblog it OR submit a link to AO3 on the @guardians-family-holiday tumblr.
Any level of participation is welcome! Want to make one thing? Five? More? Just want to read and enjoy and leave comments and reblog? Just have fun. 
Only have time for one or two submissions but can’t decide? Want to let your prompt surprise you? Roll for it! There are 12 numbered prompts–roll a couple of dice and share your “Secret Santa” prompt with a comment. 
None of the prompts speaking to you? Give the community a White Elephant gift and surprise us all with your own idea. 
Please appropriately rate material and tag any NSFW content. 
This is a family-oriented challenge with more of an emphasis on gen content. Ships are certainly allowed, but the overall theme is “team as family.” 
Here are the prompts: 
It’s a Secret
Leave No One Behind
Odd Couple
Role Model
Ice and Snow
Picture This
Favorite Toy
Killing Time
Light the Way
Heart of the Home
Perfect Gift
Thank you to @interabangs for help with the prompt ideas! If anyone has any feedback or wants to join the blog to help mod, hit me up at @perilinpeace! 
Follow @guardians-family-holiday for updates. And please signal boost! :D
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Fandom: Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Gamora (Marvel), Mantis (Marvel), Peter Quill, Drax the Destroyer, Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Kraglin Obfonteri Additional Tags: Team as Family, Family Feels, Post-Movie: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Fluff, reference to canon character death Summary: A new house becomes a home.
GOTG Family Holiday prompts “Heart of the Home” with a smattering of “Perfect Gift.”
Gamora hadn’t considered how much the Milano had become home until it was sitting in pieces in the Quadrant’s main hangar; until she picked through their few belongings still scattered on the crew deck.
She threw what she could find onto her empty bunk and pulled up the corners of the blanket, the small bundle light in her hands. She kicked a rotting Yaro root out of the gaping hole at the aft of the ship, watching it roll out onto the grated platform of the hangar and wished, through a bittersweet pang, that Nebula had stayed.
The Third Quadrant was a grungy warren of now-empty rooms and corridors that, while a little dark and off-putting, should be mostly safe. There was plenty of space for all of them. For a change.
But Gamora found herself drawn back to the main part of the ship. Still dim and grimy, but warm in a way that lulled her into slowing her steps and her breath and almost smiling.
Keep Reading
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Officially starting today!
Happy Guardians Family Holiday!
Please check the blog for a couple of early (awesome) submissions!
Thank you for contributing, liking, kudos-ing, commenting, reblogging and showing support!
Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special - Prompt Challenge
In the spirit of the holiday season, and in appreciation for our favorite dumpster fire of a space family, I wanna read some fics and see some stuff about Peter, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, Drax, Yondu, Nebula, Kraglin, the Ravagers… anybody else down for that? 
Guess we have to make it all first. ;D
The holiday season can be stressful. The point is not to make that worse. So here are the rules: 
There are no “special days” here. Post your fic, gifset, edit, vid, etc. any time during the week between Christmas Eve and New Years (Dec. 24-Jan. 1). 
Please @guardians-family-holiday or @perilinpeace in your post, so I don’t miss it, tag #gotgholiday2018, and I’ll reblog it OR submit a link to AO3 on the @guardians-family-holiday tumblr.
Any level of participation is welcome! Want to make one thing? Five? More? Just want to read and enjoy and leave comments and reblog? Just have fun. 
Only have time for one or two submissions but can’t decide? Want to let your prompt surprise you? Roll for it! There are 12 numbered prompts–roll a couple of dice and share your “Secret Santa” prompt with a comment. 
None of the prompts speaking to you? Give the community a White Elephant gift and surprise us all with your own idea. 
Please appropriately rate material and tag any NSFW content. 
This is a family-oriented challenge with more of an emphasis on gen content. Ships are certainly allowed, but the overall theme is “team as family.” 
Here are the prompts: 
It’s a Secret
Leave No One Behind
Odd Couple
Role Model
Ice and Snow
Picture This
Favorite Toy
Killing Time
Light the Way
Heart of the Home
Perfect Gift
Thank you to @interabangs for help with the prompt ideas! If anyone has any feedback or wants to join the blog to help mod, hit me up at @perilinpeace! 
Follow @guardians-family-holiday for updates. And please signal boost! :D
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They’re in the common area, once again teaching Drax how to do his part—when Gamora refuses his ass, that’s when you jump in under the doorway so that you ‘n Quill hafta kiss! Humiliate him even more! No, you have to, it’s tradition, remember?—when Quill notices what they’re doing for the first time.
“Hey, what’re you guys doing?” he asks, standing in the doorway and looking a little pathetic in his usual humie way.
“It’s a secret,” Rocket says immediately.
Okay, so maybe they’re not the best at the whole deflecting part. Whatever.
(or: With help from Groot, Rocket discovers Quill’s dumb Terran tradition of kissing under the mistletoe. Together, he and Kraglin fabricate a master plan to humiliate him, once and for all.)
For @guardians-family-holiday Prompt #1: It’s a Secret
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Chapter 2 (of 4): Spousal Privilege
Chapter Summary: Peter claims spousal privilege to avoid prison. Their defense attorney doesn’t believe them until they prove it the old fashioned way: by bickering like the old married couple they are.
Fic Summary: On a backwoods planet, married couples can’t be legally compelled to testify against each other, or at least that’s the working theory. Separated from the others, Peter and Rocket fake a marriage to get out of a sticky situation.
For the @guardians-family-holiday Day 3 – Odd Couple.
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Yes, there is an AO3 collection ready and waiting (if a little lackluster): https://archiveofourown.org/collections/gotgholiday2018. When you’re ready to post your work, you can add it to the “gotgholiday2018″ collection. 
This blog is not going anywhere, so information on the GOTG Family Holiday will be staying here for the duration (so please follow for updates, reminders, and submissions the week-of!), but I’ve also copied it over to the Collection page if you’d like to reference it there. :)
Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special - Prompt Challenge
In the spirit of the holiday season, and in appreciation for our favorite dumpster fire of a space family, I wanna read some fics and see some stuff about Peter, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, Drax, Yondu, Nebula, Kraglin, the Ravagers… anybody else down for that? 
Guess we have to make it all first. ;D
The holiday season can be stressful. The point is not to make that worse. So here are the rules: 
There are no “special days” here. Post your fic, gifset, edit, vid, etc. any time during the week between Christmas Eve and New Years (Dec. 24-Jan. 1). 
Please @guardians-family-holiday or @perilinpeace in your post, so I don’t miss it, tag #gotgholiday2018, and I’ll reblog it OR submit a link to AO3 on the @guardians-family-holiday tumblr.
Any level of participation is welcome! Want to make one thing? Five? More? Just want to read and enjoy and leave comments and reblog? Just have fun. 
Only have time for one or two submissions but can’t decide? Want to let your prompt surprise you? Roll for it! There are 12 numbered prompts–roll a couple of dice and share your “Secret Santa” prompt with a comment. 
None of the prompts speaking to you? Give the community a White Elephant gift and surprise us all with your own idea. 
Please appropriately rate material and tag any NSFW content. 
This is a family-oriented challenge with more of an emphasis on gen content. Ships are certainly allowed, but the overall theme is “team as family.” 
Here are the prompts: 
It’s a Secret
Leave No One Behind
Odd Couple
Role Model
Ice and Snow
Picture This
Favorite Toy
Killing Time
Light the Way
Heart of the Home
Perfect Gift
Thank you to @interabangs for help with the prompt ideas! If anyone has any feedback or wants to join the blog to help mod, hit me up at @perilinpeace! 
Follow @guardians-family-holiday for updates. And please signal boost! :D
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In light of Tumblr doing Tumblr things, are you planning on having an AO3 Collection?
Yes, there will be an AO3 collection. :)
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Some good q&a in the comments! Please feel free to ask any questions! :)
Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special - Prompt Challenge
In the spirit of the holiday season, and in appreciation for our favorite dumpster fire of a space family, I wanna read some fics and see some stuff about Peter, Gamora, Rocket, Groot, Mantis, Drax, Yondu, Nebula, Kraglin, the Ravagers… anybody else down for that? 
Guess we have to make it all first. ;D
The holiday season can be stressful. The point is not to make that worse. So here are the rules: 
There are no “special days” here. Post your fic, gifset, edit, vid, etc. any time during the week between Christmas Eve and New Years (Dec. 24-Jan. 1). 
Please @guardians-family-holiday or @perilinpeace in your post, so I don’t miss it, tag #gotgholiday2018, and I’ll reblog it OR submit a link to AO3 on the @guardians-family-holiday tumblr.
Any level of participation is welcome! Want to make one thing? Five? More? Just want to read and enjoy and leave comments and reblog? Just have fun. 
Only have time for one or two submissions but can’t decide? Want to let your prompt surprise you? Roll for it! There are 12 numbered prompts–roll a couple of dice and share your “Secret Santa” prompt with a comment. 
None of the prompts speaking to you? Give the community a White Elephant gift and surprise us all with your own idea. 
Please appropriately rate material and tag any NSFW content. 
This is a family-oriented challenge with more of an emphasis on gen content. Ships are certainly allowed, but the overall theme is “team as family.” 
Here are the prompts: 
It’s a Secret
Leave No One Behind
Odd Couple
Role Model
Ice and Snow
Picture This
Favorite Toy
Killing Time
Light the Way
Heart of the Home
Perfect Gift
Thank you to @interabangs for help with the prompt ideas! If anyone has any feedback or wants to join the blog to help mod, hit me up at @perilinpeace! 
Follow @guardians-family-holiday for updates. And please signal boost! :D
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