glowingchoco Ā· 5 years
Redemption Arc incoming. My body is ready šŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€
[Mystic Messenger] New contents update and #to_Rika hashtag event
.Hello, this is Cheritz!
To those of you who celebrate Lunar New Yearā€™s week, did you enjoy your holidays? (憁į“—憁āœæ)
Today we bring you a special news on contents to be updated for the upcoming Valentineā€™s Day and an event soon to be held! (ā‰§āˆ‡ā‰¦)b
< Vā€™s After Ending >
On 14th of February! Vā€™s After Ending you all have waited for will be updated. (*Ā“āˆ‡ļ½€*)ā™„
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This after ending will take an unprecedented format!
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The ending will turn out differently depending on your choice! And youā€™d get to see different free talks from voice actors depending on your choice! Why donā€™t you spend this Valentineā€™s Day with Vā€™s After Ending soon to come?ā™” We hope youā€™d look forward to it! ā™”ļ¼¾ā–½ļ¼¾ā™”
We have prepared something else for those of you who want more than Vā€™s After Ending. Would you like to find out her veiled past? So we bring you a new DLC for upcoming 14th of February!
< Rikaā€™s Behind Story >
We will soon release Rikaā€™s Behind Story, a story about Rikaā€™s past that has kept a lot of you wondering.
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Why donā€™t you find out more about Rikaā€™s veiled past through Rikaā€™s Behind Story?
We highly recommend you to clear Secret 01 from the Original Story, since the first episode of this DLC will be free for those of you who have cleared it!
Also, we plan to hold a new SNS event in celebration of the upcoming updates. źˆźˆŠźˆ Weā€™d like to feel your heart for Rika!
< #To_Rika, What Would You Tell Rika? >
Rikaā€¦ Is she a tragic character? Or is she a selfish character? If you can deliver her a message, what would you tell her? All types of messages are welcome, including advice, support, judgment, greeting, and joke! Please show us what youā€™ve got to say, along with the hashtag!
Please check the image below for more details. (ą¹‘ĖƒĢµį“—Ė‚Ģµ)Łˆ
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*You will be taking part in the event as long as you upload your messages on Twitter or Tumblr with the hashtag. Therefore, there are no requirements on the format, whether you upload an image, a piece of writing, or a link. *You will be excluded from lots if you use inappropriate words or express linguistic violence. *You are welcome to upload multiple messages, but each person can enter only once for drawing lots.
You have seen Rika with various faces, and sheā€™s been at the center of dozens of quarrels and discussions.
Please feel free to tell her whatever youā€™ve wanted to say!
< Valentineā€™s Day DLC Newly Moved >
Our Valentineā€™s Day DLC, originally placed with After Endings, has been moved to Mode Select > DLC! Now you can purchase and play Valentineā€™s Day DLC without unlocking each characterā€™s good ending.
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We have uploaded the interview video of the voice actors who participated in Vā€™s After Ending and Rikaā€™s Behind Story! Check out the video right now through the link below!
Cheritz YouTube link:Ā https://youtu.be/AT27w8f7r9U
Thank you so much for your endless love, support, and waiting for Mystic Messenger.
We wish you happy 14th of February!
Thank you, from Cheritz
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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ā€œWhatā€™s your last memory of home?ā€ ā€œThere was a beautiful starry sky, but I no longer have the one that I wish to share it with.ā€
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
omgggggg i love the pastel colours
[MM] Happy Birthday, Rika!
Hello, this is Cheritz. We hope you enjoyed the Halloween Event with Mystic Messenger characters!
Our next special day to follow up the previous happy event would be Rikaā€™s birthday!
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Happy Birthday, Rika!
Upcoming November 3rd is birthday of Rika! Letā€™s celebrate Rikaā€™s birthday together!ā˜†
First, drop by the app on Rikaā€™s birthday !
To the MCs who access the game and celebrate Rikaā€™s birthday together, we would like to give a small thank-you gift. (Only for first access during the event period)
Event period: 1st of November, 2018 Ā - Ā 3rd of November, 2018 (KST) Event reward : 40 hourglasses
Second, do you have questions for me ? I will try to answer as much as I can.
Special Event for birthday! Our third host would be Rika! Weā€™d like to thank every MC who submitted the questions to [Ask Me Anything].
What kind of questions has been chosen for Rika? What would her answers be? Letā€™s find out together! (憁į“—憁āœæ)
Event period: 1st of November, 2018 Ā - Ā 3rd of November, 2018 (KST)
If you have questions for other characters, please click on the link below. [MM] Ask Me Anything - Please submit questions you have for our characters!
We hope Rika, the tragic character who has been both bright and dark, will spend a blissful time with you on her birthday!
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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RFAā™” volunteer for beach cleaning before going on summer vacation~Ā 
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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one of these pop ups is lying to me
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
Hey everyone!
Sorry for the lack of updates lately. Irl stuffs have been getting in the way.
Anyway, hereā€™s a song update instead. This will be the main menu bgm. The opening song for the game is done as well! Weā€™ll be posting it soon!
Have a nice day!
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
of all the quotes they can pick as an example, Cheritz used a juzen one
[MM] Favorite Quote Sharing Event
Hello, this is Cheritz.
To celebrate the coming of spring, we have prepared a Twitter event for you!
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Do you have a Mystic Messenger quote that you particularly liked? Come and share your favorite quote that has either made you smile, cry, or be embarrassed or happy on Twitter!
A total of 10 lucky winners (5 domestic and 5 international) will be drawn at random and be given a prize!
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[Participation method]
1. Upload a screenshot or type out your most memorable quote from Mystic Messenger and tweet it with the hashtag #Mysme_quote. 2. If you are typing out the words yourself, please remember to clarify who the speaker is!
Participation Example :
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Period Ā : 2018.05.25 - 06.07 (KST) Winner Announcement : 2018.06.08 (KST) Number of Winners : 5 domestic and 5 internationalĀ (Drawn at random)
Prize : 1 Emoji Cushion (Random Character)
[Event Details and Disclaimers]
1. This event may contain spoilers for users who have not completed Mystic Messenger, and we therefore recommend to refrain from looking up the hashtag. 2. There are no restrictions in the form. For instance, if you have chosen a series of quotes, you can upload multiple screenshots or type multiple lines. 3. Word-spacing and minor grammatical errors are acceptable, but sentences that are hard to understand will be exempt from event participation. 4. Although quotes that were popular amongst the participants may be shared along with the Winner Announcement, they may be irrelevant to the actual winning quote. 5. If the winners do not reply to our DM within 3 days, recast can occur.
Twitter Event Link :Ā https://bit.ly/2GN81BR
We hope to get many tweets from you guys!
Thank you.
Sincerely, Cheritz
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
kind of wish they stick with the original concept of ā€œa fishy/suspicious messengerā€ tbh šŸ¤” I think ē„žē§˜č®ÆęÆ might be a more appropriate title
Announcement : Mystic MessengerĀ Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong Service Notice
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Mystic Messenger will be officially launched at the end of June 2018, fully localized for Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
SNSplus, a prestigious publisher of Taiwan, will be in charge of localization and publishing of Mystic Messenger for official service in Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau.
SNSplus is preparing official launch of Mystic Messenger with passion and love for the installment. Our team will do its best to meet the users of Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong with high-quality service that will meet their demands.
The official title of Mystic Messenger in Taiwan/Macau/Hong Kong will be ꈀčŖžčŠå¤©å®¤, with all texts fully translated in traditional Chinese.
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With the upcoming official launch of Taiwan/Hong Kong/Macau version of Mystic Messenger, Cheritz will no longer provide its global version of the game in the said areas from April 27th and onwards. Please direct your inquiries on closing of the service in aforementioned areas to Customer Service.
Dear users of Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau, we hope you look forward to the official launch of ꈀčŖžčŠå¤©å®¤ through SNSplus.
from Cheritz
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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late valentineĀ“s day sketch hehehehhe
(btw thats me with bangsā€¦.)Ā 
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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Semi realism
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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if you dont have me on facebook you are probably not missing out on any posts but the comment section is important too lmao
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
quality shitpost i love it
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ā™”HappyĀ Valentines Day!ā™”
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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There can be no light without darkness
Can we have a rika route now please
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
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arrives way too late w/ an old meme
I just found this on my laptop and decided to share this
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
Mental illness as a major theme in Mystic Messenger.
So many people say itā€™s just in Rika and Saeran, and maybe Saeyoung, but every single one of these characters struggle with something.
From self confidence issues to anxiety and depression to bipolar disorder to borderline personality disorder and dissociative personality disorder and even suicidal tendencies. I might even be missing some.
(Now, Iā€™m not a therapist by any means and Iā€™m not trying to push this onto anyoneā€¦itā€™s just my opinion.)
But, I think this is a good and positive thing.
Because it shows all the unhealthy coping mechanisms these characters had. Such as substance abuse and other mental distractions.
It shows the result of being stuck in a toxic relationships and the aftermath of that.
It shows familial issues and the effects of that.
It also shows major symptoms of these various disorders like withdrawing into oneself and cutting yourself off from your friends and family to even extreme symptoms like violent, out of character tendencies.
This brings a whole new element to the game I think really brings audiences in and helps them genuinely care for these various characters because, not only do we want to help them, we see ourselves in them.
And why do I think this is positive? Because it shows the negative side of mental illness that is very, very real.
And it shows these issues can be overcome.
From Zen pursing what he loves, to Yoosung making it through school and becoming a vet to Jaehee opening a coffee shop to Jumin opening up to others to Saeyoung letting others in to Jihyun learning to love himself to Saeran being reunited with his brother and learning to forgive. I even want to know more about Vanderwood and his past and see a happier ending for Rika.
All these are positive things that happen and help these characters grow past their anxieties and sadness.
Your job as MC is to show them love and compassion. To help them accept and get past their faults and struggles. To deal with their issues in a healthy way. To teach them to love others just as they love themselves because they are human beings worthy of it.
That is what Mystic Messenger is about in my opinion.
How patience and love can overcome even the darkest of times and the darkest of demons.
That if you reach out your handā€¦someone will be there to take it.
I think thatā€™s why I prefer the good endings over every other ending. Because every good ending is a success story in overcoming each characterā€™s darker times.
Cheritz made this game to show people how to love and take care of themselves and how to take care of others.
These characters were imperfect and flawed and very, very beautiful. And very much worthy of love.
Just like every MC out there in the real world.
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glowingchoco Ā· 6 years
all these discussions about whether this is Unknown in disguise... but
what if itā€™s actually Rika šŸ˜‚
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Prologue guy cuz he hot tooĀ šŸ‘€
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