asktheiggy · 5 years
What is one thing you regret
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asktheiggy · 5 years
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Am I?
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asktheiggy · 6 years
I’m sorry
I know a lot of people supported this channel and I’m sorry I haven’t posted in years.  My life was a mess and I’m working on fixing it.  I might be able start posting again a day per week, how many of you would like that?  Expect some ooc stuff because I haven’t been in the fandom in years, some slow answers.  But I’ d be getting back into something I used to love and share it.
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asktheiggy · 8 years
AU where dead england gets ahold of his corpse somehow and possesses it, afterwards keeps bitching at francis for not moving on and buying a shit ton of mirrors whilst his decaying jaw slowly falls off
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asktheiggy · 8 years
This just randomly came to my mind be I’ve encountered it in the past but Tfw non canadians rp Canada and try to talk like a Canadian and Do It Wrong))
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asktheiggy · 8 years
daily reminder to click a button so you can give free food to a shelter!!
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asktheiggy · 8 years
Alfred is sexually attracted to pans?
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asktheiggy · 8 years
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Patreon now has a “Charge Up Front” feature. Which means that bots/thieves can no longer log in, steal your content, and not pay.
If  you are an artist, or know anyone else who uses Patreon, please be sure to spread this around!
Here’s mine, btw.
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asktheiggy · 8 years
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Draw what you feel
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asktheiggy · 8 years
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Three years ago, my dog went viral on Imgur and Reddit, thanks to this picture I took right after she’d yanked down a post from the front of our house with her bare strength.
But like the image above says, this is not a good post.
That dog above, the one that made so many people laugh, her name is Eva, and she’s my 7-year-old lab. She was just diagnosed with canine lymphoma.
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Without chemo, she only has 3 months left with us. But her oncologist has given her a good prognosis with chemotherapy. She could live to see her 9th, 10th, and even 11th birthday.
Which means more years of this happy, ridiculous puppy.
The price to extend her life? $8500.
I nearly died when I saw the number. I’m paying off 4 student loans right now, and my parents are in insurmountable debt. I thought, this is it, we’re screwed. In between crying spells and anxiety attacks, I realized what my choices were: give up and let Eva go in the next 3 months, or crowdfund my ass off.
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Internet: you’ve done it before, now I’m begging you, do it again. Spread Eva like wildfire. She deserves a second chance. She deserves the extra time, and all the fun and happiness she’ll have in that time.
Here is the link to her gofundme.
Any amount you can donate will help tremendously. Please, help Eva.
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asktheiggy · 8 years
send me a -////- on anonymous if your muse has a crush on mine!!
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asktheiggy · 8 years
Honestly, I am so here for platonic FrUK it’s not even funny how much I love these bitter old men being bffs, like:
Arthur plays rugby and Francis goes to every game, and though he cheers every time Arthur gets pushed or tripped, he’ll take him out for a beer after and reassure him that he really was quite good on the field
Francis is an avid painter and Arthur agrees to pose for him when need be, though Francis avoids it like the plague because all Arthur does when he models is fidget, complain, or make up dirty limericks, all of which shatter Francis’ concentration
They tell everyone that they can’t stand one another, and yet they live together and are almost always seen in each other’s company
As emotionally constipated and icy as he may be, Arthur tries his best to comfort Francis after his heart gets broken, either through awkward pats on the back or offers to go and put the fear of god into whoever dared to hurt him (because after all, only he is allowed to hurt Francis)
On the other hand, Francis is always ready to take Arthur into his arms and care for him whenever he’s been heartbroken (and in fact, Francis is often the only one who knows Arthur’s feeling under the weather, because Arthur would never admit to it, and only his closest friends could read the signs and figure it out)
They share an apartment and although Francis would never admit it, the herb garden that Arthur’s set up in front of their window is one of the best things that’s ever happened to him
Arthur hasn’t noticed yet, but Francis has been going through his closet for years, first to borrow his sweatshirts (he himself doesn’t own any but they’re so warm) and second, to slyly insert some more fashionable items into his drawers, like colourful socks or shirts that don’t look like they’ve survived an Ice Age and several wars
Unbeknownst to Francis, Arthur has in fact broken up with people because they’ve been genuinely mean to his best friend; when asked what had happened to those exes, Arthur would always tell Francis to mind his own business with more aggression than necessary. Francis is beginning to be suspicious.
All of their friends are convinced that neither Arthur nor Francis will ever die alone; they’d probably be arguing until the end, trying to get the very last word in
Idk just…platonic bff FrUK
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asktheiggy · 8 years
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asktheiggy · 8 years
aph england's contact names
germany: Ludwig Beilschmidt
prussia: Gilbert Beilschmidt
romano: Lovino Vargas
italy: Feliciano Vargas
japan: Kiku Honda
china: Yao Wang
russia: Ivan Braginski
america: Alfred F. Jones
france: fucking shitlord
canada: Matthew Williams
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asktheiggy · 8 years
If you are vegan and you force your diet into your pet you are a terrible person that should never be trusted to take care of any live.
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asktheiggy · 8 years
Charities/organisations to avoid:
PETA: They’d rather spend their money on publicity campaigns than on the animals in their care. PETA killed 73.8% of the animals in their care in 2015 (x)
FCKH8: Is a for-profit company that exploits oppressed groups for money. They’re also wildly uninformed, and spread misogyny, cissexism and bi/panphobia, as well as stealing their posts/designs (x)
Autism Speaks: They spend most of their money on researching a way to eliminate autism, heighten the stigma against autism and don’t have a single autistic person on their board (x)
Please support other, better charities, and feel free to add any others you can think of to this.
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asktheiggy · 8 years
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Alternate ending below:
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