givingnofucks · 5 years
Where did you read that, tho? Cuz once they were “born” (the UrSkeks separated into two) they started killing each other and whoever was around.  I would like to read that, tho! 
Reading up on Dark Crystal lore, I learned during the early years of thier riegn, the Skeksis we’re actually pretty fun to be around and would throw a bunch of wild parties at the crystal castle.
Beacuse of that, I imagine young skeksis acting a lot like the Fire Birds from Labyrinth minus the comedic dismemberment.
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givingnofucks · 5 years
That fucking shit was CLEARLY photoshopped. Don’t go around making up shit, people. 
Every time I talk to my roommate I feel my pineal gland calcify and my third eye close a little bit more
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givingnofucks · 7 years
Like, yeah, this TOTALLY happened. 
so my 14y/o daughter got into an argument with her high school principle yesterday for fighting. an older boy had come up to her and asked her out, but when she said no and tried to walk away he grabbed her by her arm and pulled her back. so she punched him and broke his nose. her principle then told her she should have “heard him out” and “it’s not like the boy actually hurt her” so her response was “inappropriate”. so my daughter then chewed out her male principle in the middle of the school corridor about rape culture and that if that was his attitude then he should probably quit teaching forever because all he was doing was teaching girls to be quiet victims and teaching boys that it was okay to touch girls against their will and then she pointed right in his face and said “men like YOU are why my mum taught me how to punch people properly”. she got a round of applause from 2 female teachers listening in and i have never been such a proud mama
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givingnofucks · 7 years
Make up your mind
I don't know why SU fans get mad when someone says Flourite is unattractive. Didn't they cry about all the attractive characters not being inclusive enough? That being ugly/unattractive is okay? 
Then don’t get mad when someone says Flourite is ugly as fuck. 
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givingnofucks · 7 years
Steven Universe just gave the poly people a perfect representation of themselves: an overwheight, unattractive, poly lesbian with a terrible haircut and fashion sense!!!!
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givingnofucks · 7 years
Daily reminder that TERFs completely miss the point of transition like???
Yes Sharon we know it’s not gonna change what we were born as, Sharon. I just wanna look in the mirror and not feel a complete disconnect between how I look and who I am, Sharon. You are not my doctor, Sharon. Stop caring so much about my chromosomes, Sharon. And no Sharon it’s not some evil plot by the Patriarchy™ to infiltrate womanhood, whatever the hell that means. Yes Sharon, we know that trans women have different experiences with discrimination than cis woman and no, we’re not trying to lump them all in with cis people’s experiences of discrimination cuz they’re way different, Sharon. Everyone’s experience is different Sharon. We actually know that, Sharon. Get wITH FUCKING THE PROGRAM, SHARON
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givingnofucks · 7 years
Holy shit- You blocked someone for being polyamorous? Wow, that definitely says a lot about what kind of bigoted and awful person you are. Hope you go die somewhere, hon, the world would be a much better place without bigoted garbage like yourself. Also, if you're getting rude anons, why not post them, unless you don't want to be exposed as an attention-seeking bigot, perhaps?
Darling, I blocked them NOT for being poly or being lesbian. I blocked them because they started harrassing me and being a cunt. You can think whatever you want and be a little brainless fan. I don’t care. I’m entitled to my own opinion and it has nothing to do with you all. 
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givingnofucks · 7 years
Anons? Really?
I would say “Own up your harrassment, Sappy” but I blocked you, so it makes sense. 
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givingnofucks · 7 years
Unfollow me, I don't live from followers like Sappypotter.
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givingnofucks · 7 years
At least Sappypotter is milking the fruit of making a storm out of a glass of water.
It’s pretty clearn she needed A TON of validation. 
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givingnofucks · 8 years
Do it! It would be awesome!
I’m seeing all of these beautiful colored pencil drawings; I’d like to try that again
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givingnofucks · 8 years
reblog if you would eat one of papaw’s 12 burgers
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givingnofucks · 8 years
If English isn’t your first language, reblog with what it is in the tags.
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givingnofucks · 8 years
He was a weak-ass president.
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Former Mexican president Vicente Fox isn’t going to pay for Trump’s “fucking wall”
On Fox Business Thursday, Mexico’s former leader Vicente Fox declared with a forceful f-bomb that Mexico wouldn’t be paying for Donald Trump’s wall. Trump has responded, but guess what he focused in on.
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givingnofucks · 8 years
Uhhh... Fox is not the former president? He was president like ten years ago?
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Former Mexican president Vicente Fox isn’t going to pay for Trump’s “fucking wall”
On Fox Business Thursday, Mexico’s former leader Vicente Fox dropped a doozy of a sound bite, declaring with an f-bomb Mexico wouldn’t be paying for Donald Trump’s wall. Trump has responded, but guess what he focused in on.
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givingnofucks · 8 years
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Dylan, give me back my phone. 
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givingnofucks · 8 years
💃 Dance party.💃 [Facebook]
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