ginsync · 1 year
ThEN too late
Two late
Why is that my fate?
If I'd been here later it would be fine
Maybe a little different by design
But I came early
Couldn't have predicted how perfect they'd be
From smile to smell
I could already tell
The look that reflects and says the same
Why is it so cruel, this life called a game
It might work, or maybe it wont
Who knows what happens when some things dont
For now, move on and never discuss
The secret silence of a one sided lust.
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ginsync · 3 years
Tick tock
Tock tick.
Click clock
Clock click.
Seconds second
Second seconds.
Life where are you, I'm waiting.
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ginsync · 3 years
Writing a poem with the wind blowing page after page
The writers mind paralleled by the Sage
Casting the caste of knowledge we wage
Waving words through speech
Reaching the realms of anothers' niche
Yet there aren't ears for the shores of this beach
Watch this sage as he surrenders to the breach.
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ginsync · 3 years
Why bother
When it bothers to be
It bothers me that bothering is a bother for most
And that bothers me.
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ginsync · 3 years
Box after box after box after box
Boxers box tonight
Boxing on a stage
Boxing through the night.
Punching, jabbing, dodging
Punching, jabbing, cutting
Two boxers box in the night.
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ginsync · 3 years
Scribble scrabble shiver shallow
Scribble scrabble shiver shallow
Words are lost in the box their enamelled
Tip of my tongue and bit of my brain
Feeling nothing else like tears lost in rain
Am I just plain? Mental or deranged?
Either answer still douses me with pain.
Eyes open but my mind's sewn shut
Definitely not a pedigree, rather mongrel or mut.
Words that don't reach ears only one can hear
Solitude and silence bounce back bringing only fear.
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ginsync · 3 years
Dark tones
Dark homes.
Still a child inside
Begging to be unknown.
Shivering in snow
The dark it seems we know
Cowering in the cold
Here I am, behold.
0 notes
ginsync · 4 years
Is the dream of a bird to fly higher than before
Like the spinter running faster dreaming of a greater score
The night sky is darker than shadows caste within the core
Bullets and bombs blasting echoing in the fore
You cannot run when your foes are at your door
Being consumed by yourself is something we adore.
0 notes
ginsync · 4 years
I had a dream short ago where my best friend died. I can't recall how he died, but the aftermath felt real. And I don't usually recall dreams this well, at all.
I feel absolutely broken after that. There's no tool of language I can use to describe how I feel right now.
The worst thing about this is that, I have deja vu dreams - dreaming an event before it takes place - every now and then, this feels like one. Several non moments have passed during my life where I've dreamt moments that happen before they've actually happened, one being when I was at work and somebody said something to me, and I said to them 'has this happened before?' to which they replied 'ehhh...nope', I remember afterwards feeling cold, sick and uncomfortable. I also remember when I was a 9/10 year old asking one of my classmates for a rubber, having dreamt the same sequence, smells, conscious thoughts, feelings as I had in the dream I'd had about the same situation 4-5 months prior to it happening, from the extension of her arm, to the size of the rubber, what the weather was like, peoples faces - all of it very vivid and very real. The only thing that resonates and repeats in each is a collection of words that triggers a sequence that I can only describe as a trigger to awake a memory somewhere in my brain.
No matter what I do it won't change what might happen.
Today has been rotten. And this whole deja vu thing is fucking horrible.
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ginsync · 4 years
How ironic being somebody with commitment issues yet constantly wanting to commit.
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ginsync · 4 years
I'm done with feelings
Feelings and more
Done with the thoughts
That lead to no galore.
Im sick of the mental health I have inside of me
A bittersweet thought is something I'll always be.
Accident, or something a little more
A cursed action
Two lovers hate each other for keeping score.
This is my past, present, and purpose
My mum and dad didn't plan me.
Thus I have no purpose.
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ginsync · 4 years
It's hard to reach out.
Especially when you feel so utterly alone. Not that others aren't going through what you are, but to feel lonely in the sense that you can't trust anyone.
That's also not to say that you don't trust anyone at all, it's just you can't trust them enough. Enough to take what you feel seriously. Not just once, not twice, but knowing when you need - and want - to be heard.
So I feel alone. In this moment, and a lot of the time. A damn lot. Too much.
Today was number 3.
I thought just after I'd tried for the second time that would be it. My mind was stronger back then - but I feel so fragile now, like fragments are permanently going to be missing this time.
I'm hopeful still something may change for forever. Just depends on whether it's a change I'll see.
Goodbye until then,
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ginsync · 4 years
If all we're taught is to hate, don't expect a different result other than what we know.
Memories cut more than the moment.
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ginsync · 4 years
As I grow older my mind has started to solder to my heart
It took me years to wonder why they were apart
And it took me an age to see
Without a heart, one's mind cannot truly be.
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ginsync · 4 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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ginsync · 4 years
If I could fly
Where would I go
Would I breathe like air
Or vanish like smoke.
Would I be there between the very cracks underneath
The little fibres that hold you piece by piece.
Would I be there in the moment that you fade
Taking the last air like a sword swipe of the blade.
0 notes
ginsync · 5 years
Personal Hell
I'm down today
My personality
Faded to the fray.
No smile upon my face,
No teeth on show
Meeting you with grace,
No warm fuzzy feeling eminating from me
Not interested in making another feel glee.
I'm just not well,
So please,
Ignore me while I endure personal hell.
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