gingeropal · 3 years
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An Elf Sorceress Scribble
About a year ago I started diagnosis and treatment for the pain in my hand and wrist. There’s a little carpal tunnel, but mostly tendonosis, inflammation, and thumb arthritis which is an old-people problem I managed to develop in my thirties, whoopy. Since then I had to ease back in to drawing while learning to manage the pain. This is the first drawing I did after the worst of the inflammation had gone down.
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gingeropal · 3 years
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Having a rough time? Feeling the way this guy looks? I know I do!
I (finally!) have new pages of Freak Police available for you to read! I’ve been going through some rough times and could use some help, so I’m posting the new chapter on my Ko-fi account for super early access. We can help each other out! You can donate a coffee (I’m not really getting coffee, though) and gain access to the new pages (there are 5 right now). You don’t even have to sign up if you don’t want, if you’d rather donate and run. Through Ko-fi I receive 100% of your donation, nothing is skimmed off the top for a third party.
The long wait for more art is due to several accidents I’ve have over the past few years (head injury, whiplash, fractured arm) and I’m mostly better now except for a more permanent problem: My wrist. It has numerous issues, so your donations will help pay for physical therapy, including thumb orthosis and medication to reduce the pain so I can continue to draw and paint.
Thank you for your help! Here’s the link to the Ko-fi account. https://ko-fi.com/gingeropal 
If you haven’t read Freak Police yet, you can read the first chapter here for free! http://freakpolice.thecomicseries.com/comics/1
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gingeropal · 3 years
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Thranduil, King of the Woodland Realm.
How I originally envisioned Thranduil from The Hobbit. In the book it describes how he dresses in the autumn, which is when the book takes place, and then mentions him wearing a flower crown in the spring. Makes me want to draw this shrewd elf king wearing happy daisies on his head. Painted this for a character design challenge over on facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/CharacterDesignChallenge.
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gingeropal · 5 years
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Hurry! There’s only two days left!
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gingeropal · 5 years
Hey all! One of my most favorite people in the world has a Kickstarter going. My sister Lizzy D is about done making a coloring book called Wickedly Whimsical Witches (I helped her come up with the name, gotta give credit where it’s due, lol!). I’ve seen most of the coloring pages in person and they’re freaking adorable! I love my sister and I love her fun illustrations. Check out her Kickstarter and help her finish making that coloring book!
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gingeropal · 5 years
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MerMay day 3! Not one of my characters this time, just a random mermaid talking to a puffin, probably asking where's a good place to get a haircut.
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gingeropal · 5 years
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MerMay Day 2, Princess Polly's cousin Queen Vanda, who would rather dress down in seaweed than pearls. I'm still working on her design as well.
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gingeropal · 5 years
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First day of MerMay! This is Princess Polly from my novel Realms and Remedies: Aqualegia. Yes, it's still alive and well, it was just me that wasn't for a while. Anyway, this month is perfect timing because I'm actually editing the underwater section of the book right now! You'll probably be seeing a lot of Polly this month, because she's my leading mermaid, and she's so cute. I've been trying different designs of her because I still haven't decided quite how I want her fins and such to look.
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gingeropal · 5 years
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So I meant to do this a while ago, but I’ve been so busy I’m just going to post this at the last minute.
I don’t plan on leaving Tumblr, but if any of my watchers are, I have here a list of other places to find me. Because I’m not dead. I’ve just been taking time to recover from a slow-healing injury and some large life events. I’ve been creating art again and plan to start posting regularly next year. :)
Patreon Where I’ve recently just posted the next pages for the Freak Police comic! 
DeviantArt I’m one of those weirdos who still prefer this to other art platforms.
Instagram I haven’t posted there yet, but I will be making good use of it soon, so come on over!
Facebook Not my favorite but I do post things there.
Twitter I never use this, but maybe someday I will?
I hope I didn’t lose any of you for not posting earlier! 
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gingeropal · 6 years
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Self portrait as a mermaid. She's thinking reeeaaal hard. Perhaps trying to figure out why it took her an entire month to post this marker scribble for Mermay...
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gingeropal · 6 years
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I finished the rest of that comic. :)
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gingeropal · 6 years
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I really wanted to finish this silly comic before Valentines Day, but it didn’t happen, and probably won’t happen until later this week. But here’s one of the frames with an alternate speech bubble that made me chuckle. :)
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gingeropal · 6 years
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The dress has pockets. 
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gingeropal · 7 years
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Inktober day 3.
I told you it wouldn’t be a chibi! :)
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gingeropal · 7 years
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Inktober day 2. Monday is my long work day, so all I have for you is another chibi that I didn’t finish until super late, so I’m posting it today. These little guys are from the same Realms and Remedies project as yesterday’s.
I’ll have my third Inktober posted later this evening. And it won’t be a chibi.
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gingeropal · 7 years
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INKTOBER TIME! I decided to give it a try this year. The theme I chose is “Finish All Those Partially Inked Projects For Pity’s Sake”.
Yes, I’m the queen ruler of unfinished projects. This is a title I’m willing to set aside, however, because honestly it’s absolutely no fun. 
So what you’ll see from me this month will vary greatly, from some really nice pieces, to silly stuff like this, which is part of a larger project I’ve been neglecting for far too long. I’ll show what I’ve left to ink, and the finished product. Although this particular cartoon is going to be colored, but we’ll save that for another time.
Yeah, my first entry is chibi versions of characters from my novel-in-progress, Realms and Remedies. Underneath that heap of girls is the hero, Lars, who has a hard time finding women who aren’t attracted to him.
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gingeropal · 7 years
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I’m just going to prove I’m not dead by showing you this extremely late night sketch of my goblin queenie I slopped together last night because I’m tired of not drawing. I expected to find a scribbly mess when I looked at it today, but was pleasantly surprised to find it’s quite workable and shall possibly turn it into something nice, when I figure out what to dress her in and get some good reference for her wings. :)
Anyway, yes, I’M NOT DEAD!!! Okay, artistically speaking, perhaps I am, BUT NOT YET! 
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