georgistudies · 4 years
how to stop procrastinating
set up a productive work environment. if you can’t seem to work in your bedroom, go out and study in a local library or a cute cafe! also, get out some water and put away distractions!
use the pomodoro method. work in 20-40 minute intervals and take breaks in between. you can use apps like forest to set a timer and also keep you off your phone. this method is helpful because your brain can’t focus and take in information for too long, so taking breaks can allow it to rest.
although i said to take breaks, don’t take breaks if you don’t need them. if you’re feeling super productive and feel that you can go on, don’t stop and break your focus. in other words, don’t use breaks as an excuse to stop working if you don’t actually need them.
use a planner if you don’t have one already. or some kind of planning system, like an app on your phone or a bullet journal. use it to jot down everything you need to do, so you never forget a deadline!
schedule out your week. note down when you’re at school/working or when you have extracurriculars to go to. this way, you’ll know when you have free time to work. i know that not everyone can follow schedules, but if you think you can, try this! however, it’s imortant not to over schedule, as you need time to rest to avoid burnout. don’t always take away personal time for work time!
just take the first step. focus on getting started instead of finishing. if you’re feeling overwhelmed, remind yourself that all you need to do is start. you can tell yourself that you’ll work for only 5 minutes, and by the end, you will probably end up feeling that you can continue.
use the two minute rule. if it can be done in two minutes or less, just do it now.
break tasks down into little manageable steps. let’s say you have an essay to write. don’t just write down in your todo list to write the essay. write down smaller steps, such as coming up with your thesis, finding evidence, outlining, etc.
stop multitasking. while it may seem that you’ll get more don’t this way, you won’t. focus your attention on one thing and complete it. also, if you find yourself wanting to do something else, just write it down in your planner and do it when you’re done with this current task.
do a little bit everyday. chip away at a task everyday for a week instead of stressfully cramming it on the last day before the deadline. for example, if you review your notes everyday for a couple of minutes, these minutes will add up and you’ll thank yourself for when you actually have a test.
get ahead!! this kind of ties in to the previous step, but the most productive people always start working even if the deadline seems far away. please save yourself the stress later! it also might be helpful to set yourself a fake deadline to finish an assignment early.
if you find yourself not wanting to do work because you’re struggling to do so, ask for help. write down some questions to ask your teacher the next day or call a friend or go to office hours. if you’re completely stuck, set the task aside and do something else.
give yourself rewards. this can be anything from hanging out with friends, watching an episode of a tv show, reading a book, eating some chocolate, or buying that thing you’ve been wanting for a while.
stay positive. it’s impossible to battle procrastination completely, so forgive yourself for not being productive all the time. don’t be tough on yourself, and instead focus on getting back on track now. some days, you just need to rest and take care of yourself.
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georgistudies · 5 years
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Psych mind-maps and the love of my life ❤️
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georgistudies · 5 years
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314 | I still have a few more weeks of interning before I’m back to class, but I’m back to revising old notes to prepare to be a teaching assistant this winter! This weird little purple rectangle is actually a candy wrapper from Iceland. I was there two years ago but kept the wrapper because I liked it so much.
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georgistudies · 6 years
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After a year or more away from my studyblr I think it’s story time with Georgi
This time last year I was studying for a law degree, I was three weeks in, not interested in what I was learning and I was struggling to keep up. No matter how many times I asked I wasn’t being offered the help I needed.
I dropped out by the end of November.
I wanted to write this post to let people know it’s ok to drop out, it’s ok to choose the wrong degree, it’s ok to love learning but to not want a degree.
I am so grateful that I managed to pick up the courage to drop out and leave something I wasn’t enjoying. I’m studying Linguistics and English language (and a minor in psychology) at Lancaster University now, one of the best universities in the country for this degree and I LOVE it. It’s hard and it is going to be a long three years (it’s ok to admit that too) but I enjoy what I’m learning. I talk to people about what happened in my lectures, I’m back to loving making study notes.
Dropping out does not make you stupid, it does not make you less of a studyblr or less of a person. It doesn’t mean you didn’t try and it is not a negative thing.
Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.
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georgistudies · 6 years
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writing a strong introduction
writing brilliant paragraphs
8 ways to get past writer’s block by @kiramartinauthor
everything you need to know about the mla format by @studying-and-organizing
the narrative essay + the descriptive essay by @areistotle
cliches to avoid for essays by @appblrgirl
proofread better by @livingbtwnthelines
i’m here for a consult by @scriptmedic
non-writing things to do that can make you a better writer by @bellarosepope
grammar girl’s editing checklist by @anomalously-written
Lemony Snicket’s advice on writing a nice thank you note by @thesnicketfile
how tos
how to write an essay by @captainnaustralia
how to write college level essays by @caesarstudies
back to school: How to get an a*/8 or 9 in an English Lit essay by @thelawgraduate
how to write a university level essay by @healthyeyes
how to reduce your word count by @rewritign
how to write comparative essays
how to write a critical review
how to write a killer unprepared text essay
how to recover an unsaved draft on Microsoft Word by @holyhoee
how to write a history essay by @delphicoracle
tips on writing an essay by my history professor by @busy-bizzy-bee
great writing tips
tip for all my student readers by @afternoonsnoozebuttonalex-blog
those different essay keeps popping up tips by @thisnerdsadventures
tips for writing research papers by @studysection
essay writing tips by @study-well
websites for writing essays by @intellectys
writing apps, extensions and websites by @uglystudies
app recommendation: Hemingway editor by @namaste-shay
list of cute and simple apps/websites/extensions for your writing pleasure by @busymarina
resource for writers by @studyquill
website which grades your essay by @leightaylorwrites
google like a boss by @estudemarina
things almost every writer needs to research by @the-right-writing
who needs wikipedia by @procrastinatioff
a no-nonsense guide to writing an essay by @hufflepuffwannabe
a step-by-step guide to writing a five paragraph essay by @emmastudies
strong and weak verbs masterpost by @gryfhindor
words to replace said, except this actually helps by @ms-mazarin
advanced english vocabulary by @languagesandshootingstars
vocabulary by @belleresources-blog
words to keep inside your pocket by @aurelle
synonyms for words commonly used in student’s writings
words that describe someone’s voice
synonyms for ‘suggests’ in essays by @justkeeprevising
alternatives for overused words by @thestudyingcabin
100 words every high school graduate should know by @kimtented
world building by @createwithwriting
english literature “to emphasise” - alternatives by @studyingboookworm
academic phrase masterpost: connecting words by @jwstudying
writing plots
character development worksheet by @aetherial
how to write characters that feel like real people by @kancrum
20 basic plots by @thewritershandbook
52 short stories in 2 weeks by @ourwritingtherapy
make sure to read the poem at least 3 times over. skim once, and read twice. Skim and read once each if you don’t think you have enough time. Don’t let the length of it intimidate you.
annotate anything that will help you to answer the question. Answering the question, aside from literary devices on their own, is the most important.
be selective about the quotes and literary devices you find, and identify which ones you can write more about.
annotating effectively by @hideandstudy
how to annotate by @tbhstudying
Other masterposts by me
Apps for students
icon credit to @sensiblestudy
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georgistudies · 7 years
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{57/100} wow I suck at updating hahahhahahhaha shit
also bc i’m finally done with my sat 2 biology subject test i have a binder filled with notes and i think imma use it for a yt video
lorde | perfect places
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georgistudies · 7 years
How to Handle Having TOO MUCH To Do
So let’s say you’re in the same boat I am (this is a running theme, have you noticed?) and you’ve just got, like, SO MUCH STUFF that HAS to get done YESTERDAY or you will DIE (or fail/get fired/mope). Everything needs to be done yesterday, you’re sick, and for whatever reason you are focusing on the least important stuff first. What to do!
Take a deep breath, because this is a boot camp in prioritization.
Make a 3 by 4 grid. Make it pretty big. The line above your top row goes like this: Due YESTERDAY - due TOMORROW - due LATER. Along the side, write: Takes 5 min - Takes 30 min - Takes hours - Takes DAYS.
Divide ALL your tasks into one of these squares, based on how much work you still have to do. A thank you note for a present you received two weeks ago? That takes 5 minutes and was due YESTERDAY. Put it in that square. A five page paper that’s due tomorrow? That takes an hour/hours, place it appropriately. Tomorrow’s speech you just need to rehearse? Half an hour, due TOMORROW. Do the same for ALL of your tasks
Your priority goes like this:
5 minutes due YESTERDAY
5 minutes due TOMORROW
Half-hour due YESTERDAY
Half-hour due TOMORROW
Hours due TOMORROW
5 minutes due LATER
Half-hour due LATER
Hours due LATER
At this point you just go down the list in each section. If something feels especially urgent, for whatever reason - a certain professor is hounding you, you’re especially worried about that speech, whatever - you can bump that up to the top of the entire list. However, going through the list like this is what I find most efficient.
Some people do like to save the 5 minute tasks for kind of a break between longer-running tasks. If that’s what you want to try, go for it! You’re the one studying here.
So that’s how to prioritize. Now, how to actually do shit? That’s where the 20/10 method comes in. It’s simple: do stuff like a stuff-doing FIEND for 20 minutes, then take a ten minute break and do whatever you want. Repeat ad infinitum. It’s how I’ve gotten through my to do list, concussed and everything.
You’ve got this. Get a drink and start - we can do our stuff together!
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georgistudies · 7 years
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day one out of hundred days of productivity • making pretty psychology notes [excuse the mistake, i’m out of white out!] to use for studying. i’m not used to writing in pen, as i preferred pencil for note taking in high school, but i’m planning on writing in pen to lessen the amount of mistakes i make when i write ✨
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georgistudies · 7 years
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Slow progress is still progress.
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georgistudies · 7 years
On Starting Law School & Elle Woods
In Legally Blonde, Elle says the famous words, “what, like it’s hard?”
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It’s become some sort of a mantra for female students applying to and starting law school. As kickass as this moment was in the movie, however, there’s something very important to note here.
She says these words in reference to getting into law school, not actually attending law school, which, as you recall, she immediately struggles with.
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Getting into law school is deceptively simple. There are no prerequisites. Elle’s undergrad had nothing to do with law, or anything even in the humanities. Her focus was in fashion.
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All it takes to get into a law school is to have gone through undergrad and to have taken the LSAT. There is no “passing” score on the LSAT, and you will be able to find a law school that accepts you somewhere in the USA if you have taken it at all. It won’t be a good law school, but it will be a law school.
Getting into a good law school, like Harvard, requires a good GPA and LSAT score. If you have a 3.9 GPA and 175+ LSAT, you’re almost guaranteed to get into Harvard Law. 
I will not downplay what an impressive feat this is, but you still need to realize that both a high undergrad GPA and a high LSAT score are things that to some, come easily. We all know those kids in college who got straight A’s without trying, and kids who did well on standardized tests (like the SAT) without really trying.
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Elle had a 4.0 GPA (so yes, she’s smart), and yes she struggled with increasing her LSAT practice score but she still got a 179 (a score I actually never heard of in real life) on the first try. Meaning, she’s a great test taker. 
This has very little to do with how one feels while in law school.
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At most law schools, you do not have any exams until the finals. Instead you are expected to only keep taking in information, without being tested on them in any formal manner, and you need to do this in ridiculous volume and speed. You need to be reading cases for 4, 5 classes that all meet nearly everyday, and retaining all this information. It’s not easy. It’s not designed to be easy. 
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The film made this as clear as it could. Elle’s struggles with getting into Harvard were not even half the battle. It was a cute, fun montage of her studying for the LSAT and putting together a video essay. Once law school starts, she initially crashes and burns, in more ways than one. And then she realizes she really needs to get her shit together.
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It can be very discouraging for these hopeful Elle Woodses to start law school and then realize how difficult it is in comparison to everything they’ve done before. But it’s important to remember that their heroine, Elle Woods, struggled, too. You can do it. You can get through it. Just remember:
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georgistudies · 7 years
Being A Real Lawblr, Basically
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georgistudies · 7 years
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[170621] Still the same topic as yesterday, because it’s the ‘continued’ version. I’m pretty upset that the writing got smeared when I applied the highlighter, but the result isn’t that bad after all. The struggle when you’re such a neat freak :”)
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georgistudies · 7 years
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Try a new theme for a new school year! 
Square One - pohroro
Melody - odeysseus
Sunset - adeoru
Wonder Woman - reysfalcon
Daydream - solarre
Incandescence - glenthemes
Boombayah - cathms
Reply with your favourite theme makers & I might include them in a part two :D
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georgistudies · 7 years
Productive Things That Aren’t Studying
washing the dishes
making your bed
tidying your book/dvd shelf/shelves
cleaning the cupboard/wardrobe
writing a blog
planning your month/week/day
replying to messages or asks
responding to emails
sorting through letters/mail
clearing your email inbox
organising stationery
clean your sinks
clean your toilets
pet your pet
sort through old clothes
give to charity
go on a walk
go on a run
clean down any surfaces
work out
meal prep
get rid of empty shampoo bottles from the shower
clean out old food from the cupboard/fridge
empty out your school bag
call your parent
unfriend/unfollow people you no longer interact with
watch a TEDTalk
empty the bins/trash
clean the mirrors in your house
hug your pet
wash some clothes
buy any birthday cards/presents that you need to
reply to any old texts
make a tumblr post on productive things that aren’t studying
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georgistudies · 7 years
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hi guys!! im mandy and im new to the studyblr community!! im from aus melb and ive got heaps of tips and notes to share! these r my bujo spread from this week and my accountin notes :’) feel free to msg me bcs id love to make some new friends
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georgistudies · 7 years
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7.9.17 | pretty in pink | one of my more simple spreads for the first official week of summer, but i’m quite happy with how this turned out :))) 
check out my instagram for regular posts!
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georgistudies · 7 years
Hi, could you give me ideas to be organized. Thank you✌
hellooo! before i get into some tips i have, i just want to stress that organization is subjective! what may look organized and work for you could be totally different from what works for me, so just take your own preferences into account :))
Organization Tips by @extrastudies
Step One: Organize your stuff!!
storage is key! things like small boxes, bowls, and jars can make it way easier to sort out your stuff, especially small stationery. they can also be a cute addition to your room if you choose to do so.
find a system that works for you! for example, i am a very visual person so i like to be able to see what i need and what i use. both my pens/markers and my books are organized by color rather than other categories, because that helps me find things more easily (plus, it looks pretty). i also like to color code things like notebooks and binders so i don’t get confused with which binder/notebook is for what subject.
things that you use go in the front! this makes sense when you think about it. when you’re looking for something and it’s not easy to find, you rummage through all of your stuff trying to find it. so to avoid that… put your stuff in the front!
put stuff back where it goes! i am personally so bad at this but maybe one day i’ll learn. basically, if you take a few minutes before you go to bed or even leave the room to clean up your belongings, life is just easier. 
Step Two: Organize your time!!
utilize your bullet journal/planner! if you somehow are living without a bullet journal, planner, or calendar, i honestly have no idea how you do it. scheduling events and times will help you from overscheduling your time and will make you feel less stressed.
prioritze!! again, this will help you figure out what you’re doing and make you feel less stressed. focusing on doing one thing at a time will make you WAY more productive than trying to do twelve things at once.
make time-specific goals!! so if you know the SMART goals, the T stands for time specific. by planning out how you’re going to get things accomplished, it’s proven to help you get these goals accomplished, which helps you be more efficient with your time!
know your limits!! making sure you know how much you can do in one day will help your health in the long run. if you’re a social introvert like me, this means not planning five social outings in a row, because if you’re a social introvert… you will burn out and it will not be fun. also, if you’re just a general person… planning too many things at once will mean you’re always rushing from place to place, which can make you feel unorganized!
Step Three: Organize your thoughts!!
write in a journal!! writing out your thoughts and feelings can help you identify and express them by putting them into words, 
meditate!! an app i really love and recommend is stop, breathe, and think because you can choose your meditations based on your emotions. they even have some videos on youtube! but basically, meditating is proven to train to reroute your brain pathways so that you can become more mindful and in touch with your brain and body! 
talk to a friend or family member!! sometimes it can be hard to talk in person about your thoughts, but nowadays you can text, call, facetime, etc… if you ever need someone to talk to, my messages and ask box are always open!
hope that helped you think about ways to be more organized!
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