gemette-the-creepy · 5 years
Yesterday’s Oats, these oats were made yesterday
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gemette-the-creepy · 5 years
Ahhh, perfect content
A Guide To Exploring Abandoned Churches
If you go alone, don’t bring a flashlight. You’ll see things you don’t want to.
Don’t bring groups bigger than 12.
Bring water and some snacks, but no wine.
If you have to sleep there, sleep in the sanctuary, but not on a pew.
If you try to read the hymnal, the words won’t be english anymore.
The Bibles will be blank until you confess.
Don’t go into the confession booth. The man talking to you is not the priest, and you don’t want to know what he really is.
The cross on the wall changes locations, don’t look at it for too long.
If you see someone praying at the altar, don’t approach them. If they approach you, don’t talk to them. Leave immediately.
If you hear the organ playing while you’re in the basement, know that your time is running out.
If it plays while you’re in the sanctuary, your time is up.
Take whatever you want, but if you find that one of your possesions is missing, don’t look for it. Let them have it. It’s not worth your life.
If you find a rosary, don’t put it on. It won’t help.
The water isn’t holy anymore. Throwing it on the demons in the shadows won’t work.
Drink the wine if you wish to never leave.
Don’t get seperated from your friends.
If you spend the night, leave at sunrise otherwise you’ll enter another plane of reality with no way back.
If you don’t spend the night, leave through the doors you came in.
You might look behind you after leaving and see that the church isn’t there anymore. It means that they took what they wanted.
Never enter the same abandoned church twice. Even (especially) if you forgot something inside. That’s a lure. On your second tour through, they will know enough about you to keep you there.
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gemette-the-creepy · 5 years
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gemette-the-creepy · 5 years
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“3 Defining Features of ADHD That Everyone Overlooks”
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gemette-the-creepy · 6 years
AU where Steven Strange is completely baffled by stage magic, doesn’t understand how it’s done at all, and loves every second of it
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gemette-the-creepy · 6 years
2, count them, TWO six-fingered hands
forget that library and caprisun crap whats your Gravity Falls Zodiac sign*
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*based on your birth date
primary sign (outward/ideal self):
year ending in 1 (e.g. 1991): glasses
year ending in 2: question mark
year ending in 3: ice pack
year ending in 4: crescent
year ending in 5: pine tree
year ending in 6: pentagram
year ending in 7: six-fingered hand
year ending in 8: llama
year ending in 9: shooting star
year ending in 0: stitched heart
secondary sign (inner/raw self):
1st jan - 5th feb: glasses
6th feb - 14th mar: question mark
15th mar - 20th apr: ice pack
21st apr - 27th may: crescent
28th may - 3rd jul: pine tree
4th jul - 9th aug: pentagram
10th aug - 14th sep: six-fingered hand
15th sep - 21st oct: llama
22nd oct - 26th nov: shooting star
27th nov - 31st dec: stitched heart
my outer sign is shooting star and inner sign is ice pack. nice
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gemette-the-creepy · 6 years
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
I’ve known some good friends who’ve lost their lives to the bush strat...god bless their souls
@venomkenji just said ‘bush strat’ and if that isn’t the most lesbian thing I’ve ever heard, idk what is!
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
Grilled Peanut Butter and Butter Sandwich
You put the butter on the outside of the bread and the peanut butter on the inside. Grill it in a pan=Perfection
Dont judge me it’s midnight >_>
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
More like....Bill Crypher!...ha...
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Personal goal for Inktober: draw and post something fandom-related every day. Will Cipher didn’t actually turn out too bad… let’s hope the rest of the month holds out, too!
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
Me at work
“Did you make too many fries just so you could eat the extra?”
“What? Noooo, what sort of diabolical genius would do such a thing?”
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
After giving myself some time to digest the majesty that I’d Kung Fu Yoga starring Jackie Chan I have a short little review for it.
If you are a fan of classic Jackie Chan movies such as Drunken Master and Little Big Soldier, you will love Kung Fu Yoga. It is a return to form for most of the Chinese Jackie Chan movies, in that they are essential a bunch of vaguely connected stories that allow for great action and hilarious physical comedy. It is by no means a perfect movie, some of the acting is stilted and the resolution is completely unsatisfying but nonetheless I shall give it a 7/10
It’s a good movie for fans that are new to Jackie Chan because it uses both English and Chinese and a fun send up to the goofball fighter for old fans
I’m not sure how The Foreigner will turn out, but if you are to watch any Jackie Chan movie this year, let it be Kung Fu Yoga
Or Little Big Soldier cause that’s the best Jackie movie ever
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
WTF Hollywood
So apparently there’s a new Jackie Chan movie that isn’t The Foreigner called Kung Fu Yoga, why’d you lie to us Hollywood?
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
WTF Hollywood
So apparently there’s a new Jackie Chan movie that isn’t The Foreigner called Kung Fu Yoga, why’d you lie to us Hollywood?
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
WTF Hollywood
So apparently there’s a new Jackie Chan movie that isn’t The Foreigner called Kung Fu Yoga, why’d you lie to us Hollywood?
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
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Such pretty skin. Halloween Terror 2017
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gemette-the-creepy · 7 years
Going with this theory, the guy playing Lancelot was probably the DMs favorite and he was like “fine you can kill people, but just this once”
honestly monty python and the holy grail is just a dnd session w/ really uncooperative players and a dm who worked really hard on a campaign but gave up halfway through
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