I'll take requests for Imagines if anyone wants them!
The fandoms I'm in include:
Avatar: the Last Airbender (have not watched Legend of Korra yet)
Hunger Games
Once Upon a Time
Gotham (in the works)
Criminal Minds
Pirates of the Caribbean
Shadowhunter Chronicales (have not finished TID)
And probably others that I'm forgetting
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Grow up, Tommy
Hey, guys! I’m glad that some of you liked my first imagine! 
Here’s my next one—Tommy Merlyn x Reader 
I would’ve done one with Oliver, but I adore Olicity far too much to stick something in that, even if it’s 100% fanfiction
I love all the DC shows on the CW, but my first love of them all was Arrow, so I had to pay my respects to the first season, the one that started them all
This one’s shorter than my first one, but…
Hope you enjoy! 
__________________________________________________ Tommy x Reader You were tending bar in Oliver’s new nightclub Verdant, when Tommy Merlyn sauntered toward you with a lazy smirk. You had known Tommy for a while, you had met him while you were in college with Oliver before the heir to the Queen fortune had dropped out, but the constant flirting from Tommy was getting ridiculous. He was attractive, she had to admit that, but idiocy wasn’t something that you found to be a turn-on. “So,” the young Merlyn asked, large brown eyes glittering with whatever mischievous idea he had brewing in his mind. “What kind of dangerous alcoholic concoction can you mix for me?” You rolled your (e/c) eyes, shaking your head before you looked at him. “I think you’ve enough, Merlyn.” He scoffed. “That is not true. I’m not even THAT buzzed yet.” “You’re not?” You asked in mock surprise. You held up a hand, raising an eyebrow, and held up four fingers. “How many fingers am I holding up?” “Am I being DUI tested at a bar?” He asked in disbelief. “Just answer it. I don't want you to actually get a DUI or hurt someone, or yourself." He huffed, shaking his head slightly. You stepped back so that your hand moved until it was almost against the shelves of bottles behind you. “Now you’re cheating!” Tommy complained. You rolled your eyes again. “Yes, moving my hand three feet away from you is cheating. And stop leaning on my bar!” “Technically it’s Ollie’s bar." “Does Oliver clean it?” Tommy snorted. “God, no.” “Then it’s mine. Answer the question.” He looked back at her hand with a sharp exhale, squinting slightly as he examined her hand closely. “Four!” He finally concluded. “Because your thumb doesn’t count as a finger—if it did, there would be five.” You shook your head slightly, (h/c) hair starting to fall from the ponytail you’d pulled it up in. “Two things—your thumb counts as a finger, and my thumb wasn’t out. There were only four. I’m cutting you off, Mister Merlyn.” “What?!” He called exasperatedly. “Come on! Then how am I gonna pick up girls?” You rolled your eyes again. You took the step toward the bar in front of you again, and you pushed him off the bar by his shoulders, not hard, just enough to make him stand up straight. "Grow up, Tommy.”
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Meet Your Patient
Hey guys! So this is my first imagine ever! I’m so excited! I hope you guys enjoy it because I absolutely love the Batfamily! The prompt is loosely based off of an OC I was writing for a fanfiction, but I changed it up to match the reader’s POV If you have any requests, I will do it if I’m part of the fandom. If you have any constructive criticisms, please tell me what I can do (just please don’t be mean! It breaks my heart! I love doing this)! A little backstory is that you are a psychologist contracted by Arkham Asylum when Bruce Wayne contacts you—he wants you to help his son, Jason, whose… been through a lot. Hope you enjoy!
You knocked on the door of Wayne Manor, waiting patiently for the door to open. Jason had missed the every scheduled meeting with you, and it wasn’t going to happen anymore. If he wouldn’t come to you, you were going to him.
The door opened, and you looked up with (e/c) eyes to see a formally dressed man with a receding hairline at the door.
“Hello, sir,” you said with a polite smile. “I’m here for Jason Todd. He had missed multiple scheduled appointments made by Mister Wayne, so I thought I would talk to him in a more comfortable environment for him.”
“Of course,” the man at the door said, stepping aside to allow you inside. “You must be Doctor (y/l/n), Master Todd’s psychiatrist. I am Alfred Pennyworth. I help take care of the manor and the Wayne family. If you need anything while you’re here, please don’t hesitate to call for me.”
“Thank you, Mister Pennyworth,��� you said with another kind smile.
“Oh, please,” he said with a small chuckle. “Call me Alfred.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
Alfred turned toward the stairs. “I’ll fetch Master Todd for you. There is a sitting room just off to the right of the stairs. I’ll show you the way.”
“Oh, no, that’s alright,” you assured him with a small smile. “I can find my way.”
“Very well,” Alfred said with a small smile of his own.
You strolled calmly into the sitting room where you would wait on Jason, to talk to him like you were hired to do, to help him like you wanted to do. You weren’t sure why he was so against getting the help he must’ve known he needed the help, how much easier it was to get through what he was going through when he could share it with someone. The only explanation that you could fathom was that he was just too stubborn to accept help.
You heard something down the hall that sounded like a frustrated young man being pushed down the hallway with no lack of resistance
“No, I don’t want to—! Alfred, I’m not talking to this crotchety old—!”
Jason stumbled through the doorway, or at least you assumed it was Jason. He was young, looking to be in his early or mid twenties at the oldest. His black hair was messy, and had a strange white piece at his forehead. His blue eyes shined with a light of defiance at being forced into his situation before they seemed to widen in surprise at the sight of you.
Apparently he wasn’t expecting someone so close to his age.
But the defiance alight in his gaze never faded. He wasn’t planning on making this easy.
Luckily, you were just as stubborn. You worked at Arkham Asylum with some of the most dangerous people in the country, nevertheless in Gotham. You could get things out of people in ways that made them think they weren’t telling a thing.
“Hello, Jason,” you said in your most polite and professional tone. “I’m Doctor (y/l/n). You were missing all of our scheduled appointments at my office, so I determined that it wasn’t the right place for us to meet. A home visit was the best conclusion, rather than continuing to waste my time and Mister Wayne’s money.”
Jason seemed startled at the amount of sass you had concealed in your polite and professional tone. “I… You’re kidding, right? I don’t want this. I don’t want to talk to you. I am fine.”
You nodded slowly. “That’s alright. We don’t have to talk about you right away.”
He grumbled under his breath before he finally dropped across from you on the couch, making himself comfortable in the most vulgar way possible. One leg was tossed over the arm of the couch and the other on the coffee table between you, his arms thrown over the back.
You looked up from neatening your notes to see his sitting position with a frown. “Could you please close your legs? I’d rather not look at your crotch the entire hour we’re here.”
Jason’s eyebrows raised before he could stop them. He wasn’t sure he remember any woman ever telling him something like that, telling him no. He slowly lifted his leg off of the couch arm and crossed his ankles on the coffee table. He was still frowning, careful not to answer any questions that might lead into a conversation about him.
He didn’t need this. He wanted to get under her skin, scare her off. She wasn’t going to be able to get in his head that easy.
Just you wait, Doc, Jason swore to himself. You’ll be gone in a week.
“So,” you said, crossing your ankles neatly when you looked back up to Jason. “Is there anything you’d like to ask me? I’m open to anything.”
“Why are you here?” He grumbled unapologetically.
“At the mansion or in a session with you?”
“I’m at the manor because you never came to our scheduled appointments together at my office, and I do have patients that could need me more than you, so I needed you to stop wasting the time allotted for us. I haven’t dropped you as a patient yet because the moment I leave this room, I will me handed a check with several zeroes.”
Jason snorted, his blue eyes meeting your (e/c) gaze. “Ah, so you became a doctor for the same reason as everyone else—the money.”
You knew what he was trying to do. Throw you off, make you so uncomfortable that you didn’t want to return. “Actually,” you replied patiently. “I became a doctor because I’ve always been fascinated by the mind, and I wanted to help people understand their own so they could work through their problems in the most healthy way.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Why the hell would you want to go and do something like that?”
Your answer was simple. “I’ve always enjoyed helping people. And I’ve always been in touch with my emotions, and been able to help the people around me with theirs. I want to help people be the best they can be, and I want to understand what influences different minds to react how they do—it’s why I took my job at Arkham.”
He nodded slowly. “And you think I need help?”
“I think you need to decide if you want to be helped.”
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