futurecyborghexapod · 11 months
I read the first 240 chapters on Reaper Scans, but it got killed for some reason 😔 (they still have the manhwa tho if you wanna read that)
Light Novel World - seems to be the same/similar to the Reaper Scans version? Appears to be good quality and has all 703 chapters
Novel Updates - Where I usually find translations; doesn't seem to have Ch.2-259 since Reaper Scans died, but subudai11 / Novelinghua is where I'm reading the novel rn
Library Novel - has chapters 1-211 and seems to be a good translation if the other links don't work
Why You Should Read The Demon Prince Goes to the Academy
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All the talk about what is and isn't obscure has me curious- how do yall usually find new webcomic refs? I assume my method (go on tvtropes, find a trope I'm interested in, see if any of the webcomics listed look good) isn't how people usually go about it...
I have done that too, but maybe we’re just both weirdos. My more regular is seeing what comics my favorites link too, and following that chain ad infinitum.
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Amazon fucks everyone over again
some of you may recall Neil Clarke's blog post on the deluge of AI-generated spam that has hit Clarkesworld Magazine's submissions queue.
well, Clarkesworld and other short fiction magazines like it are about to get another swift kick in the dick: Amazon is discontinuing their magazine subscription service (and replacing it with a new service that pays creators much, much less). of the very little money made in the short fiction market, most of it was coming from Amazon.
as Clarke points out in his editorial on the subject, "While there are plenty of people happily reading, listening to, and writing short fiction, a very disappointingly small percentage of those same people are actively paying for it."
short fiction is not dead. the existence of subreddits like r/NoSleep and blogs like @writing-prompt-s proves that. if you value these stories and you want to help writers get paid for their work, please consider checking out (and subscribing to) some of the following publications:
Analog Science Fiction and Fact
Apex Magazine
Asimov's Science Fiction
Clarkesworld Magazine
Ellery Queen Mystery Magazine
Fantasy & Science Fiction
Fantasy Magazine
Nightmare Magazine
many of these publications charge less than $5 USD per month for subscriptions, so if you've just dropped Netflix and have an extra $10/month lying around, you can instead support two fiction magazines full of interesting, original, well-written stories.
(feel free to reblog with your own favorite publications!)
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playlists for professional procrastinators 03: mathematical concepts
once again I am bringing gifts in form of bad but oddly specific playlists! Enjoy!
cant fourier transform our way out of this one boys: lofi, instrumentals, mainly for studying 
particle accelerators are out now we are yeeting particles real fast:  very eerie multi layered and dimensional stuff. dark wave? retro synth and other funky acid genres i cant name. Lorn
hyperfinestructure: minimalist, melodic house
gravitational waves: for the fried brain cells. Neurofunk, Neuropunk, whatever just DnB.
entanglement: phonk, good hype playlist to feed the god complex
agns? ah yes enslaved gravity:  soft rock, post punk-ish? idk but it has placebo, nothing but thieves and some molchat doma.
HOMOmorphism: a structure preserving map  between two algebraic structures of the same type: chill synth and retrowave, just vibes
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ooooh i should post this on tumblr i think. i got tired of baihe lists that were all dead links and abandoned WIPs, so i made a carrd of all the baihe novels and short stories with completed translations i could find. lmk if i missed any 💖 but only if it’s complete!!
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Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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someone recommend me some good fantasy books that aren’t centred on a war, please, my crops are dying
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
What are some of your favorite self-indulgent movies that most people don't appreciate the way you do? Tell me about them! Tell me why you appreciate them!
There's two kinds of people, sharply divided: those who watched the first ten minutes of A Knight's Tale and walked away disgusted, and those who saw it and went all-in and love it to this day. Not lying when I say Heath Ledger in that movie saved my life.
Legend is bad but also amazing. Gorgeous, stylish, amazing soundtrack, like a picture book brought to life. I cannot say much else for it, but some of the actors are really enjoying themselves, and Tim Curry's performance is simply unbelievable.
Ladyhawke is totally underappreciated as a fantasy action movie. It actually has a lot of emotional impact for what it is, largely because of Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer. The final scene where she destroys the emotional hold the bad guy has over her without uttering a word is incredibly powerful. I like the soundtrack a LOT, but it ruined it for a lot of folks. Those folks are sad and wrong.
Sky High. I'm sick of superheroes. Just fucking done. Yes, that one. That other one too. I'm exhausted and want the genre to fuck off. I was delighted beyond belief when the genre exploded, and now it makes me want to die because it is all so exhausting. Yet one of my favorite movies is Sky High, a kids' movie, a comedy, and it remains one of the best superhero movies ever made, and fucking nobody saw it. It's hilarious, the performances are really fun, everyone is having a great time, and the story is solid. Is it cheesy? Yes. But it is also very very good.
Hard Target, so underrated as an action movie, yet utterly delightful. It was pretty to look at, the bad guys were extremely likeable and fun, and I love anything set in Louisiana, even if it's very bad.
And Roadhouse, the best shitty movie ever made. I cannot defend it in any way that matters. It's incredible. You either get it or you don't.
I'm sure there are others I'm not thinking of, but many of my favorites are cheesy but NOT underappreciated. The first two Mummy movies, Tremors, Scream, etc. We know and love them.
The rest of my faves are less self-indulgent and have a lot of redeeming value, usually because they are super good at being what they are and are acknowledged to be as much. Tombstone, The Thing, Jaws, The Ghost and the Darkness.
A few are just Good on every level. Labyrinth, The Last Unicorn. Two movies that made my soul what it is.
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
Hey i’m a fashion design student so i have tons and tons of pdfs and docs with basic sewing techniques, pattern how-tos, and resources for fabric and trims. I’ve compiled it all into a shareable folder for anyone who wants to look into sewing and making their own clothing. I’ll be adding to this folder whenever i come across new resources
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
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i made this a couple of days ago for twit but i wanna post it here too…do u love childhood friends to lovers super massive slowburn mutual pining, two sinners trying to accompany each other on a dark road, remaining sweet despite every reason not to……………………please read du zhu you bng
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
hey if you're waiting around for Nona and you miss the wacky sapphic energy of the first half of GtN may I suggest The Unspoken Name by AK Larkwood? There's a sword lesbian who's an orc, her genius girlfriend, a shady wizard, an evil librarian and a very annoyed twink. The sequel (which I believe is about the twink) comes out this month!
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
classic scifi novels by men r always like. page 1 here's a cool scifi idea i had. page 2 i hate women so much it's unreal
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
I was tagged by @thescienceturnip to list 10 songs by 10 different artists and to then tag 10 other people to do the same.  
Since you linked YT videos I suppose I will too! You beat me to this with Finntroll but I’ll recommend another by them. I just spent some time in Finland and there’s several folk metal bands I love from there, so of course they’ll be on this list! (while there I got to visit some backalley record shops and got my hands on some albums that are impossible to find in America, it was awesome)
Finntroll - Tidan Utan Tid
All of the albums where Vreth is the singer are excellent - I’m sure their older stuff is too but I haven’t listened to much of it. 
Turisas - End of an Empire
Turisas is my favorite band, I think they’re unique in the music world and so very talented in terms of lyrical poetry, worldbuilding, and the seamless marriage of metal and orchestral composition. 
Korpiklaani - Minä Näin Vedessä Neidon
True folk metal. Hurdy-gurdy included. A staple of the Finnish scene, and one of surprisingly few that sing mostly in Finnish. 
Rammstein - Ich Tu Dir Weh
This band is my current obsession, and I’m seeing them next month! This song is one of my favorites, it’s wonderfully dark and enchanting. The live performance is really something, so I’m posting that version. The music video is stellar too. This was the first song of theirs I learned to sing in German!
Alice in Chains - Whale & Wasp
A highly underrated song from one of the legends of the grunge world. 
Volbeat - 7 Shots
Danish wild west metal… what more could you ask for… this is one of my favorite songs of theirs. 
(Looks like Tumblr won’t let me add any more videos, boo)
Gorillaz - New Genius (Brother)
Back when Gorillaz had more of a gritty feel to them, a good era.
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Road Trippin’
I seek out bands that are masters at capturing melancholia, memories of time and place, homesickness and longing. Few bands do it better than RHCP. 
Led Zeppelin - No Quarter
My favorite song by them. I love all their work that deals with mythology and folklore. 
David Bowie - Warszawa
Among my favorite albums of his, next to Hunky Dory. 
I’m too tired to tag anyone but please feel free to do this if you want to! 
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futurecyborghexapod · 2 years
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