furtherandforever · 6 months
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A girl with a gigantic tiger and a phone
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furtherandforever · 2 years
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✨💎To the tenebrous prince Andhera, Scion of the Unseelie court 💎✨
 I’m very sad this season is over but I had to draw my favourite character! 
I love Omar for creating this awkward apple juice drinking ace legend I can relate so much to 💜
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furtherandforever · 2 years
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Artist Celia Pym
Working with garments that belong to individuals as well as items in museum archives, [Pym] has extensive experience with the spectrum and stories of damage, from small moth holes to larger accidents with fire.
Her interests concern the evidence of damage, and how repair draws attention to the places where garments and cloth wear down and grow thin. In clothing, this is often to do with use and how the body moves.
She explores the difficulties of mending other people’s clothes, the materials used for mending, and making damage visible. Pym’s tools are scissors, yarn and a sharp needle.
“Darning is small acts of care and paying attention. The damage, in a way, does the work for me” she explains. “I respond to it. The mending is slow work to hold the damage in place.”
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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Made another illo of my college of spirits bard Keijo!
I love drawing them and just going ham on the outfits 😭❤️✨
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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More pokemon from my twitter :)
[twitter] [ANLW Instagram] [instagram] [threadless] [gumroad] [patreon]
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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✨✨✨Finding a spark ✨✨✨
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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furtherandforever · 3 years
i apologize for being nosy, and please don't answer this if you don't want to, but i remember a few years ago you had identified as asexual and i was wondering if you still do? i did for a long time but i'm with a new partner now and i'm starting to wonder if maybe the connection just wasn't right with anyone before and that's why i wasn't into having sex? is that normal? i mean, i identified that way for YEARS so i'm just. very confused at myself.
I mean listen, I’m in my 30s. These labels don’t mean a lot to me anymore. Like, literally everything is normal. Everything is fine so long as nobody’s feelings are being hurt. Don’t worry about some label that used to be useful maybe not being useful anymore. Thank it for its service and let it retire. Maybe one day it will be useful again. That doesn’t change anything about you, because you are, and always have been, a complex, multifaceted, constantly changing kaleidoscope of emotional and sexual needs, and “asexual” is just a word that helped you make sense of it for a while.
Like, y’all, give yourselves a break. Sex is complicated. Some people are straight their whole lives, and then they meet one person who changes everything. Some people are one thing for a while, then they’re another thing, then they go back to being the first thing. Some people stay one thing forever. Some people are really into something in their 20s that grosses them out to even think about for the rest of their lives. All if it’s normal.
The words you put on your orientation are not elementally a part of you. They are tools, and as tools they should serve a function. That function can be to help you understand and categorize your own experiences and desires. It can be to help you find a community. It can be to help you get laid. It can just be to set social expectations. These words can be a revelation when you first apply them to yourself: they can be life-saving. But you are not beholden to them. 
“Idk, I thought of myself as ace for a long time, but I’m into my current partner, so like, enh? I’m having a good time and my partner and I are both happy, so I guess labels aren’t really useful to me right now” can be all you have to say on the subject.
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furtherandforever · 3 years
Seriously though like, I missed the boat on this whole radical honesty thing. I guess everyone wants to be true to themselves now? That’s…great…but like you’re really only ever going to meet a select few people you can be totally honest with about everything. Lie to strangers! Lie to authorities! Like damn didn’t you have parents that told you never to tell people on the phone that you were home alone? When the interviewer asks if you ever experimented with drugs, you say no! This is not a therapy session! He’s got no business asking you that anyway! Lots and lots of people are not entitled to your vulnerability. Damn.
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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As promised, here’s the final image I made for “On Thinner Ice” by @thtsroughbuddy !
If you haven’t been keeping up with the story, now’s your chance!
Click this link✨[AO3]✨
And once again a big thanks to @zukkabigbang for hosting!
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furtherandforever · 3 years
Well fuck this is some of the best artwork I’ve seen that’s paired exceptionally well with some of the best crossover writing I’ve ever read.
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The Master-Knot of Human Fate | Part 01
@zukkabigbang pieces for the wonderful and epic Zukka Fullmetal Alchemist AU The Master-Knot of Human Fate written by the incredible @dionysuslover!  
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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It’s here y’all, it’s here! My @zukkabigbang fic: The Master-Knot of Human Fate. Join our dysfunctional heroes on a journey of love and loss in this Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood AU of Avatar: The Last Airbender. My artist in this was @ragdollnetic and my beta was @hilplusterrorss. These two were an amazing support and wonderful creators that I was so privileged to work alongside. Chapter 1 has the first piece of art embedded into the story, so I hope you’re all blown away. Any remaining errors in this tale are mine, as hilplusterrorss did a wonderful job catching my boo-boos and helping me flesh things out.
Summary: Eight years ago, Zuko and Azula tried to bring their mother back from the dead with alchemy. He lost half his limbs, and Azula lost her entire body. Now, Zuko is 19 and determined to get their bodies back, no matter what it takes. With the help of their childhood friends, and the boy Zuko has been in love with since he was a child, they plan to do just that. But when their search leads them to dark, old secrets with feats of impossible alchemy being done before their eyes and another civil war on the horizon, Zuko thinks getting their bodies back might be the least of their problems now.
You can read chapter 1 here! Posting will be every day from now until next Wednesday, March 3rd, around 5:00PM Eastern Standard Time, USA.
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furtherandforever · 3 years
This is the Story y’all!
Check it out and stay tuned for updates!!
Chapters: 2/14 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sokka/Zuko (Avatar)
Sokka loved everything about skating, other than the actual skating bit. That is until he wins a chance to be trained by Zuko the two time Olympic gold medal figure skating champion. The same Zuko that he’s had posters of on his wall throughout the entirety of his teenage years. He could have a chance at something amazing if he can just get over his fear of the ice.
A huge, huge thank you to my wonderful artist @furtherandforever
and another huge thank you to my brilliant beta @red-0ak-tree 
also many thanks to @zukkabigbang for organising this! 
So, wow! 2 firsts for me here. My first Big Bang ever and my first multi-chapter fic too (the one direction wattpad ones from 2012 don’t count, okay?!) . I hope you all enjoy it! I’ve grown incredibly attached to my little figure skating Zuko and Sokka and I hope you like them too. 
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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So I don’t know if y’all heard but... there’s this Zukka fan fic out there called “On Thinner Ice” and let me tell you... if you like ice skating, are a fan of Zukka and slow burn tender romance you’re gonna be a fan of this fic by @thtsroughbuddy.
This is just one of the tender moments you’ll find later on in the fic and it’s inspired by the events of Chapter 5 🥺
Check out the story here on [AO3]!
I had a fun time designing the background with little bits of ATLA inspiration scattered throughout the modern set and small details from the story itself. How many can you find?
In my mind Zuko was the taller one, but after @thtsroughbuddy made some revisions Sokka ended up being taller... I had to spare y’all the stretched pixel look so this is my original vision of them 😅 Sokka looks a lil smol but that’s ok
I’ve got one more image for y’all coming up that’ll be posted close to the ending of “On Thinner Ice” and it’s my version of a PG fantasy scene~~
A great big thanks to @zukkabigbang for hosting this and being really supportive of everyone’s work!
We love to see it 👏🏽✨
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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Project Monsoon  Clever colorful street art that only appears when it rains
After the Superhydrophobic Street Art, which uses a superhydrophobic coating to create designs which appear only in the rain, here is the Project Monsoon, which uses the same concept, this time with hydrochromic painting, which reveals its color only when wet. This amazing and clever project was designed by a Korean team of designers, in collaboration with Pantone, to provide color to the streets of Seoul during the rainy season, while paying tribute to the Korean culture. A brilliant idea! Source: ufunk 
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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My piece for the STZAP #9, with Johan Ravit (character design, character animation) - Music: The NeverEnding Story soundtrack
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furtherandforever · 3 years
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I don’t do backgrounds, the last picture is an example of a flat color background with lighting but that’s the closest you’ll get me to an actual background. The reason being that a background is a whole art piece on its own and I’ll charge you a lot more for a background than I would for a character since there’s perspective, smaller objects, details, and there could be multidirectional lighting to consider so...that’s a hard pass for me.
For a commission you’ll get a plain white background or a flat color without lighting.
Any props like handheld objects or stools/chairs are $2 each.
The bundle and save for characters in a single image gets capped at 3.
I can do a couple different art styles but what’s shown above is my default so unless specified this is what you’ll be getting. If you’re interested in a specific art style message me for details to be sure I can actually do what you’re looking for.
Things I won’t do: furries, full body mechs, armor, chibi, and or NSFW overly sexual scenes or positions
I’ll do this though: slightly anthropomorphic (ears & tails), mechanical body parts (just picture Edward Elric), tender moments
Things you’ll need to do for me to accept your request: pay in full before I begin. Have references picked out for poses and clothing. Be ready to describe exactly what you’re looking for in your character (hair color, hair texture and length, eyes, face shape, body shape, personality - bc you can see who they are in their expressions and body language). If I’m designing your OC and you’d like a couple different headshots or expressions I’ll do a max of 3 per bundle.
Email me at [email protected] for requests✨
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