forestdudes · 3 days
It is literally 1 am, and these kids are outside playing, and screaming. Like, okay, kids will be kids, and they play outside, and are loud. But, it’s one in the morning?! Don’t they have school? What kind of parent lets their child play in the woods so late at night?!
Fucking millennials.
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forestdudes · 3 days
Why didn’t anyone tell me that being gay would be so expensive?
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forestdudes · 22 days
Oh my god, like, 39 (i counted) police cars came rushing back the way i came. What the hell is going on?
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forestdudes · 25 days
(Posting this here, cause Tumblr won’t let me send in an ask to @am-i-the-asshole-official)
Am i the asshole for asking my neighbors to parent their children on my neighborhood Facebook group?
Honestly, this is all super dumb, but i kinda feel like an asshole. Idk.
Context: So I (M, 23) live in a suburban neighborhood (with my parents, no way i could live in a neighborhood like this by myself). Like most neighborhoods with a lot of older moms, it has it’s own Facebook group. I am, for some reason, apart of this facebook group.
Now, this is a very like, family esc neighborhood. So, there’s lots of kids. And all of these kids play outside, all the time. And that’s great. Kids should play outside. But these kids SCREAM, when they’re playing. And it drives me crazy. I mean, when i was a kid, i was taught not to scream while playing outside unless something was actually wrong. I thought this was a common lesson, but i guess not?
Inciting incident: So, this has been going on for a while now. And I was (and am) tired of it. So, i went on Facebook, and basically went on a little rant about how annoying all this is, and that these parents should teach their children better.
I do feel i am the asshole for being so Harsh. And i shouldn’t have told people how to raise their kids. But, i also feel like I’m not the asshole cause now, I’m getting a lot of back lash from my neighbors. And, the stuff some of them are saying, is really… bad. I don’t want to say it, cause i think it might be triggering. But, it’s really awful. Also, there’s a few who have agreed with me (publicly and in private messages), which kinda makes me feel a little more justified.
My parents kinda have different opinions on this. My father thinks i did the right thing, but also it’s my father, so grain of salt. My mother agrees that it’s annoying, but says i shouldn’t have said anything.
Idk, am i the asshole, and should i make an apology on the Facebook group?
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forestdudes · 25 days
Just a reminder that people who still live with their parents as adults deserve respect and for you to stop being ableist. There are multiple reasons someone could still live with their parents! From invisible to visible disabilities, finance issues, and more!
Stop using the “well they’re gonna turn into a creep living in their parents basement” punchline! It’s disgusting. STOP. BEING. ABLEIST. STOP. FORGETTING. THE. POOR.
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forestdudes · 29 days
Just stared at the wall for 45 minutes. How’s your day going
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forestdudes · 29 days
Okay, like, did anyone else’s parents teach them that when you are playing outside, you don’t scream for no reason, or because one of your little friends is chasing you? Like, so that your parents would know that when you screamed, it was REAL, and that you were actually either hurt, or in danger?
That’s what i was taught as a kid. but, I swear, none of these damn kids in my neighborhood were taught this lesson, apparently. Cause all i hear everyday is these kids playing in the woods behind my house, and screaming at the top of their lungs.
I’m about to do something drastic. Like, make a post on my neighborhood Facebook group. Yes, i know, the horror.
But, in all seriousness, like, was this just a lesson i was taught? Or did other people get taught this as a kid?
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forestdudes · 1 month
Fun fact:
If you turn your location off on your device, Facebook will instead track your location using your IP address.
Bonus fun fact:
Facebook tracks a lot more information than you would want it to. The only way to turn all of that off is to go into settings and scour every single setting for different tracking options and turn them all off. And if you really don't want any information about you plastered online and you don't really want to connect with people near you, then I would suggest that you just get rid of all the content pertaining to your location and to people you know. I would also suggest that you make all the information on your profile to be heavily contradictory. Such as setting your relationship before your birth date. Or setting your workplace in Antarctica.
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forestdudes · 1 month
Why am i still on my neighborhood Facebook? Why am i still on Facebook?
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forestdudes · 1 month
Well, my room is cup free, and organized. I’m sure that within the week, it will be disgusting again. But, at least it’ll be a nice week.
(For the most part)
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forestdudes · 1 month
🚨 Students at Harvard University launched an encampment in support of Gaza in Harvard Yard moments ago, calling for an end to Harvard's moral and material complicity in the ongoing genocide of the Palestinian people.
Harvard has invested over $200 million of its over $51 billion endowment in companies with ties to zionist settlements in the West Bank, while most of its investments to the zionist entity are kept secret.
The students are demanding financial transparency regarding investments related to the zionist entity, as well as genocide and occupation in Palestine; divestment from these investments and reinvestment in Palestine; and dropping all charges against student activists.
The University has suppressed student voices in support of Palestine time and time again, suspending the Palestine Solidarity Committee just this week on baseless grounds. They have also enabled attacks on pro-Palestinian students from the media and politicians. Today, the students say enough is enough, and that they will no longer tolerate their institution's support for genocide.
This brings the number of ongoing encampments to 19, with more to come.
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forestdudes · 1 month
And that’s on period
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forestdudes · 1 month
No 😢
yeah sex is cool I guess
but have you ever had someone leave a comment with a paragraph-long review of your fanfic containing genuine praise, thorough criticism, and an in-depth analysis of all the lore hints you dropped that you spent ages intricately crafting
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forestdudes · 1 month
it is so incredibly sad to constantly see kids on instagram and tiktok who are younger than my brother have to literally beg for shelter, food, water, medicine, and their right to exist as human beings
i mean, this young girl is only ten years old, yet she is essentially responsible for convincing random people scrolling through instagram that her and her family’s life are worth fighting for
on top of that, their gofundme is not even 10% funded and time is running out, please if you can’t donate, just share
please don’t let this little girl die begging
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forestdudes · 1 month
praying for palestinians in rafah. i hope the zionist entity and all its enablers die. there will be no mercy, no forgiveness
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forestdudes · 1 month
No one talks about how jarring it is going from living in butt fuck no where, rural America, to a more suburban type area. Like, yes, still very southern, wooded area. But no where near as rural as my old place. So different. There’s a neighborhood Facebook page, for fucks sake. We ain’t in Kansas anymore Toto, kinda shit.
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forestdudes · 1 month
Things...didn't work out. I was scared to say something because I thought everyone would feel like they gave to me for nothing.
But, I ran into an emergency and that money had to go towards that.
So. I'm back at square one. I know, I know. But...I need to get out of here. I am constantly being threatened with losing my room, to being kicked out, to even threats of abuse. I am scared for my life. And I have no where to go- my parents have already gotten to my other family and c convinced them that I'm the bad person here. My mom is delusional and claiming I'm abusing her.
If you guys can find it in your hearts to help me out one more time, I'd appreciate it so much. https://www.paypal.me/WastelandCatArt
My commissions are open and here's some samples down below.
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