Few Secrets:
Roose Bolton x Reader,
Chapter: 1, 2, 3, 4.
it’s only been 84 years since i posted part 1
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I hope you guys like this, I’m planning on doing at least 2 more parts :)
It had been a couple days since the night of the wedding. And though most of the houses had returned home, Roose Bolton had remained in the walls of your castle.
It was difficult not to think of the man since hearing him talk about your needs. But seeing him every time you had a different thought wasn’t helping.
You walked down to the baths—large pools of hot water, something you found necessary to survival in the north. It was quite late and the room was empty. You quickly undressed and stepped into the hot water, relishing the feeling opposed to the cold stone floors and winds outside.
“My lady.” A deep voice erupted from the doorway. You gasped and covered yourself, looking with your back turned to the door.
Roose Bolton stood confidently in the room.
“My lord,” you sighed in confusion. “May I please have some privacy?” You asked, annoyed at his blatant rudeness. Though you were frightened by his confidence. He knew what he was doing and you knew what he was capable of.
“I’m afraid privacy won’t be something you’ll be afforded after tomorrow.” He rumbled eloquently through the room. His voice alone sent a shiver down your spine, causing you to shake it off in the water.
Clothing shuffled with an occasional ding of metal. You looked back at him in fear. His chest was exposed, showing the grey and brown hairs that littered his chest.
You looked back to the walls of the bath in shock. “What are you doing?” You asked in a panic. “And what do you mean after tomorrow?”
“I am finding relief from the cold.” He said, while gliding into the pool. “And you will only have so many answers to your questions.” He warned. “Ask wisely.”
“Why would I have no privacy?” You asked after a moment.
Ripples of water came toward you. You sunk lower into the pool so that your breasts were covered by the water.
“You will soon be Lady Bolton.” He said gruffly.
Chills ran through your body as you inhaled sharply. You swung your head back to him, ignoring his bared chest.
“What?” You asked with furrow brows.
“This doesn’t please you?” He asked skeptically.
You turned away as he came closer, almost a foot away now. You thought on his question.
“No,” you pause, “I don’t understand.”
You thought over the reasons why this man would want to marry you. No reason seemed blaringly obvious.
Suddenly his wet hand laid heavily on your neck, and you stiffen, holding your arms together tighter. He continued, wrapping his hand around the back of your neck, massaging down. Your chest rose and fell deeply.
“Any more questions?” He spoke softly.
You were silent as his other hand rose to your arm. His grip was firm yet tender. Roose came in closer, moving his right hand down the side of your arm to your hip. His left hand continued massaging your shoulder, causing you to slowly fall back into his embrace. Your head rested in the crook of his neck, while his hand slid up the length of your side. Your arms loosened, but still remained locked to your chest.
Roose breathes heavily along your exposed neck until he kissed it gently. Again and again until his kisses were hot and needy. A small moan left your lips as his hands groped up your sides to your ribs, looking for an entrance.
He brought his mouth the the other side, guiding your neck with his right hand. His left traveled along your hip and ribs, snaking in between your arms. His rough palm engulfed your small breast and groped with passion. You loosened your grip on yourself and replaced it on his own arms and hands.
“Well?” he asked breathily. “You’re time to ask is now.”
His deep voice pulled you from your pleasure. For a moment more you were silent.
“Why do you flay men?” You spoke softly.
In an instant the man pulled you around in a tight grip. Your chest pressed against his, sending shivers through your body. Your arms snuck around his neck as his hands claimed your back, sneaking down to your butt. You gasped as he leaned in, pressing himself against you, while his lips came inches away from yours. Roose stopped, his eyes narrowing while he peers into your own. You looked up at him with hooded eyes.
“A naked man has few secrets.” He whispered gruffly.
His eyes raked down your body and back to your gaze. You stared at him, lips parted, as your chest slowly rose and fell.
“What about a naked woman?”
A grin formed mischievously on his lips. He leaned in closer so that his mouth was inches from yours.
“I don’t need to see you naked to know your secrets.” He spoke smoothly.
You pulled back slightly, hands on his upper chest. His words painted a scowl on your face.
At this he chuckled,
“I could see your desires the moment you came through the gates in the rain.” He cooed, inching closer to your mouth.
He stilled when you spoke, “And why do you think I want you? I know why you flay men.” You said harshly. His gaze darkened and mouth fell into a straight line, urging you to reconsider. You stopped abruptly, waiting for him to attack.
“Why.” He commanded—taunted, you to go on.
Your chest heaved within his grasp. You returned his dark gaze, “For power,” you said softly, “control.”
He makes no moves or changes in his expression.
“For the way killing a man makes your blood turn hot.” You whispered hotly toward him.
At this his eyes widened slightly, barely noticeably. You must’ve surprised him with your courage.
“Do not anger me when my blood runs hot.” He warned. His gaze grew darker.
“Why.” You slightly mocked him. That was a mistake.
Suddenly you were ripped from the pool and brought to the edge, stomach pressed firmly on the cold stone, with your ass hanging off the edge and legs left in the water. Roose held you there with his hands pressed firmly on your back. Still gasping for air at the sudden movement you felt a sharp smack on your ass.
You yelped in pain. You let out a deep breath, and continued breathing ragadly.
After a moment of silence the smack came again, not overly painful but not holding back either. You squeaked out a grunt.
His hand came again—and again.
By this point you gave in completely, lying tiredly on the stone floor.
His hands found your ass again. But this time his hand remained. Roose slid his wet fingers along your folds, up and down, enticing your small moans.
Roose continued stroking along and between your folds with calloused fingers as you moaned louder. The echoes of your own moaning flooded the pool room and stiffened your nipples on the stone. You arched and writhed under his touch.
Suddenly his hand was gone and you laid on the stone floor feebly. Clothing and metal shuffled again as the man dressed himself.
You slide back into the water, exhausted, looking to Roose for an explanation.
“You are not a Bolton yet.” He said in his deep voice, “but I will make you Lady Bolton within the day.”
Well that escalated quickly. Yeah so heck the characters that are still alive I’m still stuck on this man so yeah here we are.
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pocket-clown’s masterlist
adding to this as I post more stuff! please let me know if any links don’t work right.
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↦ headcanons;
Dating Arthur Fleck 
Arthur when his s/o has nightmares
Taking care of Arthur financially
Arthur comforting his s/o during a thunderstorm
Arthur with a literature-loving s/o
Arthur when his s/o has trichotillomania (hair-pulling disorder)
Spending Christmas with Arthur
Making holiday cookies with Arthur
First kiss with Arthur
Learning his s/o is pregnant 
Telling Arthur that you go by they/them pronouns 
Arthur learning that you come from a wealthy family
Cooking dinner for Arthur
Breaking up with Arthur (two endings; one happy, one angsty)
Comforting Arthur when he has a nightmare
Arthur when you own exotic pets
Taking Arthur camping
Arthur Fleck x plus-sized girlfriend
Arthur Fleck x Contortionist!Reader
Your first date with Arthur
“I love you” & Marriage (SFW prompt)
Living Domestically with Arthur (slight AU, SFW prompt)
↦ fics/imagines;
Smile (3,064 words) // semi-personal piece, first meeting.
Something Better (4,055 words) // semi-personal piece, a continuation of Smile.
A Journal Mishap (2,970 words) // you find Arthur’s journal and read some rather peculiar notes in it.
The Man at the Gate (3,553 words, NOT X READER) 
A Little Bit Lovesick (2,184 words) // fluff, in which Arthur falls ill and you take care of him.
Let’s Talk, Please (3,901 words) // angst, in which an out of context note leads Arthur to thinking that you’re cheating on him. fluff at end.
A Mutual Confession (5,458) // fluff, a reunion of sorts, in which reader returns to Gotham after some time away and confesses her love to Arthur. 
Like a House of Cards (3,704) // heavy angst, hurt/comfort. TW for suicidal ideation and others included within. 
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↦ headcanons;
Jealous & Protective Joker (SFW prompt)
↦ fics/imagines;
Joker learning that he has a child (658 words)
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↦ headcanons;
Jealous Arthur & Joker
How they flirt
Arthur & Joker with a bold, dominant s/o
(SFW) Turn-ons
Traits they’d like in a partner
When their s/o practices martial arts
Arthur & Joker x s/o who loves to read
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do you happen to know of any good yandere asmr in english?
Hoooooh yes. Yes I do. My time has come. I think the listener has been kidnapped in pretty much all of these so if that freaks you out I’d pretty much avoid all of these.
Okay so first up in my youtube likes we have
THIS It is an asmr that actually like has things going on on the screen, but I ignore that for the most part. I am in love with Matt, the character who has kidnapped the listener he’s freaking adorable. As a fair warning, the listener does get their finger cut off so if the idea of that makes you squeamish then I’d stay away.
SECOND We have this son of a bitch here. This is part of a 6 part series and as a warning this character is Not Nice At All. Not for the faint hearted, it talks about abuse and again, the character is very mean to the listener. I think like part 4 is smut.
THIRD we have Ivan. I think this is like a five part series? He’s very sweet for the most part and I don’t believe anything particularly bad happens in this series aside from the initial kidnapping. Part 3 get a little intense.
NEXT UP we have this guy. I think I mostly like it because the voice kind of reminds me of Shigaraki from MHA haha. Pretty standard ‘you’ve been kidnapped’ video.
THIS ONE I’m only adding to stroke my own ego, haha. I wrote this script back like freshman year of college so here have my old writing with a hot voice over it. So cringe lol
NOW THIS ONE Getting into slightly less yandere but still pretty intense, you’re a hunter trying to take on a vampire lord and it doesn’t go well. There’s a part two to this as well that’s more possessive. Warning, there are sudden, very loud gunshots in this one that scared the hell out of me the first time listening.
And that’s a pretty good list so far if I do say so myself, haha. I’m actually embarrassed that I know this many if I’m being honest with myself. Have a happy and safe listening!
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Domestic Bliss
Summary: This is me just purging out some lovely domestic bliss with Thomas and his S/O
Warnings: Pure and absolute fluff along with smut
Don’t be shy send me some requests
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Giggling. That's the first thing Thomas heard when he woke up every morning. He smiled and slowly sat up, his five year old daughter Ellie giggled as she ran into the room and ran into the bed. Ellie giggled and sat next to her father as you walked into the room carrying your 6 month old son.
"Good morning handsome" you said as you walked over to him. You had woken up an hour or so ago, you had taken Ellie and Ned out with you to get a few eggs from the chicken coupe. Ellie would giggle as she ran around the small area you had designed to be a garden area where Ellie and you had planted a few flowers; Luda insisted in planting a few vegetables which you agreed to. Both you and Luda made breakfast together, she would coo and feed her grandchildren occasionally as Ned babbled loudly as he sat in the highchair Thomas had made for Ellie when she was born.
Thomas smiled and gently pulled his wife into bed with him. You complied and sat next to him, Ned babbled as he nestled himself between his parents. "Did you sleep well darling." you asked softly. Thomas nodded happily before pulling her into a kiss. You happily complied and kissed back, smiling as this action earned a lowed "EEWWW" from your five year old as she covered her eyes. The two of you pulled away as your daughter ran out of the room when she heard Uncle Charlie grumble his way downstairs. You looked up at your husband and smiled happily "What do you think about having some time for ourselves later tonight I'm sure Ellie would like to spend the night with Henrietta's son" You said with a small smile "and I think your mother would be fine with keeping an eye on Ned while you and I get busy"
Thomas couldn’t help but smile and nod eagerly. He couldn't help but ogle you as he watched your hips sway side to side as you began to pick out his clothes for the day. He enjoyed watching you bend over as you opened the window to your room. The light breeze that entered picked up your dress a bit, Thomas couldn't help but take a peak. He smiled and picked up your son before gently sitting him down in the crib; little Ned was quickly distracted by a few toys. Thomas walked over to his wife and wrapped his arms around you. His face immediately buried into your hair, smiling you leaned against his arms. He slowly began to unbutton the buttons of your dress, once he had enough buttons removed he slipped his hand into your chest and began to fondle your breasts. You let out a soft whimper and let your head fall back into his shoulder. He kissed down your neck and shoulder before pulling your dress up a bit. You slowly snapped into your senses and gave his hand a light smack "No" you whispered "We will be doing this properly tonight. It's been six months since we've done anything and I want this to be more than a quickly" You explained. Thomas could only nod and kiss your cheek before walking off to get dressed
"I'll see you downstairs" you said gently taking Ned into your arms. You smiled at your husband. "Good morning to you Hoyt" You said as you walked into the dining room and helped Luda after dropping Ned off in his high chair. "How did you sleep?" You asked trying to have a pleasant conversation with him
"Be better if I had a bitch in bed with me" he grumbled as he leaned back against his seat
"Hoyt what did we say about using that kind of language at the table. I don't want my baby picking up that language" Luda said as she helped you serve breakfast. Hoyt only grumbled and looked at his niece
"You ain't repeating any of that are you?" he asked his niece who innocently shook her head and swung her legs back and forth. Breakfast went by smoothly, everyone went on their separate ways, Hoyt went off to look out the are, Luda went to the store, and Monty himself had gone off to visit the Tea Lady, Kathy, leaving you and your children alone in the household. Thomas descended down into the basement to finish up a body he had started on last night. You cleaned up the house, both children had been placed in a playpen while you busied herself in chores. Hours later you finished cleaning up you made a small lunch and had Thomas clean himself up before coming up. The three of you ate lunch while Ned took the chance to nurse. After eating the lot of you walked outside to let Ellie burn out all the energy she had locked up. You sat in the porch with your son sitting on your lap, you hummed softly and kissed the top of his head as Thomas went out into the backyard and played with your little girl. He smiled and chased after his little girl who squealed and giggled running away. This is how the day went by, he ran after his daughter before the two eventually sat down and enjoyed a cup of sweet tea you provided. Thomas sat down next to you, Ellie sat on her father's lap and smiled tiredly as she rubbed her eyes. Thomas kissed your forehead and closed his eyes as he held you in his arms. How could he have gotten so darn lucky. A beautiful wife, two adorable children and possibly even more. When night settled, the two of you went into your bedroom after Ellie and Ned had gone to bed.
"Well, Ellie didn't exactly want to go to Henrietta's, but she's more than fine to sleep with her grandmother" you said with a smile on your face as you brushed your hair. Thomas gave a hum and took off his mask before sitting at the end of your bed.
"So... we have time for ourselves now" you said as you walked over to him and began to pull off your nightgown. A smile immediately formed across his lips as he straightened up when he watched you remove your gown. He pulled his shirt off before his hands immediately gripped your hips and pulled you into your lap. With a soft hum you pressed your care cunt against his covered cock before cupping his cheek and kissed him passionately. He immediately kissed back and groaned softly as he felt your fingers slowly began unzipping his pants. Immediately his cock stood up straight as it was released from the suffocating material.
The two of you pulled away from the kiss as he gripped your thighs and pulled you even closer to him, your chest pressed against his before feeling his hard cock rub against your slick cunt. He gently lifted you up a bit allowing you to slip his erect member into you, the two of you allowed a soft moan to escape your lips as he stretched you out. For a moment you remained still slowly getting used to the feeling of him inside you for the first time in 6 months. He whined softly and bucked his hips upwards trying to get you to continue moving. With a shaky moan you obeyed his silent command and began to moving up and down as Thomas' hands dug into your thighs and began to thrust into you as you dropped your cunt onto him repetitively. His thick size filled you up, leaving you breathless at each movement, "Ah, Tom-Tommy," you said shakily, relishing in the feeling of your husbands cock inside you.
Immediately he buried his head into the crook of your neck while his hands forced you back down into his length. A moan escaped your lips as his thick member filled and stretched you out deliciously. Your legs felt like jello as you continued to ride your husband, you felt him kiss down your neck as well as your chest before he flipped the two of you into the traditional missionary position. His lips wrapped themselves around your nipple and gently pulled on it drawing a soft squeal from your lips. His hips were relentless as he increased speed and began to pound into you. A hand reached down and eagerly rubbed your sensitive bundle of nerves. His lips pulled away from your breast as he let out a breathy groan, your arms wrapped themselves around his neck. "Thomas- Thomas oh god Tommy right there!" you cried out as he found himself hitting that special spot. He groaned loudly and buried his face into your neck as your wet pussy made his relentless pounding easier, your legs shaking against him as you reached an orgasm.
Thomas held your hips tightly as he pulled his face away from the crook of your neck and watched as your eyes rolled to the back of your head from ectasy, his eyes slowly roamed down as your breasts bouncing with each thrust. Your cries of ectasy made him go crazy, he pulled your tit right back into his mouth and flicked his tongue around your nipple, allowing his teeth to occasionally graze them. You laid on your back, your breath shaky as you suddenly felt his fingers rub against your clit once more. You lost it once more as you let out a cry once again reaching an orgasm. Thomas' eyes shut closed at the sudden overwhelming sensation of your cum tighten around his member. "Thomas! Oh Tommy! Fuck... Fuck" you cried out as your fingers gripped his shoulders. Suddenly, he let out a loud groan as, the tip stretching the entrance of your womb, before he exploded inside you filling you to the brim. He panted softly and he shook above you as his balls emptied and pulsed within you, your legs spasmed as he slowly pulled out. Your eyes shut at the sudden empty feeling of your stretched out cunt. You slowly caught your breath and slowly looked up at him with a lazy smile crossing your lips.
His eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head as he felt your fingers on his hair. "I... love you" he whispered as he looked up at you after pulling the covers over the two of you. Smiling you kissed his forehead and closed your eyes, slowly drifting off into sleep. Thomas couldn't help but smile as he look up at you. He couldn't help but feel so lucky. You gave him everything he wanted, domestic bliss, and a family. He pressed a kiss against your chest and closed his eyes slowly drifting off into sleep.
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Family Nights
Warnings: light angst but fluffy ending, also breastfeeding (Should this be a trigger warning?) there's a baby involved as well.
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Thomas awoke in the middle of the night, his back had been turned to your side of the bed that night. He slowly turned around to wrap his arms around you, but when he found the cold sheets he immediately sat up and looked around the room. No. It couldn't be true, you wouldn't dare leave him now more than ever. Not when only a few weeks ago you had delivered a healthy baby boy. He immediately got up and let a hand go through his hair, his eyes darted to the crib near your shared bed. Panic set in his eyes when the crib was empty, there was no sight of his wife and child. Immediately he began his search, he tried to calm himself by thinking his wife was probably downstairs in the living room.
He searched everywhere, the bathroom, the empty bedrooms, and when he made his way down to the living room he could not find you. His breathing became erratic, his palms and forehead became sweaty as well as his hands. He began thinking of his childhood and teenage years, how they had constantly told him he would never find love, he would never find a woman that would bear him children willingly. He never expected to be a husband and a father and yet you came along, gave him the happiness he wanted and deserved.
You had loved him so much, became his wife, you were able to see past the mask and give him a child. You gave him the family he never expected to have and now he couldn't let you go. He had become so emotionally dependent on you that having you gone would literally mean his death. He rushed out the front door and once again did not find you. He began to whine softly, hot tears began to form in his eyes as he pulled at his hair when he couldn't find you in neither the kitchen and the dining room. His breathing quickened and tears began to stream down his face before he whipped his head at the sound of cooing and the soft wail of his son out in the back porch.
"Shh, sweetheart we have to be quiet, everyone is sleeping" you whispered to your son as you cradled him. Pulling down your nightgown you freed your breast and allowed him to nurse. You leaned back against the porch swing and hummed an old lullaby your mother had sang to you once. It had been nearly 3 in the morning when your son began to fuss, you had woken up before Thomas and took your son into the small nursery room next door, you changed his diaper, but even then the 2 week old baby was still fussy and threatened to wake up everyone in the house. God knew it would be hell in the morning if Hoyt had woken up in the middle of the night because of "the runt" as he so kindly worded it. You had left out into the back porch and sat on the swing Thomas had built a year ago. There was a light breeze which was happily received by you as summer was slowly rolling in. Your child remained awake for a while after he had been changed from his diaper, he looked up at you with bright eyes. Oh how you loved your child and your husband. You glanced down at your left hand and smiled at the gold band wrapped around your finer.
Thomas ran out the back door and as soon as he spotted you he basically threw himself at your feet, his arms immediately wrapped themselves around your waist. "Mine... Mine mine mine mine" he mumbled continuously as he buried his face into your lap
"Thomas? Thomas baby what's wrong?" you asked worried for your husband's behaviour. "Thomas it's okay, I'm not going anywhere baby I'm here" you whispered to him. Eventually his breathing calmed down and looked up at you. "I just didn't want to wake you and everyone inside up." you explained yourself which made Thomas look at you, he slowly looked around, there were no bags around to think you'd be running away, you were nursing his son. His son you conceived and loved. Thomas watched as your son's eyes slowly close, he pressed his forehead against yours and captured your lips into a passionate kiss. His hands gently cupped your cheeks as you kissed back without any hesitation.
"Come on baby let's go back inside" you whispered to him once the two of you pulled away from the kiss. He nodded and once your son unlatched from your breast the two of you stood up and walked back up to your bedroom. Your son placed in his crib and the two of you returned to bed. He buried his face into the crook of your neck, laid kisses here and there before looking up at you.
"I love you" he whispered to you.
"I love you too sweetheart, I love you so much I don't think I could bear being without you" You replied with a smile on your face. Thomas' eyes slowly fluttered shut as his arms wrapped themselves around your waist pulling you close as a way to make sure you'd remain at his side through the night and that you did, this family life was something he always dreamed of and may God bless anyone who tried to take his family away.
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Guys let's see what's going on in my brain during quarantine :)
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Ok but why does he look like the damn chuck E cheese mascot
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I made it to 500+ followers!!!
And to celebrate I’ll do a giveaway! The requirements are super simple!
You have to be following me! New followers are more than welcome but if you unfollow you will get disqualified!
One reblog is one entry! One like is one entry! Each person can only get TWO possible entries!
There will be three winners!
First Place: A self-insert. Not just the regular reader inserts that I usually write, tell me as much about yourself as you feel comfortable giving away and I will write a story personalized just for you :)
Second Place: An imagine. Much shorter than the self-insert (my max for this will probably be around 400-500 words) and this one will also be personalized if you want!
Third Place: A set of headcanons! This one will also be personalized but much shorter
I WILL write anything NSFW (smut, violence, etc.) but if I do not feel comfortable with a request I WILL NOT write it!
As of now, I write for THESE specific Jokers:
Ledger’s Joker (The Dark Knight)
Jerome and Jeremiah Valeska (Gotham)
Arthur Fleck (Joker)
Leto’s Joker (Suicide Squad)
If there is a Joker you want that isn’t listed just ask me and we can talk about it :))
If you’d like a story for something other than Joker CHECK HERE to see what other fandoms I will write for!
This giveaway starts today (January 10th) and ENDS on Sunday (January 19th) at 9 p.m. (EST)!
Everyone who enters will be put into a generator and that’s how I will choose the winners!
Good luck and thank you all!!!!!
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10/10 she is an amazing writer I love ABSOLUTELY love her joker imagines. Y’all go follow her if y’all are a bunch of clown fuckers
Mija Chula 1K Giveaway
I am doing a giveaway as a way to say THANK YOU to everyone who has supported my fics over the last few months! 
This is what you’ll win:
Joker Sticker Sheet
Joker Key Chain 
Clown Themed Candy
Mini-Mini Joker Playing Card
and Joker Pillow! (which I made with love for you <3)
To enter, like and reblog this post and follow me! I’ll pick the winner on January 22, 2020!!!!!
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Arthur / Joker + Dating a Person of Color
Warnings: Implied NSFW
Request: @forbidden-fruit-of-eden - Hello love, since I saw you’re request were opened I thought I might slide in and ask for one. I would like to ask for either a hc were Arthur is dating a woman of colour. Hispanic to be exact.  I would greatly appreciate it if you’d write something like that.
A/N: I wanted to make this inclusive for all people of color so I made the initial hcs generic and then made a section for specifically Latinx! The Latinx hcs aren’t split into Arthur/Joker because I believe that both iterations of the character would act the same in the scenarios I wrote. As a woman of color, I REALLY appreciated getting this request, so thank you! I hope you like it :)
As soon as the two of you start dating, Arthur takes an interest in learning as much as he can about your culture or your heritage. He values respect in any relationship, so he always does his best to respect you and/or your family’s background.
Arthur loves music and dancing, so obviously one of the first things he does to learn more about your culture is listen to traditional music from the region where you or your relatives came from.
He is extremely protective of you, and in any situation, Arthur does everything he can to ensure that you are treated fairly by everyone around you. However, it never fails to baffle him when people say particularly offensive comments to either of you about the nature of your relationship or about the color of your skin.
Arthur abhors confrontation; in fact, he does everything he can to avoid it. He’s learned that 90 percent of confrontations in Gotham lead to fist fights, and most of the time, he is on the losing end of those fights. Therefore, when someone upsets you, he is quick to comfort you rather than stand up against the people who have hurt you.
You never blame Arthur for this; you know that when people verbally or physically abuse him, he tends to freeze rather than fight. But his lack of inaction against the perpetrators doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care for you. It’s quite the opposite.
If someone ever dares to insinuate that your interracial relationship is wrong in any way, Arthur whisks you away from that person and immediately brings you into his warm embrace.
He whispers words of affirmation for only you to hear, so that you are reminded of how much your relationship means to him.
“Don’t listen to them; I love you no matter what you look like or where you or your family came from.”
“The color of your skin does not make you less human than everyone else.”
And if anyone ever makes you feel like you are less beautiful because of the way you look, Arthur kisses away your tears, holds you tight, and tells you how lovely you are.
“They’re just too ignorant to see your beauty.”
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this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
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– dream lover, where are thou ?
Tagging: @arthur-fleck-is-my-baby ; @live-love-loki Summary: You have an unhealthy crush on your older, strange, neighbor and you decide to act on your feelings eventually. [Music] Inspiration: Dream lover by Bobby Darin Pairing: Arthur Fleck x You Warnings: Smut, but soft, like he takes your virginity but psssst; cussing; age gap!**[Reader is 18/19, pls don’t read if you don’t like stories like dat, k?]**
You have been smitten by him since the first time you laid eyes on him. He is weird, looks sad most times and tired, but he’s also so very mysterious and sympathetic; and he’s older than you, which was a huge turn on for some reason.
You realized your thirst for older men for the first time when you were only thirteen and rocking a crush on your 40-something P.E. teacher.
He doesn’t notice you at first, his mind is too occupied with his thoughts whenever he walks past you in the hallway of your shared floor. However, when he finally does and you offer him a shy smile, he nearly stops in his tracks.
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Slasher Fandom:
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Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Characters: Thomas, Relationship: Thomas/reader Request: Hi, I have a request. It’s for Thomas Hewitt, like when he first started killing to provide for the family, could you do a moment between him and the reader where he is about to ask her to marry him but Charlie brings in new victims and the reader is called by Charlie to help. But, she doesn’t have time to answer his question and Thomas almost takes it as a rejection, but knows you do love him. Later one of the victims escape and try to take the reader away. Thomas stops them and she says yes. It had been a hard few months for most of the family. The new ‘life style’ and everything that came with it had certainly provided a challenge for the Hewitts, but things were certainly better now. You had settled into a new routine with Thomas, which he was grateful for beyond words. You were his childhood sweetheart, someone he had always trusted and always would. You would come to play with him as children and, as you both got older, a romantic relationship began. It started slowly, and you never really had the whole ‘ask each other out’ thing. It was just a shift in the way you were with each other. After your first kiss, you were his entirely and without question. Thomas watched you out of the kitchen window. You were hanging up washing, even though it was evening. But the sun would stay up for another few hours and you could dry a few things. He felt like he was in a trance as he watched a soft wind blow your hair and dress slightly, reminding him of an angel descending onto earth. His own angel. You stuck with him through everything. Through the skin issues, through the bullying and outcast, through the family issues, and now on a whole new level. You had killed for him. It wasn’t intentional, but someone had been about to stab him when you had shot the guy through the head. You rushed to Thomas, about in tears because you were afraid he was hurt. In the following days, his mind was unable to think of anything else but you. Thomas leaned against the sink, the small box in his pocket feeling like it was burning. Luda had given it to him a few years ago. She had been vague, saying it was for the person he loved, but everyone knew she intended for him to give it to you. but the timing was just never right. Not in a bad way, but you were both content with what you had. But now, he wanted to take the next step. He knew it wouldn’t be an actual wedding. But living together as a couple, as a married couple, he wanted that. He wanted to see the ring on your finger as he lay with you at night, wanted to think of you as his wife rather than girlfriend. You hung up the last shirt which belonged to Thomas. It probably wouldn’t dry tonight, but you could hang them over the radiators. Glancing back at the house, you saw Thomas was standing in the kitchen, watching you. not in a creepy way or one that made you feel uncomfortable. No, sometimes he just liked to watch people. He enjoyed sitting at the table and watching you and his family talk, or when Monty and Hoyt would sit in front of the TV and bicker. You had noticed Thomas had been acting weird for a couple of days now. He seemed distracted but, at the same time, transfixed with you. Something was playing on his mind which you had tried to ask him about but he wouldn’t answer. You didn’t bother picking up the basket, since you’d need it later on so you headed straight back inside to Thomas. But he instead met you outside on the porch. You were about to ask if everything was okay when his arms wrapped around your waist and you were pulled against his chest. You giggled, wrapping your arms around him as you pressed a kiss to his masked cheek. You could feel his heart was hammering in his chest. “Are you okay, sweetie?” you ask, pulling back with concern on your face. Thomas felt his heart swell at hearing the pet name you reserved for him. He nodded, unsure if he was doing this right. But he knew he couldn’t walk away again. He had tried to do this four times, and failed each time. He knew you loved him, but what if this was too much of a commitment for you to accept? But he just had to ask you. You watched as Thomas shifted from foot to foot, seemingly caught in his own mind. “Love?” You ask, reaching up to rest your hand on his shoulder. The touch seemed to jolt Thomas as he quickly pulled off his mask. You instantly smiled, because you loved it when he took his mask off for you. Thomas began to lean down, and you thought he was going to pick you up. He liked to do that and throw you over his shoulder playfully. But he didn’t. Instead, he dropped to one knee. He pulled a small black box out of his pocket and your hands slapped over your mouth which opened in shock. It couldn’t be? Was he really..? You felt your chest burst with excitement because you had been dreaming of the day he might ask you to marry him. well, he couldn’t ask, but he certainly could show it. Opening the small box, you saw a ring sitting in the centre. A beautiful diamond one which was sparkling in the soft sunset. “Thomas.” You breathed, tears flooding your eyes as you tried to memorize this moment. The man you loved, with a ring, asking you to marry him. “i-“ you were cut off before you were able to say those words that would mean so much. “[y/n]? Fuck, we got a problem!” Hoyts voice hollered through the house and you heard gun fire along with swearing. “Thomas, theres another in the car!” Instantly, you felt fear run through you. Another victim. Victims. You turned back to Thomas, angry hat the moment had been ruined by Hoyt. “Thomas-“ you try to speak to him, to tell him you loved him and you would marry him in a heartbeat but Hoyt calls out again, sounding like he was struggling. You had to run inside to help, you had to. You glanced over your shoulder as you saw Thomas shoulder slump as he pulled himself up again. He stared down at the ring before shoving it roughly in his pocket and walking round the side of the house, mostly like to get the other person out the car. ————- Thomas watched as you looked between the door and back to him in panic. Watched as you rushed inside after his uncles barks for assistance. Thomas managed to stand without collapsing under the heavy weight of rejection. He pulled his mask back on, before looking to the box. It wasn’t meant to be. He wasn’t meant to have a wife. He knew it when he was younger. This wasn’t the sort of life he would force on anyone he cared about, but you? You stayed because you loved him. No part of him, no matter have negative his own opinions of himself, could deny your love for him. He loved you wholeheartedly and that would never change. Stepping off the porch, he decided to circle round the side of the house to avoid you. he would give you some space for a while, and hopefully this wouldn’t ruin anything between you both. ———-time skip ————- You sat in the kitchen, waiting. Thomas had been downstairs for a while now. Even since the three new victims were pulled into the house, he had been locked downstairs. You hadn’t seen him since, since he had proposed to you. you wanted to run to him, to tell him you adored him, but you were still not sure about the basement and the family were pretty clear you shouldn’t go down there. you tired to call him a few times, but never got an answer. instead you decided to wait till he came up to go to bed. Glancing at the clock on the wall, you sighed as it turned 11.30pm. What if he didn’t want to marry you any more because you hadn’t responded to him? What if he took it that you didn’t want to be with him anymore? you bite down on your lower lip, your leg shaking up and down as you waited. Resting your head on your hand, you leaned on the table and let out a soft sign. Suddenly, a large hand clasped over your mouth. You went to scream but it was muffled but the hand. You looked up and saw one of the men from earlier. He hadn’t seen you since Thomas had brought him in, but you didn’t see him. Tall and lanky with bug like eyes and a weak excuse for stumble name you shiver with repulse at his touch. “Shh, I’ll get you out of here.” He hissed as he looked around the kitchen. His free hand grabbed your wrist and he hauled you out of your seat. You hook your foot under the seat, causing it to topple over as he pulled you towards the door. “let go of me.” You cried against his hand, trashing against him. “Shut up.” He hissed to you. he let go of your hand but you weren’t out of the woods yet. Instead he grabbed a large knife that had been sitting out and held it in front of you so you could see it. Your eyes widened as you froze. You then heard the basement door open and Thomas rushed into the room and froze when he saw what was happening. You, staring at him with wide eyes filled with fear. A man stood with his hand over your mouth, threatening you with a knife. A low growl left Thomas’s throat, but the man saw him faulter. He saw that Thomas wouldn’t risk you getting hurt. “You say back. Or-or I’ll kill her.” He suddenly cries out, pointing the knife at Thomas as he started to pull you both out the back door. Opening your mouth wide, you bit down hard on as much skin as you could. The man let out a high-pitched scream as he stumbled back. You sprint out of the way as Thomas charges towards him. The two men fall out the back door onto the porch as Thomas gets the upper hand. Kneeling beside the man, he grabs the first weapon he could find. Thankfully, the man had dropped the knife in the fall. Using the same knife that had been used to threated you, he plunges it deep into the man chest. He eyes glared down at the man, eyes that screamed “mine!”. Thomas sat back on his knees, panting slightly as he watched the man closely for any sign of life. But the body didn’t move. Thomas didn’t move until he heard timid footsteps at the door. “Thomas?” you breath, scared he was hurt. Your eyes find the knife embedded in the mans chest while Thomas knelt beside the body. When he heard you call his name, he looked up at you. Instantly, you broke. Rushing to him, you collapse to straddle his lap your arms wrap around his neck. His own arms locked around your torso, keeping you securely on his lap. He held you close as you sobbed on his shoulder out of fear. You mumbled his name now and again, but he just stroked your hair lovingly. Eventually, you pulled back and he was surprised to see you were smiling at him. “Im so lucky to have you.” You pull his mask off and drop it to the side so you could cup his cheeks and lean your forehead against his own. He smiled at the intimacy, having missed it himself though the day. “I’d be so lucky to be your wife.” You breath and Thomas pulls back. His eyes were wide and confused but with a glimmer of hope. You smiled. “Earlier, I never got to give you my answer.” You pointed out. Thomas lets go of you and you move off his lap so you were now kneeling in front of him. He reached a shaking hand into his pocket and, with slight hesitation, pulled out the ring. He opened the box and offered it to you once again, his eyes darting down and unable to meet your own. “Yes.” You smile, seeing Thomas look up at you once again, his eyes exploding with joy. “my answer will always be yes.” You lean forward, across the ring, and press a kiss to his lips as if you were sealing a vow. He melts under your touch, one of his arms wrapping around you and pulling you closer once again, only this time you were sitting across his lap with both your legs on one side. His arm wraps around your waist as he kiss you. Thomas felt like his heart was about to explode with joy and love for the woman in his arms. You were first to break the kiss and Thomas takes the opportunity to offer you the ring. You take it out of the box and slid it onto your left ring finger. It fit perfectly. Holding it out, you present it to Thomas who leans down and kisses your hand. You cuddle in against his chest, looking up at the night sky. Stars speckled the blackness and, in that moment, your world was perfect.
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Each Other
Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Character: Thomas Hewitt Relationship: Thomas/reader Request: “I don’t care what you look like, I never have! I love you for you. but you push me away and I cant take it anymore.” For Thomas Hewitt please?
You waited at the bottom of the stairs, your knee bouncing as your anxiety soared with each second. It was now dark out and everyone else had gone to bed, but you were waiting up for him to come up from the basement. Every time you heard the slightest creak from down there, you would sit up in anticipation. But Thomas never came up. closing your eyes tight, you tried to stop more tears from falling. Childhood sweethearts growing up, you longed for more from him. You never cared about his face, never seeing it as an issue until he started to. It wasn’t till he was in his late teens/early twenties and started working at the slaughter house and he started hearing the whispers and snide remarks from the others. Hoyt and Luda had tried to keep him sheltered from that sort of hate but they had also installed a hate from those who were outside the family apart from you. So he started wearing the masks. At first, you didn’t mind it. If it helped him deal with those horrible people as well as allow him to continue without feeling self-conscious. But then he started wearing it around you, and it placed a barrier between you two. You felt like he no longer wanted you around, and wouldn’t seek you out. Sometimes, you would see the glimpses that he still loved you, but then he would retreat away from you. You could trace most of why he acted like this to you back to once when you visited him at work. You followed the assistant through the factory, looking around you as you did. It wasn’t the most clean factory but it was a necessary part of the town. “Hewitt! You got a visitor.” He called and you looked forward into the room the guy had guided you into. Standing at one of the empty work benches was Thomas. You smiled at him, walking past the guy toward your old friend. “you forgot your lunch so I brought it up.” You hold up the small bag which contained a sandwich and a few other items for him to eat. you saw the kindness in his normally harsh eyes as he smiles down at you from behind the mask they made him wear. A leather muzzle, you thought, but Thomas really didn’t seem to mind it. “How’d you think an animal like that god a girl like her?” you heard one of the guys say to the other who had been walking past at the time. You heard it, and so did Thomas. He looked down, away from you. it was enough to break the sweet moment as Thomas took the bag from you and turn his back on you. ——–time skip —————- You huffed a little, looking at the grand father clock in the hallway. Just then, you heard movement from below and the sound of stairs creaking. he was coming. Sitting bolt up right and twist to look over your shoulder, you couldn’t help but hold your breath as the doors slide open. Thomas walked out from the basement and started towards the stairs. The second Thomas’ eyes fall on your figure at the end of the stairs he froze, obviously debating whether to retreat back down stairs and if you had seen him or not. “Thomas?” you called out to him, grabbing onto the railing so you could pull yourself up to stand on the bottom step. “Its late. Are you finished?” Thomas seemed unable to look you in the eyes. He glanced down at his clothes. He was no longer wearing his apron and he had undone the first few buttons of his shirt. Looking over his shoulder. The basement was dark, and he had already turned off all the lights. He knew you already knew the answer, but he shook his head anyways. Something drew his eyes up to meet your own, and he instantly regretted it. He could see that sadness in your eyes as you swallowed. He could see the redness around your eyes and the way your cheeks glistened in the low light from your tears. “Cant you come to bed?” You stepped down the stairs and walked towards him but Thomas couldn’t help but take a step back from you which made you freeze. A soft sob left your lips that you instantly covered with a shaking hand. Fresh tears ran down your cheek as you stared up at him in confusion. Thomas couldn’t take any more of it. He turned on his heel and headed straight back to the basement, closing the door before you could follow him. Thomas held the door closed as he heard your footsteps running to the door as you attempted to open it but he was stronger than you. He heard you let out a mixture between a hiccup and a sob as you tried and failed to get to him. “Please Thomas. Don’t do this.” You begged through the door, knowing he was on the other side holding it shut. He gritted his teeth together as his whole body felt conflicted between keep the door shut and throwing it open to let you run into his arms. He felt you give up and slide to the ground as you cried against the door. Proper sobs that made him fall to his knees. He held the handle so hard it made his knuckles turn white even though you had given up. This was for your own good, he told himself. You deserved so much better than this, than him. He would be alone for the rest of his life, that he could deal with as long as you were happy. You pressed your forehead against the cold metal door as you made small gasps for air. “Thomas.” You whined his name and he flinched from behind the door. ““I don’t care what you look like, I never have! I love you for you. but you push me away and I cant take it anymore.” Thomas squeezed his eyes shut, determined not to let tears fall from his own eyes. He could feel the panic building from within his chest. He had fought so hard to have you, to keep you. he always tried to show you he truly loved you to the moon and back. Thomas didn’t know how long he sat there. He didn’t know how long he waited in the dark for you to leave. Eventually, he pressed his ear to the door and heard a soft snore. Pushing himself to his feet, he slowly pulled the door open to find you had passed out on the floor. He stared down at you for a moment, knowing how important his next move is. he knew he should leave you. Retreat back down to the basement and wait till morning. You would wake up and remember what happened and maybe leave him. You had said you couldn’t any more of this. Or he could scope you up into your arms and carry you upstairs. Thomas knew what he should do. But he couldn’t. he couldn’t leave you on the floor like this. No matter how much he knew you deserved more. Bending down, he picked you up bridal style. You were fast asleep but you instantly cuddled against him. He could feel you were cold and you still hiccupped a little when you were breathing. you dozed on his shoulder until he started climbing the stairs. On the final step, the floor board squeaked and Thomas’ head snapped towards you. your eyes fluttered open and instantly found his own. Your arms wrapped around his shoulder and you buried your face in his neck as you drifted off. You weren’t awake for long and probably didn’t remember exactly what had happened. All you saw was him and you instantly responded with affection. Thomas held you close as he carried you to the room he normally shared with you, although he hadn’t really slept in it properly for a few months now. When he entered, he couldn’t help but feel at home. Your soft fragrance filled the room and it had always been the nicest room in the house. The bed was still made, meaning you hadn’t just woken up and went to see him. You had stayed up to see him. Thomas stood in the middle of the room with you in his arms. He had never been so conflicted in his life. Apparently, you didn’t fall straight back asleep. Your fingers moved into his hair and to the ties of his mask. He didn’t realise you were aware of what you were doing until his mask fell away. But he couldn’t do anything since he had you in his arms. You pulled back from his neck to move in for a kiss. One that surprised Thomas but he was unable to restrain himself from kissing you back. If you were a snake, this would be your killer bite. Because he knew this was enough to shatter his will power to walk away from you right now. You kissed him with more passion than he deserved. Thomas felt his knees going for the 3rd or 4th time that night. He turned and lowered himself to sit on the edge of the bed before he dropped you both. You were quick to move and straddle his hips. His hands never left your body before settling on your hips as you ground against him. Thomas couldn’t help but moan against your lips as he felt your hands slip round to cup his cheeks tenderly. “I love you.” you whispered when you pulled away from the kiss for breath. And Thomas broke. The sobs raked his body as he ducked his head away from your loving gaze. He felt too embarrassed to even look at you right now. He opted to buried his face in your neck as you had done. His arms wrapped around your waist and he held you tight against his body. After everything he had done, after how badly he had deteriorated over the years, you would happily throw yourself into his arms. he tried to nod, to respond to your words of affection with his own but he couldn’t. You didn’t question his actions, but allowed him to cry for as long as he needed. Eventually though, you drifted off. ———–time skip —————– When you woke, it was morning out. The sun shone in the window and through the curtains. The skin under your eyes were sore and tender to touch as you sat up and avoided rubbing your eyes. The second you remembered what had happened the night before, you looked to the side of bed that was Thomas’s. but it was empty. You almost cried out, feeling your heart break in two. Until you heard footsteps outside your room and the door opened. Thomas entered the room and in his hand was a bouquet of flowers from the garden wrapped in a ribbon. He paused when he saw you were awake but came in anyway. He wasn’t wearing his mask, and you weren’t sure where it had dropped to the night before. Thomas walked around to your side of the bed and sat down. He reached out a hand to cup your cheek, his thumb brushing over your sore undereye. You instantly leaned into his touch, smiling as your raised your own hand to cup his own. When your eyes met his, you could see the regret and sadness in his eyes as he stroked your cheek lovingly. You opened your mouth to say something, but then closed it. Because that was the beauty about Thomas. He didn’t require you to say a word. He was able to communicate to you with a simple touch and motion of his hand. His eyes were filled with his emotions and he was able to tell you everything you needed to hear right now. Maybe he couldn’t explain why he had turned from you for a while, or why he would never feel worthy of you. but he could show you how much you meant to him. In that simple moment, you didn’t have to worry about the outside world and their words. Just about each other.
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Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Characters: Thomas Relationship: Thomas/reader Request: I saw one of your headcannons had the reader finding Thomas masturbating to a picture of her. Could you write a fic for this idea? I find it really hot and need some smutty goodness right now Jumping down the last step, you glanced around the basement, your eyes straining to see in the low light. It was bright and sunny outside, a harsh contrast to the basement which was dark with only a few strands of light coming in through boarded up windows. The light bulb was on, but it was very strong and was in the centre of the room, above a table. Lying on the table was a man. He had been here a few days now, but you had forgotten he was still alive, otherwise you wouldn’t have came down. Thomas didn’t like you being in the basement when there was others down here. He could deal with their harsh words directed at him. He didn’t care too much. But once, you had been called several name when a victim caught sight of you with Thomas. They could call him anything they liked, but not you. You hoped he might be asleep, or passed out from the pain. But when you stepped forward and a floor board squeaked, his eyes snapped open and found you. “Help.” He breathed, his voice desperate as he strained against the metal shackles around his arms and legs that were nailed to the table. you walked past the table with little regard for him, trying to find Thomas. Glancing around every twist and bend of the basement, you grunted a little when you couldn’t find him. “Where’d he go?” you mumbled to yourself as you looked around, your eyes falling on the small door at the back of the basement which lead to his bedroom. Looking back to the victim, you saw his eyes had fallen shut again and was probably unconscious. You walked up to the door, not wanting to wake the man again. It would certainly be strange for Thomas to be in his bedroom for two reasons. Firstly, it was the middle of the day. Secondly, he hadn’t actually slept in that bedroom for two years now. Not since you two had started dating. He stayed with you, both at your cottage and in the spare room upstairs. The basement got cold and night, and Luda didn’t like the idea of you being down there. The only reason Thomas still had the room was because he kept his things in there. Opening the door only enough to peak in, you were certainly surprised by what you saw. Thomas was lying on the only bed, staring down at a picture of you with his hand wrapped around his dick. You pressed your hand hard over your mouth to avoid moaning because, for some strange reason, you found it erotic. He had been watching you all day, you knew this. His eyes followed you about and always dragged over your body. Had he really been so turned on he was unable to wait for you? or too embarrassed to come to you with his ‘problem’? Whatever the reason, he wanted you. his hips buckled up as he gritted his teeth. His mask was long forgotten on the floor. He hadn’t even taken off his trousers, simply opening them enough so he was exposed. A growl left his chest and your knees nearly buckled. you didn’t have full control over your body as your hand slipped between your legs. You were only wearing a short skirt since it was so warm out. Maybe that was something that got Thomas going as well. running your fingers over your panties, you nearly moaned. You were wet and very sensitive. You could easily search for your own relief but watching him, but it wouldn’t satisfy you completely. Part of you wanted to go in and straddle his hips, but then you knew he would shut off. Even if he allowed himself to enjoy the moment, the embarrassment of being caught like this would certainly make him shy away from you. Backing away from the door, you glance behind you just to make sure no one had come down looking for you. you didn’t need to go right back to the stairs, instead stopping a little bit away from the table. “Thomas?” you call out his name, as if you were searching for him. There was a moment and you heard him fumbling in the other room, obviously surprised before he emerged from the room. He had tucked himself away, pretending nothing had been happening but he was panting. You bit down on your bottom lip, only managing to control your urges for a moment before you rushed to him. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pressed your lips against his in a desperate kiss. His arms locked around you instantly, pulling you tight against his body. You could feel his strained member through his trousers and couldn’t help but moan into the kiss. “I needed you.” you whispered against his lips and you felt his hips grind against you. Pulling back for a moment, you took his tie in your hands and pulled him back into the bedroom. To your surprise, Thomas smiled at you. not a proper smile. One which only pulled up one corner of his lips as he gazed lovingly at you. you couldn’t help smiling back as you pushed his back till his heels hit the bed at he instantly sat down. You didn’t pull off all your clothes, instead just slipping your panties down. Thomas watched you in awe until something in his snapped and he quickly undid his trousers and pulled out his member again. Straddling his lap, you wasted no time in lining your entrance up with him before lowering yourself on to his thick member with a moan. He whimpered a little, obviously already very sensitive from his previous actions. But his hips thrusted up to meet yours as his hands grabbed your thighs. Thomas groaned as you started to move against him, setting a quick and desperate pace. With one hand gripping his tie and the other on his shoulder, feeling the muscles clench under his shirt, you allowed yourself to indulge in the sinful pleasure. Thomas leaned forward and started to kiss your neck, making your head loll to the side to allow him better access. His tongue licked the small beads of sweat and he kissed down you collar bone and back up. One of his hands slipped down to your rear, squeezing your ass through your skirt. “oh god, Thomas.” You cry out, unsure if you could last much longer. Thomas let out a moan against your skin, telling you he was the same. Letting go of his tie, you braced yourself on his strong shoulder. You were a panting mess, desperate for your release as you fucked the man you loved. The man who adored you in return. The man who needed you and wanted you on a level no other could surpass. the knot in your lower stomach tightened and tightened with every bounce until it was painful, and you groaned in frustration and desire. Your groan was answered by Thomas, who let out a deep moan and thrusted upwards. That was when the knot snapped. Pleasure flooded your body, dancing over your nerves as you let out a breathy moan. Your walls pulsed with your orgasm, causing Thomas to cum in you. his eyes rolled into the back of his head and his mouth opened but no sound came out as he finally got his own release that he had been chasing from before you had came down to the basement. You slumped against him, wrapping your arms lazily around his shoulders as you buried your face in his neck. Both panting, you could hear his heart hammering in his chest, much like your own was. One of his arms wrapped around your waist while he leaned back on the other to support himself. looking behind him, you saw the photo from before was lying on the bed and you couldn’t help but smirk. once you had enough strength, you pressed lazy kisses to his neck and up his cheek to finally kiss his lips again. “Maybe I should come find you more often.” You giggled, pulling back. Thomas smiled but his cheeks were a deep red. He looked adorable as always. You crawled off his lip and stood up, grabbing and slipping your panties back on. Thomas stood up, fixing himself and closing up his trousers. When he was done, you wrapped your arms back around him, missing the intimacy. “I love you, Thomas.” You smiled up at him, resting your head on his chest. A soft smile and nod returned the affections as he pushed a strand of hair out of your face and behind your ear. You bought one of your hand to rest on his chest. “Do you have a lot to do here?” You ask, glancing to the door to which Thomas shook his head. “Could we go back to mine?” Thomas tilted his head, confused. You had come over this morning because you wanted to spend see the family. “Well, I thought we could spend some time alone and maybe…” You trailed your fingers up and down his chest in a sensual way that you knew he loved. “…a round two?” A fire erupted in Thomas’ eyes as he smirked down at you. he liked that you wanted him as much as he wanted you. there was just something he found irresistible when you looked up at him with puppy dog eyes behind thick eyelashes while biting down on your lower lip. he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the bedroom and towards the stairs. You giggled, suddenly doubting if the two of you would even make it to your cottage. But there were plenty of places in the woods the two of you could go to if needed.
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Work Place Romance - Power
Fandom: Texas Chainsaw Massacre Characters: Thomas Hewitt Relationship: Thomas/reader Request: Can you do a smutty part two for work place romance AN: pure smut and I don’t care Part one: https://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/184509676114/work-place-romance
You sat at your desk, trying to focus on the documents you were typing up but failing. Your mind kept wondering back to the man downstairs. standing abruptly from your place, you were unable to stop your legs as you walked through the factory with pay cheques in your hand. You threw them onto everyone’s work bench, not caring what happened to them because you just wanted an excuse to see Thomas. He was, as always, in one of the back rooms working. No one really spent any time on their own with him, so when you entered the room and closed the door you knew no one would come in. Thomas was covered in blood, right up his arms and past his elbows. You knew it was twisted, but you couldn’t help but feel more turned on over it. “hey.” You smiled, placing the last slip of paper to the side as you walked up to him. You made sure to sway your hips a little more when you walked and Thomas definitely noticed. Today, you had wore a white blouse with a black cardigan and a tight pencil skirt that you knew would be driving him wide. On the drive in, his hand hadn’t left your lap the entre time and you noticed his budge when you grabbed your purse from the footwell. Plus, it was too hot for tights today. Thomas tilts his head to the side, silently asking why you had come here in the middle of the day as he pulled the apron off his torso. Well, it was 3.30pm, but it still wasn’t common for you to leave the office. A soft blush raises to your cheeks as you look away from him. You couldn’t exactly say “ive been fanaticising about fucking you and now im worked up and needy”, now could you? Not that Thomas would mind. The last 6 months had been some of the best months of your life. Ever since that first kiss, you had fallen completely in love with the butcher. His family welcomed you with open arms but they were the only ones who knew about the romance. Thomas came over to your house the night before last, but last night you had had to sleep alone and you hated it. Although you were sure he felt the same judging by the kiss he had given you this morning. “I-erm, I had to see you.” You confess, knowing it was a half truth but not a lie. Thomas stepped closer, pulling down his mask as he frowns in confusion. He obviously thought something was wrong. you felt yourself melt under his concern gaze. Sweet as always, you found yourself unable to resist him anymore. moving quickly, you wrap your arm around his neck and kiss him deeply. Thomas froze for a moment, unable to believe anyone would ever just throw themselves at him but he quickly kissed back. You felt him begin to move his arms when you pulled back. “No, you cant touch me.” You suddenly stated, earning a look from Thomas that reminded you of a kicked puppy. But you smiled and stepped back to gesture at his hands. “If you touch me, you’ll get blood on me and everyone will see.” You explain. Thomas looks down, studying his hands but nods nonetheless, understanding your reasoning. An evil plan hatches in your mind as your eyes fall on a chair at the back of the room. Pressing your hands on his chest, you guide him backwards until his heels hit the chair legs and he instantly sat down. His eyes were on your own, silently questioning what you were doing but he was just as excited to find out. he liked this. The thrill it offered. Leaning forward so you were an inch from his face, you smirk a little. “keep your hands by your side.” You tell him and, when he nods in return, you kiss him softly. pulling up your skirt so it was around your hips, you straddle your secret lover. Your skirt was way too tight to ever allow you to do this without it ripping. Thomas instantly buckled his hips up to meet your own and he could feel the heat of your body through his clothes. Locking your arms around his neck, you press your whole body against his as you grind softly. Thomas wines as he clutches the bottom of the seat and fought against his desires to touch you. Your cheeks were on fire as you grind against him, moaning against his lips as you felt his member pressing against your needy clit. You tried to rub against it, but it wasn’t enough. You needed more, and so did he. “Fuck.” You growled through gritted teeth as you pulled back, your fingers digging into his shoulder. Thomas’ eyes were staring at you with such desire you though you might cum there and then. Until you heard your name being called over the tannoy. There were no cameras in here, so the boss probably just needed you. you let out a frustrated moan as you sat panting on his lap. “Come to my office when you finish?” You try to ask Thomas, but it came out more like you were pleading with him. But he nodded, his jaw tense as you stood up. You smirk as he stands pulling his apron back on to cover his now rock hard dick. As you pull your skirt back down, you also pull down your panties while hes not looking. Walking up to him, you press a kiss to his cheek as you press the small bundle into his hand. By the time hes able to glance down at them, you had slipped out of the room. Thomas raises the material to his face and inhales deeply, his eyes fluttering closed. He couldn’t wait for finishing time. ——————–time skip —————- The second the clock struck 5, Thomas was at your office, his hands and arms clean once again. but he knew you wouldn’t be able to do anything to everyone left, so he sat in his corner. The fact he knew you were sitting there, without panties, was driving him insane with desire. You saw him clutching the edge of his seat. You watched as everyone left, causally getting up to double check and when you saw no one was here, you went back to your office and close the door. Turning, you smirked when you realised Thomas had cornered you against your door. “Everyone gone. Its just us.” You smile, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulled down his mask. His arms wrapped around your waist as he bend down to kiss you. but there was something a little more different about this kiss. Something more… lustful. Thomas was first to pull away, leaving you whining for more as he grabbed your hands and pulled you to your desk. You were about to question him when he turned you around and bent you over the desk. following his orders without question, you felt a rush of lust run through your body as his hands ran up your back, along your shoulder and down your arms in a mirrored fashion. When he got to your hands, he placed the firstly on the desk, either side of your head with clear instruction. Keep them there. You nodded, biting down hard on your lip. Wiggling a little, you brushed against Thomas as he leaned over you. Thomas let out a grunt as his attention and hands retreated down your lower back and to your ass. He grabbed your ass in both his hands, squeeze almost painfully as he ground himself against you. you moaned as his hands trailed down the side of your thighs to the edge of the skirt and pulling it up like you had done earlier. He pushed the skirt until it was around your waist, his hands grabbing your rear once again but this time skin on skin. You instantly stepped to spread your legs for him, your heels offering the perfect angle along with the desk. Thomas groaned as one of his hands ran down to your sex. A thick digit swiped against your wet slip and sensitive clit making you moan softly. he stepped back and knelt behind you. you felt his breath against your sex as you couldn’t help but smile. You wanted him, this, so badly. He leaned forward and you felt his tongue press against your clit before slowly moving to your slip and pushing inside. “Thomas.” You moaned, your legs basically shaking as he slowly made his way between pressing wet kisses to your clit and plunging his tongue into your opening. “fu-fuck.” You gasped, arching your back as you tried to press harder against him until you felt him pull back as he stood up. His hands left your body and you heard him undoing his belt and trousers. They fell to his ankles along with his boxers as he wrapped his hand around his thick cock. His other hand settled on your lower back, keeping you in place as he brushed the head against your slit. Instantly, you buckled your hips but he pulled back. You glanced over your shoulder and that shit eating grin told you exactly what you were in for. He was teasing you, tormenting you for what you had done to him earlier. “Please?” you whined, deciding to play along with him. “I need you.” You felt his body shiver at the words, knowing there were a weakness for him. You felt him press his head back against your slit. Both his hands grabbed your waist, holding you in place as he slowly pushed inside you. it was painfully slow as he filled you completely, staying buried fully inside you as you tried to wriggle against him. “So good.” You moaned, your nails digging into the wood of your desk as you felt him slowly pull out and thrust back in. His trusts were slow but hard, enough to get you going but not enough to make you cum. “You’re cruel.” You gasp as he fills you again and again, looking back at him as you pout out your lower lip. He smirked at you, enjoying the dominance he had over you, and how willing you were to give it to him. But it did make him go faster. His hips buckle against your own as his finger dug into you sides. This side of him made your inside flip as he fucked you on your desk. Thomas was normally loving and gentle during sex, never using his strength or power over you, but you could certainly get use to this. Thomas froze, buried fully inside you. you were about to moan and ask why he stopped when you heard it. Two people were speaking. “Just grab your keys quickly!” One snapped to the other from outside the door and you heard someone jogging along the corridor. but you were too lost in lust to care. “Don’t stop.” You begged Thomas in a hushed voice as you tried to grind against him as you glanced over your shoulder at him. His eyes looked down at you as if to make sure you were okay before he continued his pace. You couldn’t help the soft moan that escaped your lips until his hand clamped over your mouth. He pulled you up so your back was arched but your head was nearly against his chest. You had to keep your mouth open, trying to keep your breath as you moans were muffled by his hands. Something like this could certainly get you both fired, but you were so lost in lust for him that you didn’t care. And neither did Thomas. He used his other hand to reach in front of you and pull open your blouse, a few buttons pinging off across the room. You gasped as he pulled down your bra to expose your breasts. He took your right breast in his hand and squeezed it, sending a shock through your body as you reached up. He thought you were about pull his hands off you, tell him he had gone to far. But you didn’t. One of your hands reached up over you to his head and buried itself in his hair. The other grabbed the wrist of his hand which covered your mouth. He was about to let go but you kept it in place, doing it more for leverage than anything else. You panted, his hips slamming against your own as you heard footsteps walking back. “is [y/n] away?” One of the workers called to the other. “Must be. She looked really red faced earlier.” The other replied and then you heard a knock on the door. You felt your heart hammering against your chest as you stared at the door. If they walked in here, they would see you, bent over the desk with your blouse ripped opened as Thomas Brown Hewitt fucked you from behind. His hands crushed over your mouth and squeezing your right breast as you almost suffocated. And you fucking loved it. Glancing at Thomas, you saw he was staring at the door as well and was thinking the exact same thing. He wanted them to walk in and see him with you. he wanted them to know how you had came to him, needy and desperate earlier because no one else could satisfy you but him. he wanted them to walk in and see you cum because he fucked you like no one else could. He wanted them to see you take all his seed when he came deep inside you. It was too much for you. Your walls clenched around him as you came, hard. Your whole body filled with pure and utter pleasure you finally got the release you had been searching for all day. And the second Thomas felt you orgasm, he followed, spilling his seed into you as you pulsed around him. “She must have been sick.” You heard one of them say to the other. The footsteps walked away from the door and you heard the two men leave through the front door. Once they were gone, Thomas let go of your mouth and you panted for air. Falling forward, you just managed to catch yourself on your hands as you moaned and gasped. Thomas pace a hand either side of you as he tried to hold himself up. Both of you were a mess. But Thomas was scared he had gone too far. He quickly pulls up his trousers and stepped back from you as you push yourself up. You pull down your skirt and pull your bra back up although your blouse wasn’t salvageable right now. You could replace the buttons when you got home. Turning, you saw Thomas staring at you in fear. But he saw the smile on your lips and relaxed. “Wow.” You giggle, jumping up on your desk and lying back so your head was hanging off the edge. “That was incredible.” Thomas couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride as he walked back to you. He presses soft kisses against your chest as a silent apology for the torn blouse. You giggle as you look back to him, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. When he looks up, you kiss his lips. This time, it was a soft and loving kiss. “well-“ You begin to sit back up and Thomas steps back to allow you some room. “-Since everyone will think I left early, how about we head back to mine for round two?” You wink at him as you speak and he instantly smirks. this was certainly something you were interested in exploring a little more of with him. This strange power play, which made your head spin. He could dominate your body completely then submit to you a moment before. When you told him not to touch you before, he had complied. And when you gave him complete control, he had certainly delivered. And he seemed to enjoy both, as you had.
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