florentineee · 2 years
I was eating and found those, literally so cute!
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florentineee · 2 years
Forever....or not?!
TW:happy couple,love,killing,death and fire cant think of anything else.
Summary:Kol has a girlfriend ,they love each other what will happen when him and Elena meet up.
Kol mikaelson x reader
„I love you darling,i am never gonna leave“ Kol said „Always and forever“ i spoke remembering all the times he complained about not being in his Siblings Always and forever.
Yes you Y/N Y/L/N got THE Kol mikaelson to fall in love with you and you fell for him, maybe even earlier than he for you,because, despite all the bad things he had done you did bad things too,i mean a Vampire can´t really be all innocent even if they claimed to be. What fascinated you was he didn't try to hide it,he took it as part of him and was quiet proud of some of it, he helped you accept. You knew who he was and you weren't scared,he liked that, it interested him.
When you had first met it was a whole mess,you just almost got killed by some Witches and stood in front of there bodies,ashamed,you should have killed the leader just her then they would have been scared but you didn't,you murdered them all even some innocent ones who didn't know what they were helping with. Tears brimmed in your eyes,close too fall but Kol came,letting some body fall you didn't even look,till he asked „Had some fun?“ you wiped your tears and finally saw him blood over his mouth and throat, smiling,chocolate brown hair falling in his face. You saw him and weren't ashamed anymore,he was Proud and the Girl probably didn't do anything so the Witches who tried to kill even if not all of them, were more Excusable. Finally answering „Just defending myself,couldn't let them kill me“ you walked away.
It was truly a wonder you saw him again in a bar feeding from a poor bartender. You talked a bit but he had to go home to his Siblings. The third time you two met was in a club this time you feeding. Finally he asked you out, it was perfect, you two went to a expensive Restaurant eating actual food. Your first kiss was on that date,a „see you soon kiss“ as he said,shortly after you two got together. He asked on your third Date what was pretty soon but Kol wasn't one for waiting.
You met his all so famous Siblings they all liked you surprisingly. You were so nervous but Rebekah liked you very soon she loved you said she wanted a girl in the Family besides her and that was you now. Elijah was critical at first but saw how happy you made his brother that was what mattered. You two had the most serious talks but could laugh together. Klaus wasn't that easy too crack but when you two went together on a feeding tour. He started to like you more and when he found out it was you who killed the Witches he really liked you.Of course you didn't know then that they tried to hurt Klaus but were now merely happy it wasn't just the leader you killed. Okay maybe Finn didn't like you, but hey he accepted you and that was more than enough.
All that and more flashed before your eyes as you saw ash laying on the ground. You just watched the love of your life getting staked by Elena and Jeremy Gilbert. You had to watch him burn screaming for help as you begged them to stop or at least let you in. They had never invited you in,just him and then they tricked him,murdered him brutally for a stupid Tattoo. You were balling your eyes out as you saw Klaus actually crying. He threatened them to burn their house down,or at least something like that you didn't exactly hear over the sobs leaving your Mouth. He then saw you laying on the Ground sobbing over your dead fiance,yes fiance. That was the worst part he had asked you too Marry him just the night before. He brought you to the place you two had first met,suit on and his siblings standing there,even Finn. You of course said yes, i mean what else Kol mikaelson was the Love of your Life.
So when Klaus saw you there he picked you up. He was screaming they should be glad there alive,because its not gonna last long.
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