fizzyginfizz · 2 days
do you think ginny’s loneliness is what pushed her to trust tom so easily ?
I don't think so, it is like that canonically.
"The diary," said Riddle. `My diary. Little Ginny's been writing in it for months and months, telling me all her pitiful worries and woes - how her brothers tease her, how she had to come to school with secondhand robes and books, how" -Riddle's eyes glinted "how she didn't think famous, good, great Harry Potter would ever like her. . ."
"It's very boring, having to listen to the silly little troubles of an eleven-year-old girl," he went on. "But I was patient. I wrote back. I was sympathetic, I was kind. Ginny simply loved me. No one's ever understood me like you, Tom…. I'm so glad I've got this diary to confide in…. It's like having a friend I can carry around in my pocket. . .
-- Chapter 17 of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
Loneliness is a defining part of Ginny's story.
What we know about Ginny's childhood is a perfect backstory for the diary bussiness.
Ginny grows up surrounded by brothers who exclude her because she is the youngest and a girl. To add to this, the Weasleys grew up fundamentally without any real relationships with other kids outside of the family (neither Ron nor Ginny have friends when they arrive at Hogwarts despite being purebloods in the main magic school in the British wizarding world, they never mention anyone else, no one is around in the summers at the Burrow, and they also don't seem to have ever significantly interacted with muggles). What this means is that Ginny doesn't have any alternative friends to compensate for the isolation. It's a lot worse than a random little sister whose older brothers don't want around. She doesn't have any other social settings but her home to develop those bonds.
So when Ginny arrives at Hogwarts her brothers keep up the whole excluding her thing, but this time around Ginny is in a completely new environment and not the comfort of her home.
A very relevant trait of Ginny's personality to take into consideration is her romanticism. She had dreamed for years of going to Hogwarts just like her brothers and probably had built up that experience a lot in her mind due to her romantic inclinations. So the fall is even stronger when she arrives in this new overwhelming environment. She finds herself having to deal for the first time in such a direct way with the judgment of her economic condition (middle school kids are brutal little shits). And she has to once again observe the lack of support from her brothers. It's realistic to assume this might be the first time Ginny truly processes her brothers' tendency to not want her around, she is only eleven after all, and not being in a family setting would highlight their behaviour.
All of this goes to create a reasonably very strong sense of isolation.
Then of course there's also Harry. The fun outgoing Ginny we meet in the later books is not someone Ginny learned to be, but someone Ginny had to learn how to come back to. That's Ginny's natural personality, as we know from Ron but even from what we see of her in the first book. Consequently, we also know that her being a bit of a mess in front of Harry is an atypical reaction, one that makes her feel ashamed of herself in front of a boy she likes, a figure she grew up admiring through stories (again, I can't stress enough how important it is to remember Ginny's romantic heart). So the more she feels ashamed, the more she acts like an idiot, and the more she acts like an idiot the more she feels ashamed. This of course does absolutely nothing to increase her self-esteem, quite the opposite really. And this as her initial condition when she arrives at Hogwarts is not exactly ideal.
Of course, for such a lonely little girl Tom's diary is a perfect island to refuge herself in.
But it's also a bit of dog-that-bites-its-tail kind of situation. Tom takes all the insecurities of an eleven-year-old girl and amplifies them to isolate her even more and enslave her.
A Ginny without the diary would have grown out of that situation organically and quite fast. She is funny, clever, and very good-looking. She just needed a moment to open herself up to this new world and let people get to know her. Instead, because of what happens it takes her a year and a half after the Chamber to get to that point, and due to very unfortunate timing, she will still have to maintain a degree of isolation from her classmates because only six months later Voldemort will come back, therefore the Order too and all the secrets that come with it.
Ginny is someone whose need for others was used to make her the victim of insane horrors and spent the rest of the series learning to not need anyone, turning that independence into her strength (the contrast between Ginny being on the ground of the Chamber and Ginny taking care of the girl on the ground during the Battle says it all).
It's not really surprising that Ginny spends two books (the fourth and fifth) actively avoiding becoming a constant in Harry's everyday life even if she has hundreds of opportunities to do so (in the third she couldn't speak in front of him). As we learned in CoS, Harry is very dangerous, he makes her vulnerabilities shine like no one else. However, contrary to the fourth book, in the fifth, as much as Ginny may try to stay away from Harry, she can't. He looks like a lost puppy for most of the year and what is she supposed to do, honestly? Not help him? I don't think she would be physically able to. After all, the fact that she has her confidence back has already taken away the stronger barrier there was between Ginny and Harry (she has also convinced herself she is totally over him).
By the end of the sixth book, Ginny has already made a lot of progress in making her peace with the fact that Harry brings up her vulnerabilities, as shown in probably the most masochist dialogue ever written: Ginny telling Harry she has never given up on him and basically implying she never will while he breaks up with her.
That said, once again, Ginny's progress gets mutilated by good old Tom and his bloody war.
Don't get me wrong, by the end of the series Ginny has completed her circular main arc that follows the same structure of the story just like Harry's. She has grown into who she was always supposed to be, she knows who she is and what she wants.
But after the books, starts Harry and Ginny's story.
And in between Ginny wanting to rely on Harry and actually fully doing it, there's some angst and a future husband who can read her like a book and has decided her lone wolf days have come to an end.
Sorry Weasley, now you have someone you can rely on for the rest of your days. I know, it must suck.
But again, as we've already seen, if there's a person who can make Ginny go back to relying on someone else that's our homeboy Harry, resident Lover Boy.
All of this is to say that not only loneliness was absolutely a central element of what happened with the diary but it's an essential piece of Ginny's entire story.
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fizzyginfizz · 2 days
me, quietly whispering to the ao3 page of an author who doesn’t even know I exist: I am obsessed with you
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fizzyginfizz · 4 days
please please please please reblog if you’re a writer and have at some point felt like your writing is getting worse. I need to know if I’m the only one who’s struggling with these thoughts
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fizzyginfizz · 6 days
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heaven knows i've tried
oneshot, 25k
summary: Harry Potter, the Golden Boy of Quidditch, signs on to the Chudley Cannons, in a move that shocks Quidditch enthusiasts everwhere. Ginny Weasley, the Quidditch Correspondent for the Prophet, is shadowing the team. It's bount to be an interesting season. (a vaguely ted lasso au featuring: pining, locker room shenanigans, newspaper articles, and quidditch. lots of quidditch)
THE QUIDDITCH FIC IS HERE!!! thank you SO much to @solongdaisymayy for the moodboards, (including the one in this post) the motivation, the endless chats about this fic, and for being amazing. and a huge thank you to @starlingflight as well, who helped SO MUCH and without whom this fic wouldn't be here <3
read on ao3 here!!!
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fizzyginfizz · 7 days
Hello again! Same anon who asked about QIFL sneak peak, how many chapters is the POA arc going to be? I’m asking because you mentioned you had 9 chapters done a while back and I’m really excited to see what comes next!
The plan was twelve but might stretch to fourteen. Am dealing with second half of second act blues right now, but I've written a skeletal draft of the third act already, so that should move faster once I get there.
I had a gazillion reasons I removed Quidditch from Ginny's story - taking away that bird's eye view, her go-to coping mechanism, forcing her to slog through the weeds.
Perhaps did not fully appreciate I'd have to slog with her.
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fizzyginfizz · 7 days
I feel like if James and Lily ever dated someone else after being married those two would be toxic ex’s. None of their dates would get passed the first date because these two would be the type that would just happen to show up at the same restaurant as their ex. Like they can’t have a single date without the other intervening.
I believe you are describing the OTP "it's not toxic if it's funny" comedic loophole.
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fizzyginfizz · 7 days
Hi! Huge fan of your works, in Hufflepup did James and/or Lily date other people during their “divorce”? Also is their any chance of a sneak peek at QIFL?
Did James and Lily date other people? I know the answer to this.
The answer was cut from the last chapter along with many other darlings I had to kill for pacing. So, what I've done with those Dead Darlings is shove them into a separate folder I've labeled "Gryffindorks." If those snippets multiply and pieces keep sneaking into my brain I'll figure out something sequel special to do with them.
As for QifL sneak peeks - everyday I'm only two margaritas away from posting the next chapter. However, I want-need-must finish writing the complete PoA arc before I do. Therefore, my husband has kindly hidden all our tequila. I suspect a high cupboard, but cannot confirm because he also hid our ladder.
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fizzyginfizz · 7 days
Will we find out why James and Lily broke up in Hufflepup? And how long have they been sleeping with eachother?
My guess is Lily signed, James leaned over to blow the ink dry, they caught eyes, then their clothes flew in all directions and three days later every surface in the house needed to be sterilized.
How long has Harry known they were sleeping together? That took much, much longer and prompted his second move to the cupboard. Same lamp, different mixtape.
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fizzyginfizz · 8 days
Ok so three chapters is not gonna be enough of Hufflepup Harry so I've thought of a couple of fic ideas to explore! Sirius giving Harry his 9 fail safe tips and then Tonks giving Harry the fail safe advise for surviving as a Hufflepuff in a Gryffindor family
I'm not sure it's enough for me either. I'm keeping it to three chapters (four if I HAVE to) but I had to wrestle scope creep this last time. Imagine the insane writer jabbing the delete key, muttering at the screen "no no no no no James, Lily this is not about you. Shh. Hug the corner." And Tonks? She'd take every other line if I let her.
Hufflepup itself started as a short writing practice for group scenes and grew over several drafts - the sadder Quidditch is for Losers got, the more I needed some lighthearted balance - I'd occasionally pop over to this other universe where it's Harry who has the debilitating, embarrassing crush. I looooooooove these fic ideas -I'm putting them in my pickle jar for the next time I need a boost of silly… Sirius's nine failsafe tips were never about the points, it was always 'we love you, we see you, no matter the house,' but a whole scene around saying that without explicitly saying it? Deliciously awkward.
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fizzyginfizz · 10 days
Hufflepup Ch 2 - Intervention
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Harry had never experienced the slowing of time before. Perhaps he could blame the pensieve for shifts in temporal perception. All the heads in the room - two Head of House heads, a referee head, a Headmaster head and the family heads - swung towards Harry in slow motion, each soft clink of Dumbledore’s instruments akin to hammer striking anvil. And in that moment where time stretched slower than stale chewing gum, Harry realized two things: 1) His unvocalized desire to snog Ginevra Weasley until she forgot her loss, her house and her own name had made an unauthorized leap over the introvert fence in a bid for vocal actualization. 2) Vocal chords engaged in vocal actualization produced perceptible sound. “Shite.”
Hufflepup - An Everyone Lives AU Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
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fizzyginfizz · 10 days
Hufflepup Ch 2 - Intervention
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Harry had never experienced the slowing of time before. Perhaps he could blame the pensieve for shifts in temporal perception. All the heads in the room - two Head of House heads, a referee head, a Headmaster head and the family heads - swung towards Harry in slow motion, each soft clink of Dumbledore’s instruments akin to hammer striking anvil. And in that moment where time stretched slower than stale chewing gum, Harry realized two things: 1) His unvocalized desire to snog Ginevra Weasley until she forgot her loss, her house and her own name had made an unauthorized leap over the introvert fence in a bid for vocal actualization. 2) Vocal chords engaged in vocal actualization produced perceptible sound. “Shite.”
Hufflepup - An Everyone Lives AU Chapter 1 / Chapter 2
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fizzyginfizz · 17 days
why write a story if no one's going to read it?
Sometimes you don't want to share a story with others. Sometimes you do want to share it, but no one clicks on the title. So why bother writing it down if the only person you can guarantee will read it is you?
You need to get it out of your head. It just keeps replaying in your imagination on a loop and the only way to get it unstuck is to pin it down on paper.
You need to figure out what the story is. You have a lot of disjointed scenes or lines that you know are connected but you can't quite figure out how.
There's something in the story that's important to you, and you don't want to lose that thing by forgetting it. Future you might find that thing important too.
You want to be able to go back to the story again and again. Maybe to make adjustments over time. Maybe just to revisit a story that gives you the emotional release you need in that moment.
You want to be able to use text-to-speech to read the story aloud to you. Maybe it's a bedtime story. Maybe it's keeping you company while you do errands and chores.
You want to find out whether you can write a story (because not everyone can).
You want to be able to have almost the same story, but a little bit different, and you want to have it 15 times with slight variations. Then you can go through your own personal menu picking exactly the combination of beats that will satisfy you most on this reading.
You enjoy the process of finding just the right words or phrases or scenes to paint the pictures you want to shape the scene.
You want to find the exact rhythm and syllables and structure to make a sentence really sing.
You don't really have any particular reason, but you know you want to write that story down.
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fizzyginfizz · 24 days
sometimes when I'm writing I'm like oh fuck i dont know what comes next uggghhh guess I'll just have to make it up :////// bitch... ur making the entire thing up ...it's fiction... thats the fuckin premise
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fizzyginfizz · 25 days
Hey just wondering if there are any littles teasers you can give for hufflepup chapter 2 just read it for the first time and absolutely loved it.
Aw, thank you! I'm so glad you loved it! I had so much fun writing it, I loved it, too. What I am NOT loving is Version 1 of Chapter 2. It sucked. Too much of the same thing, didn't push the story forward enough, lost the heart I think has to be the foundation of this sort of comedy. I Not Loved It so much, I threw it out and wrote a Version 2 of Chapter 2. But that got gritty and dark, like it was written by Angsty Angry Doppleganger GinFizz from an Alternate Evil Universe of Despair. You don't wanna read that, please trust me. Version 3 of Chapter 2 is looking better. The jokes are funnier than Alternate Evil Universe of Despair Version allowed, but it's still a hot mess that has transitions that aren't working for me, and James and Lily still won't let Harry be the lead in his own story and a cabal of house elves showed up demanding to be worked into the narrative. So, I'm still working out details. The one thing I can share that is the same in all versions is Harry is not disposable.
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fizzyginfizz · 27 days
Hii! How are you? I was thinking about Filch today after reading about him in a fic, and how wizards treat squibs, and that it makes sense he turned out so bitter, i think (i'm not saying i agree with his punishment methods on children, but i kind of undesrstand where his bitterness comes from). He also has the worst job ever in a way, you know surrounded by teenagers 👀
So I remembered that in QifL Ginny writes a letter to him, with a gift for Mrs Norris (i just realized what an awesome name for a cat!!! Also, who is this Norris person?🫢). That letter is one of the cutest things I've read. I would totally befriend Ginny after that, which brings me to my question: will we see a Ginny&Filch&Mrs Norris friendiship? I kind of love this, i can totally imagine it, Filch helping Ginny out sneaking around the castle but acting like he isn't. I love it.
Also she wrote letters and gave presents to every person that was petrified right? Will we find out what those presents were/ what those letters said?
Hope you have a great start of the week!
All is well here - hope you're having a great week, too!
Ginny writes apology letters to everyone she petrified, as well as Hagrid. Mrs. Norris, however, is the only one who gets a present. Despite rumors to the contrary, that cat can't read - so a compassionate, but guilt-ridden Ginny knits (poorly) something for Mrs. Norris to boop.
While I won't spoil anything to do with Filch or Mrs. Norris specifically, I will say this won't be the last time Ginny knits (poorly).
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fizzyginfizz · 27 days
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Sweet Hinny, spicy Hinny. My original OTP, my first fandom, my loves.
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fizzyginfizz · 29 days
while dobnny has your attention...
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My fic fest for the Tortured Potters Department is just 11 days away!
On April 16th, post your hinny fic based on one of the titles of the songs on Taylor Swift's new album The Tortured Poets Department.
When you post, you should tag me @corneliaavenue-ao3, tag the fic on tumblr as #several sunlit daylists (i follow both tags with and without spaces btw) and you can also add it to the Several Sunlit Daylights collection on AO3
Super excited for everyone's work!
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