fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
WYM: January 2017
Here’s what you missed from the month of January 2017. Recommendations from Harry Potter (1) and It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (4). Updates from Fiction Critic (3).
Harry Potter
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
“Don’t Get Your Hopes Up”
“Charlie Moves On”
“Sting In The Tail”
“Hey Remember The Time”
Fiction Critic
QR: January 2017
WYM: October & December 2016 [click here to see all WYMs]
Old Tags. New Features.
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
QR: January 2017
Here are the Quick Rec’s for the month of January 2017. Recommendations from It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (10).
It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia
“But You Will Always Be Right Here” by lizardkid [Rated: T] [Friendship, Hurt/Comfort] “Who else would let you crash at their house and spoon with you in a totally heterosexual way? Fuckin' nobody, that's who.”
“Being Small Is Hard And No One Ever Tells You How” by zelicious [Rated: T] [Friendship, Hurt/Comfort] [★] “Charlie was used to them calling him Dirt Grub. But not Mac, never Mac. He would never. He just did.”
“The End Of All Things” by pointedperception [Rated: T] [Hurt/Comfort, Song] “We can go down to the railroad tracks just to hear the soft clink of rock against metal that always means Christmas...”
“Something About Eyes And Freckles” by LieutenantButts [Rated: T] [Substance Abuse] “I swear I heard a ghoul just pitter pattering his tiny little ghoul feet in my cornea.”
“I Hear The Train All Night” by stormbornslytherin [Rated: M] [Friendship] “Charlie Kelly was a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a series of poor social and hygienic choices...”
“Cold Hands” by dementorsatemysoup [Rated: T] [Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Suicide] [★] “He curls his fingers around Charlie's, squeezing tightly, and watches as the door slams shut, separating him from his father.”
“The Gang Makes Mac Gay” by patheticfangirl [Rated: M] [Comedy, Friendship, Spoilers] [★] “’I’ve never done butt stuff,’ Charlie says. ‘I have,’ Frank blurts. Everyone ignores him.”
“The Good Old Days Sucked, Charlie” by lasagna_for_one [Rated: E] [Friendship, Porn, Substance Abuse, Trauma] “I don’t mean that in a gay way, but I would totally bang you again, bro.”
“No Homo, Bro” by PeaceAndLongLife [Rated: M] [Comedy, Friendship] “Charlie and I are two very straight, very heterosexual men, which means when we kiss, our straightness doubles and combines into ultimate heterosexuality.”
“nothing weird about it” by howlinglight [Rated: T] [Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Spoilers] “There's that feral thing inside of him that comes out when his back is to the wall. It reminds Dennis of himself.”
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
★ “Hey Remember The Time” ★
Author: yuffiehighwind
Fandom (Pairing): It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (Charlie/Mac)
Rating: E
Warnings: Abuse, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Porn, Substance Abuse
Summary: “Three times Mac and Charlie did something friends don’t.”
Review: There is definitely something special about this fic. It has an emotional and introspective look on the way Mac perceives his sexuality, both good and bad, and how affection and friendship ties into physical attraction. It’s both exhilarating and heart wrenching to read, with an ending that is neither good nor bad. 
If you’re new to the fandom, all the staples are present in this fic: drugs, sex, and crippling internalized homophobia. All good things in a dramatic read, if you ask me. ;)
This story contains explicit content. Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
“Sting In The Tail”
Author: Switchadelphia [@switchadelphia]
Fandom (Pairing): It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (Charlie/Dennis/Mac)
Rating: E
Warnings: Friendship, Kink, OT3, Porn, Substance Abuse
Summary: “It should have been pretty obvious that spin the bottle would be a terrible idea.”
Review: Dang. I’m reading porn again.
This is actually really captivating. There’s a lot other-than-porn that’s going on in this work, and it has a lot to do with the power dynamics of our three main characters. It also succeeds very well in humor, balancing the typical IASIP raunchy comedy with sex, catering to both equally. 
This story contains explicit content. Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
“Charlie Moves On”
Author: TrashcanGod
Fandom (Pairing): It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (none)
Rating: T
Warnings: Abuse, Alternate Universe, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Substance Abuse
Summary:  He knows exactly what he wants. He wants to get better.
Review: Have you ever wondered what a sober and self-aware Charlie Kelly would be like? Me neither, but this story definitely gives it to you. It’s a story about standing up for yourself, and having the courage to improve your life when you know it’s not going so great. I enjoyed this one because, despite being triggering in many aspects, it has an underlying message of positivity. Charlie realizes the cycle of disrespect and indulgence of unhealthy relationships he’s stuck in, as well as significant substance abuse and mental health problems to boot, and seeks treatment. Not exactly feel-good, but worth the angst.
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
Old Tags. New Features.
Tags exclusive to Fiction Critic are now listed in the tag list. 
New monthly posts are as follows: What You Missed (WYM) - All of the posts that month. Quick Rec’s (QR) - A list of works under 5k words.
Continue to learn more about these features.
What You Missed is pretty self-explanatory. It’s a compilation of links to all the blog posts for that month. Useful if you only tune in every once in a while. ;)
Quick Rec’s is a monthly list of works that are recommended, but are too short to warrant writing a full review. You’re given the fandom, rating, some warnings, and an excerpt - THAT’S IT. The point is to read something quick and enjoy, not get hung up on details! Here’s what you need to know:
Must be under 5k words.
Must be One Shots. No multi-chaptered collections.
Ao3 series’ are allowed, but each individual work must be linked separately.
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
WYM: October & December 2016
Here’s what you missed the months of October, November and December 2016. Recommendations from Death Note (1), Harry Potter (2), and The Maze Runner (7). Updates from Fiction Critic (3).
Death Note
“This Is How I Disappear”
Harry Potter
“Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain”
The Maze Runner
“You Wanna Borrow It?”
“These Silent December Nights”
“Nice and Comfy”
“Parchment Notes and Night-time Duels”
“Sweet Dreams”
“between the lines”
Fiction Critic
WYM: September 2016 [click to see all WYMs]
New Tag: Fandom Blind
Gimme your fanfic recs!
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
Don’t Get Your Hopes Up
Author: Fuzzyface  [@fuzzy-face​]
Fandom (Pairing): It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia (Charlie/Mac)
Rated: T
Warnings: Fluff, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Substance Abuse
Summary: “Charlie rarely gets what he hopes for, and yet he and Mac always seems to wind up together somehow.”
Review: A collection of Charlie’s memories from childhood through adulthood, focusing mainly on his increasing substance abuse, mental instability, and the slow realization that he’s in love with his best friend.
I really liked reading this fic; it’s my first foray into the fandom and I hope there’s a lot more like this in my future. It has a slow, somber pace to it which sets the tone for Charlie’s emotional conflict, and it contrasts really well against the future-Charlie we see on the show who is the culmination of such conflict.
The writing is clean and simple and emotive. I would definitely recommend this one to a newbie in the fandom, or a casual reader. It’s probably also good for someone who doesn’t watch the show religiously, and can be seen as fandom-blind. 
Enjoy! :)
Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
★ Azoth ★
Author: zeitgeistic
Fandom (Pairing): Harry Potter (Draco/Harry)
Rated: E
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Death, Fluff, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Porn, Slow Build, Spoilers, Trauma
Summary: In which both Harry’s greatest desire and worst fear are himself. “ Azoth is the essential agent of transformation in alchemy—the animating spirit hidden in all matter that makes transmutation possible.”
Review: After their Christmas holidays in their 8th year, Harry discovers the Mirror of Erised beside an old wardrobe containing a boggart; the strangest thing is that his greatest desire is also his worst fear: simply himself, standing alone. This is the Catalyst that sets the story into motion. It is what gets Harry realizing that he’s afraid of staying the same old dark-wizard-fighting Boy Who Lived. 
That’s important, because the whole story is about change. About Harry changing, about Draco changing, about everyone and how they’ve changed after the war. The reader follows Harry as he strives to change from who people expect him to be into who he wants to be - by way of his career choice and by who he can’t help but love.
I would say this is a hard read - it definitely is in the sense that it’s rife with symbolism and metaphors and allusions to science both real and magical. But also it’s not too difficult because of the author’s ease of explaining things. Also the fact that you simply cannot stop reading. The story pulls you in and propels you with a moderate pace, realistic emotions, and easy humor.
If you like science and renaissance art, this one is for you. Especially if you like a witty oil painting of Severus Snape.
This story contains explicit content. Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
Gimme your fanfic recs!
Sharing is caring, my friends. If you’ve got them bookmarked, then hand them over and help spread the joy of reading and writing!
Hit up my SUBMIT page and tell me why you liked it. Help the fanfic community grow! The more submissions, the more variety!
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fictioncritic-blog · 7 years
★ Then Comes a Mist and a Weeping Rain ★
Author: Faith Wood
Fandom (Pairing): Harry Potter (Draco/Harry)
Rated: E
Warnings: Fluff, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Porn, Slow Build, Spoilers, Trauma
Summary:  “It always rains for Draco Malfoy. Metaphorically. And literally.”
Review: Set in the Trio’s 8th year, this story follows Draco Malfoy as he has to cope with a cloud which follows him around all day. It rains more often than not, and he’s not really sure why.
I absolutely loved this read. It’s heavy on symbolism and metaphors, which is guaranteed to make me happy. Because of the stunning writing, I would say I’d read it again (which is pretty rare for me)! The characters are deep and affected in different ways from the Second Wizarding War, and we get to see some personalities explored that we didn’t see much of in the books.  I think the best thing about this read is its commentary on depression and recovery. It’s clear from the beginning that Malfoy is very depressed; from his point of view, we as readers can see how alone he feels, yet also see the signs of caring friends and gestures of true kindness that he doesn’t interpret correctly (and infuriatingly). Recommended for the casual reader, even though it’s a bit on the longer side for a one-shot. Spoilers for the whole series. Not epilogue-compliant.
This story contains explicit content. Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 8 years
Author: Cassis Luna
Fandom (Pairing): Harry Potter (Draco/Harry)
Rated: T
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Violence, Trauma
Summary: “In which Draco betrays the Death Eaters and saves Harry from capture, not expecting to be saved in return.”
Review: Beautifully dark and emotional. This story follows Draco Malfoy through a single act of rebellion against his own kind. He rescues Potter from a torturous situation, and the rest is what follows. Since I’m a fan of the author, I’m pretty much guaranteed to enjoy anything they write, but I especially loved this for it’s realistic portrayal of Malfoy’s anxiety. His emotions were raw. I could easily see this happening in the original series just as much as canon. 
Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 8 years
“between the lines”
Author:  adecentname
Fandom (Pairing): The Maze Runner (Newt/Thomas)
Rated: T
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort
Summary: “Where (one-sided) note passing yields fixed replies in terms of red, yellow, green and blue, and minho called it from the start.”
Review: This story has an introspective take on a budding romance, as instigated by cryptic, color-coded messages. The plot device is unique, and the writing is rewarded with heavy motifs of color and emotion. I really enjoyed reading it, as it was very well thought-out and paced, with sparse dialogue and LOTS of metaphors - my favorite! Enjoy!
Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 8 years
“Sweet Dreams”
Author: Val-Creative
Fandom (Pairing): The Maze Runner (Newt/Thomas)
Rated: M
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Spoilers, Trauma
Summary: “Nobody leaves the Maze truly behind. Not even in Paradise, not even in their sleep.”
Review: A wonderfully unsettling piece. The story takes place in the aftermath of the series, and deals with how the survivors cope with their trauma. Artistic and beautifully written. Short enough for the casual reader, but still full of thematic content.
Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 8 years
“Parchment Notes and Night-Time Duels”
Author: Chromatophobe
Fandom (Pairing): The Maze Runner (Newt/Thomas)
Rated: T
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Fluff, Friendship, Violence
Summary: “So when he comes across Gally harassing a certain Gryffindor, Thomas decides enough is enough and intervenes.”
Review: Despite the bullying, this story is pretty dang cute and fluffy. It’s pretty much everything you expect out of a quick one shot - the main characters meet under unusual circumstances and hit it off. BUT WITH A HOGWARTS TWIST. It’s not the only Hogwarts AU in the fandom, but it’s still pretty rare and thus stands out. It’s also pretty fandom blind. 
Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 8 years
“Nice and Comfy”
Author: TheOtterPrince
Fandom (Pairing): The Maze Runner (Newt/Thomas)
Rated: E
Warnings: Kink, Porn
Summary: “Whatever Newt was expecting, it wasn't Thomas in a t-shirt and a pair of runnie undies.”
Review: Exactly what you think it is - glorious PWP. Enjoy!
This story contains explicit content. Click here to read.
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fictioncritic-blog · 8 years
Author: TheOtterPrince
Fandom (Pairing): The Maze Runner (Newt/Thomas)
Rated: G
Warnings: Fluff, Friendship
Summary: “Newt doesn't like his hair loose when he's working the field...”
Review: Just a cute little one-shot. Newt keeps his hair long and Thomas decides to tie it up for him. Fluff and pre-slash ensues. :)
Click here to read.
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