fangirl-fit · 1 month
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This is a nod to the wonderful ladies in the NerdFitness Women's Academy (ifykyk).
In the spirit of keeping my health journey playful I took inspiration from these two books, one is a self help guide and the other is a ttrpg.
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The Magical Girl's Guide to Life by Jacque Aye Glitter Hearts (rpg) by Greg Leatherman
In the first one(The Magical Girl's Guide) I took their quiz to determine my Magical Power and it fell under creativity, which makes complete sense to me, it's through my stories and my creativity that I connect with others.
One of the examples for this type in the book is Musa (I really recommend the book and taking the little quizzes, they're so fun!)
But then I went and also turned myself and my inspiration into a Glitter Hearts character. When you build your character in this rpg you have an Everyday Identity, a Magical Archetype, and a Magical Connection.
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For Everyday Identity I went with the 'Dreamer', with the move a life of dreams. I choose this because growing up and even know I believe there is a kernel of truth in every story, and in my heart of hearts I believe them to be true. The move 'A Life of Dreams' was picked because I'm very good at connecting dots in life with the understanding of story archetypes. Art imitates life and all that.
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For the Magical Archetype I choose the 'Idol', mostly because I want to be someone others can look up to. And I had a hard time with this choice when looking at the other options and who I try to present myself as but I had to be honest. I feel happy when others can look up to me and I know I won't let them down. So I choose the power of 'Soothing Voice' with this archetype because I somehow have the ability to convince people of things even when I'm so, so, wrong.
But then for Magical Connection... the options in the rpg have a lot of different types. There's elemental and emotional. I considered Darkness for those times I forced myself to be surrounded in it to show myself there was nothing to fear, Fire for the little pyro I can sometimes be and the peace I find in building bonfires, Water for the way I am drawn to it, Anger because my friends say I can be the most wrathful person they know, Hope because I keep wanting to believe there's a balance and more to all of this.
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But then I had to reflect on who I have been, and what motivates me forward, what motivates me to create, to share, to care for others, and that is 'Sadness'. I mourn for what could have been, I mourn for what is lost, I mourn for the sick, sometimes the sadness swells in my chest and I feel as if I might drown. But it's that same gentle sadness that makes me worry and care.
I mourn the childhood that I could've had, the life my mother could've had if she made different choices. I don't let my sadness bog me down most days, fear is what holds me back. It's my sadness that encourages me to heal and to get better. I chose the move 'Tears'. In game that means control over small amounts of water, in real life I struggle with crying and not wanting to be seen as a mucus monster, since when I cry my body goes all out.
If you have either of these books what would your magical character be based in?
How can your Magical Character be tied into your big why? The motivation propelling you forward in your journey.
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fangirl-fit · 1 month
Weekly Check In
Last week's:
calorie average per day: 2959
average weight: 300lbs
I might do better with a blog, I would like to make friends around this, but at the very least these are just my thoughts. I keep wanting to twist my health journey into something like playtime, help me get healthier and heal my inner child.
My big why is to live my best life where I can fully express myself.
I'll probably post more tomorrow.
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