fandomswriter · 9 years
That moment when you read back your old work and you just 
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fandomswriter · 9 years
Titel: The drunk friend
Words: 1044
Jinora sighed, this wasn’t Mako like. It was 3 am when her phone went off and woke her up. She had looked on her display. It was a text from Mako.
Sent:  2:59 am
HEey Inora, I drank too much can youppick me upp?
She knew Korra was having a party, of course she had been invited but she had school tomorrow so she wanted to have a good night rest. She wondered how Mako became this drunk. Maybe Asami brought some of that punch again... Once but never again.
So she ended up in her car, driving to her friend’s home. She and Mako were pretty close,  he was like a big brother to her. She parked her car next to all the others and walked to the door. Korra’s house was, well, quite big. Everywhere were people dancing, drinking, making out etc.. She walked inside looking around her. Where was Mako?
Suddenly she bumped into someone. “Hello there, beautiful.” The guy standing in front of her was clearly drunk. He was talking weirdly and holding a beer.
“Want to do something fun?” Jinora shook her head, trying to get past him. “No, thank you.” She wasn’t getting away so easy though. The guy grabbed her wrist, pulling her against him.
“Come on, give me at least one kiss.” He closed his eyes and made a kissy noise. Jinora tried to free herself but he was holding on to tight. “Get off of me!” He only pulled her closer, making her look up at him.
Suddenly a fist came in sight and the guy was knocked down.  
“Leave the lady alone!” She looked at man who’s fist had punched the creep. He was tanned, slightly taller than her and had an undercut. He was probably somewhere around her age.
She rubbed her wrist, he sure was holding on tightly. The man was looking at her worried. “Are you okay?”
She nodded and flashed him a little smile. “I’m fine. Thanks for... that by the way.” She gestured to the creep who was taking care of by some friends now. He shrugged.
“That’s okay. You don’t look drunk, how long have you been here?” Jinora explained why she came here. His eyes grew wide.
“Wait a sec...” He pulled out his phone and searched for something. “Aha!” He showed her a text message.
Sent: 3 am
KKa Cann youu come pick meup?/
“He is really drunk isn’t he?” The man said grinning as Jinora showed him the text she had received in return.
“Your name is Inora?” He asked as he read her screen. She laughed a little.
“No it’s Jinora, and I suppose your name isn’t Ka?” He flashed her a smile.
“It indeed isn’t, it’s Kai. Nice to meet you.” He shook her hand. She looked up at his eyes and when green met brown something exploded inside of her. She couldn’t hide the blush on her cheeks.
“Wow...” she heard him mumble. They stood like that for a second when Jinora reminded herself why they were here.
“We should probably look for Mako.” She said, clearing her throat after hearing how squeaky her voice was. Kai nodded in agreement and quickly let go of her hand.
They walked through the crowd, searching for Mako when they suddenly were stopped by a woman with short hair.
“Jinora! I though you wouldn’t come! Oh, and you brought a boyfriend.” Both their cheeks heated up at the words of the older girl.
“He is not my boyfriend, we just met!” Korra laughed at her words and winked at Kai. “Don’t worry, Jinora is actually a great person. Just tell me when you both get it on.”
Jinora wanted to facepalm herself but instead she just mumbled. ”You’re drunk...”
“Am  not!” Jinora did not dare to look at Kai and therefore asked Korra. “Have you seen Mako?” Korra looked thoughtfully but then shook her head. “Hmm, no sorry. Wait, maybe has Asami seen him.” She looked to the other side of the room where Asami was dancing on the music.
“Babe!” Asami looked up and came towards the three. It still wasn’t clear what the relationship between Korra and Asami was. Where they a couple or just really close bi-sexual friends? Nobody knew.
“Have you seen Mako?” Asami nodded and hooked her arm through Korra’s.  “He was just throwing up in the garden.”
“Shit.” Jinora turned around to Kai who had cursed. “We should find him.” He nodded.
The night ended with Kai awkwardly patting Mako on his back as everything came out and Jinora driving all three of them to Mako’s home as Kai had come walking to Korra’s house.
They laid him in bed and made sure he wasn’t gonna throw up again. Mako mumbled a thanks and fell asleep right away.
When they were back in the car Jinora realised that it was already 5 am. She didn’t  say his much but maybe she could skip classes for one day? Kai looked at the clock in the car and groaned.
“How am I supposed to be in class all day?” Jinora looked at him. “I was thinking exactly the same. Now I am not the person to o this but I was thinking about skipping class tomorrow so I could get some sleep.” In return Kai yawned. “I may join you in that.” Jinora blushed and started the car.
After the instructions of Kai, she stopped the car before his living place. He got out of the car and walked around it so he was on  the driver’s side. He gestured for her to open the window.
“Is it okay if I give you my number? I want to make sure you get home safe.” He smiled a little at her and Jinora practically felt her heart melt. “S-sure.”
After they had said their goodbyes Jinora drove back home and instantly fell asleep on her bed. But not before texting Kai.
Sent: 5:34 am
I’m home. Goodnight :)
She was about to put her phone away when she was texted back.
From: Kai                                      
Sent: 5:35 am
Sleep well, maybe we can do something tomorrow?
Jinora smiled, at least something good happened about Mako being drunk.
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fandomswriter · 10 years
My next post will be a fanfic I promise.
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fandomswriter · 10 years
I don't get why you all are still following me. Not that I'm not gratefull for that. I didn't write anything in awhile because I'm joining NaNoWriMo. After thi month I will post fanfiction again, I promise (Also the lack of Kainora in LOk is disturbing we only have fanfiction and fanart to live off)
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fandomswriter · 10 years
Aaaand I feel bad again. Why am I so much offline!? It's probably because my friend made me watch like 5 new series and school. Anyway since I've watched Free! and are totally obsessed with it I was thinking of writing a Makoharu fanfic CAUSE I SHIP IT
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fandomswriter · 10 years
"They're back!" The whole airbending family shot up at Ikki's words. After two months everyone was happy they were back.
The first ones to leave were Meelo and Ikki, followed by her parents.
She stayed still for a second longer, letting a smile take over her face. She stood up and ran after her laughing siblings through the halls. She couldn't believe it. Her friends were back, her friend and her boyfriend. Jinora's smile even grew at that thought. The saw Lefty coming closer and closer to their home. Finally. Opal waved at them while Kai was making sure Lefty landed on the right spot. As soon as the skybison touched the ground, Opal jumped off of him.
"Hey there! Did we miss anything?" She got tackled in a hug from Jinora and Ikki who had grew close to the airbender in the past three years. 
"Opal what do you think? I grew even more hair!" Opal pulled herself out of the hug and ruffled Meelo's hair.
"It's wonderfull. You look even more like a man now." Meelo started grinning and ran up to his 11 years old sister. "Told ya!" "No, you didn't." "Did too."
Jinora shook her head to her siblings as she heard someone whisper in her ear. "Master Jinora, didn't you forget someone?" She turned around with the speed of light. "Kai!" The tanned airbending boy grinned "Missed me?" In return he got a bonecrushing hug. He smiled, not realising how much he had missed her till now.
"Guess you missed me then." She puled back a little, but enough to slap his arm playfully."Now don't flatter yourself, you're my boyfriend and my bestfriend, of course I missed you!" He smiled down at the girl he fell in love with. Oh how he loved the height difference. "I missed you too." His words made her smile grow bigger. Their faces came closer, almost closing the gap between them.
Jinora turned around at the sound of someone coughing. Tenzin was watching them, his face red, with his wife who was smiling at them. Ikki and Meelo started laughing and Opal threw her a look. Of course she was mad at her father for ruining the moment but they had the whole day. The whole week. Probably even longer. Kai let go of her when Tenzins eyes struck him, but he grabbed her hand. She smiled as she looked down at their hands. Yes, they had the time.
KAINORA IS CANON *runs around throwing flowers everywhere*SPREAD THE LOVE
I wrote this at 5 am so yeahh... anyway KAINORA IS CANON
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fandomswriter · 10 years
A Kainora fic I wrote for the amazing narnianbirthcybertronianspark because its her birthday and she is amazing go love her now. (I posted this fic also onmy other account thatdamfangirl​)
“Surprise!” Jinora quickly took a step back as everyone jumped out of their hiding places. Korra smiled at her while standing behind the bank with Asami. Bolin was standing on the table as Mako and Opal tried to get him off of it and her family came walking towards her, ready to congratulate their daughter and older sister with her 16th birthday.
“My little girl... You grew up so fast.” Tenzin blinked a few tears away as his daughter hugged him.    She pressed her face in his airbender robes, taking in the familiar scent. “I love you dad.” Someone coughed behind them. “Do I get some time to spend with my daughter too?” Jinora laughed and hugged her mother, just to be tackled by her three little siblings after that.    
Jinora smiled at all the congratulations and burst out laughing when Bolin somehow ended up with his face in  the cake. 
“Bolin, I’ve spend five hours on that cake!” Opal chased her boyfriend trough the room, making everyone else laughing. Everything seemed like the perfect birthday party, except for one thing.
“Ehhmmm, where is Kai?” Ikki started giggling weird and Korra and Asami threw each other a look. Jinora didn’t like where this was going at all.
“Guys, what’s wrong? Where is- Hey! Stop that!” Ikki and Meelo started to push her out of the room followed by Asami and Korra, still evilly smiling at each other.
“What is happening?”, Jinora heard her father ask the others behind her and she would like to know too.
“Where am I going?” She recognised this hall but she had no idea what was going on.                                       
“Nothing special. We’re just gonna give you the best present yet!”
Before she knew it she was thrown into the cleaning supplies storage. She didn’t fell hard or something, actually she landed on something soft. “umpff” the thing beneath her said.
“Have fun!” With that Korra locked the door and was the room so dark Jinora coudn’t see what was happening.
“What-” She asked, trying to get up using her elbows only to look right in the face of a boy. Now she was closer she could see his features a lot better.
“Kai?” Only noticing now how close they were she stood up as fast as possible, knocking some cleaning supplies from a shelf which landed on the boy still lying on the ground.
“Ouch. Nice to see you too Jinora.”        
“Sorry!” She held out her hand, moving it through the dark till Kai grabbed it.                                                                                                
“Ehhmm, happy birthday I guess?” The small room was stuffed with cleaning supplies which made only little room to stand, cauing the two teenagers to stand closer to  each other then Tenzin would ever allow.
“What is happening? Why did I get thrown into a storage and why are you here!?” From as far as she could see he shrugged at her question.
“I don’t know. I was walking around this morning, thinking about y... stuff, and suddenly I got grabbed from behind and thrown into the storage. Other then that I don’t know. I’ve been banging on the door for hours but nobody opened so I sat down and well, then you came.”
Jinora shook her head,  what the heck was Korra planning on this time?
“Let’s see if we can find some lights.” After moving their hands over the walls, accidently knocking some stuff down, Kai finally found the light switch. The lamp went on but it was only little light and it wouldn’t surprise them if it would go out any second.
“Great, what now?” Kai looked at the girl who was leaning against the door, puffing some hair out of her face. This was the perfect moment, no one would interrupt them. He had decided this a long time ago and finally he had a chance. If only he could take it.
Jinora noticed Kai looking at her. “What’s wrong?”The tanned airbender shook his head.
“Nothing, I was just thinking... Thanks to all this, I wasn’t able to finish your present.” He sighed and looked down, he had worked very hard and it just needed the finishing touch but of course he had to get stuck in here.
“That’s okay. I’ve got to spend my time with you. What else could I wish for?”  Jinora felt a blush creep up her cheeks after she spoke the words. Did she really just say that? She looked up, only t meet Kai’s smirk and glancing green eyes. “Is that so?” He said, Jinora mentally face palming.
“Now don’t get to full of yourself. I just- I just care about you and we are best friends, what do you expect?” Kai slowly walked towards her, taking her hand in his again. This was the moment.
“I was thinking, maybe we could be more than just- Well you know...” Come on Kai, tell her. “...friends?” Jinora just looked at him with the ultimate poker face, making Kai think about what he just had done.    
‘I’m such an idiot! I should have never said that, it was okay being her friend, why would I want to ruin that!? I have-‘ His thoughts got cut off by Jinora who was nodding.
“I actually really like you Kai...” She looked down, unsure if she just said the right thing.                            
“Well, that’s great cause I really, really like you too.” Jinora looked up at the now taller than her airbending boy who was coming closer and closer.
“Can I...” She nodded again. And just before their lips met the light turned off, leaving the two teenagers kissing in a dark room. It was just a simple kiss but it was enough to make Kai dizzy and his stomach turned around, in a good way.
“SHE IS WHERE!?” They both shot back at the voice of an angry Tenzin.
“I guess he found out what was happening.” Kai gulped at the thought of Tenzin. Tenzin the protective father of the girl he loves.
Somebody opened the door and they had close their eyes against the light before they saw a grinning Korra. “Kai if I were you I should run.” Kai sighed and started to make his way out of the storage till Jinora grabbed his hand.
“I thought it  was a pretty good birthday present after all.” Kai smiled at the whispered words, knowing that they would be together. And he would be allowed to hug her or kiss her whenever he wanted but first he had to run. Run for his life.
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fandomswriter · 10 years
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fandomswriter · 10 years
So this is pretty much my little drabble about Levi. I had this headcanon that he is a cat person so how could I resist writing it? (Also my friend made me do it but that's not important)
“Would you just sit still already!?” Levi took the cat once again in his arms and brought him to his basket, gently placing him in it.
The cats eyes followed Levi as he got in bed again, just to jump on the bed after he had grabbed his book. Levi rolled his eyes and sighed annoyed at his little black buddy. This was the fifth time this evening the cat leaved his basket and sat down besides Levi.
‘Idiot’ Levi muttered under his breath, gently trying  to push him away of the bed. Instead of jumping or falling off the bed, the cat just got closer to him and started to push his head in Levi’s T-shirt. Levi let out another sigh before fixing his eyes on the words in his book again.
“You can stay here, but only if you don’t interrupt my reading. Okay?” The cat looked up at him with big green eyes, letting Levi know he was absolutely not going to listen to him.
Levi placed the book down and started to pet his bud, causing the cat to walk over the blankets onto Levi’s lap. Purring he sat down, enjoying the hand of his owner behind his ear.
“Lazy thing. You don’t do anything except for making a mess and sleep.” Levi looked around his chamber. He had to clean it up three times today! Three times! But all was forgiven and forgotten when he saw the cat dozing off in his lap. So peacefully and quiet.  
Still petting the black cat, Levi’s eyelids started to get heavy. The last thing he noticed was that he still was holding that little idiot in his arms.
“Corporal?” A few knocks on the door followed but no answer. Eren opened the door slowly and threw a look in the room, only to let out a sudden gasp at the sight of Levi sleeping with a cat in his arms. He looked different now, Levi looked peaceful.
Suddenly Eren started grinning, he had to get Hanji. Maybe they could make use out of this ‘situation’.
Before he walked away, Eren looked back at Levi, smiling at himself. Who knew the corporal would’ve be a cat person?
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fandomswriter · 10 years
What if Katara passes on her mothers necklace onto Jinora? :3
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fandomswriter · 10 years
I'm crying, this is amazing
(I am a being filled with emotions, so have some feels)
Tenzin could remember the moment Jinora was born. The first child, his first daughter, and the first female air bender in over a century. He could remember how small she was as he held her for the first time, her eyes, brown and full of...
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fandomswriter · 10 years
Also while I was away one of my Kainora fics got over 100 notes!! Thank you all so much, you are the best! To cellebrate this I will answer any prompt in my ask box, and if you have a question for me (lol like that would happen) ask and I will answer!
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fandomswriter · 10 years
my friend wade me watch Attack On Titan aND HELP I'M IN ANOTHER FANDOM, AGAIN
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fandomswriter · 10 years
I feel so bad for not being on much! Here is a little Kainora fic to make things right? *hopefull smile*
“Jinora, please listen to me!” Kai chased after her, trying to let her listen to him. Jinora turned around, tears glistening in her eyes.
“What Kai?” He stopped running and gulped at the look of his best friend in tears.
“I- I didn’t kiss her, she kissed me. I never wanted her to!” Jinora shook her head thinking back at what happened. She was walking through the hallways of school, searching for him, when she sees him and that- that girl kissing. Of course it shouldn’t have mattered to her, they are not in a relationship or something, but it did. She had stormed off, causing Kai to break the kiss and follow her trough the whole school and where they were standing now, outside by one of the pick nick tables.
Suddenly she felt something falling on her head. Jinora looked up at the sky, seeing the first raindrops. “I should go.” She turned around once again, about to make her way to the big tree under which she could hide from the rain but his words made her stop in her track.
“Why do you even care?” This time she turned around slowly, disbelief on her face. She couldn’t believe he just said that.
“Why do I care?” The rain started to fall, pouring down on the two of them.
“Because I care about you Kai! You know how I feel, how dare you ask that question!?” Rain and teardrops mixed with each other on her cheeks, falling down her face.
“Jinora, I-” Kai obviously didn’t know what to say to the crying girl in front of him.
“Because I love you Kai! I care because I love you...” The last sentence came out as a whisper, but Kai  still heard it. Her head fell down and her shoulders shook. He made his way over to her and took her face in his hands, making her look him in the eyes. When brown and green met each other Kai’s heart skipped a beat and for one moment, one shiny moment nothing else existed. Nothing else mattered and no one else was there, it were just the two of them, staring at each other. Kai looked down at the girl with dropping wet hair, red eyes and tear streams on her face. Beautiful.
He wiped away her tears with his thumb, only to let them be replaced by raindrops.
“I’m so, so sorry Jinora.” His voice cracked at the soft words but Jinora’s breath caught in her throat. “I love you too.” He closed the gap between the both of them. It was no one else, just them.
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fandomswriter · 10 years
SUKKA! This is so out of character but I felt bad for not posting so here is a Sukka reunion fic.
“Calm down, he can be here any minute.” Suki looked at the amused airbender kid. She had been nervous the whole day, she had been nervous since she knew when he would come back. After Aang had defeated the Firelord, Sokka had went with his father to help rebuild some cities and to free the imprisoned, innocent people. They still would have to fight against followers of Ozai though so she was praying he would survive the days. To be honest she probably shouldn’t be worried this much, he helped the Avatar defeat the Firelord for Spirits sake! But she finally had someone special in her life an she was not planning on letting that go yet.
She took a deep breath. “I know, it’s just- I want...” Aang placed his hand on her shoulder. She wasn’t speechless much.
“He will be okay. You will be okay. He survived didn’t he? And I’m sure he missed you as much as you missed him.” Suki threw a smile at him, happy she had friends like everyone in this room. Katara smiled nervous at Suki, knowing that they were going through the same thing, Toph was metalbending something that has once been a bracelet and Zuko had put his arm around Mai, just staring into the distance.
Suddenly they heard different kind of noises outside. Bisons and loud talking noises. Suki swirled around and ran outside. “Sokka!”
The boy with the undercut jumped of the skybison and smirked at the girl who was running towards him. She threw her arms around his neck and hold him tight, not planning on letting go soon.
“Missed me?” She felt his arms wrapped around her waist and smiled. “You bet.” He pulled away a little so he could look at her, still holding her tight. “Missed you too.” And without warning he pulled her towards him and placed his lips on hers.
Suki returned the kiss, enjoying the warmth of his body against hers. “I love you.” His words were just a soft mumble, cut off by a kiss but she could never tell how much that meant to her. They ignored all the snickering of the other men on the bison and the whistles of Zuko and Toph.
Suki didn’t know how long they had been standing there, it could have been 10 seconds, it could have been a hour, heck it could have been a whole day, she only remembered an ice cold shiver going down her body and letting loose of Sokka. He was dripping wet and looking down at herself she figured out what had happened.
“Can I hug me brother too?” Katara stood there with a smirk on her face as the rest of the gang burst out laughing. Sokka ran up to her and hugged her. He actually hugged everyone, even Mai who looked like she was about to slap him in the face.
“You know what we need? A big diner! I’m so hungry.” Everyone agreed with Sokka as they started walking inside leaving him and Suki alone outside. “So... you did miss me?”
Suki laughed at her crazy boyfriend and gave him a quick peck on the lips which leaved him a goofy smile. “Come let’s go inside.” Fingers intertwined they walked inside, team Avatar finally complete. 
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fandomswriter · 10 years
Whoops I did it again
“Calm down, he can be here any minute.” Suki looked at the amused airbender kid. She had been nervous the whole day, she had been nervous since she knew when he would come back. After Aang had defeated the Firelord, Sokka had went with his father to help rebuild some cities and to free the imprisoned, innocent people. They still would have to fight against followers of Ozai though so she was praying he would survive the days. To be honest she probably shouldn’t be worried this much, he helped the Avatar defeat the Firelord for Spirits sake! But she finally had someone special in her life an she was not planning on letting that go yet.
She took a deep breath. “I know, it’s just- I want...” Aang placed his hand on her shoulder. She wasn’t speechless much.
“He will be okay. You will be okay. He survived didn’t he? And I’m sure he missed you as much as you missed him.” Suki threw a smile at him, happy she had friends like everyone in this room. Katara smiled nervous at Suki, knowing that they were going through the same thing, Toph was metalbending something that has once been a bracelet and Zuko had put his arm around Mai, just staring into the distance.
Suddenly they heard different kind of noises outside. Bisons and loud talking noises. Suki swirled around and ran outside. “Sokka!”
The boy with the undercut jumped of the skybison and smirked at the girl who was running towards him. She threw her arms around his neck and hold him tight, not planning on letting go soon.
“Missed me?” She felt his arms wrapped around her waist and smiled. “You bet.” He pulled away a little so he could look at her, still holding her tight. “Missed you too.” And without warning he pulled her towards him and placed his lips on hers.
Suki returned the kiss, enjoying the warmth of his body against hers. “I love you.” His words were just a soft mumble, cut off by a kiss but she could never tell how much that meant to her. They ignored all the snickering of the other men on the bison and the whistles of Zuko and Toph.
Suki didn’t know how long they had been standing there, it could have been 10 seconds, it could have been a hour, heck it could have been a whole day, she only remembered an ice cold shiver going down her body and letting loose of Sokka. He was dripping wet and looking down at herself she figured out what had happened.
“Can I hug me brother too?” Katara stood there with a smirk on her face as the rest of the gang burst out laughing. Sokka ran up to her and hugged her. He actually hugged everyone, even Mai who looked like she was about to slap him in the face.
“You know what we need? A big diner! I’m so hungry.” Everyone agreed with Sokka as they started walking inside leaving him and Suki alone outside. “So... you did miss me?”
Suki laughed at her crazy boyfriend and gave him a quick peck on the lips which leaved him a goofy smile. “Come let’s go inside.” Fingers intertwined they walked inside, team Avatar finally complete. 
Headcanon #750
After some time apart, Suki and Sokka ran up to each other and began kissing in the middle of the street, completely forgetting about the world around them
 until Katara had to splash water on them.
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fandomswriter · 10 years
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Fall Sukka Week 2014: September 14-20
September 14th: Dance
[verb] move rhythmically to music, typically following a set sequence of steps.
[verb] (of a person) move in a quick and lively way.
[noun] a series of movements that match the speed and rhythm of a piece of music.
September 15th: Beginning
[noun] the point in time or space at which something starts.
[adj] new or inexperienced.
September 16th: Explore
[verb] travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.
[verb] inquire into or discuss (a subject or issue) in detail.
September 17th: Color
[noun] the property possessed by an object of producing different sensations on the eye as a result of the way the object reflects or emits light.
[verb] (of a person or their skin) show embarrassment or shame by becoming red; blush.
September 18th: Beach
[noun] a pebbly or sandy shore, especially by the ocean between high- and low-water marks.
September 19th: Invent
[verb] create or design (something that has not existed before); be the originator of.
[verb] make up (an idea, name, story, etc.), especially so as to deceive.
September 20th: Dress
[noun] clothing of a specified kind for men or women.
[noun] a one-piece garment for a woman or girl that covers the body and extends down over the legs.
[verb] put on one’s clothes.
[verb] treat or prepare (something) in a certain way, in particular.
It’s almost time for Fall Sukka Week, aka the original Sukka Week! These will be the prompts as voted by you, so get ready for each day. You can draw, write, or even send in headcanons here. It’s all up to you, all in order to celebrate the wonderful couple that is Suki and Sokka.
Don’t forget to REBLOG this and spread the word. Let everyone know so we can have an awesome turn out this year.
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