fallensyren-blog · 6 years
i came to tumblr because this was my boyfriends world. i tried to follow his posts and figure out the things he and his group were doing. i tried interacting with him here but he only interacted as far as liking my posts. so i think this is happily his world and he prefers it that way. i spend more time on facebook, where he prefers not to go and also does not interact with me there. so being that i have only seven people that even follow me and he has not tried to help me here i think i will let go of this and see how long our worlds can remain separate. never chase a man who hides.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
i struggle with this
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They never appreciate you when they have you, and they never have you when they finally come to the realization that they should have appreciated you.
-Samuel Decker Thompson
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
I like this..it reminds me of things we write @knighthawkchapter
Can you do a female thief getting captured by a ruthless male Prince who none of the citizens like? (possible flirtation?) The thief is normally really cocky but, the prince is cruelly stripping back layers to uncover the truth literally (the mask) and figuratively (her soul?)
“You know,” the prince said, “many would consider chopping off your hands to be the rightful punishment for thievery. You wouldn’t be able to take what doesn’t belong to you then.”
The thief’s stomach lurched. 
The prince circled her slowly, stopping behind her back and leaning down to capture the tip of her glove and pull it away off her hand. First one, then the other. “Tell me, why do you take what doesn’t belong to you, thief?”
“Shouldn’t you know the answer to that, sire?” Contempt dripped from her tongue. “You take that what doesn’t belong to you all the time - it’s just in your case you dress it up fancy and call it tithes and taxes and Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. You’re right. I should rob you off your hands.”
A smile flickered amused over the prince’s lips as he circled to stand in front of her again. “Ah, so you consider yourself a rebel, thief. A hero. A charming rogue, perhaps. You steal to help the poor and the downtrodden, redistributing the wealth of the rich to those who you consider more deserving of it. Is that it?” 
She said nothing, watching him warily. 
The prince reached out for her jacket next, shoving it down off her shoulders in a clink of stolen goods. His hand caressed along her skin, retreating with various purses of gold, a jewel, a necklace. The little thefts secreted away in the folds of her clothing. 
He let them fall to the floor of the cell with a disgusting carelessness, as if they were no more precious than pennies on the street. “Of course,” he continued, “one would assume that you would steal bread instead of bracelets if that was the case. But we all need to lie to ourselves sometimes, don’t we?” 
“Let’s not pretend you know anything about me.” 
What did stolen bread really fix? It was one piece of bread, and one servant would inevitably be hurt for the stealing of it even if it wasn’t their fault. Some cook would get in trouble. No, wealth brought bread. Wealth brought power to change things. Wealth made you something that this arrogant prince and his like would bother listening to. 
“Oh, I know everything about you,” the prince said. “You see, the items you steal require certain disguises to get close to, certain tricks, which reveal your skills and proclivities and turn. You’re obvious. The items you pick betray your heart.” 
“I see no reason why pretty things should be locked up for you alone to enjoy their beauty,” she replied, keeping her tone as neutral and light as she could. “You don’t even use what you have, you just accumulate more of it. I can see why they call you the Dragon Prince.”  
“I do consider myself quite the collector.” The prince reached out again, this time for her mask. “Although, I feel your judgment may be a little harsh. I get plenty of use and pleasure out of the treasures I keep. But you wouldn’t know anything about the pleasure of ownership, would you, thief?” 
She jerked her head away from the touch, heart slamming. 
His other hand shot out, seizing a tight fistful of her hair, holding her still. 
“You’ve never owned anything in your life, have you?” he asked, softly almost. His eyes weren’t soft. They were as cold as the jewels he hoarded. “But you’ve wanted to and oh, how you despise yourself for the wanting. And why not, when they wouldn’t even notice what was gone? They have so much. You have nothing. The people you love have nothing. You are, in fact, nothing.”
Her insides squeezed. Nothing. “Go to hell.” 
“Nothing is a very good thing for a thief to be,” he murmured. “It makes you hard to catch when there’s merely different masks for people to make grabs at.”
His hand rose again, and she could feel his finger on her cheek through the dark mask covering her face. 
Her head twitched without much use.  
He smiled. “Let’s see what you really are.” He pulled the mask away deftly, but didn’t toss it aside as he had his jewels. He didn’t look away from her face.
She swallowed hard, but jutted her chin up in defiance, glaring up at him. 
“Hello, nothing,” he said, velvet-voiced and admiring. “Don’t worry your sensibilities - I know just what to do with you, you won’t be going to waste.”
She had to get out of there. 
“You’re going to be just everything by the time we’re done here.”
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
I saw Madness. It crept into the room and stared at me. It waited in restless silence. Waiting for me to see it was here to stay. I saw Madness. Staring at me from my own reflection.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
Exhausted Circle
The sound of your voice haunts me, day and night, I take your song to bed, in the dreary fog of your absence. Together, we make magic out of misery, Slow dancing in the moonlight, while the world around us disappears. What more can I ask than the stolen kisses from your hungered lips? Save for the pleasurable torture of your lust burned skin. Teasing, taunting, mocking me with god given beauty and hell bent fire. I have been burned by you before, and the nearness of you makes me ache to dance in your flames.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
Imported Temple
Milling temple patrons confessing your lives in the unpracticed ways you walk. Lining up to take your place in the desecrated desert import. Your children wiggle about in this forbidden playground, unaware that their hands rest on ancient ground. I am lying in wait. Deaf ears hiding your echo. Your lives are screaming to my eyes and revealing the mundane essence in classic photos taken, then forgotten.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
In the low lit shadows of golden light falling across disheveled sheets and entangled limbs, I sigh in relief, and growing intuition.. Your presence defies the boundaries of the physical. I feel you where you sleep. hours away from me
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
Unforseen Firm muscular body, honed to perfection by the skill of a summer lake. The longed for force of powerful legs. Laying me vulnerable to your growling passion. Your expressive eyes collide with mine, knowledge and belief pass between us. I lose myself, swimming in the cruel beauty of you. Still achingly aware of the deep urgent push of you. Penetrating my mind. In all ways we are bonded. Eternally fixed in a united stand for love and passion. The memories of you are branded on my mind, filling me to overflowing. The voracious hunger for your touch, your smile, and the taste of you on my bitten lips.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
I saw hidden things In the windows of Your soul. I saw the shadows Slipping into place. My faded memories Saturated in sadness. A mind cannot be quiet, While the body Will not budge. And the ladies of sorrow Tend to my existence With soft pliable words And a vice like grip.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
A chorus of voices Scathing words Wishing violence On my tortured soul. My hands grip tightly Around your throat Can you feel The tremble in my fingers? Glassy eyes staring Without blame Unwilling to fight For your next breath Lips so cold So beautiful So blue. Strangled by my love.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
Waiting, Waiting, For the promises That never fullfill. You pet me Like a dog Expecting me to come, Every time you call Every time you lie I turn to stone Unyielding Unfeeling
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
Out of the past, Like a phantom In the dark Stealing my breath And rattling my calm Old scars itch With memories Of angry words And sleepless nights.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
All day long, i am missing your energy counting the moments until you turn your heart to me again. All night long, i am aching for your soul. running conversations through my mind remembering each moment we are together. (I miss you @Knighthawkchapter)
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
i come to get out of the reclusive nightmare i live in. i come to find inclusion, someone to talk to when i cant stand myself but its just a place where there is no inclusion. Im still alone in a crowded room. Walk over me, step around me ignore my awkward cries for help. Ill finish what i started. and in the end ill still be invisible. When i am at an end. No one will remember my name.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
Fallen Angel
You come in droves to your fate like moths to her deadly flame. She casts her web and you take the bait, she takes, you give, and its all the same. You come alive with her brandied lips, and melt into her vengeful embrace. You crave her eyes, her song, her silken hips, and fall in echo of her sullen disgrace. And now you are trapped in her addicts snare, drowning in the memory of porcelain skin. crawling like drunkards into her lair, who better to pay for one mans sin? (Excerpt from my new book, still in editing)
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
Today is made of Envy and tomorrow is made of want. a hundred things have touched you and i have not. A thousand things have danced in front of your eyes, and i have yet to be seen. Your fingers have run through your hair, they have touched your lips, and expressed your words. I can only sigh with Envy Your lips have tasted your laughter, they have spoken your words and shattered the Silence with music. I shiver with want. Yesterday is made of shadows tonight is made of dreams. a million times i have thought of you, and i have not been there. three hundred times you have smiled elsewhere, and killed me with a hundred deaths.
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fallensyren-blog · 6 years
memory of absence
Somehow you always fall across my memory. Wearing smooth the edges of pain, like water rolls over stone. The cruelty stings my heart scraping open wounds that long ago i imagined healed. My heart calls, but there is no answer. My brain knows you are gone but the soul screams for you. I have died of a broken heart and yet my body refuses to lie down.
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