faeriequeensook · 2 years
I am lucky to have a vampire who is there for me when I need him, @valorouscharm​
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faeriequeensook · 2 years
I aways have something up my sleeve. I have to with all the supernatural beings coming after me. Thank goodness not all of them can come busting in my house.
And I am so tired of being the base of the gossip in this town. People need to mind their own darn business!
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Bon Temps is truly full of mysyery and mayhem. @faeriequeensook has her hands full. Her pretty little mind is full of secrets. We need to keep an eye on her. Every town needs some juicy gossip. Right?
XOXO, Gossip Girl
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faeriequeensook · 2 years
What might you need this time, Eric?
*Sookie saw @valorouscharm and smiled at him for a moment. She then shook her head.* What are you doing here, Eric? Can't you see I'm working. *He always had a tendency bother her when she worked. As though she'd come running. Even if she had made that silly deal with him all those years ago. Damn him and his memory.* You know I can't leave.
*Sam stood at the bar giving Eric Northman a stoic glare.* "I need her tonight, vampire. The bar is busy." *Sam was in some kind of mood.*
Eric, I will meet you at my house at 1:30. You know I won't be late. My car works. You bought it. My old one worked just fine. *She said sarcastically as she flipped around ponytail bouncing as she made her way to the counter to gather food to deliver to table 5.*
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faeriequeensook · 2 years
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• Eric Northman
• True Blood
• Ships with Sookie
• Part of @divinekindred
• Scribe by #Encomium
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faeriequeensook · 2 years
*When I saw Bill I didn't knew what hit me. Was it his eyes, his hair? No.. I couldn't hear him. It was the the pure unadulterated silence that drew me to him.
All vampires really. But Bill was special. After I put him in his place. All that nasty talk. I can handle myself but men will treat me like the lady that I am.
People already think I'm a freak. But after meeting Bill it only got worse. Vampire lover, whore.. all those nasty things people think but don't have the nerve to say.
Well it's my right to be friends with anyone I want to be with. I told my brother Jason and my best friend Tara that. At least they tell me what they are thinking. So does my Gran.
My friends and family are the people I promised to never listen to. Oh and I'm a telepath. In case you didn't already know. My gran loves Bill. He is so respectful and treats her kindly. She gives me feedback on what I want to do in regards to Bill. If I should date him or not. But she never butts in. I don't think I could ever live without her. But she knows I love him and doesn't judge me.
I think one night I may give myself to him.
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faeriequeensook · 3 years
“I can’t take it anymore!”
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Send me “I can’t take it anymore!” to slam my muse into a wall and kiss them
He was taking her on a shopping date but he had been on the phone for the last ten minutes. He was completely taken by surprise but his fingers found the way to the end button and clicked off. He wrapped and arm around her waist and pulled her closer as they kissed so heatedly. "Now that was fucking hot." He said smoothly when the kiss broke and he had a smile on his lips.
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faeriequeensook · 3 years
Family, please welcome @fionateller to the group! 
- Dexter
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faeriequeensook · 3 years
Based on True Blood: canon and alternative portrayal of Sookie Stackhouse. Crossovers welcome. Triggers ahead. 21+ Planned ship and storyline with #recklessofsins.
“Whatever this is. Whatever you're doin. You don't get to hide behind the word fate.”
• Writer of @divinekindred writing group
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faeriequeensook · 3 years
#Bill, the love of her life.. he had proposed to her at that fancy French restaurant.. Of course she didn't say yes right away. If she had, all this wouldn't be happening right now. Eric wanted her still, and yet she was NEVER ever gonna be his. She didn't care what that pig had to offer. He was such a big a hole. She still wanted Cancer over him. The only good thing he did for her was introduce her to Alcide.
Alcide was willing to help her find #Bill even if he was hurting from the break up of his long time girlfriend Debbie. He was very nice. Down in Mississippi, she sat on his bed in the morning. He'd been such a gentleman he'd held her after #Bill called her telling her he'd just had sex with Lorena the night before. Then even given her the bed to sleep in.
How unusual it was to sleep at night. Stepping into the small kitchen, Sookie smelled the coffee and smiled. It smelled so good. She hadn't eaten the day before. Breakfast was on her mind.* Sure, I'll take some. *Dry creamer? Sookie curled her nose. Taking a peek in the fridge there was nothing but condiments and in the sink.. a wok.* A petite perfectly shaped hand grabbed his tightly as the other placed her cup down then his.* Come on, Alcide Herveaux. We're going out. I'm not telling you were. *That cute Louisiana accent was not a question. It was a demand.
#Starter between #alphaalcide, @oneneedybitch & @mustbethursda
Debbie had been gone for nearly a month with Cooter, she was hooked on vampire blood and Alcide couldn’t help but think about anything else. He loved Debbie, he worried about her and just knew it was different this time. Having other obligations, the werewolf shook his head and poured himself some coffee.
They were going to Lou Pine’s tonight for Debbie’s ‘birthday’ which was another cover for her coronation in the new pack. Maybe, just maybe, if he talked to Debbie.. got her alone, she would listen to him. That was positive thinking though.
Sookie was in the other room, she had a whole other reason why she was here. Bill had broken her heart over the phone, and they were going to find where the blood supply for the pack was coming from. He needed to stay focused. Alcide mixed some dry creamer into the coffee and sat down, waiting for Sookie to come in. Moments went by, “Coffee?” He asked, taking a sip of his own.
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faeriequeensook · 3 years
* Sookie Stackhouse
* 100% Faerie Queen
* Based on True Blood and SVM. Crossovers welcome
* Trigger warnings
* Dark Themes possible
* 21 + Only
* Ships with Chemistry
* Played By @desilikearnaz
Sookie, the Faery Princess of all the Fae had seen her great grandfather Niall just a few days ago. He'd given her advice. It wasn't like having Gran around. Now she was always was what Sookie needed for a sounding board.
But back on topic.
Warlow had not received the True Death. He had escaped just in time to avoid the stake by being pulled back into the void by Niall. Jason and Sookie aided in Niall's escape. Only to hope and pray Warlow was gone for good. But if he'd gotten out once, they no doubt concluded he would get out again and seek out Sookie as his Faery Vampire bride.
They had to be prepared for it. However they didn't know how or when to prepare for this attack. She had no way to keep him from entering her home, Warlow was impervious to silver. And worse yet, if she were to kill him she'd be "Fae no longer" as Claude put it. And the barmaid had come to accept who she was and didn't want to lose that side of herself.
Her normal routine of sunbathing in the morning on the hot late spring morning she was thinking of her best friend, Tara and how she couldn't be here talking to her in the sun anymore. "That's my own darn fault. She didn't want to become a vampire and now she hates me." Tears sliding down her cheeks could be seen streaming down under her sunglasses.
She began to fall asleep. Something Gran would kill her for. She'd get burned. Sook awoke to her own laughter wondering if Gran hadn't come and woken her up. Wondering how she and Granddaddy were doing. Did Gran give him a real what for like he thought she would?
It was sudden. Almost a rush. A wave of bright light emanated throughout her body. Much like when Claude and his sisters checked her light in the Faery club. But this was intense giving off a sudden knowledge that Sookie felt something had occurred in which had gone remarkably askew. Askew was the word of the day on her calendar.
Unaware of the presence of Claudellen and Claudewina Crane, the "sunshine in a pretty blonde bottle" sat up to look over herself. Different. Something felt different. "Sookie." A voice came directly from behind her. Jumping she turned to see the Crane Faeries. "You must come with us quickly! It is urgent. Your life may depend upon it! All of Faery depends upon it!"
Rolling her eyes as stood and gazed her beautiful eyes at them. "Would y'all stop doing that? Gosh darn it, between you and Bill I'm aimin' to die of a heart attack." Trekking towards her porch, she mumbled how sick and tired she was of all this.
Claudellen appeared before her when Sookie exited Gran's room dressed for the day. Only then when the woman bowed before her, she stopped. "What are you doing? Save that for Great Grandpa Niall." Upon saying that, Sookie propelled Claudellen to the side and walked down the stairs. Claudwina took a gander at her sister. "She doesn't know. She didn't feel it. Or didn't understand it."
A more than frustrated Sookie Stackhouse turned to both of them. "Know what? Tell me right now!" A Fae who seemed to have looked death in the eye spoke. "Warlow has escaped. Sookie, Your great grandfather Niall is dead. You have become 100% Faerie and are now Queen of us all."
Shaking her head in disbelief, Sookie thought back to the surge of energy she received while sunbathing. "Is that what that was? And No I ain't going to Faery. Last time I did that I went missing for 13 months. Whoever needs to talk to me can meet me on the graveyard plane. It's my day off so you go tell them to meet me there."
Sookie made way out of her ancestral home. She would not be leaving Bon Temps. A home she'd had for almost 30 years. Her house had been standing for almost 150. This was her home. Queen or not. She could make her turf on the graveyard plane. If they didn't like it, too bad.
As she entered the plane, the elders were there. Including Mab. They all bowed to her. The two Cranes were told to leave. Sookie held up her hand. "The remaining Cranes stay with me as my Faery Godmothers. Claudellen, please get the rest of your sisters." 13 other Crane sisters appeared.
Sookie turned to Mab. "What is she doing here? She is an elder my Queen." Came a voice of Claudia Crane. "Are we not almost extinct thanks to vampires and now Warlow?" A nod came from all around. "She has killed or ordered the killing of our kind as well. Come night fall, Mab you will be escorted by my brother and my friend Lafayette to my home. There you will meet a friend of mine." There was a gasp as they knew her fate. Sookie would take no rebellion seeing that great grandpa Niall was murdered.
"If Warlow were here I would do the same. Better yet I would stake him myself. When we meet it will be here. Do we have any Faery that can build us a meeting table? If not, I have a werewolf friend will do it for us."
Sookie attempted to maintain her body and her voice from shaking like a leaf. She was scared as all get out. She needed to talk to Jason, Sam, Bill and yes even Eric. After all he was going to be the one she asked to kill Mab. Just then she turned to the Cranes. "I want you out of sight on the human plane. I can't risk you dying." Her voice so caring. The Sookie Stackhouse everyone knew and loved. "Open the portals. NOW!"
With that, the newly appointed Queen, left the plane and made her way home. It was barely 11:00. As she started lunch, Jason walked in the door. As always. It was almost as if he was Pavlov's dog.
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