aliyazak · 7 years
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aliyazak · 8 years
Турецкий С Нуля
Хотела поделиться советами касательно того, как начать или продолжить учить турецкий язык! Многие уже знают, что общее образование я получила в татарско-турецкой гимназии, это означает, что на протяжении всех 5 лет обучения моим вторым дополнительным языком был турецкий. Но позже, сконцентрировавшись на сдаче экзаменов, прошло довольно много времени, как я не занималась языком серьезно.…
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aliyazak · 8 years
Как учить слова по фильмам? PlayPhrase.me
Как учить слова по фильмам? PlayPhrase.me
Как часто, встречая новое слово, вы задумывались о его использовании в предложении? Да, порой довольно легко придумать свое, но если это слово имеет множество значений, как, например, get, matter, then, though, anyhow…? В этом случае важно составить не только грамматически правильное предложение, но еще и определить регистр использования. Ну да, звучит пугающе, но если переводить все на более…
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aliyazak · 8 years
Monthly Favourites
All I thought about for the past two-something-weeks is that I haven`t written really good content for months. And as WE SPEAK is supposed to be a language lerning and university lifestyle blog, I wanted to share my most beloved links which I`ve found during this month. #1 Quizlet/Anki Quizlet is totally worth to be the first here and I`ll explain why. A couple of months ago while reading an…
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aliyazak · 8 years
I think that I should finally come by and share a couple of things that happened with me during April as I felt a constant buzz every single day. So that I can’t even put my feelings about this month into the garment of words as there was a fatal dose of conferences, verse retellings, brainwashing and brainwashing, and something new I got to experience – volunteering in European Judo Championships.
Well yes,  quite a lot of things that I should already be haggard. But what intrests me the most, is that I`m motivated and eager to accomplish my projects and ideas now than ever before. And whoever told me that I should settle down for some time and have a rest didn’t know that everything I do on the daily basis is actually a rest.
I`ll probably gloss over everything up to the main idea I wanted to share with you that hopefully helps me to stay alive during a whirlwing period of university life.
Take proactive role during your Uni years 
Well, this point might be an obvious one, but anyway we students can easily forget the importance of enriching our brains with information that goes far away from our major. This happens especially in the midst of managing deadlines when everything we are capable of is to dragg sleep-deprived selves to our morning classes.( considerably happy this doesn`t happen so often)
Take a minute to realize how lucky we are to have a chance to taste-test different exchange programmes, to find yourself in diverse fields and explore passions to tailor your whole life(isn`t that scary at the same time?) `cause finding and being yourself whichever way possible is the main goal. Oh , enough with philosophical stuff, let`s go through another point which is “To Do lists”– definitely my favourite one.
Do you keep To Do lists ? Because I do keep them insanely thorough and derive sincere pleasure from crossing To-Do`s off. A couple of days ago or so I happen to put IELTS prep in it, which is now my favourite one to do and then to cross. So stay tuned, as I have loads of useful links and books to share with in the following article!
    April Newsletter I think that I should finally come by and share a couple of things that happened with me during April as I felt a constant buzz every single day.
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aliyazak · 8 years
So the thing I would say is…When you grow up, you tend to get told that theworld is the way it is, and your… your life is just to live your life inside the world, try not to bash into the walls too much, try to have a nice family life,have fun, save a little money.  Uhh, but life… that’s a very limited life.Life can be much broader once you discover one simple fact, and that is: everything around…
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aliyazak · 8 years
SpanishWithMe : Coffee Break Español
SpanishWithMe : Coffee Break Español
I`m not going to tell you how much I love the Spanish culture (even though there should be some kind of introduction), because you are already reading this right now, so  you might be as obsessed with everything spanish as I am or you simly want to learn some basic phrases that surely would help you during your holiday in Spain. Whatever the  reason is, I`d better start right away. I don`t…
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aliyazak · 8 years
WE SPEAK languages
Hurray, it`s a new category! WE SPÉAK languages is for those, who wants to have a propper dive into learning languages such as Spanish, Turkish and English. Here you`ll find useful links, youtubers, books, podcasts which means a lot of information. In a nutshell I`ll do my best to share with you guys everything that helped (and  hopefully still helps)me! So here we go, the first one is Spanish !…
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aliyazak · 8 years
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Messy hair don't care 💁🏻
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aliyazak · 8 years
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Пробка, в которой я была бы счастлива постоять снова #tb #barcelona (at Barcelona, Spain)
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aliyazak · 8 years
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(Not so)ordinary March newsletter Hello palls! I know it's been a while since I've last written here, and the reason is that I have a pretty hectic lifestyle now than ever before!
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aliyazak · 8 years
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Переместилась ✌️ (at Город Чебоксары)
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aliyazak · 8 years
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It means reealy a lot when you find that YOUR way
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aliyazak · 8 years
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Когда сидишь в идеальной аудитории под таким окном переводится легче 💫 (at Имоиив, Отделение Перевтодоведения И Всемирного Культурного Наследия)
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aliyazak · 8 years
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Последняя зимняя фотография в вашей ленте, последний зимний пост на WeSpéak 🙌#перезимовали (at Paul)
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aliyazak · 8 years
By the 10 o’clock today I have been buried in the morning articles on The Guardian site, but when I came to realization that it was unbearable to sit still while the sun beams straight into your left eye I happened to look out of my bedroom window. Neither a number of important papers that were scattered about the room, nor the thoughts about upcoming research works could intervene and disturb me from admiration of the the scenery of an ideal spring day:  a light blue sky, fletched with little fleecy white clouds drifting across from West to East, the sun was shining very brightly, and yet there was an exhilarating hip in the air. It was awesome, and I surely went out as soon as I wrote down the news.
Second month of the 2016 furnished me with a long series of stories and events of greater or less interest, of which I could hardly retain the records. But I remember the international event, which again and again gave me a lot of inspiration and was kind of a trigger to learn languages and #neverstop. The things in the University improved, as Basics of International Relations and Country Studying which were added from the beginning of this semester incredibly interesting. I also made a huge effort to decide whether I move to Spanish group or stay and learn the Turkish language, so I chose the second one. And something tells me that I made a right decision, but whatever.
This month also turned out to be “Sherlocked”. Kind of ridiculous, but…yes, it is somewhat ridiculous. Anyway, it is obvious that it improves my language skills, as well as enlarges my vocabulary, and I’m absolutely tickled pink about that. So I watched Sherlock and all the interviews that corresponds between, listened Sherlock, and now I’m reading it so I suppose I will write some kind of report on it later. Returning to the listening part that I’ve mentioned, I highly recommend you to download SoundCloud app and find there podcasts you are interested in! OR to spend time more entertaining than scrolling up and down on Instagram by listening BBC iPlayer radio(actually it’s the reason why I sort of died in every social media).
What else…I started to appreciate the fact that now I’m working as a tutor of the English language for more than a month and feel like I’m able to pay for my own  expenses – not having it handed on a silver platter. So I try to keep myself on a budget, but go out from time to time and get to splurge on one item while shopping, because I can’t remember the last time I went on a shopping spree.
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February newsletter By the 10 o'clock today I have been buried in the morning articles on The Guardian site, but when I came to realization that it was unbearable to sit still while the sun beams straight into your left eye I happened to look out of my bedroom window.
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aliyazak · 8 years
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Даже не знаю что добавить, либо то, что пока эту красоту лицезрела, ела блины на ярмарке в -19 замёрзла, но была безумно счастлива, либо написать какой-нибудь инспирейшнл куот😛 Но раз уж на то пошло, ловите самую универсальнейшую цитату "You are a fighter. Look at everything you've overcome. Don't give up now" (at Red Square)
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