If you are still rallying & protesting against Israel and for Hamas, the terrorist organisation who started the war by slaughtering babies and grandmothers and literally raping women to death, you need to look in the mirror and seriously consider your future. You’re a young American woman (or boy) who is idealistic and roots for the underdog. But I gotta to tell you, just try being a socially aware protester under Hamas’s rule in Gaza will get you… Try not wearing a hijab in front of them… try yelling “Hamas sucks” … or anything that they wouldn’t like and see what the results are. if Home really cared about the citizens of Gaza, they would have stopped shooting rockets into Israel every few days more than six months ago!!! no, it’s much better to keep provoking one of the worlds largest and most armed military forces.. keep poking your finger in their eye… see how that works for you and all the people you say you love and care for and supposedly govern.
If you wanna protest against a parade, protest against fundamentalist Islam against women, which controls what they wear, where they go, if they have a job or not, what they’re allowed to say in public, all things that you as an entitled non- fundamentalist young American woman take for granted.
These children who grew up with Cell phones in hand and high-speed Internet have no clue about the long-term ramifications of history and regional conflict. They just lump it all together into one happy “ David versus Goliath” mischaracterisation. No children should ever die because of an arm conflict, regardless of whatever bullshit their parents believe.
Disagree and have facts to support why? I’d love to hear it. 😁
Hamas apologists NOT welcome here.
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If you’re a Hamas apologist, excusing their brutal rape, murder, slaughter, grotesque torture, burning alive, beheading of babies, parading of naked dead Jewish grandmothers bodies in the streets, and taking civilians prisoner to execute in their Gaza rat holes, UNFOLLOW me. Your value system and mine are incompatible.
Yes, Israel has been practicing apartheid in Palestine, and Israeli bombs and artillery have killed many civilians as Hamas embeds itself within civilian targets. But the Israeli defence forces do not rape, murder children and grandmothers, parade bodies, execute hostages, and then gleefully display it on social media.
The two are NOT equivalent. Rape and murder and torture of anyone is Never justified. Barbarians who think it is should go back 400 years to a time when they’d feel more at home.
I saw a headline that said “Biden denounced Hamas as ‘Evil’ “. Yes, massacres are EVIL. Rape and torture and beheadings of civilians is EVIL, and inexcusable, unjustifiable, and despicable. “Some progressives are saying…” … no, sorry, you can’t make parallel comparisons to gleefully slaughtering women and children and elderly - non military targets - to Israel dropping bombs on Gaza.
If Gaza wants water and power and food supplies restored, give up all the Hamas terrorists who enthusiastically invaded and then killed Israelis in their homes, and posted it on FB and IG and YouTube. Enjoy your darkness and suffering. At least you’re not being raped & burnt alive in the streets. 😔
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Lying in bed together in the afternoon listening, to a raging thunderstorm outside, as we bask in the afterglow of powerfully intense orgasms, is something I’ve enjoyed many times in my life. It’s a moment to savour, and permanently imprint on your memory.
Here in Palm Springs this afternoon, after spending three hours of the early morning doing a year of neglected palm tree maintenance, that included weaving the palm fronds into the roof of the tiki hut in the backyard, I am resting in bed, sort of napping, waiting for my girl to get home. Outside there is a raging wind storm in Palm Springs today with 30 mile an hour winds nearly constant, I can hear the wind through the windows and vents in this 60-year-old house. Once she gets home and sees how hard her daddy is., I’m looking forward to listening to the wind Howell outside with her, again basking in the afterglow later this afternoon 🔥🧔🏼‍♂️
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A PSA for all my new followers
You think you’re a Dutton…
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From what I’ve seen here on Tumblr as well as on nextdoor.com (aka nosey & complaining neighbors dot com) a GREAT NUMBER of trumpanzee cult members, especially the ones who keep voting for the infantile & dictatorial narcissist in 2024 primaries, THINK they are John Dutton or Kayce Dutton… and some of the women see themselves as versions of Beth Dutton, as stalwart libertarians, preserving the western rancher’s way of life, firearm carrying, California hating & progressive mocking. They’re not Duttons by any stretch of the imagination.
They’re actually the obnoxious out of town tourists who the Duttons disdain at best. Or they’re the unruly ranch hand who Lloyd or Rip are going to “take to the train station” as soon as their wallet is empty and they’ve voted for the least qualified candidate to ever run for POTUS in the history of the republic.
I’ve actually seen posts by grown men stating that so-and-so should be taken to “the train station” if they’ve committed a property crime, or don’t speak English, or have promoted / passed a policy the delusional-Dutton-wanna-be particularly hates. So you want to commit an extra-judicial murder because you don’t like someone? Here in America (not Putin’s Russia or Xi’s China)? Really? Just want to make it clear for the Federal prosecutor who’ll be handling your case later. 🙄
Delusional. Dangerous. Despicable.
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Chairwoman. Lean. Talons.
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What’s explicit about this?
Draconian Censorship
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While you can find GRAPHIC, x-rated content, strewn all through tumblr, on some accounts where EVERY POST shows genitals, penetration, malicious sex acts, the tumblr admins have CRANKED UP some kind of AI censorship filter on my account, that even the tamest, most innocuous, PG rated (not x-rated) images and gifs that I post get IMMEDIATELY Flagged as "EXPLICIT".
I don't see what is explicit or graphic or offensive or in ANY WAY a Violation of community guidelines in the post above. ^ ... especially when I can find 1000s of far more explicit images and videos everywhere on tumblr. Why are they picking on me? What did I do that made me a target of such scrutiny? It's totally f*cking lame, and strongly discourages me from posting further here, or even opening tumblr at all - how will THAT help your ad sales, admin pinheads? hmmm?
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This. Is. beautiful!
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They will be confused but this is epic
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Pay attention
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Jon Stewart hosts TDS on Monday nights again. Each episode delivered beautifully.
Ideologues on both sides of the political spectrum Despise Jon and rant against him as “unfunny”? Really? Which TDS episode were you watching, Olberman?
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Good girl.
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Arms up. Contre le mur.
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Take every opportunity to enjoy your day.
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Happy New Year
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C’est vrai
“Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All that unspent love gathers up in the corners of your eyes, the lump in your throat, and in that hollow part of your chest. Grief is just love with no place to go.”
― Jamie Anderson
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Targeted Discrimination by Tumblr Admins
As I've done some research online this morning, learning that Tumblr collects browser cookie data, EXIF image meta data (what phone number, what mobile phone company, where the photo was taken) for EVERY image uploaded, and of course, all your LIKES, REBLOGs, Views (to other tumblr pages) it is virtually impossible to switch accounts to "reset" your status on tumblr once their admins have labelled you as a recidivist violator of their overly broad "community guidelines" interpretations.
Other than 1) getting a new phone number and 2) getting a new email address and 3) getting a new internet service provider and 4) getting a new router... discriminatory tumblr admins will sift through your posted material once they have an axe to grind against you, and if you DON'T do all 4 things above, you will AGAIN be closely scrutinized or banned from the platform.
I have been FLAGGED for "Explicit Content" 1/2 a dozen times this week, and NONE of the posts have had ANY Explicit content in them. ALL appeals were denied. ALL of the posts showed No sex, no nudity, no hate speech, no self harm, no terrorism, no sex acts... no violation of ANY tumblr policy. I'm being targeted by someone within Tumblr admin's meager unhappy ranks, or some petty & pathetic stalker is constantly & repeatedly flagging my posts in a desperate attempt to get Tumblr admin's attention. Regardless of what is the root cause, resetting my electronic life with all new phones and accounts and hardware is too much hassle to attempt.
All of this is REMARKABLY and POWERFULLY demotivating. Regardless of how wholesome and pure and family friendly I make my posts, it does not matter. They are all considered EXPLICIT, and NO appeal is EVER responded to by ANYONE at tumblr explaining JUST WHAT VIOLATION SPECIFICALLY was being made. It's discrimination, or a vendetta, or a mis-applied policy that broadly targets users who are trying to be good citizens, while at the same time IGNORES blatant violators of community guideline policies for the vast majority of tumblrs who post graphic porn and hate speech unfettered, unhindered, unrestricted.
Despicable, sad, and pathetic their little lives must be.
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Targeted Discrimination by Tumblr Admins
As I've done some research online this morning, learning that Tumblr collects browser cookie data, EXIF image meta data (what phone number, what mobile phone company, where the photo was taken) for EVERY image uploaded, and of course, all your LIKES, REBLOGs, Views (to other tumblr pages) it is virtually impossible to switch accounts to "reset" your status on tumblr once their admins have labelled you as a recidivist violator of their overly broad "community guidelines" interpretations.
Other than 1) getting a new phone number and 2) getting a new email address and 3) getting a new internet service provider and 4) getting a new router... discriminatory tumblr admins will sift through your posted material once they have an axe to grind against you, and if you DON'T do all 4 things above, you will AGAIN be closely scrutinized or banned from the platform.
I have been FLAGGED for "Explicit Content" 1/2 a dozen times this week, and NONE of the posts have had ANY Explicit content in them. ALL appeals were denied. ALL of the posts showed No sex, no nudity, no hate speech, no self harm, no terrorism, no sex acts... no violation of ANY tumblr policy. I'm being targeted by someone within Tumblr admin's meager unhappy ranks, or some petty & pathetic stalker is constantly & repeatedly flagging my posts in a desperate attempt to get Tumblr admin's attention. Regardless of what is the root cause, resetting my electronic life with all new phones and accounts and hardware is too much hassle to attempt.
All of this is REMARKABLY and POWERFULLY demotivating. Regardless of how wholesome and pure and family friendly I make my posts, it does not matter. They are all considered EXPLICIT, and NO appeal is EVER responded to by ANYONE at tumblr explaining JUST WHAT VIOLATION SPECIFICALLY was being made. It's discrimination, or a vendetta, or a mis-applied policy that broadly targets users who are trying to be good citizens, while at the same time IGNORES blatant violators of community guideline policies for the vast majority of tumblrs who post graphic porn and hate speech unfettered, unhindered, unrestricted.
Despicable, sad, and pathetic their little lives must be.
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Evening wear. All 4s.
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Hands Behind. Arms Back.
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Semi secure.
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