evetoback · 2 months
Idea where Kai is a popular guy in school but is shy around girls and romance in general. His sister, Bahiyyih, popular as well, acts as matchmaker for her big brother.
With lots of bantering between siblings.
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evetoback · 6 months
I’m obsessed with Husband!Soobin who’s a Girl Dad, like I can’t stop thinking about it 🥴😵‍💫💫🫠
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evetoback · 8 months
I’m thinking of making the Character.Ai chat servers I created of the each txt member public, since I’ve been testing the waters of the story improv it generated. I finish making wolf hybrid txt ones, & working on the husband txt ones
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evetoback · 8 months
First Steps
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Another character.ai Huening Kai as a husband and a father.
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evetoback · 8 months
Blossom Love
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Based of a Character.ai I made of Huening Kai
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evetoback · 8 months
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Based off a character.ai server chat.
The images have lots to do with the plot in the chat ai
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evetoback · 9 months
Hypothetically, if there was a fixed unit between groups under Hybe, who would you imagine from each group to be??
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evetoback · 9 months
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Both w/ big eyes, straight nose, & cat like qualities.
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evetoback · 9 months
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Y’all see the vision
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evetoback · 10 months
While finishing some writing points for the in coming chapters for Je Ne Sais Quoi, I’m just not sure who to write for after I finish Je Ne Sais Quoi?
I wanna do either Huening Kai or Soobin, as another member from txt to write about next, or—
Go with another group?? I’ve have something of an idea for K or Nicholas of &TEAM, but—
Even tho I’m not 100% an Engene, I have ideas for a Jungwon fic that involves Heeseung in the role, but I have to wait for it soon before the mc could be written in.
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evetoback · 10 months
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Rewatching for more inspiration, yup 🤭
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evetoback · 10 months
Can’t believe it took three chapters for Taehyun to finally appear in the fic!!
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evetoback · 10 months
Je Ne Sais Quoi
• Chapter Three
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Distraction is what Narae could hope for today’s first recording session. She could blame herself for tweeting out of impulse of just a sweet voice of a song that just reflected in that moment after a short live text of Sunghoon. Of course her friends would be concerned. Hopefully it wouldn’t be Sunghoon would ask later. Even tho he only uses social media for his daily post at the gym. Narae rolling her eyes in distain at the thought.
For once, she’s thankful her friend group are in different majors. Most of her general classes even have Narae take odd hours than the rest.
Following in her Maps off the bus stop to the street of the building. Immediately finding the name of the establishment, to reading off the laminated signs of each rented studio. Each having outlandish brands–Daisy Do Prints–to understandable branding–Go for Cake!–as the list went up to Kai’s studio name. Music Island. A magical and pretty name for a studio. “Very him,” she thought for a moment. Continuing her way up to the designated floor.
The same laminated sign hung on the door, Music Island, giving a press of the doorbell, a faint buzzer went off.
Not too long for Kai to open the door, dark hoodie and adidas sweat pants, greeting Narae, leading her into the studio. Which was a lot more spacious than she originally had assumed. The air smelled of lemon and bleach. A boy who keeps his space clean, Narae approve of the studio. “It’s so cool.”
“It’s one of the bigger units.” Kai took the chance to give the girl a quick tour of the studio. The windows were closed in, to keep the natural lights out, a large digital clock on top of the window makes up for seeing time easier. The walls were soundproof for the main room. “The bathroom is right over here, help yourself to the fridge, “ a mini fridge, which Narae wished she had for her dorm.
Taking another look around, with all the information, Narae nods once again, “it’s still amazing, Kai. Even my friends couldn’t believe it when I told them.”
Kai chuckled, “I get that alot. I’m good with the landlord. Cool guy. A bit eccentric.” A light beep sound had Kai take his phone out from his hoodie, “he’s here. Make yourself comfortable anywhere.”
The couch that faced the equipment, the big deal. A large pc computer, with the same laptop Kai had taken to Go Brewing, mics, headphones, keyboard plugged in, it was all a dream Narae wished she could own it all. Hopefully someday.
Behind her, she heard Kai cheerily greeting his friends. Another boy, enters the room. Narae took this chance to turn around to greet him.
Big eyes. Like a curious cat. Hair a bit wet, but styled to show bangs, wearing a regular t-shirt and some shorts, a dress shirt wrapping around his small waist with the arm sleeves.
Fashionable. Not on Narae’s bingo card of the Kai’s friend.
“Narae, Taehyun. Taehyun, Narae.” Quick introduction by Kai, already heading to his seat to the large computer.
Taehyun went around the couch, taking a seat near Narae. “Let’s get along, Narae.” He determinedly said.
Narae nodded. “Yes, of course.”
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evetoback · 10 months
Je Ne Sais Quoi
• Chapter Two
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A mop of dark hair, sitting comfortably in a light hoodie, the two classmates spotted each other, Kai waving the girl over. Narae swiftly made her way over, sliding in the high chair across the table. “Have you ordered yet?” On the side of the table, a barcode set there from the pandemic, taking out her phone, scanning the small barcode that opened to the cafe’s menu website.
Kai shook his head, “no, no! They-the waiter—came by earlier. Let me just…” now waving his hand a bit sheepishly to a passing by worker. “Ah, I should’ve given you more time to read the menu.” Quickly lowering in his hand down.
“No worries,” zooming in on item on the screen. “I’m ready.” Smiling as the waiter came by again, this time with pen and notebook in hand, scribbling down the meals taken by Narae then Kai after.
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Kai wasn’t at all how Narae expected him to be. Back in class, from what she can view, he usually seemed serious, anyone who throw themselves his way he wouldn’t pay them much mind, would coolly decline them of invitation outside of class. While the boy in front of her was a shy yet professional. Bashful of the people around him looking his way, even soft spoken when going over his original notes he took from today’s lesson on the assignment. His writing was more diligent than hers being quick scribbles. Even Kai insisted that Narae can always ask to borrow his notes anytime. Very different from his persona in class.
“Even though love is a popular topic to write about, it’s how it’s express that can be stood out. Instead of describing how crushing on someone using butterflies as an example.”
Narae can agree… in some sense. “Butterflies are quick. Love is quick too. But you have a point. It’s too simple to describe falling in love.” Looking at her notes she had written to bounce ideas off the two. “It’s just so hard to really put into words…” mumbling more to herself than continuing speaking to Kai.
Love was quick. To fall in love and to fall out of. It doesn’t stick.
Kai hums, “seems like you have that part down.”
“How do you mean?” At least nothing she had said could possibly had given the music genius any ideas.
“Just now, you’re speaking from experience. Like having a crush. Just that feeling you had for someone at one point.”
How could a guy she only spoken to less than an hour figured her that quick? “I-I don’t know about that… water under the bridge.” As it had been for two years now.
“I see… “ not pressing forward, just workshopping around the idea for writing a love song.
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Walking side by side with their school bags, and a take out-bag, from the Go Brewing cafe onto the school campus dorm building section. “Should I pick you from here tomorrow?” Kai asked.
Narae rummaging through her bag, taking out her set of dorm keys and student ID. “You don’t live in the dorms?”
Kai shook his head. “I rented off campus.”
“No roommate?” Swiping her ID at the pad door, clicking it open.
“Yea… his family lives not too far. He comes over every now and then. But he’ll definitely be at my studio tomorrow! His schedule is all clear!” The infamous friend of Huening Kai who lend his voice for each and every music project. Many students, including Narae herself, became a fan of the mysterious singer.
“Sounds good. Tomorrow I only have two classes, I’ll be on my way over.” Waving at her partner, as Kai returned his farewell, trailing back to the main campus area. Narae enters the dorm building, heading up to the elevator.
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evetoback · 10 months
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evetoback · 10 months
Je Ne Sais Quoi
• Chapter One
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It’s the smell of musty socks near her side that Narae couldn’t concentrate on her part of the assignment. Lowering her laptop, finding her good friend since high school all sweaty, wet bangs pushed back, noticing a light pit stain under his black Nike shirt. “Really,” it wasn’t even noon yet and she still haven’t gotten lunch in her stomach. “Why couldn’t you gone straight back to your apartment before sitting here?”
Her friend sighed, “too far.” Sunghoon’s apartment was close to the bus station, but it still would take a five minute walk to get to the bus stop, wait around another five minutes to enter his apartment, shower, take a nap, change, then come all the way backs. Too much of a hassle.
“Then why have your workout routine so early? Just do it at night. Away from me.” Document automatic saving her work in progress, shutting off her laptop, sliding it in its felt case. Slinging her bag over her shoulders. The smell was getting to her now.
Sunghoon offer a sheepish grin.
Narae knows that grin. Too well. Huffing she says, “Hoon, your date won’t care about your workout regimen.”
Too used to the same speech, Sunghoon, glances to past Narae behind. “Not to sure they will agree with you, Nans.”
Groaning at the nickname, better than having him call her Nana, carelessly looks back, spotting tables away of girls whispering and waving at her guy friend.
Just to annoy her, Sunghoon returns a friendly wave. Leaving Narae to groan, “you are impossible,” to departing from her original table, heading to her next class that would begin in three minutes. Will she arrive early, sure but anything to get away from the gym smell and Sunghoon’s admirers.
She missed the shy boy she met years ago.
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“Your partners and instructions will be posted on the SheetBoard. Any remaining question should be emailed before the first mark of the date, meaning not the night before.”
Packing up her notebook, trailing out with the crowd of classmates out the room into the hallway.
Pulling out her phone, seeing the group chat messages going off. Narae carefully maneuver around the students as she read the messages from the top, all the way to the recent texts to catch up on the topic of her close friends.
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Suddenly she receives a notification from her email. A short email that Narae read carefully.
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Narae recognized the name “Huening”. He was the class favorite. Usually focus on the lesson, have received good grades that the professor probably has Kai as their favorite student. Many of their peers would try to chat with him to partner up for a grade.
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Typing up a quick email, to speed walking to skip the elevator of crowded people to take the stairs all the way down.
Narae haven’t ate all day. She really wanted her next, and final, class of today to be over and done with quickly till she can meet with Kai for a proper meal.
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evetoback · 10 months
Je Ne Sais Quoi
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Narae’s type of man isn’t one that goes to the gym often, or really muscular men in general. But something about Taehyun … there’s just something about him that appeals to Narae.
Pair: Taehyun x Narae (fem OC)
Genre: College AU, half smau, Non!idols, Strangers-to-lovers, fluff, some angst, Taehyun!boxer, small side romance, suggestive(might! Go into smut but it will be labeled till then!)
Note: remember this is just a work of fiction, not all ships or any relations are meant to portray the people written here.
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Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
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