eunciia · 16 hours
It really was too late to be acceptable, but surely late was better than never. Well, maybe not in the case of alerting people about their deaths... but this scenario was nothing that morbid. Shea had somehow missed the date of his treasured friend's birthday—all his fault of course for losing sense of time like always. Still, he could try to make it up to him. Inviting himself into the angel's home, the lavender-haired boy greeted him with both a beaming smile and a small gift box, ❝ I don't have excuses for how late this is, but I hope this makes up for it. ❞ Inside the box would be a charm bracelet with a single charm that resembled angel wings. It was something that immediately reminded him of Ezra so hopefully he'd like it. [@aeviterncl]
Ezra was so excited to see his friend. He'd taken to a day off just for the occasion. Knowing even though he wasn't servicing the people around him, hopefully he was making Shea's day by being able to spend scheduled time with him. Usually their meetings were just simply running into each other, but this time they'd both planned something out. It made him happy that he was actually gonna be able to enjoy the other's company without having to run off and being on a time limit.
He heard the door open and someone come inside, a smile widening on his face as he made his way to the main room of the small and messy apartment. Part of putting everyone else above himself, was that he didn't really make time to do things for himself or around his living space. He hoped the lavender haired by didn't mind, though, he could stand to pick up the place if Shea did take issue with it. Ezra wouldn't blame him in the least.
"You didn't have to get me anything," Ezra stated, looking at the box in amazement as it was handed to him. Ezra had recently had a birthday, but it's not like many knew about it and he hadn't gotten anything from anyone else. The fact that Shea thought ahead to get him a gift alone made him want to cry. Smiling, he opened up the gift box. Tears started forming as he looked at what the other had gotten him, it was perfect. Ezra looked up at the other, cheeks a light shade of pink. "Thank you so much, I couldn't have thought of something better myself, " Not that he thought of getting himself things very often, "C-could you help me put it on?"
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eunciia · 2 days
I'm not doing full threads/RPs on Tumblr as of now, I don't know if I will be starting to in the future or not. However, I have cleared my ask box (sorry if a message from you was deleted, but don't be discouraged!!) and I would very much so enjoy writing a few one offs from my inbox if anyone wants to plot/send anything in.
I also have been RPing on discord, my whole roster is available over there. Please just shoot me a message and I can give you my user :)
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eunciia · 2 days
It truly had been too long since he last saw his favorite angel. He hadn't seen him since the fall season where everyone was dressing up in costumes. To surprise him for this meeting, Shea snuck up on the angel from behind and grabbed his arm. Spinning him around, the ghost boy placed his lips on Ezra's hand for an added element of surprise, only to realize that as he pressed them to the back of the other's hand, his body was phasing out again—which effectively made Ezra's hand phase right through his. Taken aback by the sudden shift in his corporealness, the lavender-haired youth pulled away and stepped back, tucking his hands behind his back. Shooting the angel a sheepish smile, he played off his gesture, ❝ Missed me, Ezra? ❞ [@aeviterncl]
Ezra had been going nonstop all day, pushing himself unreasonably past the normal point of exhaustion. That didn't matter though, as long as he was making others happy and actually being helpful. There'd come a point where he needed to relax himself and where he truly wouldn't be any help to anyone and more of a hazard, but he was almost sure he wasn't there yet. The angel would for sure not quit until that was the case, however, never once putting one of his own needs before anyone else.
Ezra had just walked away from helping an older lady cross the road and had just stopped to catch his breath when someone grabbed his arm. He jumped momentarily before relaxing the very second he realized just who it was. Ah, Shea. Ezra had more than missed the other, but he'd never inconvenience Shea in trying to meet up by it not being at random. Although, he was almost certain the other enjoyed their time together as much as he did; he didn't want to add any extra stress on the other male.
He turned with a smile on his face, only faltering slightly when he realized just how dizzy the small movement had made him. Yeah, maybe he was due for a break. Ezra couldn't stop now, though, knowing he'd lose his chance to hang out with the other if he excused him to try to get some sleep. When Shea's hand went through his, he couldn't help the pout that creased his face. "Sometimes I wish we could just be, you know? Your touch is such a comfort on days like this." The words left his mouth before he even realized he was saying them, and he looked up at the other with panic in his eyes.
"I'm sorry, uh, I shouldn't have said that. I definitely missed you, how could I not?" The angel was a shade of pink, stumbling over his words as he tried to make sure not to make the other feel bad for not being able to touch him. He wanted it more than anything in his tired state, but he simply would put the thought aside to make sure the other in front of him is pleased.
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eunciia · 2 days
He wasn't exactly sure what spurred the need, but Marcel found himself gently cupping his boyfriend's face in his hands and hesitating. The blood pumping in his veins was telling him to do as he intended, but the nerves... this was so nerve-wracking. Even if he and Connor were dating now—well, it was his own fault that things were progressing so slowly. His thumb gently brushed against the other's bottom lip as he wondered if he was really ready to kiss. But Marcel knew that if he lingered, he'd back out like a coward. Squeezing his eyes shut, he brought his lips to Connor's, pressing them together gently, almost fearful that this was a completely wrong move to make. [@aeviterncl]
One second Connor was simply hanging out with Marcel, and the next Marcel had turned to him and was cupping his face. It killed the raven not to just lean in and complete the kiss, but the look on the other's face stopped him from taking control. Marcel controlled the pace of their relationship, and that never bothered Connor. He would prefer that they're going at a comfortable speed for the other over pushing him past his limit and ruining everything merely for a kiss.
Connor's eyes fluttered closed as Marcel's thumb brushed against his bottom lip and he had to hold back the stupidest of moans. Marcel made him feel some type of way and Connor had no way of denying that. This is how it always had been, even before they were together and Marcel merely just wanted to be friends. Anytime Marcel graced him with his presence or made any attempt at pushing their relationship farther, Connor would always be right there.
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Connor stayed frozen in time, knowing there was at least a chance that the other pulled away without going farther. He hoped by now that Marcel felt comfortable doing what he needed to do, even if that meant teasing Connor unintentionally. He was going mad, almost insane with lust for the other male.
He felt Marcel move closer and his breath hitched. Connor hoped Marcel didn't noticed and did his best to hold his breath as not to confuse or distract the other from the task at hand. When the other raven's lips met his, Connor honestly couldn't help the noise that left his body. His hands moved then, burying themselves his Marcel's hair toward the back of his head to hold the other close. He briefly pulled back, but not far, and then leaned back in to kiss the other himself this time. Carefully exploring the other's lips, but hopefully not pushing Marcel enough to cause him to pull away.
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eunciia · 4 months
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If you can’t see me - I can see you (on Wattpad): College was supposed to be a fresh start for Ollie, leaving everything she knew behind. She’d finally gotten the courage to leave an abusive relationship, no one around her knowing anything about her upbringing, and she was determined to keep it that way. Someone had followed her from her past, though, and suspicious activity on the campus causes classes to be cancelled before they can even begin.
I haven’t been in the mood to write on this blog, but write the first chapter of like a murder story, I guess? I would love if a few people would read it and give me feed back!! Thank you :) 
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eunciia · 4 months
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If you can't see me - I can see you (on Wattpad): College was supposed to be a fresh start for Ollie, leaving everything she knew behind. She'd finally gotten the courage to leave an abusive relationship, no one around her knowing anything about her upbringing, and she was determined to keep it that way. Someone had followed her from her past, though, and suspicious activity on the campus causes classes to be cancelled before they can even begin.
I haven’t been in the mood to write on this blog, but write the first chapter of like a murder story, I guess? I would love if a few people would read it and give me feed back!! Thank you :) 
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eunciia · 5 months
𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝟐 (a collection of prompts from text posts I saved. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)
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"I beg your fucking pardon?"
"Due to personal reasons, I'm evil now."
"Actually all of my systems are nervous."
"You used to be shy, now you're a whore."
"I'm attracted to men but at what cost?"
"My wife can stab me a little bit I don't care."
"Babygirl there is something obviously wrong with your brain."
"I'm going to defeat you with the power of friendship, and this gun I found."
"Debates are stupid because why would I want to sit down and argue with someone blatantly dumber than me."
"Due to personal reasons, I will be going completely off the fucking rails."
"I'm a nice person but I'm about to start throwing rocks at people."
"Those are bold words for someone in stabbing range."
"Sorry I called you a fucking idiot, I was trying to flirt."
"I may seem like an angry person on the surface, but deep inside I'm actually angrier.
"Sorry, I couldn't hear you over my internal monologue."
"Sure I'm a little stupid, but that's like 80% of my charm!"
"Fuck therapy I'm becoming a knight."
"Hey, girl. Plagued by terrifying visions?"
"There's something deeply and fundamentally wrong with you. Can we kiss?"
"I may not be beautiful, but at least I know a lot of useless information."
"Conversations are a lot like teeth, you can only have so many."
"I hate when people ask me to explain my thought process. Like hell if I know."
"Well, well, well, if this isn't the feelings I've been trying to avoid."
"With all due respect, which is none."
"You call it a near-death experience, I call it a vibe check from God."
"If a demon tried to possess me I'd just be like: ok take it from here, good luck man."
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eunciia · 7 months
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eunciia · 7 months
i've been focusing on discord threads today, but i'll make an effort to drafts/inbox tomorrow
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eunciia · 7 months
Frustration at the old pet name rose within her, but before she could act on it Niko pressed a piece of pocky against her lips. She huffed at him, exhaling into the crisps weather in a cloud of condensation, and grabbed the snack from him with her free hand in defeat. ❝ Wow, even on your birthday you're annoying. ❞ She mumbled under breath, but she was sure that he had heard her.
She couldn't stay upset with him, though, not when he'd just told her that he missed talking to her. She'd be on cloud nine for quite some time overthinking his word choice, even though she was almost sure that he meant nothing out of the ordinary by it. Honestly, he was right. For a while they were running into each other left and right, then all of a sudden Niko had kind of disappeared.
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She looked him over, the other seemed off, but she wasn't going to call him out on anything he didn't want to talk about. She knew that he didn't live alone, so even if he wasn't leaving the house much, she had hopes that they were at least checking in on him. Even so, she hoped that he was doing okay in the average day to day.
❝ Okay, close your eyes and hold out your hands. ❞ She smiled at him, waiting for auburn eyes to disappear behind his eye lids. Once one of his hands was in position, the other holding his pocky, she laid the hat she'd made him in it. ❝ You may open your eyes now. No judging, though, that took me weeks to make. Happy Birthday! ❞
birthday starter┊@aeipathcy
Maudie had thought long and hard about what to give Niko for his birthday. Through a period of time she even debated on not giving him anything, maybe even just offering to hang out with him for the day if he was free. She could plan the day. She vetoed the idea though, not willing to over step and assume he didn't have other plans. The raven thought long and hard for weeks, stumped on finding something that would be heartfelt, but not too much.
She'd text him the morning of to wish him Happy Birthday and see if he would be able to meet up with her at some point in the day. A smile not leaving her face when he agreed, but still trying not to let herself get too excited about it. As she waited for him at their meeting spot, she scrunched his present around in her hands. Maudie had decided not to wrap it, it being something useful that he could use right away if he actually liked it; not that she'd be offended if he didn't.
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The soft fabric felt warm in her hands. The fall weather was getting cold as they got closer to the winter months. She was proud of the black winter hat she'd knitted for him, hoping that it wasn't too much. She'd done a lot of knitting on a loom when the twins first were kicked out of the coven. The small girl really hadn't picked a loom up in quite some time, but for some reason she thought something small and homemade would be the perfect thing to give her undead friend. She wasn't even sure if it made sense to give him a winter hat, or if he needed one, but she hoped that he appreciated the gift either way.
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eunciia · 7 months
violence IS the answer, actually
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eunciia · 7 months
birthday starter┊@aeipathcy
Maudie had thought long and hard about what to give Niko for his birthday. Through a period of time she even debated on not giving him anything, maybe even just offering to hang out with him for the day if he was free. She could plan the day. She vetoed the idea though, not willing to over step and assume he didn't have other plans. The raven thought long and hard for weeks, stumped on finding something that would be heartfelt, but not too much.
She'd text him the morning of to wish him Happy Birthday and see if he would be able to meet up with her at some point in the day. A smile not leaving her face when he agreed, but still trying not to let herself get too excited about it. As she waited for him at their meeting spot, she scrunched his present around in her hands. Maudie had decided not to wrap it, it being something useful that he could use right away if he actually liked it; not that she'd be offended if he didn't.
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The soft fabric felt warm in her hands. The fall weather was getting cold as they got closer to the winter months. She was proud of the black winter hat she'd knitted for him, hoping that it wasn't too much. She'd done a lot of knitting on a loom when the twins first were kicked out of the coven. The small girl really hadn't picked a loom up in quite some time, but for some reason she thought something small and homemade would be the perfect thing to give her undead friend. She wasn't even sure if it made sense to give him a winter hat, or if he needed one, but she hoped that he appreciated the gift either way.
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eunciia · 7 months
🧛‍♂️ go to a costume party? [Niko/Maudie]
Maudie was ecstatic that she'd talked Niko into going to the costume party she had talked Xan into letting her throw. To be fair, though, Xan would pretty much let her do anything as long as it didn't put them in harms way. He'd even invited a few of his own friends and took it upon himself to set snacks out for the night. She remembered looking through costumes with him last year, but this year she'd taken it upon herself to pick out a costume for him and not let him know what it was until the night of. She had looked for weeks on a cute matching outfit they could wear together, something that wouldn't indicate they were a couple, but merely good friends.
Time was ticking by, Maudie had changed into her little black dress and shear tights. She put on a cat ear headband and put the finishing touches on her make up, drawing cat whiskers on her cheeks with eye liner. She couldn't wait to show Niko his costume, a dalmatian jumpsuit with ears on the hood and a tail following behind. She wasn't 100% sure that he'd wear it, thinking that he'd even bring a back up costume with him depending just how much he actually trusted her. She'd also gotten herself a dog jumpsuit just in case he didn't want to wear it in his lonesome, but she'd only bring it up if he had an issue with the costume to begin with.
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Now that she was all set, she walked out into the living room, rather than fussing with her appearance in the mirror. She walked around making sure everything looked nice, and that her brother didn't leave any of his spare socks on the living room floor as he liked to do. She checked in with Xan, who was wearing the standard witch costume trying to be funny or metaphoric. She looked up when the door bell rang, Xan opening their home to a few of his friends to begin with. Shortly after, her own friends started to flood in. She was having a great time, though her eyes stayed glued to the door waiting for Niko to show up, hoping that he hadn't forgotten or decided not to come.
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eunciia · 7 months
im lurking but not in the mental state to do anything
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eunciia · 7 months
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Kaveh Akbar, from “Personal Inventory: Fearless (Temporis Fila)”, Calling a Wolf a Wolf 
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eunciia · 7 months
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eunciia · 7 months
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Meet Briggs Clark, a firefighter that was honorary discharged from the army due to an injury. He had to go through extensive training to come back from it and be where he is today, but he truly enjoys protecting others and the job that he does. Briggs may come off as not interested at first, but he'd put himself out for just about anyone, even if he didn't get along with them. Briggs enjoys the adrenaline of running into a burning building, it reminds him a lot of what it to be on active duty.
Briggs is officially updated and available to be requested. You can read his full bio here or by going to the roster link on my blog.
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